
Lakeside Area

Storm Drain Access #14

Silent Hill Shattered Memories mementoLooks like we have to find a way there by foot since Michelle and John have run off somewhere and don’t seem to be returning. Move up to the front passenger seat of John’s car and open the glove compartment and grab Memento #18: Poetry As Precise as Geometry a gold fountain pen.

Silent Hill Shattered Memories mementoExit the car and head through the open gate to your right and enter the sewers. Head down the stairs, down a ladder and then go down another set of stairs to your left. Run straight ahead but make sure to take the first left you see to grab Memento #19: A Happy Bond a small woven ring from the fish inside the pipe to the right.

Turn around head back out to the main path and continue forward. Climb the ladder and open the locked door ahead by cranking the handle clockwise three times. Continue through the next door and up another ladder to exit the sewers.

Weaver Street – Shops

Silent Hill Shattered Memories echoWalk up Weaver Street towards the Lakeside Amusement Park billboard at the other end. Follow the phone static to the map on the hood of a parked car to receive Echo Message #27: Day Trippers. Turn to the left and walk towards the shops clustered on the other side of the road.

Silent Hill Shattered Memories mementoHead over to the statue of an Indian holding the cigar box outside the Indian Runner. Pick up Memento #20: Memories Untaken a small pink camera and then enter the Lakefront Souvenir shop to the right.

The souvenir shop is empty except for a small item in a display case. Slide open the glass and pull out the shelf to grab Memento #21: A Beacon, A Key a gold lighthouse keychain. Exit the store by pulling open red curtain to the right and revealing the back door.

Sandford Street – Annie’s Bar

Silent Hill Shattered Memories mementoClimb over the chain link fence behind the souvenir shop and walk up Sanford Street continue past Annie’s bar (don’t worry we will go in later!). Walk up to the telescope near the water’s edge and turn it to the right until light shines through the eye piece and Memento #22: A Diamond Heart a diamond ring falls out from a slot at the bottom. Turn around and head back and enter Annie’s bar.

Michelle is sitting at a table inside and John is no where in sight. Looks like the couple has called it quits. Harry still wants to get to the lighthouse and Michelle tells him the only way to reach it from here is by boat. Luckily there’s some boats on the docks behind the Lakeside Amusement park.

As we leave through the back door the scene shifts back to Dr. K who discusses sex and after the short test you are in the back hallway of Annie’s Bar. Head through the door, hop over the back fence and make a right onto Craig Street and follow the road to the water’s edge.

Craig Street – Lakeside Amusement Park

Silent Hill Shattered Memories mementoBefore entering the Amusement Park head over to the bench at the end of the street and open the cardboard box. Take out Memento #23: The Dragon a small stuffed red dragon and add it to your collection.

Back at the Amusement Park entrance jump through the open ticket window to the left. Open the yellow reflective coat to the right and take the key from the breast pocket of the Lakeside employee uniform and open the back door. Travel down a short hallways past the emergency services poster and step out into Lakeside Amusement Park through the door at the end of the hall.

Now that you are inside the amusement park turn to the left and walk over to the large castle in the left corner and take another echo photo.

Echo Photo #9: The Princess and the Knight

Silent Hill Shattered Memories echoTake a photo of the photo cut, reveal Harry and Cheryl and hear a voice message, Day Trippers.

Silent Hill Shattered Memories mementoTurn around and run past the hot dog stand and enter the small arcade to the right. Inside are three slot machines (not much of an arcade!). Go up to the middle machine and pull the handle three times to get three hearts in a row and win Memento #24: Eve one half of a gold locket with a woman’s photo inside.

Silent Hill Shattered Memories echoClimb up the wall across from the arcade and enter the Tunnel of Love ride. Below Harry are three white swan shaped boats and a door to the back right corner. Climb down the ladder and walk towards the ice figure sitting in the middle swan and get Echo Message #28: Day Trippers.

As you head for the back door a shadow figure screams and runs past Harry and back up the ladder. The exit is now frozen so go ahead and follow the shadow back up the ladder. On the second floor again you can see the shadow looking over the railing. As you approach the shadow screams again and runs past Harry back to the ground floor. Follow the figure over to front swan boat to and startle it once again so it flees the ride through the frozen back door and shatters the ice surrounding the exit – you will get Echo Message #29: Day Trippers. Exit the Tunnel of Love climb the fence to the docks.

12. Nightmare 6: Nowhere 14. The “Orpheus” and the Lighthouse