
Nightmare 1: To Levin Street

The streets of Silent Hill have frozen and you can’t go back the way you came and all the earlier locations you’ve visited are blocked by ice…now what?

Do you hear that rather annoying car alarm? Run towards it, it’s located across the street from the salvage yard. As you approach you should spot a wailing yellow car encased in ice with it’s headlights flashing on a lone yellow door. That’s your exit, take it.

After a short cut scene plays and you’ve regained control over Harry the game’s first nightmare sequence officially begins! These nightmare sequences can be pretty confusing and frustrating ,but believe me if I was able to make it through them anyone can.

Before we begin here are some basic survival tips:

Nightmare Survival Tips

Know your directional options. Harry can climb, crawl or open anything that has a blue tint around the edges.

Don’t forget that Harry’s phone has a pretty handy GPS function. At the start of each nightmare a waypoint is marked on the map by a little blue x. Your goal is to get Harry to that blue x in one piece! It’s easy to get lost during nightmare sequences which is rather frustrating with lots of creatures tailing you. The GPS feature on Harry’s smart phone is a great tool to help you gain your bearings and decide which is the best direction to head towards the waypoint.

You can quickly open the phone GPS by pushing left on the wii-mote d-pad to get a quick view and hitting (A) brings up the full screen map:

  • First, where’s the blue x relative to your position? Are you heading towards it? If not run towards the exit that will take you in the right direction.
  • Are you making progress or just running in circles? The GPS marks all the areas you’ve been through with a purple line. If you seem to just be retracing your steps take a closer look at your surroundings and see if there’s an alternate route (door, ledge, fence, etc) you can take.
  • While viewing the full screen map the creatures can’t harm Harry, so use this to your advantage when planning what direction to run. This reprieve doesn’t extend to the GPS quick view on the phone. Technically since you are still in control of Harry and can walk around with the phone in front of you the creatures can still attack.

Harry may not be able to fight back with a weapon but that doesn’t mean he’s completely helpless. Keep a look out for objects Harry can knock over or pull down to create barricades such as bookshelves, dead trees, etc and hinder his pursuers. Barricades are indicated on screen by a blinking white action arrow. When Harry passes by such an object wiggle the nunchuk as he runs past and he will automatically pull it down behind him creating an obstacle for the creatures on his tail.

Another extremely useful delaying tactic are road flares. There’s usually one (sometimes multiple) in each nightmare stage so keep a look out. Road flares are indicated by a red beacon that you can usually spot quite a distance away. Pick one up whenever you can, however if you already have one in hand don’t bother trying to pick up another Harry can only hold one at a time!

You can light the flare with the (C) button and once the flare is lit it the creatures will cower and stop their pursuit of Harry for around 30-40 secs. Hanging onto a lit flare gives a reprieve from the constant creature attacks gives you the opportunity to put a good distance between Harry and the creatures behind or in front of him.

Dropping a lit flare on the ground with the (-) button has a similar effect and can create a temporary barrier between you and surrounding creatures. The only downside to this method is once you leave the safety of the lit flare the creatures can give chase.

Note: With a lit flare Harry is unable to access his phone until the flare goes out or until he drops it on the ground.

Turn off the flashlight whenever you can! In the nightmare world the creatures can easily outrun Harry so it’s best to try to keep a low profile and sneak by ones if possible. If you have a bunch on your tail and they briefly lose sight of you when you turn a corner or drop off a ledge it’s possible to drop off their radar if you don’t have a bright light indicating your position. You know when a creature has spotted Harry because they will give a screech and the music will speed up.

The hiding spots are also useful in this respect. By crawling under beds or hiding in closets a group of creatures could lose sight of Harry and pass him by, giving you the opportunity to run in the other direction or take an alternate route without a horde on your tail. Remember to TURN THE FLASHLIGHT OFF while hiding or the creatures are more likely to spot Harry and forcibly remove him from his hiding spot.

If the creatures catch up to you (and believe me they will) try not to panic and flail the wii-mote and nunchuk all around. Doing so will not only jerk Harry off the path he may already be moving but it’s also not an effective way to remove the creatures. Using short quick thrusts in the direction a creature holds Harry is the key to an successful escape:

  • If Harry is grabbed from behind: Thrust both your elbows back in a swift and short motion like you are trying to get someone off your back.
  • If Harry is grabbed from the sides: Thrust the wii mote and nunchuck to the left or right (depending on which side the monster is on) in a swift and short motion.
  • If Harry is grabbed from the front: Thrust the wii mote and nunchuck in a swift and short motion in front of you, like you are pushing someone off your chest.
  • If Harry has several creatures hanging off of him take care of the creatures hanging on the front and back and then take care of the ones on his sides.

As soon as you gain control of Harry run straight ahead and climb the fence you see in front you. On the other side run towards the first floor window of the house ahead and turn to your right and enter the side door into the house.

Inside the house run around the shelves/cupboards head through the door in the far left corner of the room. Then exit the home through the single door ahead.

Outside the home is a wide open area with a large ice boulder. Run around the right side of the boulder and you should see back ends of two homes and two fences. Climb the fence on the right and then immediately climb over the following fence straight ahead.

On the other side you should see a building with a set of double entrance doors and a sign to the left indicating it’s the “Still Water Municipal Pool Goods Entrance.” Enter the Pool Building.

Run straight though the double doors under the red exit sign at the end of the hall. In the next hallway take the first door on Harry’s left and then exit the following room through the door straight ahead.

In the next room Harry should see a large and empty pool with a glowing red flare inside. To Harry’s right is a set double doors underneath a large clock and to the left side of the room is a score board and diving board with a second set doors underneath a glowing green exit sign.

We want to head through the doors underneath the exit sign. Grab the flare in the empty pool if you need it and be sure to climb up the end of the pool with the large ice puddle on the floor so you end up on the side with the diving board and scoreboard. If you don’t need or want the flare just run around the left side of the pool on entering the area and run directly towards to doors beneath the green exit sign.

Jump down the ledge and enter the door in the rear of the next room. You will run through a tunnel-like hallway and exit the area through a set of doors under a red exit sign at the of the hall.

Outside the building drop down the ledge run around the right side of the large ice boulder in the middle of the pool parking lot. The exit of nightmare is through the double doors straight ahead

01. Welcome Back to Silent Hill 03. Lost in the Woods