
Harry's Scenario


[8-1] Chapter 8 "Hospital, 4th Floor"

第八章  「病院4階」
Chapter 8 "Hospital, 4th Floor"
The changing scene

Page 1 (Black)
The elevator doors open with a familiar sound and I step out on to the fourth floor.
"Again?", I think.
A condition extremely similar to that which I encountered after passing through the basement in the clock tower at the elementary school was present right in front of me.

Page 2 (Nightmare hospital corridor)
Dark red rusted walls, metal grated floors... And a ringing in my ears that seems to creep up from the depths of hell is a menace to my mental state.

Page 3
I open the door in front of me and a long corridor extends beyond it. I very carefully move forward while keeping my eyes fixed on the wall. Could Cheryl be here? The only way to find out is to search this place.

Page 4

Page 5
I can hear something in the darkness in front of me. It sounds like the groan of something dragging on the ground. The owner of that groan is slowly closing in on me, but I cannot see what it is for sure with the faint light of my flashlight.

Go to 8-2

[8-2] Chapter 8 "Something is..."

第八章  「何物かが…」
揺れる白い影 (Nightmare hospital corridor)
Chapter 8 "Something is..."
The swaying white figure

Page 1 (Nightmare hospital corridor)
I instantly...

A ) ready my gun.
Go to 8-3

B ) leave this area.
Go to 8-4

[8-3] Chapter 8 "Something is..."

第八章  「何物かが…」
Chapter 8 "Something is..."
Harry readies his gun

Page 1 (Nightmare hospital corridor)
It is probably not human. I firmly grip the gun, position my finger on the trigger, and begin to walk towards it with the gun readied beside my face.
Page 2 (Nurse appears)
Eventually something white enters my field of vision. I adjust aim the flashlight on my chest with my hand and shine light on it. A white figure appeared, which is stooped over like an old woman. It looked to have undergone a grotesque change.

Page 3 (Puppet Nurse, animated)
The monster has a very large hump on its back, which twitches and moves as if it were alive. In one hand it holds a knife, which it waves as it approaches me.

Page 4
In the instant I readied my gun the monster began to run. By the time I realized this it slashed at me. I instantly dodged the attack, and thanks to that my clothes were slashed and I had only a scratch on my side. I suppose I was lucky.

Page 5
I kick it in the face with the bottom of my shoe, and it falls down on its back. It then begins to stand for its next attack.

Page 6
I close my left eye and steady my aim.

Even after one shot hit its movement does not change at all.

Page 7
I fire more bullets at it. It is laughing. In a voice great enough to shake the entire world it laughs as its face twists and distorts.

Page 8 (Black)
I cannot give up. When the final bullet loaded into my gun hits it finally stops laughing. This time it is face down and I begin crushing it with my foot. Finally...it completely stops moving.

Go to 8-5

[8-4] Chapter 8 "Something is..."

第八章  「何物かが…」
Chapter 8 "Something is..."
Harry runs away

Page 1 (Nightmare hospital corridor)
I'm in danger. I try running away.

Page 2
However I can hear the owner of that eerie groan pursuing me from behind. I thought that maybe it was echoing off the walls, but that is not the case.

Page 3
I became aware of my situation. I am clearly surrounded. There is nowhere to run to. I have no choice...

Page 4
It is probably not human. I firmly grip the gun, position my finger on the trigger, and begin to walk towards it with the gun readied beside my face.

Page 5 (Nurse appears)
Eventually something white enters my field of vision. I adjust aim the flashlight on my chest with my hand and shine light on it. A white figure appeared, which is stooped over like an old woman. It looked to have undergone a grotesque change.

Page 6
The monster has a very large hump on its back, which twitches and moves as if it were alive. In one hand it holds a knife, which it waves as it approaches me.

Page 7
In the instant I readied my gun the monster began to run. By the time I realized this it slashed at me. I instantly dodged the attack, and thanks to that my clothes were slashed and I had only a scratch on my side. I suppose I was lucky.

Page 8
I kick it in the face with the bottom of my shoe, and it falls down on its back. It then begins to stand for its next attack.

Page 9 (Puppet Nurse, animated)
I close my left eye and steady my aim.

Even after one shot hit its movement does not change at all.

Page 10
I fire more bullets at it. It is laughing. In a voice great enough to shake the entire world it laughs as its face twists and distorts.

Page 11 (Black)
I cannot give up. When the final bullet loaded into my gun hits it finally stops laughing. This time it is face down and I begin crushing it with my foot. Finally...it completely stops moving.

Go to 8-5

[8-5] Chapter 8 "Something is..."

第八章  「何物かが…」
Chapter 8 "Something is..."
The approaching monsters

Page 1 (Black)
"This is insane..."
Another monster approaches from behind the corpse of the first one.
"At this rate all the bullets in the world would not be enough..."

Go to 8-6

[8-6] Chapter 8 "The Strangely Shaped Things"

第八章  「異形の物」
Chapter 8 "The Strangely Shaped Things"
I cannot waste bullets...

Page 1 (Black)
All I can do is run...!

A ) Run past the monster in front of me.
Go to 8-7

B ) Run past the monster behind me.
Go to 8-8

[8-7] Chapter 8 "The Strangely Shaped Things"

第八章  「異形の物」
Chapter 8 "The Strangely Shaped Things"
Pointing the gun forward

Page 1 (Black)
I begin to run towards the monster in front of me. Evading the large swings of its knife I run down the dark corridor, occasionally stumbling.

Page 2
I see a staircase leading down. I race down it, knowing not whether if something is waiting for me or not at its base.

Go to 8-9

[8-8] Chapter 8 "The Strangely Shaped Things"

第八章  「異形の物」
Chapter 8 "The Strangely Shaped Things"
Readying the gun to the rear

Page 1 (Black)
I turn around and begin to run towards the monster that was behind me. Evading the large swings of its knife I run down the dark corridor, occasionally stumbling.

Go to 8-9

[8-9] Chapter 8 "My Actions up to this Point"

第八章  「これまでの行動」
Chapter 8 "My Actions up to this Point"
Racing down the stairs to the next floor

Page 1 (Stairs, animated)
I am thinking about Cheryl. Even if she is held prisoner somewhere in this hospital there is no guarantee that I can rescue here. In fact, there is no reason that the staircase I am descending should lead me to Cheryl

Page 2
I begin to think that all of my current actions are all meaningless.

Page 3
However, generally speaking, since I arrived in Silent Hill, no, since the day before leaving for Silent Hill, no, even longer ago, since the day I met Cheryl, perhaps I have had no choice in my actions, that they have been determined by the someone's will.

Page 4
As I continue to the base of the stairs I contemplate, what if my "life" up to this point had just been on one track?

Page 5
As I descend the stairs my ears began ringing again. The ringing is so forceful that it cannot even be compared to before, and it forces me to squat down. What in the world has happened? Perhaps I have opened a door to hell, a door that should never be opened.

Page 6
Something is clearly changing, and it is for the worse. Going back will not be permitted. I must move forward. Forward. I put my hands together on my head, and then squeeze my temples tightly by using my elbows.

Page 7
The ringing then begins to sound like a demon is whispering in my ears; however, it doesn't stop.

Page 8
I blindly begin to run. Even if I am to die in this mad land, I must save my beloved Cheryl first. Believing that the answers are beyond the door, I know that I must discover at least one clue.

第八章 「倉庫」
Chapter 8 "Storehouse"
The liquid in the beaker

Page 9 (Nightmare hospital corridor, flickering)
Several overlapping square figures are shaking in time with the sound of my heart. It is the wall at the end of the area. Another wall is lies perpendicular to it. There is a door present on this wall with a plate on it that says "Storehouse".

Page 10
Some chemicals have been placed on the table that is next to the door. There are three beakers of different sizes and a test tube. The test tube contains a liquid that is of a different color to that which is in the left-most beaker.

I found a memo.

Page 11
"To create it you must come up with one deciliter of liquid and pour it into the test tube. No more or no less, that man had said. But there are no graduations on the beakers. This makes it impossible to come up with one deciliter using these three large beakers."

Page 12
"Explanation of Controls"
Use the d-pad to select a beaker that contains liquid and then confirm with the A button. Then choose the beaker that you wish to move the liquid to and press the A button to move the liquid.

Page 13
Using the 10 deciliter, 7 deciliter, and 5 deciliter beakers you must create an amount of exactly one deciliter.

Page 14 (Door with chain on it)
The door won't budge an inch.

(Beaker Game)

Page 15 (Beakers and test tube)
This "page" is the text that you will see during the beaker game:

  • このビーカーを選ぶ? = Do you choose this beaker?
  • このビーカーは空だ。薬品の入ったビーカーを選択せねば = This beaker is empty. You must choose a beaker that contains chemicals.
  • どのビーカーに液体を移す? = Which beaker will you move the liquid to?
  • その行為には意味がない = Doing that makes no sense.
  • こぼさないように… = Without spilling any...
  • よし…! = Got it!

Page 16 (Door with chain on it)
Harry melted the chain on the door with the completed liquid.
(This page is automatically dismissed.)

Page 17 Door with chain melted
(No text)

Page 18 (Black)
The door slowly opens with a 'click'.

第八章 「倉庫」
Chapter 8 "Storehouse"
The unnatural scratches

Page 19 (Black)
Inside the storehouse nothing important looking stands out. I carefully edge between the simple metal shelves that have been placed here in a specific arrangement. However, nothing is here that makes this room worthy of being called a storehouse.

Page 20
I am drawn toward the cabinet in the back of this room. This is because I found the presence of the wooden cabinet strange and unsuitable for this simple room. I approach the cabinet and try to open it; however, it will not budge.

Go to 8-10

[8-10] Chapter 8 "The Cabinet in the Storehouse"

第八章  「倉庫の棚」
Chapter 8 "The Cabinet in the Storehouse"
Why, in a place like this?

Page 1 (Black)

A ) I will look at the floor under the cabinet.
Go to 8-11

B ) I will look inside of the cabinet.
Go to 8-12

C ) I will look on top of the cabinet.
Go to 8-13

[8-11] Chapter 8 "The Cabinet in the Storehouse"

第八章  「倉庫の棚」
Chapter 8 "The Cabinet in the Storehouse"
Looking at the floor under the cabinet

Page 1 (Black)
If there is an important clue inside this cabinet then I should be able to open it right away. But then I gradually come to understand that there is no need to do so.

Page 2
The necessity of the cabinet here is thin, as anything could be used to satisfy the requirement; if something is needed to block my path then a bunch of stones could work just as well. I thought this as I looked at the scratches on the floor that were the same same width as the cabinet.

Go to 8-14

[8-12] Chapter 8 "The Cabinet in the Storehouse"

第八章  「倉庫の棚」
Chapter 8 "The Cabinet in the Storehouse"
Looking inside the cabinet

Page 1 (Black)
Putting force into my fists I pounded the cabinet's small wooden doors until they broke. Inside there is...nothing of particular value.

Page 2
At that time I noticed that I could feel cold air coming from behind the cabinet. And at the same time...I also noticed marks that looked like they had been left from dragging something on the floor.

Go to 8-14

[8-13] Chapter 8 "The Cabinet in the Storehouse"

第八章  「倉庫の棚」
Chapter 8 "The Cabinet in the Storehouse"
Looking on top of the cabinet

Page 1 (Black)
I stood up straight and looked on top of the cabinet.

Page 2
Other than a layer of dust so thick that it almost appeared as if a cloth had been laid on the cabinet there is nothing of interest.

Page 3
My field of vision shakes violently. I lost my balance and fell to the floor. I landed on my butt hard enough for it to be unpleasant.
(Ahh-ta,ta,ta,ta,ta...) (Onomatopoeia for Harry's pain noise)

Page 4
There I discover something odd. Countless lines have been bored into the old flooring, and fiber-shaped wooden chips are exposed.

Page 5
It looks as if someone has moved this cabinet. And then returned it to its original position...

Go to 8-14

[8-14] Chapter 8 "The Marks on the Floor"

第八章  「床の擦り跡」
Chapter 8 "The Marks on the Floor"
Marks left from something being dragged...

Page 1 (Black)
The marks on the floor are still fresh. They tell me that some other human probably came down here. Is there something beyond this cabinet?
Page 2 (Hidden door in storehouse)
Using my body weight I slowly push the cabinet from its original position. The existence of the inviting door behind the cabinet seems completely natural. So of course, I place my hand on it.

第八章 「倉庫奥」
Chapter 8 "The Inner Area of the Storehouse"
The iron grate covered in vines

Page 3 (Grate with vines on it)
The room is very inorganic. While shining my flashlight about I move through the room and eventually discover a grate in the floor. From between the bars in the grate I can see a staircase that leads to a lower floor.

Page 4
The grate makes a 'clunk' sound as I open it. It is quite heavy. Even though I am sure of my strength I do not believe that I could pick it up. After opening the grate enough so that I can pass through it, I gently place one foot on the staircase that has appeared.

Page 5 (Black)
Slowly and cautiously... Confirming each step as I go, I descend the staircase to a mad place in which light cannot reach. Finally I reach a wide room, much wider than I imagined. I guess this based on the echoes of my footsteps.

第八章 「病院地下」
Chapter 8 "Hospital Basement"

Page 6 (Black)
I am running. Through this eerie space that lies in the basement of the basement of the hospital. It is lifeless, and there is no light. All I can do is run through it.

Page 7
Does this world have an end? Or did it even have a beginning? Everywhere I go, all that I do is solve the mysteries that appear one after the other and then move on...

Page 8
I understand this, and expect that the same situation will continue. Still, all I can do is move forward. My thinking always results in this conclusion.

第八章 「謎の病室」
Chapter 8 "The Mysterious Hospital Room"
Traces of a person being here

Page 9 (Alessa's hospital room)
This door has awaited me. I slowly turn the knob. The inside of this room is different from the ones I have encountered up to this point, and I can feel life in here. There are traces and a sense that someone was in this room.

Page 10 (Picture of Alessa)
I softly pick up the picture frame that was displayed on the desk.
That is engraved on the picture frame. I gaze at the picture.

Page 11
It is a face that I think I have seen somewhere. I try to remember where as hard as I can, but in the end I cannot remember at all. But I am sure that I have met this girl somewhere. And more than just once.

Page 12
A diary has been placed next to the picture frame.

Go to 8-15

[8-15] Chapter 8 "The Atmosphere of Alessa"

第八章  「アレッサの空気」
Chapter 8 "The Atmosphere of Alessa"
The illusion on the desk

Page 1 (Picture of Alessa)
I reach out with my hand.

A ) Pick up the diary.
Go to 8-16

B ) Pick up the picture.
Go to 8-17

[8-16] Chapter 8 "The Atmosphere of Alessa"

第八章  「アレッサの空気」
Chapter 8 "The Atmosphere of Alessa"
The unfinished diary

Page 1 (Black)
Something is written in the diary.

Page 2
"April 15

Page 3
From today this will be my new diary. Lisa secretly gave this to me as a present. And it means that soon I should be able to take my bandages off.

Page 4
A bird landed on a branch of the tree outside my window. I gazed at it for a bit. Seeing those beautiful colors I thought again that it must be spring.

Page 5
I wish I could play outside like the other children...

Page 6
It is now afternoon, and they have come again. I pretended to be asleep, and it looks like they did not notice.

Page 7
They talk quietly as not to be heard outside my room. I do not understand the meaning of what they discussed. They never talk in this room, I thought.

Page 8
April 16

Page 9
Someone is talking outside my room. It sounds serious... But it doesn't seem to be about me.

Page 10
Perhaps it's because he doesn't want to disturb me? Even the hospital director has not come to see me much lately. I don't like the director very much, so I am honestly quite happy.

Page 11
April 16 P.S.
By some strange chance I learned a certain person is coming to visit me.

Page 12
April 17

Page 13
Everyone has been in a rush for some reason since before sunrise this morning. Something about a dead person coming back to life. Does that really happen?

Page 14
It is a frightening story... And because of that my meal was a little late. The cold soup is disappointing.

Page 15
Suddenly I remembered him. Maybe he has forgotten me, but I definitely remember him. Lately I think of him often. I want to see him.

Page 16
It looks like my visitor is coming in the evening on the day after tomorrow. Before then...

Page 17
Before then just once.

Page 18
April 18

Page 19
It is finally tomorrow. I will not tell anyone about this. If I tell anyone they will probably strap me to my bed.

Page 20
Before they arrive... The friend that can share my feelings. The only one...

Page 21
I wonder if she will realize this? Tonight I will go to bed early.

Page 22
April 19

Page 23
I must get out of here. For the first time in a while I have wore my favorite pendant. Does it look good on me?

Page 24
I will write about the results here tomorrow.

Page 25
April 20

Page 26

Page 27
The last page is blank. I place the diary under my arm and prepare to leave the room. However... My eyes once again returned to the picture frame that the diary had been placed next to.

Page 28 (Picture of Alessa)
She was all alone. But I have Cheryl. The girl in the picture is appealing to me for something. In the painful silence I can feel a spiritual message.

Page 29
After wavering, I removed the picture from the frame and slid it into my pocket.

And then I left the room.

Go to 8-18

[8-17] Chapter 8 "The Atmosphere of Alessa"

第八章  「アレッサの空気」
Chapter 8 "The Atmosphere of Alessa"
Picking up the picture

Page 1 (Picture of Alessa)
Alessa. That name is appears in a small engraving in the lower right of the picture, and I read it aloud.

Page 2
The girl in the picture just looks at me, with her gentle lips open in way that makes it look as if she wants to say something.

Page 3
That face, which I have a memory of seeing is especially pretty.

"This girl is..."
In the middle of my sentence I went silent.

Page 4
As I began to return the picture frame to its original position I noticed that something is written on the back.

Page 5
"02/4Y DNA"

Page 6
What is this?

The incomprehensible letters had been scribbled there.

Page 7
A feeling of doubt runs throughout my chest. I removed the picture from the frame. I place it in the diary that was sitting beside the picture frame. I then held the diary tightly under my arm and left the room.

Go to 8-18

[8-18] Chapter 8 "To the First Floor Examination Room"

第八章  「1階診察室へ」
Chapter 8 "To the First Floor Examination Room"
Thinking of Alessa

Page 1 (Black)
Alessa, Alessa... Just who is she? And why was her picture on display in the deep basement of the hospital? And where was that strange feeling of a life that I sensed in that room coming from? I am unable to figure any of it out.

Page 2
And so I am irritated.

Page 3
I head for the examination room on the first floor. All the mysteries of the hospital are surely prepared in that room. Believing so, I race up the stairs while having difficulty breathing.

Page 4
When I open the door to the examination room I feel the presence of a person and stop moving. The inside of the room is dark. ......Someone is here.

Go to 8-19

[8-19] Chapter 8 "Examination Room"

第八章  「診察室」
Chapter 8 "Examination Room"
The woman in a nurse uniform

Page 1 (Black)
Who is it...?

A ) Slowly approach.
Go to 8-20
(This choice will result in automatic branching once you reach 8-22. From 8-22 you will then automatically go to 9-1. You must make this choice if you wish to have a chance to reach endings A, B, C-1, C-2, D-1, or D-2.)

B ) Fire the gun.
Go to 8-21
(This choice will result in automatic branching once you reach 8-22. From 8-22 you will then automatically go to 9-6. You must make this choice if you wish to reach endings E-1 or E-2.)

[8-20] Chapter 8 "Examination Room"

第八章  「診察室」
Chapter 8 "Examination Room"
Lisa throws her arms around Harry

Lisa comes out from under the desk.

Page 1 (Lisa looking at Harry)
Once the woman realized that I was a human she ran towards me and threw her arms around me like a child would.

Page 2
"Finally. Someone else who's OK......."

After mumbling those words in a tearful voice she held me more tightly.

Page 3
"Who are you?"

"My name's Lisa Garland. What's yours?"

"Harry Mason."

Page 4
After we exchanged our simple introductions, I sat in a chair and she sat on the bed so that we were facing each other. The woman that called herself Lisa had blond hair and an intelligent look to her. Maybe she might know something.

Go to 8-22

[8-21] Chapter 8 "Examination Room"

第八章  「診察室」
Chapter 8 "Examination Room"
Harry points the gun at Lisa

Page 1 (Black)
I readied the handgun.

"So there's more of you bastards...!"

I can depend only upon my gun in this hospital, which had become a nest for monsters.

Page 2
At the moment I was about to pull the trigger a woman shrieked.

"Wait, don't shoot! I'm human!"

Page 3
With my gun still readied, I carefully looked at the woman under the desk.

"What...what are you doing under there?"

Go to 8-20

[8-22] Chapter 8 "Examination Room"

第八章  「診察室」
Chapter 8 "Examination Room"
A real or a false image?

Page 1 (Lisa looking at Harry)
At the moment I was about to speak the woman began talking.

Page 2
"Harry, tell me what's happening here. Where is everybody? I must have gotten knocked out. When I came to, everyone was gone." Her voice did not feel like it was coming from her body, and was
accompanied by a strange reverberation.

Page 3
"It's awful..."

"So you don't know anything either. Great. I just don't get it. It's like this is all some kind of bad dream."

Page 4
As I select my words, I have a feeling that even my own words are not coming from my body.

第八章 「診察室」
Chapter 8 "Examination Room"
Let me ask you...

Page 5
"Yeah. A living nightmare."

"Let me ask you, have you seen a little girl around here? Short, black hair. Seven years old."

I mutter "Cheryl" in a voice that Lisa would not hear.

Page 6
"A seven-year-old girl? What, she's your daughter?"


"A seven-year-old girl... I can't say that I have. I was unconscious all this time. I'm sorry."

Page 7
"Ah, that's alright."

That was just as I expected, but I continue asking questions without showing my disappointment.

Page 8
"Do you know anything about all that weird stuff in the basement?"

"No. Why? Is there something down there?"

"You don't know?"

Page 9
"Don't you work here?"

"We're under strict orders never to enter the basement storeroom."

After changing the subject to the hospital basement I began to notice that my thoughts were becoming muddy...

Page 10
"So I really don't know. What did you say was down there?"

Page 11
"Well, it's..." I try as hard as I can to remember the pitiful sight of that room in the basement. However, in trying to trace my memory back to then that ringing, which had been gone for a while, returned to my ears. A sound like the bells of that church runs throughout my head.

Page 12
"Nmmh... Damn! My head..."

Page 13 (Black)
"What's wrong? Harry...?"
"Harry, let me help you. Harry..."

Page 14

第八章 「明るい診察室」
Chapter 8 "The Bright Examination Room"
Lisa has vanished

Page 15 (Examination room)
After a while I notice that my body is freezing cold. It is as if I am dead. But I am clearly conscious. Where is Lisa? I was definitely talking to her in this examination room.

Page 16
I no longer feel the evil presence that I felt in this room, no in this entire hospital up until just before. From the window soft light is pouring into the room.

Page 17
"Was I dreaming?"
As I slowly get up I hear the sound of a door opening. I instantly look toward the source of the sound. The creepy woman I met at the church was standing there with an expressionless look on her face.

Page 18 (Examination room door) (Dahlia appears)
"You were too late."

"It's you..."

"Yes. Dahlia Gillespie"

"Tell me everything you know. What's going on?"

Page 19
She responded before I was even done speaking.

"The town is being devoured by darkness."
The woman continues while maintaining a devout look.

Page 20
"Strength must overcome petty desire. Childish sleep talk. I knew this day would come."

"What are you talking about? I don't understand a word of this."

Page 21
"Believe the evidence of your eyes."
So I should believe the evidence of my eyes... I understand. I am in a situation in which I can only believe what I have seen with my
own eyes.

Page 22
"The other church in this town. That is your destination. This is beyond my abilities. Only you can stop it now. Have you not seen the crest marked on the ground all over town?"

Page 23
"So that's what I saw in the schoolyard. What does it mean?"

"It is the mark of Samael... Don't let it be completed."

"Hey! wait!"

Page 24 (Black)
Dahlia Gillespie... She places an oddly shaped key on an examination table with a tap, spins around, heads to the door, and then opens it. I open the door that she closed and roll out into the hospital corridor. But she is nowhere to be seen.

第八章 「病院廊下」
Chapter 8 "Hospital Corridor"
The other church

Page 25
The other church. But if I exclude the church I already visited I do not see anything that looks
like a church on the map. I slowly open the phone book attached to the payphone in the corridor.

Page 26
In there a mark is present to guide me.

It is next to the phone number for an antique shop in the northeast area of the shopping district.

Go to 9-1 if you chose A in 8-19
Go to 9-6 if you chose B in 8-19
