Otherworld South Vale
Welcome to the seventh chapter of the complete walkthrough guide for Silent Hill 2 Remake (2024) covering Otherworld South Vale. Use the key summary below for short, spoiler-free directions and the complete walkthrough section for in-depth guidelines with extra explanations. This walkthrough also includes complete maps with all items and monsters marked for easy reference.
1 Auto Parts key – key items
2 Radio – equipment
Health Drink – supplies
Map of Silent Hill – maps
Save Point – save points
Flower Shop Message – collectibles: memos, strange photos and glimpses of the past
NG+ – New Game+ items, memos and actions
Collectibles count:
- 2 memos
- 1 strange photo
- 1 glimpse of the past
Key Summary
West Side
- Go south and use the back alley to go towards Heaven's Night. Get inside an open garage and break the wall to get to the next room with a Save Point.
- Proceed through Rendell St. and Lakeside Diner.
- Turn south and use the tunnel that will get you to the east side of the town.
East Side
- There's a Save Point inside the motor home on Saul St.
- Memo #47: Note on a Map. On the table inside the motor home.
- Proceed either through a warehouse on the north side or the Happy Burger restaurant and enter Neely's Bar. Inside there another Save Point.
- Glimpse of the Past #17. Inside Neely’s Bar, a map on the bar countertop.
- Proceed through the back room of the bar, back alleys and laundromat to get to Katz St.
- Memo #48: Letter. Answer the ringing payphone on Katz St. and you’ll get this item.
- 70 Wrench. Grab it after getting the letter.
- Strange Photo #16: "They’re here". West end of Katz St., in the driver's seat of the car, parked in front of the Lucky Jade Restaurant.
- Go north via Neely St. and through the open door at the end. There's a Save Point before the tunnel.
- Use the Wrench to open the tunnel door and run through it to get back to the normal version of the town.
Complete Walkthrough
West South Vale
Carroll Street
We will have to chase Laura across the dark, nightmarish town. Before you follow the girl, you can explore the area to the left of the hospital entrance for some supplies. In the northwestern corner of the street, you can find hand Handgun Ammo on the passenger's seat of a car guarded by a Lying Figure crawling from beneath the vehicle. Next to a van in the northwestern corner of the street is a Health Drink and a Syringe in the right first aid kit with two Nurses and a Creeper guarding these supplies. Go south to locate more Handgun Ammo on top of wooden crates behind a pickup with a Mannequin hiding behind it. Turn onto the alley leading towards Heaven's Night, meet another Nurse along the way, and pass through the metal door.
Beware of a Mannequin hiding next to a door. There is also a Lying Figure and a Creeper in the area. Next, find some Handgun Ammo inside a car parked on the south side. Check the garage on the north side for another Mannequin and Handgun Ammo and Shotgun Shells inside the drawers. Proceed east through another garage. Inside, find Handgun Ammo on an open locker shelf, Shotgun Shells inside a desk's drawer, a Nurse and a hiding Mannequin. Break the wall to get through the gap. In the next room, you will find a Save Point and more supplies: Handgun Ammo on a metal shelf and a Syringe inside a first aid kit. Go outside to glimpse a girl running away.
Before proceeding, fight off a Nurse, two Mannequins and a Creeper in this fenced area. You can find more Handgun Ammo in front of the entrance to Heaven's Night. Grab a trolley to the left of the fence and push it next to it to hop over and find yourself on Rendell St.
Rendell Street
Pick up Handgun Ammo from the rear wheel of a pickup truck and beware of two Nurses patrolling the street. There's more Handgun Ammo on a wooden shelf on the house's porch on the north side. In the diner's parking lot, you can find a Health Drink inside a car guarded by a Lying Figure and a Creeper. Enter the Lakeside Diner.
Inside the diner, you will meet a Nurse, a Lying Figure, and a Mannequin, as well as find Shotgun Shells on the counter behind the bar, Handgun Ammo inside the bar drawer and more Handgun Ammo on a dining table in the corner. Exit the diner after you are all done.
You will need to navigate between the bus and the semi-truck fighting a Nurse and a Lying Figure in the parking lot. After you are safe, you can take a Health Drink behind the bus door, Handgun Ammo from the back of a pickup truck and Shotgun Shells on a metal barrel – a Mannequin is hiding next to it. Exit the parking lot through the fence door.
Turn left to find Handgun Ammo in the driver's seat of a car next to a chasm. There's a Health Drink on a window sill of a house across the street and more Handgun Ammo on a wooden shelf on the porch of the last house in the street. A Syringe is waiting for you in a first aid kit on a window sill of the house at the intersection of the roads. Turn south and use the tunnel to get to the east side of the town.
East South Vale
Saul Street
Inside the tunnel, you will encounter a Mandarin, a new type of enemy, but you don't need to fight it. Run toward the end and exit. Enter a motor home on Saul St. to find a Save Point, Handgun Ammo on a counter and Memo #47: Note on a Map on a table.
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You can explore the street for more supplies. Handgun Ammo can be found on the ground in the corner of a dead end across the street. In the back of an SUV are Shotgun Shells guarded by a Lying Figure. Inside Green Pharmacy, you will find a Nurse, a Mannequin, a Health Drink on a shelf and a Syringe inside a first aid kit. Two Nurses are walking in front of the Happy Burger restaurant. From this point, you have two options to cross over the chasm in the street.
Option 1: Warehouse
Climb through a window to get into a warehouse with a crashed semi-truck. Grab Handgun Ammo from a metal barrel. Inside the warehouse, you will also meet a Nurse, a Lying Figure, a Creeper and two Mannequins. There are also Shotgun Shells and Handgun Ammo on various crates. Find a breakable wall to get into the next room. A Creeper is inside with more Handgun Ammo on a chair behind the reception.
Option 2: Happy Burger Restaurant
Go through the opening in the fence into a courtyard of the Happy Burger restaurant. You will be ambushed in the courtyard by a Mannequin, a Lying Figure and a Creeper. Also, there's Handgun Ammo on some wooden pallets. Proceed into the restaurant. More Handgun Ammo is on the kitchen counter. Inside the main area are two Nurses, a Mannequin and a Creeper. Shotgun Shells are on a dining table, and Handgun Ammo is on a couch. Hop outside through the window.
Sanders Street
A Lying Figure with a couple of Creepers is in the street before the restaurant. You can find Handgun Ammo in the back seat of a car with turned-on headlights and a Health Drink in the driver's seat of a pickup truck. Another hand is in the car at the northern end of Neely's St., guarded by a Mannequin. Enter Neely's Bar to proceed.
Neely's Bar
Inside the bar, you will find a safe point behind the bar. You can check a message above the jukebox, adding a point toward one of the endings – read more in the Endings section.
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Check the map on the bar countertop for Glimpse of the Past #17.
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Finally, grab Handgun Ammo from the bar shelf and proceed through the back room. Take Shotgun Shells from the mailboxes. On a sink in the restroom, before you exit the bar, there's a Health Drink.
You will run into a Lying Figure and a Creeper in the courtyard. Handgun Ammo is sitting on a table guarded by a Mannequin, while Shotgun Shells are in the back seat of an SUV. Proceed to the northern part to meet another Lying Figure and a Mannequin. Use the top window to get into the next building.
Inside, grab Shotgun Shells from a desk drawer and a Health Drink from a glass cabinet. Fight a Nurse and proceed through a wall gap to the laundromat, where you will run into another Nurse, a Mannequin and a Creeper. There's more Handgun Ammo on a bench. Hop through a window outside.
Katz Street
Approach the ringing payphone in the street, and after the cutscene, you will get Memo #48: Letter. Also, grab a 70 Wrench after getting the letter.
Proceed west and find Handgun Ammo in the driver's seat of a pickup truck in front of the American Cafe. More Handgun Ammo is on the display rack in front of the Grand Market. Strange Photo #16: "They’re here" is in the car's driver's seat, parked in front of the Lucky Jade Restaurant.
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Neely Street
Go north via Neely St. In the driver's seat of the police car parked here, you can find Shotgun Shells while Handgun Ammo is across the street in the shop's display window. Proceed north until you hit the door at the end. The door that wakes in darkness is indeed open now.
There's a Save Point before the tunnel. Use the Wrench to open the gate, run through the tunnel with Mandarins and proceed through a door at the end of the stairs to return to the town's foggy version.
06. Otherworld Hospital | 08. Western South Vale Revisited |