
Harry's Scenario


[7-1] Chapter 7 "Searching for the Hospital"

第七章  「病院を探して」
Chapter 7 "Searching for the Hospital"
The location of Alchemilla Hospital

Page 1 (Street corner, heavy fog)
After crossing the bridge I shudder. The temperature is gradually declining. Or maybe it is just a result of the thing inside me that produces nervousness and fear.

Page 2
On this wide road there is not a single motorcycle running. I am running right down the center of it. If I continue forward Alchemilla Hospital should be on the right.

Page 3 (Hospital gate)
An old building appears in the thick fog. On the signboard "Alchemilla" appears in faded letters. Its eeriness caused me to hesitate for an instant, but in the next moment I placed my hand on the cold gate.

Page 4
I open the heavy hospital gate, and then open the door directly to my right that has "Entrance" written on it.

第七章 「病院」
「静寂に包まれた病院 」
Chapter 7 "Hospital"
The hospital wrapped in silence

Page 5 (Hospital reception area)
The inside of the hospital is wrapped in silence. To the left there is a reception area, in which various papers are neatly placed on a shelf.

Waiting benches are lined up along the back of this hall, and a television is pointed at them.

Page 6
I do not feel the presence of any patients, or even any people. Only faint light pours in through the windows from the cloudy sky. The hall is filled will a trace scent of alcohol, which penetrates my nose.

Page 7
I begin walking. After passing through the waiting room I reach a long corridor. I open the door marked Examination Room.

Page 8 (Examination room with Kaufmann)
At almost the exact same time as I opened the door a man inside jumped up out of his chair. He is holding a handgun in his right hand.

Go to 7-2

[7-2] Chapter 7 "The Man with the Gun"

第七章  「銃を握った男」
Chapter 7 "The Man with the Gun"
Encounter with Kaufmann

Page 1 (Examination room with Kaufmann)

A ) hid behind the door in a panic.
Go to 7-3

B ) immediately counter attack with my gun.
Go to 7-4

[7-3] Chapter 7 "The Man with the Gun"

第七章  「銃を握った男」
Chapter 7 "The Man with the Gun"
Harry hides behind the door

Page 1 (Examination room with Kaufmann)

I hold my right hand out to try and stop the man.

"Hold it... Stop! Don't shoot! Wait...I'm not here to fight."

Page 2 (Kaufmann lowers his gun)
The man calms down and lowers his readied right arm.

"My name is Harry Mason. I'm in town on vacation."
I said all of this without pausing, and then the man took a deep breath and began to speak.

Page 3
"Thank god. Another human being."

"Do you work here?"

I was truly relived. Silent Hill, which has become a habitat for strange monsters... Those words showed his candid questioning of the situation.

Go to 7-5

[7-4] Chapter 7 "The Man with the Gun"

第七章  「銃を握った男」
Chapter 7 "The Man with the Gun"
Harry counterattacks with his gun

Page 1 (Examination room with Kaufmann, he lowers his gun)
I instantly ready my gun. That plump man appeared to realize that I was a human, but as soon as he saw the gun his eyes grew wide.

Page 2
"Hold it... Stop! Don't shoot! Wait...I'm not here to fight."

After I lowered my gun the man sat down in his chair in a way that showed that he was relieved.
"Thank god. Another human being."

Page 3
"My name is Harry Mason. I'm in town on vacation...Do you work here?"

Page 4
The man nodded. I was truly relieved. Silent Hill, which has become a habitat for strange monsters... This is my first contact with someone from this town.

Go to 7-5

[7-5] Chapter 7 "Kaufmann"

第七章  「カウフマン」
Chapter 7 "Kaufmann"
Asking about what happened to the town

Page 1 (Examination room with Kaufmann)
"I'm Doctor Michael Kaufmann. I work at this hospital."

"So maybe you can tell me what's going on?"

That man who called himself Kaufmann once again stirs in the chair he is sitting in.

Page 2
"I really can't say. I was taking a nap in the staff room. When I woke up, it was like this. Everyone seems to have disappeared. And it's snowing out. This time of year."

Page 3 (Dead monster on examination room floor)
He looks off at the floor of the examination room. There, on the floor, the corpse of a still warm monster lay on its side.

Page 4
"Something's gone seriously wrong. Did you see those monsters? Have you ever seen such aberrations? Ever even heard of such things? You and I both know, creatures like that don't exist."


Page 5 (Examination room with Kaufmann)
And then I turned to face him as I realized something.
"Have you seen a little girl anywhere? I'm looking for my daughter. She's only seven. Short, black hair."

Page 6
"She's missing? I'm sorry. But with all those monsters around, I highly doubt that she's... Sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you. Your wife, she's here with you?"

Page 7
"She died four years ago. Now it's just me and my daughter."

"I see... I'm sorry. Well, I'd better be going. I can't just sit around here doing nothing."

"So long. Good luck out there."

Page 8 (Door of examination room)
Bang. (Onomatopoeia for door closing)
The examination room door shuts powerlessly.

Doctor Michael Kaufmann... Oddly enough I have completely memorized that name.

Page 9
I suddenly notice that there is something on the floor that looks like a white scrap of paper.

Page 10
"What is this?"
I pick it up. Letters have been disorderly scribbled on it.

Page 11
"Arrival tomorrow morning Be prepared"

Go to 7-6

[7-6] Chapter 7 "Examination Room"

T第七章  「診察室」
Chapter 7 "Examination Room"
The mysterious message

Page 1 (Door of examination room)
What...is this...?

A ) Check to see if there is anything else.
Go to 7-7

B ) Go after Kaufmann.
Go to 7-8

[7-7] Chapter 7 "Examination Room"

I第七章  「診察室」
Chapter 7 "Examination Room"
If there is anything else...

Page 1 (Door of examination room)
I carefully look around on the floor, but it doesn't appear that anything else interesting has been dropped.

Page 2
I look all around the examination room.

Page 3 (Examination room, alternate angle)
Up until a short time ago this was just a normal room in a hospital, with its various instruments and tools all about, each aptly arranged per function. Only people have been erased from this normal scene, making the situation unnatural.

Page 4 (Black)
I leave the examination room. I pass through the medicine room and reach a planked floor corridor that silently extends in an L-shape. I moved forward and found that there was an elevator with a large door at the end of the corridor.

Go to 7-9

[7-8] Chapter 7 "Examination Room"

第七章  「診察室」
Chapter 7 "Examination Room"
Going after Kaufmann

Page 1 (Black)
I leave the examination room. Kaufmann is nowhere to be found. I begin to run.

Page 2
I pass through the medicine room and reach a planked floor corridor that silently extends in an L-shape. I moved forward and found that there was an elevator with a large door at the end of the corridor.

Go to 7-9

[7-9] Chapter 7 "Elevator"

第七章  「エレベーター」
Chapter 7 "Elevator"
Harry tries pressing the buttons

Page 1 (Black)
I try pressing the buttons beside it. Nothing happens. It looks like the power is off.

Page 2
There are several doors in the corridor. I begin opening each one in order.

第七章 「会議室」
Chapter 7 "Meeting Room"
The key on top of the table

Page 3 (Meeting room)
I open the door marked "Meeting Room", head inside, and close the door behind me. A large table rests in the center of this room, and I notice that there is something glittering on top of it.

Page 4 (Black)
I grasp the light green key, leave the room, and once again step into the chilly corridor.

Page 5 (Kitchen)
The next room looks to be the kitchen. I guess that the food for patients is probably prepared here. Various bronze cooking utensils are neatly arranged in order on the stainless steel countertop. It does not appear that anything terribly important is here.

Page 6
I carefully look through the various cooking utensils. Inside a large pot there is......nothing at all.

Page 7
While continuing to search to see if there might be some clue here or not I notice that on the far wall various objects have been scattered about.

Page 8
I carefully move forward on the wet floor as not to slip.

Something is there.

Go to 7-10

[7-10] Chapter 7 "Kitchen"

第七章  「厨房」
Chapter 7 "Kitchen"
Something is there...

Page 1 (Kitchen)
I reach out my hand towards the thing in front of me.

A ) Pick up the pet bottle.
Go to 7-11
(This choice is related to the automatic branching that occurs in 15-1. If you wish to reach ending A then you must make this choice.)

B ) Pick up the kitchen knife.
Go to 7-12
(This choice is related to the automatic branching that occurs in 15-1. If you wish to reach ending B then you can make this choice.)

[7-11] Chapter 7 "Kitchen"

第七章  「厨房」
Chapter 7 "Kitchen"
Pick up the pet bottle

Page 1 (Kitchen)
I move past one of the sinks and notice an empty pet bottle sitting on the end of the counter.

Page 2
"Perhaps this might come in handy for something." I mutter this and grab the empty pet bottle. Then I leave the kitchen.

Page 3 (Hospital corridor)
After leaving the kitchen I head right and place my hand on the first door that I come to. I notice the words "Director's Office" out of the corner of my eye as I open the door. From inside the room a strong stench overflows outward and causes me to feel dizzy.

Page 4 (Director's office)
Someone has ransacked the room. Behind the desk that probably belongs to the director several bottles have been broken leaving red and blue liquid spilled all over the floor.

Go to 7-13

[7-12] Chapter 7 "Kitchen"

第七章  「厨房」
Chapter 7 "Kitchen"
Pick up the kitchen knife

Page 1 (Kitchen)
I picked up a knife that appears to be for kitchen use.
"Perhaps this will come in handy for something..."
I only have a limited number of bullets. When the time comes I might be able to use this as a weapon.

I left the kitchen.

Go to 7-17

[7-13] Chapter 7 "Director's Office"

第七章  「院長室」
Chapter 7 "Director's Office"
The liquid spilled all over the floor

Page 1 (Spilled liquid)
If I use the pet bottle...

A ) Scoop up the red liquid.
Go to 7-14
(This choice is related to the automatic branching that occurs in 15-1. If you wish to reach ending A then you must make this choice.)

B ) Scoop up the blue liquid.
Go to 7-15
(This choice is related to the automatic branching that occurs in 15-1. If you wish to reach ending B then you must choose this or C.)

C ) Scoop up the mixture of purple liquid.
Go to 7-16
(This choice is related to the automatic branching that occurs in 15-1. If you wish to reach ending B then you must choose this or B.)

[7-14] Chapter 7 "Director's Office"

第七章  「院長室」
Chapter 7 "Director's Office"
Scoop up the red liquid

Page 1 (Spilled liquid)
I...get out the pet bottle and use a fragment of the bottom section of one of the broken bottles to pour the vermilion liquid into the it.

Page 2
The sticky liquid drips into the pet bottle. The last drop lingered, but once it finally hit the surface of the liquid already inside the pet bottle I tightly closed the cap and then left the Director's Office.

Go to 7-17

[7-15] Chapter 7 "Director's Office"

第七章  「院長室」   
Chapter 7 "Director's Office"
Scoop up the blue liquid

Page 1 (Spilled liquid)
I...get out the pet bottle and use a fragment of the bottom section of one of the broken bottles to pour the blue liquid into the it.

Page 2
The sticky liquid drips into the pet bottle. The last drop lingered, but once it finally hit the surface of the liquid already inside the pet bottle I tightly closed the cap and then left the Director's Office.

Go to 7-17

[7-16] Chapter 7 "Director's Office"

第七章  「院長室」            
紫色の液体をすくう (Spilled liquid)
Chapter 7 "Director's Office"
Scoop up the purple liquid

Page 1 (Spilled liquid)
I...get out the pet bottle and use a fragment of the bottom section of one of the broken bottles to pour the purple liquid into the it.

Page 2
The sticky liquid drips into the pet bottle. The last drop lingered, but once it finally hit the surface of the liquid already inside the pet bottle I tightly closed the cap and then left the Director's Office.

Go to 7-17

[7-17] Chapter 7 "Hospital Corridor"

第七章  「病院廊下」 
Chapter 7 "Hospital Corridor"
The stairs leading to the deep basement

Page 1 (Black)
I crept out into the corridor once more and stood in front of the door that was closest to the elevator.

Page 2
I open the door, and the reverberations of the sounds of it opening and then closing shake my eardrums. The walls are made of concrete. And a few steps in a staircase leading to the basement extends like the folds inside the body of a snake.

Page 3 (Stairs, animated)
It is dark and difficult to see, but it looks like there is a door at the bottom of the staircase.

Page 4
Be brave, I mutter to myself. Leaving only the echoes of my footsteps, I descend the staircase to hell one step at a time. And then I open the door leading to darkness.

第七章 「病院廊下」
「光を失った世界 」
Chapter 7 "Hospital Corridor"
A world without light

Page 5 (Black)
A world without light I could see that the electricity was most likely out in the entire hospital. I pressed the switch on the flashlight on my chest and tried lighting the area.

Page 6 (Dark hospital floor)
It is creepy, and yet there is nothing noticeably out of place. Chilly air drifts from the cold concrete, and it seems as if touching it would completely rob my body of its warmth.

Page 7
While moving through the corridor I try opening the doors as I come to them. Of them, one opens with a creak.

第七章 「発電機の部屋」
Chapter 7 "Generator Room"
The emergency generator

Page 8 (Generator room)
"Emergency Generator" is written on the machine that occupies most of the room. To reach the second floor and above it did not look like there was any method other than using the elevator. So without hesitation I turn the machine on.

Page 9 (Black)
I immediately head for the elevator. I press the up button. The heavy sound of the motor and the sounds of metal parts coming into contact with each other almost sound like intertwined screams.

With a 'ding' the elevator stops and its doors slowly open.

Page 10 (Elevator panel, three floor buttons)
The inside of the elevator is large. It seems to be about big enough to accept three hospital beds. Buttons for each floor are lined up to the right of the elevator door. They are marked 3, 2, 1, and B from the top down.

Page 11 (Black)
First I head to the second floor. However, after I step off the elevator I find that the door connected to the corridor that leads to the rooms on this floor is locked. With no alternative I try heading to the third floor, but I find that it is in the same state.

Page 12
Well, what now? I have already tried moving to every floor. With nothing else to do I re-entered the elevator and then could not believe my eyes.

Page 13 (Elevator panel, four floor buttons)
Of the buttons for each floor, 3 was definitely the highest floor just before. In spite of that a new 4 button has been added.

Go to 8-1
