01. Welcome Back to Silent Hill
02. Nightmare 1: To Levin Street
03. Lost in the Woods
04. Nightmare 2: Out of the Woods
05. Midwich High School
06. Nightmare 3: School
07. The Balkan and Dixon Bridge
08. Nightmare 4: Hospital
09. Nightingale Apartments
10. Nightmare 5: Toluca Mall
11. Toluca Mall and
Simmons Street
12. Nightmare 6: Nowhere
13. Lakeside Area
14. The “Orpheus” and the Lighthouse
Lost in the Woods
Levin StreetAfter surviving the nightmare we we are back in Dr. K’s office who has some family related questions and gives a picture of a happy family to color in. You can color the picture it any way you want or heck even leave it uncolored, it’s up to you. But remember the game is watching what you do. After a short cut scene where Harry makes a scene and scares the current occupants of the Levin street address we find ourselves in the back of Officer Cybil Bennett’s patrol car. During the duration of the conversation with Cybil you can fiddle with the door locks, window and change seats. It doesn’t look like Cybil isn’t coming back any time soon so move over to the drivers side and unlock the door and step out of the care. Cybil is no where in sight so it looks like we are on our own once again. |
Ranger Station
Turn to the right open the green first aid cabinet and grab the key inside. Head forward and unlock the backdoor to leave the cabin. Our goal is the reach Orion Hunting Lodge and head back towards town. There is two routes you can take through the woods to reach Orion Hunting Lodge. Path #1 is the most direct route, however; the longer Path #2 takes you by several mementos and echoes along the way. |
PATH #1: A Faster Route – Through the Boathouse to Orion LodgeIf you are uninterested in collecting mementos and echo photos/messages take the more direct route to the lodge by following the dirt path you see on the ground. The path will take you along the edge of Caldecotte Pond through the boathouse past Pump Station SC-34A and leads directly to Orion Lodge front door. |
PATH #2: The Scenic Route – Through the Woods to Orion Lodge
Pumping Station SC-34ATurn left and run down the slope to the left and climb over the rusty gate to enter the back entrance to the Pumping Station SC-34A. Walk through the tunnels to room at the end with the exit ladder. When you reach the room turn immediately to the right and jump over the pipes towards the bars down the path to get the second echo photo. |
Echo Photo #2: Little Boy Behind Bars
Orion Hunting LodgeTurn around and go back past the Pumping Station exit and up the slope to the Orion Hunting Lodge. You can go into the front room to see what it looks like but we want to actually walk around the left side of the lodge and enter the side door inside. In the kitchen look to your left for echo photo #3. |
Echo Photo #3: Deer Carcass
Head outside and across the porch to the door on the right to head back into the lodge. In the bedroom open the wall cabinet and grab Memento #5: A Movable Feast, a rusty hunting knife.
Bloody CabinCross the bridge or jump over the creek and run up the hill to the cabin with the pickup out front. The front door is locked so walk around the left side past the bloody trail and pink coat and over to the pink wallet. Open the wallet and pull out a bloody key to the cabin. Enter the cabin and walk towards the crouching shadow in the back of the building. As you approach the figure will scream run quickly run past Harry and through the front door triggering an otherworld ice world transition. |
by Whitney Chavis (Always on My Mind) |
02. Nightmare 1: To Levin Street | 04. Nightmare 2: Out of the Woods |