
Harry's Scenario


[10-1] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
Cheryl appears on the monitors

Page 1 (Nightmare town, snow falls)
The town has turned into that nightmarish world. It's as if the danger in this town increases with every second. In order to find Lisa I turn on the flashlight on my chest and begin to run at full speed.

Page 2
I left the antique shop with the intention of reuniting with Lisa, but I discover that all the roads leading to the hospital are blocked. With no other choice I enter the shopping mall "Town Center" in the shopping district.

第十章 「タウンセンター」
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
The building appears to be in ruins

Page 3 (Gigastore storefront)
Inside everything has naturally changed to the otherworld as well. I can hear the groans of monsters in the vicinity, and it would not be surprising if they attacked at any moment. The floor has changed to metal grating, and this building looks as if it has been left in ruins for several hundred years.

Page 4
Large monitors have been placed in the hall at the entrance to greet shoppers. After wandering around the first floor and finding nothing interesting I begin heading up the powered down escalator. And at that moment...

第十章 「タウンセンター」
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
The monitors in the hall

Page 5 (Image of Cheryl, animated static)
Suddenly light overflows from out of the monitors in the hall. A bound Cheryl is displayed on the screens.

Page 6
"Daddy...Help me!"


Page 7
I turn around and run back down the escalator toward the first floor hall. The image of Cheryl on the monitors then begins to get more and more fuzzy, until it dissolves into video static on the picture tube.

Page 8
And then, in place of Cheryl an eerie crest is displayed.

It... looked a lot like "that" which I saw in the courtyard of the elementary school.

Page 9
I pound on the monitors. I pound with all my strength, as if I believed that Cheryl is trapped inside the picture tube. However, Cheryl's image did not appear again.

Page 10 (Black)
I am convinced. Cheryl was definitely taken away by someone and is being held by them, and she is waiting for me to rescue her. I must hurry, I say to myself.

Go to 10-2

[10-2] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
From where...

Page 1 (Black)
All right...

A ) Search the second floor.
Go to 10-3

B ) Search the first floor.
Go to 10-4

[10-3] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
Searching the second floor

Page 1 (Black)
The second floor is more brutal that first, and is completely deserted. However, I am paying attention. I can hear a sound like a liquid substance splashing from somewhere.

Page 2
I can sense that something that is not human is there. I turn toward the direction of the noise and began to run. And then I discover the source of the noise. As soon as I step there...

The section of the floor that I was standing on gives way and falls with me on top of it. I scream almost right away.

Page 3
Although I just fell one floor strangely enough I am not hurt. The floor of the somewhat wide room is sandy, and it is most certainly what cushioned my fall.

Go to 10-5

[10-4] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
Searching the first floor

Page 1 (Black)
Instead of going up to the second floor I decided to check out the first floor.

Page 2
Dilapidated department stores can be seen through the metal gratings. Everything is scattered about, and a giant spider web bigger than any I have ever seen stretches throughout the area.

Page 3
I walked along the fence that bordered the first floor. After passing by a show window with mannequins, I came to a walled-off space.

Page 4
Sand is spread all over the open area inside, and it is lit by incandescent light from above. At first glance I thought it was outside. There appears to be a high ceiling that can not be seen so well in the dark.

Page 5
There is a circular hole in one of the metal gratings that surrounds the area. From there I can enter the area.

Page 6
I bent down and stepped into the walled-off area. Upon moving in just a bit I find...a rifle.

Go to 10-5

[10-5] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
A caterpillar with fierce tusks

Page 1 (Sandy area in Town Center)
I pick up the rifle at my feet and try readying it. As I do so an unspeakably unpleasant tremor comes from below me, and it shakes my entire body.

Page 2
It is not something that I can see. I decide this because I felt it only from below me. I can clearly tell that something with a long body, like a caterpillar, is moving around below me.

Page 3
As I move it moves in the same direction. So it is obvious that it is aiming for me as it moves.

And then it shows itself.

Page 4 (Twin Feeler, animated)
It is a giant caterpillar about 5 meters long. It sprays a green liquid from its fierce tusk-covered mouth. I can tell that the liquid is poisonous just from looking at it. And that it is definitely being discharged towards me.

第十章 「タウンセンター」
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
Acquiring the rifle

Page 5
I did not dodge it in time, so some of that liquid got on my arm. The pain is sharp. Red is rising up where the poisonous liquid got on me, as it is dissolving the components of my skin.

Go to 10-6

[10-6] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
My best option is?

Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated)

A ) Fire the rifle.
Go to 10-7

B ) Run.
Go to 10-8

[10-7] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
Harry fires the rifle

Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated)
I am in danger now. I once again ready the rifle that I just picked up. And then I rain bullets into the creature that has appeared above ground.

Page 2
Green fluid began to leak from its abdomen, so it twisted its large body and once again burrowed underground.

Page 3
A steel plate is conveniently lying in the middle of the area. If I can just get on top of it then I should be able to avoid direct attack...

Go to 10-9

[10-8] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
Harry decides that it is best to run away

Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated)
I've got to escape. I turned around. The only thing I am satisfied with is getting a hold of the rifle.

Page 2
But I cannot find the hole in the fence that I just came through. Odd.

Page 3
I begin to run. However, it pursues me from under the ground with unthinkable speed. The tremors at my feet gradually get stronger and stronger.

Page 4
I fling my self to a stop and notice a steel plate lying in front of me.

Go to 10-9

[10-9] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
A moment of hesitation

Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated)

Go to 10-10

[10-10] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
A shaky strategy

Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated)

A ) move onto the steel plate.
Go to 10-11

B ) stay where I am...
Go to 10-12

[10-11] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
Harry moves onto the steel plate

Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated)
After moving onto the steel plate I discovered one problem with doing so. I can no longer tell where it is coming from.

Page 2
I can only go with my intuition. Just where it is going to appear from...

Go to 10-13

[10-12] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
Harry fights where he was standing

Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated)
I will not move from this position. The steel plate looks like it would be safe; however, I would not be able to sense its movements below me if I moved on top of it. I judged that staying in this position is best for attacking.

Page 2
Finally... It is about to rise above the ground again. Just where is it going to appear from...

Go to 10-17

[10-13] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
A sign of the unseen enemy

Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated)
I gamble.

A ) Behind
Go to 10-14

B ) Front
Go to 10-15

C ) Side
Go to 10-16

[10-14] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
On the steel plate...I sense it from behind

Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated)
I listened carefully. I wagered that it is coming from behind.

Page 2
I spin around and fire the rifle. It had just appeared there and my first shot went right through its head.

Page 3
It exploded like a piece of fruit exploding, and liquid with a revolting color and horrible smell began to flow around it. I pursue it as it begins to try and escape back into the ground, firing the rifle on this deserted floor of the Town Center.

Go to 10-20

[10-15] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
On the steel plate...I sense it in front of me

Page 1 Twin Feeler (animated)
The front... I hold the rifle low, and aim at the area where I think it will come out with my finger poised on the trigger.

Page 2
I pulled the trigger at the same time I heard it come up out of the ground. However... The bullet just flies through the air.

Page 3
Once I realized this it was already too late. Its giant body was towering over me from behind, with its tusks already brimming with poison, and then that poisonous liquid fell upon my raised arm.

Page 4
Ow...! I immediately turned, aimed at its abdomen, and fired. Luckily the poison liquid only burned my jacket, and did not reach my skin.

Page 5
I pulled the trigger over and over until I ran out of bullets. As its screams echoed, the only that that kept me going as I was about to pass out was......

Cheryl's smiling face in my memories.

Go to 10-20

[10-16] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
On the steel plate...I sense it at my side

Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated)
From the side... I ready the rifle with my right hand. I can quickly attack to the left, but it will take a little time to attack to the right.

Page 2
So I wager on the left. I calm my breathing so that I will be able to fire as soon as I see it.

Page 3
However, it... It went against my prediction and appeared behind me.
...I won't make it in time.

Page 4
As soon as I turned around a shower of poisonous liquid sprayed from its mouth and fell all over my face.

Page 5
I cannot even speak. I wipe my face with my hands. This time I felt the pain of burning on the palms of my hands.

Page 6
I aimed at it and pulled the trigger over and over. The sounds of an explosion and then a scream repeat over and over. Then a great tremor shakes the earth and it escapes underground.

Page 7
Without resting I stand. Because my intuition tells me that Cheryl is in danger.

Go to 10-20

[10-17] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」       
推測 (Sandy area in Town Center)
Chapter 10 "Town Center"

Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated)
(No text)

A ) Behind
Go to 10-18

B ) Front
Go to 10-19

[10-18] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
Sandy soil...I sense it behind me

Page 1 (Twin Feeler, animated)
I listened carefully. I wagered that it is coming from behind.

Page 2
I spin around and fire the rifle. It had just appeared there and my first shot went right through its head.

Page 3
It exploded like a piece of fruit exploding, and liquid with a revolting color and horrible smell began to flow around it. I pursue it as it begins to try and escape back into the ground, firing the rifle on this deserted floor of the Town Center.

Go to 10-20

[10-19] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
Sandy soil...I sense it in front of me

Page 1 Twin Feeler (animated)
The front... I hold the rifle low, and aim at the area where I think it will come out with my finger poised on the trigger.

Page 2
I pulled the trigger at the same time I heard it come up out of the ground. However... The bullet just flies through the air.

Page 3
Once I realized this it was already too late. Its giant body was towering over me from behind, with its tusks already brimming with poison, and then that poisonous liquid fell upon my raised arm.

Page 4
Ow...! I immediately turned, aimed at its abdomen, and fired. Luckily the poison liquid only burned my jacket, and did not reach my skin.

Page 5
I pulled the trigger over and over until I ran out of bullets. As its screams echoed, the only that that kept me going as I was about to pass out was......

Cheryl's smiling face in my memories.

Go to 10-20

[10-20] Chapter 10 "Town Center"

第十章  「タウンセンター」        
Chapter 10 "Town Center"
Leaving the Town Center

Page 1 (Black)
I leave the Town Center.

Go to 11-1

[10-21] Chapter 10 "Antique Shop"

第十章  「骨董屋」         
Chapter 10 "Antique Shop"
Swaying field of vision

Page 1 (Antique shop, flickering)

Page 2
My field of vision is swaying...

Page 3
I pressed my back to a wall and steadily slid down until I reached the cold floor.
The shadows of several of the items in the room expand and contract as the light moves. It is as if a great number of spirits are laughing at me.

Page 4
Eventually those shadows pounce on me.

The bodiless beings bind my hands and feet, and corner me until I am unable to move.

Page 5
I cannot speak.

Page 6
One long shadow extends a tentacle towards my neck.

Please stop,

I implore.

Page 7
I hold my both of my palms up, but the shadow passes through the areas between my fingers and reaches my neck.

I try to speak but only a gasp comes out that will not reach Cybil.

Page 8
Finally, activity in my brain begins to stop due to a lack of oxygen.

I saw stars in my eyes and then nothing at all. I lost consciousness as if I were just going to sleep.

第十章 「骨董屋」
Chapter 10 "Antique Shop"
Frozen body

Page 9

Page 10
My body is freezing. Where am I...? I cannot focus my eyes.

Page 11
That's right...this is the antique shop... I am sitting on the floor with my back against the cold wall. I must have dozed off for a bit.

My fingers are as cold as ice and so I cannot move them normally.

Page 12
While chasing around after Cheryl fatigue must have been building up without me realizing it.

However, this is no time to be sleeping.

Page 13
Oh, I wonder how Cybil is doing?

I look around the room and see that the eerie passage that was hidden behind the shelf is still open just as it was before.

Page 14
Cybil is still in there. When she comes out I will have a word with her...

I hope she is ok.

It seems like quite a bit of time has passed.

第十章 「骨董屋」
Chapter 10 "Antique Shop"
Only three bullets remain

Page 15
I heavily stand and check the gun in my pocket. I then stand at the entrance of the completely dark passage. I have only three bullets left. I cannot afford to waste any.

Page 16
My breathing breaks the silence.

I get out the gun and hold it near my temple, with it aimed at the stomach of that dark demon, and then I begin to walk forward. I am worried about Cybil's safety, so I am guided forward by my quivering feet.

Page 17 (Black)
After walking for a bit I sensed light coming from somewhere other than the flashlight on my chest. I leisurely turn off my flashlight and see that something is shining at the end of the passage.

Page 18
I rush forward. I am running toward the light, not unlike how a small insect would. Something is there. Is Cybil all right? Or will I have to confront a monster again?

第十章 「骨董屋」
Chapter 10 "Antique Shop"
Dazzling light

Page 19 (Altar in the other church, flame is burning)
There was a room at the end of the passage.

As I enter the room the light is so dazzlingly bright that I have to shield my eyes with the back of my hand.

Page 20
There is a simple altar on the wall to the right of where I entered the room. A large flame is coming off of a thick candle and green smoke is billowing from it. Everything in the room was shaking in the light from that flame.

Page 21
"What...is this place...?"

Once my eyes adjusted to the light my line of sight jumped to an unbelievable sight.

Page 22 (Cybil, dead on the floor)
At first, I thought it was just a well made doll.

A mannequin with a red shirt on...

It was on its back, lying in a pool of red liquid. But...I soon understood what it was.

Page 23

I softly call to her. Her light green shirt had been stained crimson by the flow of red liquid from the back of her neck.

Go to 10-22

[10-22] Chapter 10 "Antique Shop"

第十章  「骨董屋」         
Chapter 10 "Antique Shop"
Cybil has become a corpse

Page 1 (Cybil, dead on the floor)
I was completely confused.

A ) Rush to Cybil's side.
Go to 10-23

B ) Step back and run away.
Go to 10-24

[10-23] Chapter 10 "Antique Shop"

第十章  「骨董屋」         
Chapter 10 "Antique Shop"
Harry rushes to Cybil's side

Page 1 (Cybil, dead on the floor)
...Cybil! Hold on!"

I shake her shoulders. But she does not respond.

Page 2
"Why has this happened...!"

I cover her dead body. Her cold body.

Page 3
Lost in hopelessness I lost consciousness again.

Go to 10-25

[10-24] Chapter 10 "Antique Shop"

第十章  「骨董屋」         
Chapter 10 "Antique Shop"
Harry steps back

Page 1 (Cybil, dead on the floor)
Something is in this room... I became frightened and left.

Page 2 (Black)
I head back to the passage that I just came through.


My flashlight won't turn on. It seems to be broken.

Page 3
I continue to run through the darkness. There is no source of light in front of or behind me to tell me which way I am going.

Page 4
After running for a bit I thought, was it really this far to the antique shop?

Even though I am moving I do not feel like I am moving forward.

Page 5
I hallucinate that the corpse of Cybil is pulling at my feet and won't let go... Perhaps I will end up running on this moving floor forever.

Page 6
Finally my consciousness grows distant and I fall to the cold hard floor and pass out once again...

Go to 10-25

[10-25] Chapter 10 "Hospital"

第十章  「病院」         
Chapter 10 "Hospital"
Lisa's words

Page 1 (Black)
"...rry? Are you OK?

"Where am I?"


Then I'm in the hospital.

Page 2 (Nightmare examination room) (Lisa appears)
"You were having a bad dream."

"Was I? Hey, you don't look too good. Are you OK?"

"I'm fine. Nothing you need to worry about."

"Well, if you're sure....."

Page 3
"Lisa...... Do you know a woman named Dahlia Gillespie?"

Page 4
"Oh yeah, that crazy Gillespie lady. She's kind of famous around here. She never sees anybody, so I don't know that much about her.

Page 5
But I heard her kid died in a fire, and supposedly she's been crazy ever since."

"Well, she says the town is being devoured by the darkness. Do you have any idea what she's talking about?"

Page 6
"The town...devoured by the darkness. Yes, I think I do. Before this place was turned into a resort, the townspeople here were on
the quiet side.

Page 7
Everybody followed some kind of queer religion... Weird occult stuff... Black magic, that kind of thing.

Page 8
As young people moved away, the people figured they'd been summoned by the gods. Evidently, things like that used to happen around here all the time.

Page 9
Before the resort, there wasn't really anything else out here. Everyone was so flipped out. Gotta blame it on something. Then a lot of new people came in and everybody clammed up about it."

Page 10 (Lisa looks down)
"A cult..."

"Last time I heard anything about it was, gosh, years ago... When several people connected with developing the town died in accidents. People said it was a curse.

Page 11
Oh, I'm sorry. I'm rambling... I'll shut up."

"No...it's all right."

Page 12
"Hey, Harry. What happened...to your hand...?"

"Oh, this... I just hurt it a little bit."

Page 13
"Is it OK?"

"Yeah...just a scratch... Nothing major..."

"Even if it is just a scratch there is a lot of blood... If we don't look after it soon..."

Page 14
"It's OK... Please don't touch it."

"...Why are you so angry?"

...But this does not concern you.
...I don't want to get you mixed up in this..."

Page 15
"...I'm sorry..."

第十章 「骨董屋」
Chapter 10 "Antique Shop"
Lisa's words

Page 16 (Black)
The reverberation of Lisa's "I'm sorry" remained in my ears. I wonder how long had I been asleep? I found myself in that antique shop again, lying face down in the same position I was in just a short while ago.

Page 17 (Antique shop)
Was that another dream? Did I pass out again? I don't want to think so, but maybe this is all just going on in my head.

Page 18
I could have had a car accident, and now I'm lying unconscious in a hospital bed... I don't know what's real anymore...

Page 19
Cybil's body has vanished. She is gone, almost as if she was absorbed into the concrete floor.

Page 20
Maybe Cybil never came here in the first place? Just what did I see... A hallucination? A delusion?

Page 21
I want to talk to Lisa. She knows something. She is holding some secret. I will go to see her.

Page 22
Keeping one hand on the wall to support myself I stumble out of the antique shop.

Go to 11-15
