
Welcome to the tenth chapter of the complete walkthrough guide for Silent Hill 2 Remake (2024) covering the Labyrinth.


Key Summary

  • There's a Save Point after you exit the elevator.
  • Follow the corridor and enter the apartment door covered with newspaper sheets.
  • After the first boss fight phase, look for the three televisions and smash them.
  • Proceed through the labyrinth for the second phase of the boss fight.
  • Follow the labyrinth to find yourself in the central area.
Labyrinth Center
  • There's a Save Point to the right of the strange hallway.
  • Cross the main area and go to the room downstairs for a cutscene.
  • Return to the main area to find a rotating cube.
  • Rotate the cube to show the symbol of an upward-facing triangle with a cross at the bottom.
  • Enter the cube to access the next area.
Rotten Area
  • Proceed to the room with a suspended cage and a Save Point .
    • Glimpse of the Past #22. From the suspended cage room, go west and find a breakable wall at the end of the path. Break through and examine a broken noose in the room.
  • Take the southern path.
  • 84 Lighter Wick. Find and examine a hole in the wall in the southern area behind a cut bed.
  • Go east.
  • 85 Iron Key. Inside the desk drawer in a room with an office cubicle.
  • From this area go north and then east.
  • 86 Lighter Gas. Inside the fridge full of rotten flesh in on of the eastern rooms.
  • Unlock the door in the eastern passage with the Iron Key. Squeeze through a hole past the bathtube with boiling water and turn the valve at the end of the long corridor.
  • 87 Broken Lighter is inside the broken bathtub.
  • 88 Lighter. Combine Broken Lighter, Lighter Gas and Lighter Wick in your inventory.
  • Return to the suspended cage and use the Lighter on the rope to break open the ground. Jump through to return to the central area.
Labyrinth Center
  • Rotate the cube to show the symbol of a double cross with two circles at the bottom.
  • Enter the cube to access the next area.
Desolate Area
  • There's a Save Point at the start of the area.
  • Proceed through the rooms northeast of the save point and go down the ladder II.
  • Go through the flooded tunnel and climb up the ladder I. You will find a handcuffed gate here.
  • Proceed to the next area and go down the ladder III.
  • 89 Small Key is on the box at the end of the flooded path.
  • Go back to the ladder I and open the handcuffs. Turn the valve to lift the gate and continue the path. Climb into a room to the north and move down the ladder IV.
  • Climb through a hole to find a wired fence and take the path to the east.
  • When you reach the octagonal room with bugs and Pyramid Head, find a room behind the double doors. Break the wall and climb up the ladder V.
  • 90 Wirecutter is stuck in a power box at the end of this section.
    • Strange Photo #20: "Whole world ahead of us". Back in the octagonal area find a ladder VI. Climb up and queeze into the next room to find this photo on the cabinet.
  • Return to the wired fence on the flooded level, use the Wirecutter and squeeze through. Proceed to return to the central area.
Labyrinth Center
    • Strange Photo #21: "Your Best Buddy!". Rotate the cube so it shows the scratched out symbol. Step inside the cube and find this photo on the floor.
  • Rotate the cube to show the symbol of a downward-facing triangle with a cross at the bottom.
  • Enter the cube to access the next area.
Ruined Area
  • Go through three apartments and fight monsters to proceed.
  • There's a Save Point after the third apartment.
  • After coming across Pyramid Head head in the opposite direction through the strange hallway.
  • Enter the door for a cutscene.
Labyrinth Center
  • Take the Great Knife and go through the strange hallway. Drop the knife once you pass and climb the ladder.
  • Proceed until you reach a small cemetery. There's a Save Point here.
  • Jump through the leftmost grave.
  • Head downstairs and enter the door for the boss fight.
Toluca Lake
  • There is a Save Point atop the wooden spool.
    • Strange Photo #22: "Road trip!". Before you go with a boat, go around the building to find this on a floor behind the steps.
    • Trophy/achievement: Scourge of Toluca Lake. Sit in the boat for 10 minutes before you continue.
  • Take the boat and row toward the light.

Complete Walkthrough

In progress.

09. Toluca Prison 11. Lakeview Hotel