
This section covers the complete requirements for each ending featured in Silent Hill 2 Remake. The game includes all six classic endings and adds two brand-new ones, Bliss and Stillness, for a total of eight endings.

For the original Silent Hill 2 endings, please go to this page.


Main Endings Requirements

For your first playthrough you can get one of the three main endings – Leave, Maria and In Water. Keep in mind that the three main endings are not achieved through a black and white checklist, but rather a series of actions that will increase the outcome of receiving each specific ending and decrease the likelihood of getting the other two, the same as in the original game. To make sure you get the ending you want, be careful and only take actions that lead to that specific ending. Avoid doing things that might lead to other endings, if possible. Finally, it seems that when you get one of the three main endings that increases the chances of getting one of the other two during you next playthrough as you get one more point for each.

Note that all particular requirements for the three main endings are not currently confirmed, but here are the actions that are reported to influence the ending:

  • Healing yourself after receiving damage or staying injured for more extended periods of time
  • Examining Mary's personal belongings in the inventory multiple times as well as leaving or taking them before going on the employee elevator at the hotel: Mary's letter, photo, and handkerchief
  • Examining Angela's knife in the inventory multiple times or not
  • Protecting Maria from enemies or not
  • Checking up on Maria in the hospital room or not
  • Choosing the coin at the end of the coin cabinet puzzle: Man, Woman or Snake
  • Choosing the rotten or the ripe apple for the mirror puzzle at the hotel
  • After the battle with the two Pyramid Heads, choosing which door you go through – the one with the rust-colored egg or the scarlet one
  • Listening to the entire Mary's monologue in the long hallway before the final boss or skipping its end

Leave Ending

To receive this ending, James must act as if he wants to survive and complete his journey while not showing too much focus or attention on Maria or the memory of Mary. This is the most likely ending you will achieve by playing the game normally.

Below are the actions that are likely to get you this ending:

  • Recover your health as soon as it drops to red
  • Examine Mary’s personal items in your inventory a few times over the course of the game
  • Choose the Snake (symbolizing Mary's disease) to blame at the end of the coin cabinet puzzle
  • Do not leave them behind with the rest of your items when you take the Employee Elevator in the hotel
  • Do not examine Angela's knife in your inventory
  • Do not spend too much time with Maria or visit her in the hospital room
  • Allow Maria to take damage both from monsters and James
  • Listen to the entire Mary's monologue in the long hallway before the final boss

In Water Ending

To receive this ending, James must act in a suicidal or reckless manner while also keeping a strong attachment to Mary.

Below are the actions that are likely to get you this ending:

  • Keep your health in the red zone as much as possible, and do not heal yourself right away
  • Examine Angela's knife in your inventory a few times over the course of the game
  • Choose the Man (symbolizing James) to blame at the end of the coin cabinet puzzle
  • Do not spend too much time with Maria or visit her in the hospital room
  • Read the new message to James on the wall above the jukebox at Neely's Bar after the hospital (If you really want to see Mary...)
  • Use the Rotten Apple in the Room 202 mirror puzzle
  • Go through the door with the Rust-Colored Egg after the battle with the two Pyramid Heads
  • Listen to the entire Mary's monologue in the long hallway before the final boss

Maria Ending

You will receive this ending if James shows a lot of attention towards Maria, thus developing a bond with her instead of holding onto Mary's memory.

Below are the actions that are likely to get you this ending:

  • Do not examine Mary’s personal items in your inventory
  • Do not examine Angela's knife in your inventory
  • Choose the Woman (symbolizing Mary) to blame at the end of the coin cabinet puzzle
  • Stash all your personal items in the storage cabinet when you take the Employee Elevator in the hotel
  • Visit Maria in the hospital room C5 – there are two additional cutscenes you can get: one can be triggered when returning from the first floor and the second one after collecting the Rooftop Key (the room will be empty)
  • Protect Maria and do not leave her in rooms with monsters
  • Use the Ripe Apple in the Room 202 mirror puzzle
  • Go through the door with the Scarlet Egg after the battle with the two Pyramid Heads
  • Do not wait to listen to the entire Mary's monologue in the long hallway before the final boss

Rebirth Ending

In a New Game+, collect four ceremonial items that are needed for the crimson ceremony that purportedly allows the resurrection of the dead. At the forest trail in the beginning of the game you can find a memo on the table hinting at what items you shall require:

Grave truths,
Lost to the mind,
Shall flow white,
Into a void chalice,
So the rite of ted
shall commence.

So, the four items are:

“Crimson Ceremony”. At the beginning of the game, look for a lone grave on the shore in the northeastern corner of the graveyard. In front of the gravestone will be a book with a red cover.

White Chrism. Western South Vale, a bottle with a white liquid on a table near the Baldwin Mansion entrance.

Obsidian Goblet. Silent Hill Historical Society, a black goblet in a wall niche in the main exhibition hall.

“Lost Memories”. Lakeview Hotel, another book that is found on a shelf inside Lost & Found (replaces the Lost & Found Note that is here during a normal game).

Once all four items have been collected, complete the game normally by defeating the final boss and you will receive the Rebirth ending.

Stillness Ending

One of the two new endings exclusive to the Remake.

First, you must complete the game the "In Water" ending as this ending is a sort of its expansion. Then in a New Game+, you will need to obtain the Key of Sorrow as well as learn a 3-digit code to unlock a safe in the Otherworld Hotel. The code is spread across three notes found throughout the game, but reading them is not necessary to open the safe.

Key of Sorrow. In the beginning of the game, find a green car on Wiltse Rd. right after passing through the tunnel. Use the chainsaw to smash its rear window and take the key from the back seat.

Toluca Postcard. There is a locked safe that requires both a key and a code in the corner of Manager’s Office in the Otherworld Hotel (the safe is present in normal game too, but it is open and empty then). Use the Key of Sorrow for the key lock, and input the code 314 (right to 3, left to 1, right to 4) for the combination lock. Inside you will find the Toluca Postcard.

With the Toluca Postcard in your inventory, complete the game normally by defeating the final boss and you will receive the Stillness ending.

Bliss Ending

One of the two new endings exclusive to the Remake.

In a New Game+, you will need to collect a bottle of certain liquid and drink it in Room 312 at Lakeview Hotel. To get the item, you must do the following:

Rusted Key/Cryptic Letter. In Pete's Bowl-O-Rama, there's a safe that becomes available during New Game+. The code for the safe is 1887, which you can learn from the memo by the corpse at the west end of Nathan Ave. Inside the safe, you will find a key to use later in game and a letter hinting at the location of the secret item.

Small Chest. In the gazebo of the Brookhaven Hospital Garden, you will find a Small Chest. Pick it up.

White Claudia. Combine the Small Chest with the Rusted Key in your inventory, and you will receive the White Claudia, a special drug first mentioned in the original Silent Hill that promises to make everything right.

With the White Claudia, go to the Hotel Room 312 and use it there. Then play the Video Tape as in normal game, and you will get this ending immediately.

Dog Ending

Dog Ending is one of the two joke endings also featured in the original game.

In a New Game+, find two parts of a particularly shapedkey:

Broken Key Part. In Eastern South Vale, find the Pet Center next to Big Jay’s diner. The key part will be in the back storage room past the counter.

Broken Key Part. In Western South Vale, after you pass through Jacks Inn find a back yard gate with a dog bone symbol next to the first house on Katz Street. Proceed inside and collect the second key part inside the dog house.

Dog Key. Combine the two broken key parts to get the Dog Key.

With the Dog Key proceed through the game and use it on the Observation Room door on the third floor in Lakeview Hotel (right next to Room 312). This will immediately get you this ending.

UFO Ending

UFO Ending is one of the two joke endings also featured in the original game.

In a New Game+, find a certain blue stone:

Blue Gem. In Eastern South Vale, find The Jewellers store which is just next door from The Pet Center. Smash the left storefront and grab the jewel from a display case.

Now, you must use it at four specific locations, which will be hinted at with a spacey sound. Examine the Blue Gem in your inventory at the spots. Doing so will make the Blue Gem glow brighter each time and after the fourth time you will immediately get this ending. The four locations are:

Eastern South Vale, next to a graffiti of an eye on the back of a vent on the roof of the Saul Street Apartments.

Rosewater Park, in the northeastern corner of the pier before you meet Maria.

Lakeview Hotel pier, as soon as you get off the boat after crossing Toluca Lake.

Use the Blue Gem for the final time in Room 312 and you will immediately get this ending.