
Memos is one of the collectibles in Silent Hill 2 Remake (2024). There are 68 of these notes found across all locations. Finding all the memos in a single playthrough unlocks the Archivist trophy/achievement. Some notes will be different on different puzzle difficulties. Below is the complete list of these memos with their transcripts and locations in the game. You will also find a list of other notes that are not considered memos.

Note: The Lost & Found Note in the Lakeview Hotel is not present in New Game+ as it is replaced with one of the items needed for the Rebirth ending, but you can still get the Archivist trophy on your subsequent playthroughs by getting the Cryptic Letter in the Pete's Bowl-O-Rama safe instead.

For the original Silent Hill 2 memos, please go to this page.


Eastern South Vale

#1: Flower Shop Message

Description: A message left in the flower shop on Sanders Street.

Ms. Cassandra,
a customer came in today. Ordered a mixed bouquet, red and white. I tried to explain it's bad luck, but he couldn't decide on just one. He seemed a bit off, looked at me like I wasn't even there. Then he just left, said he’d be back to pick'em up later. I just wanted to let you know, since I might be gone by then.

#2: Matchbook

Description: A custom matchbook with Neely’s Bar logo print.

Neely's Bar

#3: Martin Street Note

Description: A note found on Martin Street.

if you're reading this
this place is not what it seems

you just have to look behind

run away run away run away run away run away
run away run away run away run away run away
run away run away run away run away run away

#4: Neely's Bar Note

Description: A note found on the counter of Neely's Bar.

I don't know what got into him. He just started smashing the thing. Had to throw him out. He ran off, cried he'd "fix everything".

I gathered up what I could, still haven't found one of the buttons. Half the record is still lodged inside, but the other part's missing. Figure he must've taken it. Come to think of it, he did run towards Groovy.

Anyway, maybe go check up on him? See if he's alright. He lives over at Saul, by the pharmacy. Apartment 9.

#5: Big Jay's Note

Description: A note left by one of the staff at Big Jay's cafe.

That man was here again. I told him he’d been warned not to come here. He acted like he didn’t know what I was talking about.

Anyway, he got up and left. He didn’t make any sort of fuss, but there’s something about him that gives me the creeps. When I look at his face, it’s like I’m staring at a mask. And there’s something underneath, waiting to get out.

I don’t want to be there when that happens.

#6: Record Store Note

Description: A note found in the record store I Love Groovy Music.

The janitor came in the other day, drunk and in tears. Had half a record with him, kept yelling we gotta fix it somehow.

I was willing to do it just to shut him up, so I got up to get the glue from the cabinet, but then he realized he only had the one half, so he ran out.

Can't do much about the record, maybe ask around at Neely's next time you're there - might be one of theirs.

#7: Texan Cafe Flyer

Description: Flyer from Texan Cafe. There's a note on it.

Texan Cafe

We gotta leave
Meet me there

#8: Barrier Note

Description: A note found by an unbreachable barrier.

what are they?

I shouldn't go through
I don't know why
I won't

they don’t stink
but it feels like they do

no smell at all

#9: Old Map

Description: An old map found by the Motor Home. There are some markings on it.

#10: Saul Street Note 1

Description: A note found next to a body on Saul Street.

I'll write down what I've learned so far
maybe it'll help you

if you're reading this I'm probably dead

#11: Saul Street Note 2

Description: A second note found next to a body on Saul Street.

it seems like they're attracted to light
louder sounds as well
if you want to survive
stay in the dark, stay quiet

probably won't save you anyway

#12: Saul Street Note 3

Description: A third note found on Saul Street.

they can be killed
just make sure they stay down

#13: Motor Home Note

Description: A note found inside a motor home on Saul Street.

this place

all it’s ever brought me

is pain and misery

#14: Small Note

Description: A note found in the apartment building's lobby.

Apt. 5 left his key. Says there’s a leak from upstairs. Gotta check it out.

#15: Tenant's Note

Description: A note found in an empty apartment. Probably written by one of the tenants.

I’m certain now, it’s coming from that apartment.
I keep telling them
why won’t they do something?
it’s unbearable
I can feel it seeping into my skin
pushing itself into my lungs

#16: Sanders Street Note

Description: A note found next to a body on Sanders Street.

you will see

sooner or later

you will see

#17: Code Note

Description: A note with some numbers on it.

Checked from 0000 to 4013

took almost two hours

had to run

checked from 4014 to 4439

had to run again
I FEEL like I'm SO CLOSE now, I just KNOW IT

#18: Back Room Letter

Description: A message left in the back room of Neely's Bar.

He came back after you left. It's fine, he didn't try anything. He just seemed sad.

Mumbled something about getting out of town with someone. I wasn't gonna let him drive in his condition, so I locked him out.

His car should be out back. Maybe check if it's still there by morning. It's the greenish-blue one, plate number ending with 06, I think.

Wood Side Apartments

#19: Administration Note

Description: A letter found in one of the mailboxes in Wood Side Apartments.

Dear Madam,

In response to your complaint regarding the “gunshots” coming from apartment 217, we have paid a visit to the tenant and he assured us that he does not own any firearms. He was fully cooperative and granted us access to the apartment. True to his words, we did not find any weapons, or traces of using one.

Should the noises persist, please inform the janitor.

Wood Side Apartments Administration

#20: Strange Note

Description: A note found in one of the rooms of the Wood Side Apartments building.

I know there is something here, I know, I can feel it
It all looks normal, but it's not
It's underneath, pulsing, trying to get out
Is it trying to get out? Or should I get in?
I have to uncover it, rip it to the surface

Peel it off
layer by layer
so I can see it

I know it’s there

#21: Sinister Note

Description: A note found in Wood Side Apartments.

I was wrong wrong wrong
No I wasn’t, but I wasn’t entirely right
I need to peel off more
something more blood-close

I was looking outside but
It is in me
There's someone inside me

Western South Vale

#22: Bloody Note

Description: A note found by the body at the end of Nathan Avenue.
Note: In New Game+, the note contains the code for the safe in Pete's Bowl-O-Rama.

I can leave by not leaving.
I can ONLY leave by not leaving.

New Game+ Version

I can leave by not leaving.
I can ONLY leave by not leaving.
The deal is done. He said he left it for me.

where they once were

Cryptic Letter (New Game+ Only)

Description: A letter found in the locker in Pete's Bowl-O-Rama.

I did not acquire it, nor will I be able to do so.
However, I can direct you to where it is.
You will find it in a place of care.
An island of respite in a sea of suffering.
I warned you before, this is a commitment.
I hope you can see this now.

#23: Reception Desk Note

Description: A small note found in the reception of Jacks Inn.

If anyone needs anything, I'm fixing the pipes at 107

#24: Toolbox Memo (Light)

Description: A memo found next to a toolbox in one of the motel rooms.

Gotta remember:

No money four the fifth onesie.

#24: Toolbox Memo (Standard)

Description: A memo found next to a toolbox in one of the motel rooms.

one one less,
three one more,
eight three less,
zero one more

#24: Toolbox Memo (Hard)

Description: A memo found next to a toolbox in one of the motel rooms.

feels like we're stuck
she says its gonna be fine
but the math don't lie
the numbers are all there:

ALL ROOMS need to be refurnished
then we gotta MULTIPLY that by the cost of labor
then there's the plumbing in the ROOMS UPSTAIRS
I swear, there are TIMES when I just wanna give up
I'm not THIRTY THREE anymore
if we can make it all ADD up
maybe there's hope for the FIVE of us


Brookhaven Hospital

#25: Key Locker Note

Description: A note found in the Reception Office.

Due to repeated instances of keys getting misplaced, from this point forward, they are to be returned to the locker at the end of every shift. All staff are required to memorize the padlock combination and are not to disclose it to anyone but authorized personnel under any circumstances.

In case of any problems, report to the head nurse in Examination Room 3.

#26: Nurse's Memo (Light)

Description: A memo left for one of the nurses in Examination Room 3.

The combination for the keys locker is:



The total number of the nurses in the lobby photo.

#26: Nurse's Memo (Standard)

Description: A memo left for one of the nurses in Examination Room 3.

I wrote it down for you in a way you should finally be able to remember. Once you're in the lobby, just look around. Now remember:

Nurses. Doctors. Trees.

#26: Nurse's Memo (Hard)

Description: A memo left for one of the nurses in Examination Room 3.

If the second were as high as the number of nurses, it’d still be one short. With two of them dead and one just a fraud.

The third would chop the firewood in half.

The first was singular.

#27: Staff Memo

Description: A staff memo mentioning a recent code change.

The code has been reset to what we agreed on during yesterday's meeting in the doctor's lounge.

Like I said, I don't want anyone writing it down on little pieces of paper for me to find. Be responsible, people.

#28: Evaluation Card, Patient #0050

Description: A medical document found in the office of Brookhaven Hospital's director.

Patient No. 0050
Designation 301.3
Patient Room No. C1
Initial Symptoms:
- sudden outbursts of aggression
- visual and auditory hallucinations

Current Diagnosis:
- current therapy is considered effective
- unprovoked outbursts declined
- social interactions improved


- continue with the current therapy
- water has a calming effect

#29: Evaluation Card, Patient #0090

Description: A medical document found in the office of Brookhaven Hospital’s director.

Patient No. 0090
Designation 298.0
Room No. D1
Initial Symptoms:
- sensory delusions
Current Diagnosis:
- insomnia
- refuses food, water
- forced feeding and hydration
- BATHING REQUIRED (to be carried out in the TREATMENT ROOM)
- sleep medication

#30: Evaluation Card, Patient #0130

Description: A medical document found in the office of Brookhaven Hospital's director.

Patient No. 0130
Designation 295.3
Room No. S3
Initial Symptoms:
- intense and unrelenting anxiety
Current Diagnosis:
- symptoms have intensified into full-blown paranoia
- visual hallucinations
- increased medication

#31: Interview Transcript

Description: A transcript of an interview with a patient found in room C1.


Annotation: the following interview was conducted with in response to incident #071.

I remember lying in water
And then I felt him
Felt him stare
He was close
Very close

I had to get out
Had to get away
But he followed
He kept staring
So I made him stop

Now I'm empty again

Can we go back to the pool?

#32: Scribbled Note

Description: A note found in the Medical Records room.

why won’t they help me
why do they keep me in here
with him

let me out
let me out
let me out
let me out
let me out
let me out
let me out

#33: X-Ray Memo

Description: A small memo found attached to an x-ray image.

Dr. Andrews, we delivered the radiographs you requested.
However, it looks like the file was incomplete, as one of the pictures was nowhere to be found.
We will send somebody as soon as we locate it.
Let me know if you need anything else.

#34: Keypad Combination Note (Light, Stanadard)

Description: A note with a new keypad combination found in the Doctors' Lounge.

#34: Keypad Combination Note (Hard)

Description: A note with a new keypad combination found in the Doctors' Lounge.

#35: Treatment Room Note

Description: A note found in the treatment room on the second floor.

they feed me garbage
and rotting meat
crawling with maggots
thick with sinew
they make me bite down
the juices, red and yellow
hit the back of my throat
I choke and I gag and I vomit
till my throat is sore
an aching throbbing tube of flesh
I push it all out but I can still taste it

they bathe me in filth
and blood and piss and bile
they gently rub human waste
all over my body
my skin itches
it peels off like wet paper
I beg them to stop
but they don’t listen

and then
they lock me up
with him
he’s always there
closer        each time
and the rot      it comes with him

it goes within
it becomes me

#36: Safe Note

Description: A note found inside a safe in the Director's Office.

their images became blurry,
melting together
I could no longer tell

not sure if I can do it
but maybe you can

this will take you to where you need to be
though probably not the way you want to

and there's bound to be some pain involved
there always is

#37: Page From a Diary

Description: Found on the rooftop of Brookhaven Hospital.

May 9
Stared out the window all day.
Peaceful here — nothing to do.
Still not allowed to go outside.

May 10
Still raining.
Talked with the doctor a little.
Would they have saved me if I didn't have a family to feed?
I know I’m pathetic and weak. Not everyone can be strong.

May 11
Rain again.
The meds made me feel sick today.
If I’m only better when I’m drugged, then who am I anyway?

May 12
Rain as usual.
I don't want to cause any more trouble for anyone,
but I'm a bother either way.
Can it really be such a sin to run instead of fight?
Some people may say so, but they don't have to live in my shoes.
It may be selfish, but it's what I want.
It’s too hard like this. It's just too hard...

May 13
The doctor came in today.
He said that I’ll be released soon.
That it's time to go home.
I should be happy.
But I’m afraid. I’m so afraid.
It feels like something's about to happen.
Like the last gasp of air before the plunge.
But deep down, I know it’s too late to turn back.

Otherworld Hospital

#38: Evaluation Card, Patient #3141

Description: A medical document found in Brookhaven Hospital.

Patient No. 3141
Designation 298.9
Room No. ████
Initial Symptoms:
- hyperfocus
Current Diagnosis:
- they can be fixed


#39: The Procedure

Description: A note found in the X-Ray Room.

oh, how we danced
arms flailing, our bodies
in perfect synchrony
and the music played
but in any dance
there comes a time
one must take the lead
and the music got louder
and louder

and then

#40: Calendar Page

Description: A page torn from a calendar.

1 year they've been watching me

So many pills they fed me

When a loud hour comes

I tremble every time the light falls

#41: Patient's Note

Description: A note found on the second floor of Brookhaven Hospital.

He's there again

He says he’ll drag me there
I don’t want to

I won't let him take me

#42: Manic Scribble

Description: Short yet haunting.

There’ll be no pain anymore

no pain no pain no pain no pain
no pain no pain no pain no pain
no pain no pain no pain no pain

#43: Nurse's Note

Description: A note found in the ECT room of Brookhaven Hospital.

I found 0050 in the ECT room again. This time I checked, he was not appointed for the treatment. How is it possible he got there all by himself? And how would he know how to turn the thing on?
Somebody's going to answer for this.

So close.
It will happen.
Has to

#44: Director's Note

Description: Somehow it seems to have been written in pain.

I won't rest until they are solved
I won't rest

I can't rest
I don't know how

#45: Dissociated Note

Description: It seems to have been written for the hospital staff but its contents are confusing.

The patients will become the diagnosis scheduled for them when they'll make recovery as my aim is always for the entire personnel especially when their symptoms will become receding with effective treatment.

#46: Ominous Note

Description: Statement or wishful thinking?

It is done.

Sick no more.

Otherworld South Vale

#47: Note on a Map

Description: A note written on a map. Found inside the Motor Home in South Vale.

He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across
the abyss is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.

The truth can only be learned
by marching forward.

Follow the map.
There's a letter and a wrench.

#48: Letter

Description: A letter found in South Vale. A mark on the map led me to its location.

Or perhaps you are a fool.
The truth usually betrays people.
You should know.
The key is in the park,
at the feet of the praying woman.
The wrench will open the gate.
The key will let loose the abyss.

Toluca Prison

#49: Gun Cabinet Notice

Description: Found by the gun cabinet in Toluca Prison.

They still haven't found him.

Since he had the cabinet key, we should assume one of the prisoners got his hands on it.

Get the spare from the witness checkpoint and secure the rifle before it falls into the wrong hands.

#50: Family Photo

Description: A photo of a child in a wheelchair with their mother by their side.

We will be together soon

#51: Guard's Letter

Description: A letter from one of the prison guards to the rest of the staff.

Saw someone walking around past lights-out. Again.

Whichever one of you that was, do I need to remind you that you must NEVER leave your post without prior clearance?

Next time I catch you, I'm reporting you to the Warden.

Catch me if you can.

#52: Threatening Note

Description: Found in one of the isolation cells in Toluca Prison.

Shame you didn't find it.

Shouldn't you know this place better than I do?

Now it's too late.

I’m going for a walk.

Clever boy!
Here's your reward:
I’m gonna pay a visit to my friend.
We could both use a bath.

#53: Paranoid Note

Description: Found in the tunnel between one of the cells and the showers.

he’s coming
I know he is
the bars, the walls
they can’t hold him
he'll get in
he'll get in

I still have time
I can make it
almost through

but he's close
I can feel it
he’s coming
to finish it

let him come

#54: Crumpled Note

Description: Found at the showers. Looks to have been written in terror.


hes here

#55: Prisoner's Letter

Description: Found in one of the visitation booths in Toluca Prison.

Guards think we're lepers now.
Don’t know why.
But they stay away.
I don't complain.

#56: Unfinished Report

Description: An unfinished medical report.

Repeat examination report, conclusions:

None of the examined show any clinical sign, or symptom, of a life-threatening illness, contagious, or otherwise.

The recommended "endurance tests" were also performed. The results have been submitted directly to the Warden, as per his specifications.

why are we doing this?

#57: Confession

Description: A prisoner's personal confession.

I am sorry. I am so sorry.
I couldn't let them take you.
And now you're

You're still there
Aren't you?

Lakeview Hotel

#58: Receptionist Memo

Description: A memo left at the reception desk.

Mr. James Sunderland,
Regarding the videotape you left in your room during your last stay, I’m glad to inform you that we have recovered the item and moved it to the employee section on the first floor. The tape is stored within the hotel safe to be returned to you at your earliest convenience.

#59: Lost & Found Note

Description: A note regarding one of the lost items in Lakeview Hotel.

Remember that strange book you found earlier?

Some very... odd-looking man came in a few hours back, claimed it belonged to him. Honestly, I didn't feel like arguing, I wanted to be through with him as soon as I could. So I gave it to him.

I’m not sure how he even knew it was here. I don't think he was ever a guest here.

I would've remembered.

can't get it out of my head

#60: Cleaning Staff Memo #1

Description: Looks to have been left by someone from the hotel staff.

Note to staff:
Be sure to clean up the fireplace in the Conference Room.

#61: Laura's Letter

Description: A letter supposedly given to Laura by Mary.

My dearest Laura.

I’m leaving this letter with Rachel to give to you after I’m gone. I’m far away now, in a quiet, beautiful place. Please forgive me for not saying goodbye before I left.

Be well, Laura. Don’t be too hard on the sisters. And Laura, about James... I know you hate him because you think he isn’t nice to me, but please give him a chance. It’s true he can be a little surly sometimes, and he doesn’t laugh much. But underneath he’s really a sweet person.

I love you, Laura. I love you like my very own daughter. I wish things were different. I wish we could be happy together, like we talked about.

Even so, I know you will have a good life. You’re a strong, smart, beautiful girl.

Happy eighth birthday, Laura.

Your friend,

#62: Gate Photo (Light)

Description: A photograph showing what looks like a gate somewhere in the garden.

#62: Photo #1 (Standard)

Description: One of the photographs found in the room hidden behind the bookshelf.

#62: Photo #1 (Hard)

Description: One of the photographs found in the room hidden behind the bookshelf.

#63: Door Photo (Light)

Description: A photograph depicting a door to the room 217.

#63: Photo #2 (Standard)

Description: One of the photographs found in the room hidden behind the bookshelf.

#63: Photo #2 (Hard)

Description: One of the photographs found in the room hidden behind the bookshelf.

#64: Stain Photo (Light)

Description: A photograph depicting an ugly red stain underneath a door.

#64: Photo #3 (Standard)

Description: One of the photographs found in the room hidden behind the bookshelf.

#64: Photo #3 (Hard)

Description: One of the photographs found in the room hidden behind the bookshelf.

#65: Cleaning Staff Note #2

Description: A note for the cleaning staff.

Note to staff:
Since it’s taking you this long to get to the Conference Room, you might as well drop by room 107. I'm leaving you the key. One of the guests has made quite a mess.

#66: Cleaning Staff Note #3

Description: A note for the staff in regards to the garden.

Note to staff:
And while you’re at it, be sure to sweep up the leaves out in the garden. THEN you can get back to the fireplace.

Better not let me catch you slacking off

#67: Keypad Numbers Memo

Description: A memo with keypad numbers written down.


Ruined Hotel

#68: Burned Note

Description: A partially burned note. It's unclear how it survived the fire.

312 to be cleared out

no one's coming back