
The Balkan and Dixon Bridge

The Balkan

When you exit the nightmare Michelle is waiting outside and offers to drive Harry to the Simmons street address with her bosses SUV that’s located back at the Balkan Nightclub.

Follow Michelle to the nightclub and after stepping inside she receives a phone call from her boyfriend, John, and asks Harry to grab the SUV keys from her home upstairs.

Go through the staff door and head up the stairs. At the top is a pink and a purple door, it doesn’t matter which you pick each which will take you inside Michelle’s apartment.

The keys aren’t in plain sight but there are a number of place Harry can look for them and where you choose to look effects your overall psych profile. No matter where you start your search the keys will always be in the third place checked.

Head downstairs with the keys. After a brief conversation with Michelle Harry will go into the mens bathroom to clear his head but when he returns Michelle is no longer there and a woman called Dahlia (the very same Dahlia that’s been texting Harry earlier) is in her place.

Dahlia acts like she’s always been there with Harry and tells Harry his too drunk to drive. Despite his confusion over Michelle’s whereabouts Harry follows Dahlia to the SUV and they set off for the Simmons street address.

Dixon Bridge

The journey to Simmons street is delayed by the Dixon Bridge being raised. Dahlia convinces Harry to go to the control tower and lower the bridge.

Head over the building on the right side of the road. Climb the ladder bridge control room and walk over to the console. Hmm… the controls to lower the bridge are a bit more complex, there’s several lever here and randomly pulling them doesn’t seem to do much and Dahlia is getting impatient, now what?

Head over to the maintenance cabinet to the left. Inside is a poster containing a number to bridge control. Call the number and have a short conversation with Jimmy Capra who is willing to walk you through the controls during this late hour. Your conversation with Jimmy is cut off but don’t fear Jimmy will call Harry back and leave a voice mail with detailed instructions:

Press the red bridge control button to the left of the console and the lights above the levers will light up. Depending on what color light is lit you must pull a certain lever.

Silent Hill Shattered Memories puzzleBlue Light: Center Lever
Red Light: Left Lever
Green Light: Touch nothing
Yellow Light: Right Lever

After the correct sequence of levers are pulled the bridge will come down. Head back to the SUV.

Dahlia and Harry converse some more but as the SU moves over the bridge the world quickly freezes around them. Dahlia turns to ice, the bridge falls apart and the SUV plunges into the icy waters.


The SUV begins to fill with water and try as you might Harry can not open the passenger side door. You can fiddle with various locks, knobs, handles and windows but there isn’t much Harry can do until enough water fills the car and the front headlights go out.

Grab the flashlight floating in the back seat and turn it on. A creature appears outside the car window and writes some messages over the ice that forms along the doors and windows of the SUV and the car radio switches on. At this point you have two options:

Option #1 – Do nothing: Sit inside the car until it completely fills with water and the screen turns white.
Option #2 – Make an escape: Move back up to the front passenger seat and twist the glowing radio turner until the fuzzy song that’s playing gets a clear reception. As soon as you can hear “Always on my Mind” the ice around the passenger door and window will melt away. Unlock the door and Harry will escape to the surface and fall unconscious next to a building.

No matter which option you choose you will see Cybil will drag an unconscious Harry off screen. When Harry wakes Cybil is pushing him in a wheelchair down a hallway in Allchemilla Hospital and wants some answers from him!

Wardrobe Change

You’ve probably noticed during the cutscene that Harry is wearing a new outfit. The type of outfit Harry wears is the game’s progress report and lets you know what sort of ending you are currently heading for:

Wearing: A long winter coat and pink sweater
You are heading for the “Love Lost” ending. You’ve been an upstanding guy and focused on finding Cheryl, helping others, and steer your choices away from booze and women.

Wearing: Green Letterman style jacket
You are heading for the “Drunk Dad” ending which means you’ve shown a preoccupation with alcohol or other drugs and make choices that reflect this sort of lifestyle.

Wearing: Black leather jacket and a partially unbuttoned blue dress shirt
You are heading for the “Sleaze and Sirens” ending thinking about sex as much as possible and letting your eyes linger on sexy images.

Wearing: Duffle coat
You are heading for the “Wicked and Weak” ending meaning you’ve been a bit of a snob and nerdy and aren’t quick to make friends (like ignoring phone calls and text messages!).

Now this doesn’t mean your ending is set in stone you can still get another ending by altering your play style.

Before Harry can respond Cybil’s declaration and the world freezes over once again and Harry is forced to flee from monsters quickly closing in. Maneuver the wheelchair bound Harry through the hospital halls until you reaching a stairway. Harry losing control of the wheel chair and takes a nasty spill on to the floor.

06. Nightmare 3: School 08. Nightmare 4: Hospital