
Nightingale Apartments

Nightingale Apartments

Harry walks into the Alchemilla ER lobby and spots a red head nurse named Lisa Garland by a car/ambulance that’s she’s crashed inside inside the lobby. Harry tries to convince Lisa to get herself checked out but she says she can fix herself back at her apartment and wants to go home.

Out of concern Harry walks Lisa back to her apartment but before he can leave she convinces him to stay 5 more minutes so she can properly thank him after she’s clean up.

While Lisa changes you can sit and stare at the staticy tv screen or watch Lisa through the open bedroom door but note that whatever you do will effect your psych profile.

Silent Hill Shattered Memories mementoLisa reappears but before she can give her proper thank you she is afflicted with severe head pain and asks Harry to go fetch her a particular color pill from her bathroom. Before getting the pill turn to the right and open the small angel music box under the small bathroom mirror and collect Memento #12: Infinite Jest a skull and crossbones ring.

Open the cabinet to the left of the bathroom on the bottom shelf there’s several pill bottles. You can open each one to find the particular color Lisa asked for or you can grab the first color you see. What ever you choose to do will have an effect on a later cut scene. Return to Lisa, give her the pill from the bathroom.

The scene shifts back to Dr. K who talk about guilt and has you do another therapy exercise.

Leave Lisa to sleep on the couch and exit the apartment complex through the front entrance after pulling open the gate and step outside.

To Toluca Mall

To save some time in the next nightmare world go to the left down the street and and take a picture of the Toluca Mall billboard on the yellow gate and make sure to get a nice the Toucan’s beak.

PATH #1 : A Faster Route – Skip the Memento and head straight for the Mall

If you are not interested in getting mementos at this point go ahead through the double doors into the building to the left of billboard.

Head up the escalator enter the double doors under the red exit sign. Crawl under the partially open metal security door and head out the blue exit doors to the right. Run towards the Toluca Mall entrance you receive a troubling phone call from Lisa (how did she get your cell number?) and must hurry back to the apartment.

PATH #2 : The Scenic Route – Explore Goldenleaf and get a memento

Silent Hill Shattered Memories mementoAfter taking the picture of the billboard turn around and head back towards the Nightingale apartments and make a left up Navidson Street. Jump the gate to the left and enter the golden leaf warehouse, climb up the blue cargo box to the left and enter the building through the second story open window. In the warehouse office and open the copier under the picture of a Goldenleaf truck for Memento #13: Synthetic Femur a plastic dog toy.

Head down the stairs and walk across the warehouse floor and climb the stairs on the other side. As you approach the second floor entrance of Toluca mall you receive a troubling phone call from Lisa (how did she get your cell number?) and must hurry back to her apartment.

Turn around and head through the double doors directly behind you. Crawl under metal door, down escalator and exit the building. Head around the corner to Nightingale apartment and witness Lisa’s last breaths or show up to see her dead on the couch. Before Harry can wrap his head around Lisa’s sudden death Cybil has entered the apartment with her gun drawn and mighty angry at Harry. Before you can have much of a conversation Cybil, Lisa and the rest of the world turns to ice.

08. Nightmare 4: Hospital 10. Nightmare 5: Toluca Mall