
Harry's Scenario


[5-1] Chapter 5 "Sudden Change"

第五章  「急変」
Chapter 5 "Sudden Change"
The mysterious design

Page 1 (Clock tower base)
The depressing sound of the door closing echoes throughout the courtyard.

"...Where am I?"

Page 2
A raw, warm breeze brushes past my cheeks. The view lets me know that this is like a completely different world from the school I was just in. Once I again I think, where am I?

Page 3 (Mark of Samael in courtyard)
I descend the small stairs leading away from the clock tower and become even more convinced. An extremely religious-looking design has been drawn in the center of the courtyard. Within a large double circle a triangle has been placed, and within that a strange pattern that looks like hieroglyphics is drawn.

Page 4
"Hmm, I don't remember this being here before."
I mutter. This is definitely the school I was just in. The placement of the trees, and the construction of the building...

Page 5
However, an overpowering feeling of nausea rises up throughout my body. A revolting horrible smell, like that of the stench of cutting into rotten meat, thickly wafts throughout the air, and is nearly visible to the eye.

Page 6
I begin to run. I can no longer bear to stay in this spot. By the time I place my hand on the door that leads inside the school building I no longer have the strength left to tell how long I was running. Maybe it was only for an instant?

第五章  「急変」
Chapter 5 "Sudden Change"
The transformed school building

Page 7 (Nightmare school hallway)
The school building has dramatically changed. Metal grated floors... Blood covered walls... Corpse-like puppets hanging everywhere... It's like a nightmarish scene in which everything is isolated from the real world.

Page 8
In spite of that, I run. I am searching for Cheryl. The unpleasant metallic sounds of my footsteps resonate throughout the inside of the school.

Page 9 (Table with blue telephones)
And then I open the door to the Teacher's Room. Perhaps the door is not installed correctly, as it took me several forceful tries to force it open. Once I enter the room I am shocked. This is... Desks are strewn about, and a raw, rotten stench rules the room.

Go to 5-2

[5-2] Chapter 5 "Teacher's Room"

第五章  「職員室」
Chapter 5 "Teacher's Room"
Picking up the receiver

Page 1 (Table with blue telephones)

A ) call the police to get help.
Go to 5-3

B ) call home, where no one should be.
Go to 5-4

[5-3] Chapter 5 "Teacher's Room"

第五章  「職員室」
Chapter 5 "Teacher's Room"
Calling the police

Page 1 (Table with blue telephones)
With slight hope I pickup the telephone receiver. Just as I had guessed... The depressing busy signal just repeats over and over.

Page 2
As I gently hang up the telephone receiver I realize that all means for contacting the outside world have already been lost. I must find Cheryl right away, and escape from this insane world with her.

Go to 5-5

[5-4] Chapter 5 "Teacher's Room"

第五章  「職員室」
Chapter 5 "Teacher's Room"
Calling home, where no one should be

Page 1 (Close up of telephone)
Without knowing why, I dialed my home number, where no one should be. Maybe there is a chance that Cheryl has already returned home... With slight hope I...

Page 2
(Bururururu...Bururururu...) (Onomatopoeia for ringing telephone)
The phone is ringing... The mechanical electrical sound repeats over and over. Then all of a sudden it stopped.

Page 3
The voice of a man I do not know escapes from the receiver.
"Hello...who is this..."

Page 4
From the receiver I hear a gasp.


Click... (Onomatopoeia for hanging up of a phone)

Page 5
The phone went dead. I stood bewildered for a bit with the receiver pressed against my ear.

Page 6
There is a man in my house, where no one should be... A man I don't know.

Page 7 (Black)
I gently hang up the receiver and for a bit I am captivated by that blue telephone.

Go to 5-5

[5-5] Chapter 5 "Leaving the Teacher's Room"

第五章  「職員室を出る」
Chapter 5 "Leaving the Teacher's Room"
Harry after he hung up the telephone receiver

Page 1 (Table with blue telephones)
I begin to leave the room.

Page 2
Jiriririri...Jiriririri... (Onomatopoeia for ringing telephone)

Page 3
My heart rapidly contracts. The mechanical bell sound echoes throughout the room. I nervously approach the telephone, and once again pick up the receiver.

Page 4
"...Daddy...Help me..."

Page 5
It's Cheryl...! There is no mistaking it. I firmly press the receiver against my ear.

Page 6
"...Daddy...Where are you..."

"Cheryl! Is this Cheryl?!"

Page 7
At that moment Cheryl's voice is replaced with a busy signal. I knew it, I think. Cheryl is here.

Page 8
Being located in the residential area, many children probably come to this school. The interior of the elementary school is larger than I imagined. Including classrooms, there are a lot of rooms, so locating Cheryl will be extremely difficult.

Page 9
If Cheryl wasn't brought here by someone and instead came here of her own free will then perhaps she might be in "that one room".

Page 10 (Black)
I spin around, run to the stairs at the end of the hall, and then sprint up them.

第五章  「図書室」
Chapter 5 "Library"
The open book

Page 11 (Table with an open book)
I have come to the Library and my eyes are drawn to the open book here.

Go to 5-6

[5-6] Chapter 5 "Library"

第五章  「図書室」
Chapter 5 "Library"
The open book

Page 1 (Table with an open book)
It was...

A ) a children's book.
Go to 5-7
(This choice will result in automatic branching if you reach 5-16. From 5-16 you will then automatically go to 5-18; however, this choice does not affect anything else.)

B ) a pharmaceutical book.
Go to 5-8
(This choice will result in automatic branching if you reach 5-16. From 5-16 you will then automatically go to 5-19; however, this choice does not affect anything else.)

C ) a dictionary of religious science.
Go to 5-9
(This choice will result in automatic branching if you reach 5-16. From 5-16 you will then automatically go to 5-20; however, this choice does not affect anything else.)

[5-7] Chapter 5 "Library"

第五章  「図書室」
Chapter 5 "Library"
Picking up the children's book

Page 1 (Close up of children's book)
I pick up the book and see an abstract illustration of a youth carrying a bow and arrow on its cover.

Page 2
Someone has been reading this book.

I begin to read the book from the beginning of the page it was left open to in a quiet voice.

Page 3
"Hearing this, the hunter armed with bow and arrow said, "I will kill the Lizard."

Page 4
But upon meeting his opponent, he held back, taunting,

Page 5
"Who's afraid of a reptile?" At this the furious lizard hissed,

Page 6
"I'll swallow you up in a single bite!"
Then the huge creature attacked, jaws opened wide.

This was what the man wanted.

Page 7
Calmly drawing his bow, he shot into the lizard's gaping mouth. Effortlessly, the arrow flew, piercing the defenseless maw,

Page 8
and the lizard fell down dead."

Page 9
"This is from an old fairy tale. I remember reading it as a kid."
As I say this I take a step back as if I have realized something. Wait, I think.

Go to 5-10

[5-8] Chapter 5 "Library"

第五章  「図書室」
Chapter 5 "Library"
Picking up the pharmaceutical book

Page 1 (Close up of pharmaceutical book)
A pharmaceutical book

Page 2
"[White Claudia]
Perennial herb found near water. Reaches height of 30 to 40 centimeters. Oblong leaves, white blossoms.

Page 3
Seeds contain hallucinogen. Ancient records show it was used for religious ceremonies. The hallucinogenic effect was key."

Page 4
The next page is all blurred...

Page 5
..de from from the above-mentioned White Claudia,......dr...has.......... u....to perform exor...... It is a viscous liquid, red....color, and is..... adminis..........remedy.....illnesses for which the cause is not kn...."

Go to 5-10

[5-9] Chapter 5 "Library"

第五章  「図書室」
Chapter 5 "Library"
Picking up the dictionary of religious science

Page 1 (Close up of the dictionary of religious science)
"Depending on the region each have the characteristic of having individual doctrines. From ancient times the practice of offering a living sacrifice was the only way to avoid disaster.

Page 2
Most believers are those who have chosen to renounce the world for the sake of their beliefs, while those believers who can not yet give up their material possessions need to deepen their knowledge of the sacred texts. However, some believers have a tendency to strictly hide the fact that they are believers from others.

Page 3
This is because they believed that if the fact that they are believers becomes known then their effectiveness would become nothing.

Even with black magic, which is thought to have vanished in present times, its magical spells are actively researched in such areas.

Page 4
In that process an altar set alight with a sacred flame and a symbolic seal were required. Then by summoning an evil being and bringing it to contact with a saint a new existence is said to be able to be created.

Page 5
In this case the saint is not limited to a priest, as an inanimate object can also be used."

Go to 5-10

[5-10] Chapter 5 "Awareness"

第五章  「自覚」
Chapter 5 "Awareness"
One's own course

Page 1 (Black)
I become gripped with the sense that my actions have been controlled by someone this entire time. Coming to the Library, seeing that specific page in the open book... Even whatever it is that I must do now, it is a decision that is out of my hands.

Page 2
Everything that has happened has been in someone's hands. I have gradually come to understand this. Even still, I probably cannot determine my own course.

Page 3
I accept the direction of the unseen one, to whom I must obey. In order to find Cheryl there is no other alternative.

第五章 「地下室の死闘」
Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle in the Basement"
Uncomfortably warm air

Page 4
I now know where it is I need to go.

Page 5
As I journey there I walk firmly, stepping forward one step at a time. I descend a staircase from which uncomfortably warm air flows and find an elevator at its base that invites me to descend even further, as its doors slowly open.

Page 6
Once I enter it's doors close, and in the next moment, with a rusty clunk sound the elevator begins to descend at a high rate of speed. Just how far down is it going? All I can do is go with the flow.

Page 7 (Sconce with animated fire column)
Gradually the elevator and I are enveloped in hot humid air.

The elevator stops, and I step off as its doors open. Beyond a short passage a dazzling light emitted from a small room, a small room which has been waiting for my arrival.

Page 8 (Split Head, animated)
In the center the fires of hell burned, and everything made it look like this room was meant for prayer. And then it...was there. It slowly moved around the enormous sconce from which flames and ash rose.

Page 9
The lizard looks to have suddenly mutated. Its outer shell is a mucous membrane type. It just stares at me, and with surprisingly comfortable speed, it looks for a chance to attack.

Go to 5-11

[5-11] Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle in the Basement"

第五章  「地下室の死闘」
Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle in the Basement"
How should I fight...

Page 1 (Split Head, animated)

A ) I fired the gun at its large body.
Go to 5-12

B ) I am no match for this enemy with the weapons I am carrying. Running is the best bet.
Go to 5-13

[5-12] Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle in the Basement"

第五章  「地下室の死闘」
Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle in the Basement"
Firing the gun at its large body

Page 1 (Split Head, animated)
Smoke and powder emit from my handgun. I am certain that I hit it. However, those armor-like scales more than fulfilled their purpose.

Page 2
This isn't effective at all. This is no good, I need to make my bullets hit somewhere softer.

Go to 5-14

[5-13] Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle in the Basement"

第五章  「地下室の死闘」
Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle in the Basement"
Running is the best bet

Page 1 (Split Head, animated)
I was overwhelmed by its size. I've got to escape. I don't stand a chance with the feeble weapon in my pocket.

Page 2
I look for an escape route.However, the entrance I came through is now closed by a thick, solid metal fence, without any opening which I could slide through.

Page 3
I cannot escape.

Go to 5-14

[5-14] Chapter 5 "Awakening"

第五章  「喚起」
Chapter 5 "Awakening"
Suddenly, a memory springs up

Page 1 (Split Head, animated)
At that moment a part of my memory was suddenly awakened.

Go to 5-15

[5-15] Chapter 5 "Memory"

第五章  「記憶」
Chapter 5 "Memory"
Harry suddenly remembers

Page 1 (Split Head, animated)

A ) in the Library...
Go to 5-16

B ) in the Teacher's Room...
Go to 5-17

[5-16] Chapter 5 "Reminiscence"

第五章  「回想」
Chapter 5 "Reminiscence"
Certainly at that time...

Page 1 (Split Head, animated)
I remember. That book I just picked up not too long ago. Its contents run about in my head. While paying very close attention to the movements of my opponent I recall its passages.

Go to 5-18 if you selected A in 5-6
Go to 5-19 if you selected B in 5-6
Go to 5-20 if you selected C in 5-6

[5-17] Chapter 5 "Reminiscence"

第五章  「回想」
Chapter 5 "Reminiscence"
Certainly in the Teacher's Room...

Page 1 (Split Head, animated)
In the Teacher's Room...

Page 2
The phone call I received.

Cheryl's cries dance about in my memory.

Page 3
That's right...I cannot let myself die here. Cheryl is...Cheryl is waiting somewhere for me to rescue her. She is still alive.

Page 4
I raised my head. Its hard scales shined in the light from the hell fires. It must have a weak point. If I can just hit that.

Page 5
I stood my ground and waited for its attack. I let it draw as close as I could. Inside its mouth. If I can just fire blindly in there.

Page 6 (Split Head, mouth open)
It had drawn close and then its mouth sprung open. It looked as if it were planning to swallow me whole. My fingers trembled at its size.

Page 7
I can no longer hesitate. I aimed at the inside of its mouth and quickly pulled the trigger. Over and over, over and over, the sound of gunshots rang out from my weapon for as long as I had ammunition.

Page 8
And then I lost consciousness...

Go to 5-24

[5-18] Chapter 5 "Memory"

第五章  「記憶」
Chapter 5 "Memory"
The contents of the children's book

Page 1 (Split Head, animated)
(Effortlessly, the arrow flew, piercing the defenseless maw, and the lizard fell down dead.)

Page 2
All I can do is draw my opponent closer. Each bullet that hits its body only seems to increase its strength.

Page 3
I am running. My entire body is soaked in sweat. The heat from the flames and the large amount of perspiration are working together to rob me of my emotional strength. And then my feet finally get tangled and I fall to the bone-dry floor with a thud.

Page 4 (Split Head, mouth open)
My supply of bullets is running out. This is my limit, I turn around.

Its enormous mouth is there, measuring about 4 meters, and open in all directions. It was only for an instant, but I thought of that passage again.

Page 5
"...the arrow flew, piercing the defenseless maw..."

Go to 5-21

[5-19] Chapter 5 "Memory"

第五章  「記憶」
Chapter 5 "Memory"
The contents of the pharmaceutical book

Page 1 (Split Head, animated)
([White Claudia]
Perennial herb found near water. Reaches height of 30 to 40 centimeters. Oblong leaves, white blossoms.

Page 2
Seeds contain hallucinogen. Ancient records show it was used for religious ceremonies. The hallucinogenic effect was key.)

Page 3
An herb with hallucinogenic effects... However, no measures for dealing with the monster that I am now faced with were written in the book.

Page 4 (Split Head, mouth open)
I'm in danger. When I returned to my senses its wide open mouth was right in front of me, opened in a way that suggested that it planned to swallow me whole.

Page 5
It's too late. I was caught in its mouth, easily lifted, and then crushed by its teeth as
I fell inside it.

Page 6

Go to 5-24

[5-20] Chapter 5 "Memory"

第五章  「記憶」
Chapter 5 "Memory"
The contents of the dictionary of religious science

Page 1 (Split Head, animated)
(Even with black magic, which is thought to have vanished in present times, its magical spells are actively researched in such areas.

Page 2
In that process an altar set alight with a sacred flame and a symbolic seal were required. Then by summoning an evil being and bringing it to contact with a saint a new existence is said to be able to be created.

Page 3
In this case the saint is not limited to a priest, as an inanimate object can also be used.)

Page 4
The monster in front of me was possibly summoned by or descended from black magic.

Page 5
However, that literature did not contain any information that would help me right now.

Page 6 (Split Head, mouth open)
I'm in danger. When I returned to my senses its wide open mouth was right in front of me, opened in a way that suggested that it planned to swallow me whole.

Page 7
It's too late. I was caught in its mouth, easily lifted, and then crushed by its teeth as I fell inside it.

Page 8

Go to 5-24

[5-21] Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle"

第五章  「死闘」
Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle"
Aiming at the weak point

Page 1 (Split Head, mouth open)

A ) Fire into its mouth.
Go to 5-22

B ) I'll stop its movement first. I fired at its legs.
Go to 5-23

[5-22] Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle"

第五章  「死闘」
Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle"
Firing into its mouth

Page 1 (Split Head, mouth open)
I can no longer hesitate. I readied the gun as calmly as possible, aimed at the inside of its mouth, and quickly pulled the trigger. Over and over, over and over, the sound of gunshots rang out from my weapon for as long as I had ammunition.

Page 2
And then I lost consciousness.........

Go to 5-24

[5-23] Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle"

第五章  「死闘」
Chapter 5 "Life and Death Struggle"
Stopping its movement first

Page 1 (Split Head, mouth open)
The legs. If I can stop its movement then I will be free to do as I like to finish it.

Page 2
I aimed at its fore-leg and fired one shot. Although I hit dead on, it appears to be meaningless. On the contrary, it increases its speed and persistently pursues me as I trip on my own feet.

Page 3
I only have a few rounds left. While waiting for my greatest chance I was doing my best to keep my distance from it, but the heat from the hell fires had me on verge of passing out and then I was chased into the corner of the room before I realized it.

Page 4
I have already lost the willpower to fight back, and it stands in front of me with its mouth open wide. With resignation I silently closed my eyes.

Page 5

Go to 5-24

[5-24] Chapter 5 "Peaceful Light"

第五章  「穏やかな光」
Chapter 5 "Peaceful Light"
Harry awakens in a dark room

Page 1 (Boilers)
When I came to I found myself in the middle of a dark room. Where is this? I wondered to myself.

Page 2
The monster from before has vanished. I heavily stood up and then waited motionless for a bit until my eyes came into focus. Somehow...somehow this looks to be the boiler room. It is oddly quiet.

Page 3
Maybe I was dreaming? My very exhausted body seems to have also recovered somehow. The low hum of the boilers strangely calms my nerves.

Page 4
And then I sense the presence of a person and I shift my gaze.

Page 5 (Alessa appears)
There was a girl standing there. She was wearing dark blue clothing, and her light brown hair was neatly combed.

Page 6
The girl was just staring right at me. Once I noticed her and began to step towards her she completely disappeared, as if her body just dissolved into the air in the room. I was alone in the room again.

Page 7 (Alessa disappears)
"What was that?"

第五章 「穏やかな光」
Chapter 5 "Peaceful Light"
A strange feeling of relief

Page 8
After standing for a bit I let out a long breath and then place my hand on the door at the entrance.

Page 9 (School hallway, light)
Sunlight is shining into the hall of the school building. As usual the snow is still outside, but I am gripped with a strange feeling of relief, as if cancerous cells had just been removed from me.

Page 10
Filled with relief I slowly walk toward the exit of the school building. And then I learn that Cheryl is not here. From the loud sound of the church bells that seem to call out to me.

Go to 6-1
