
Harry's Scenario


[2-1] Chapter 2 "The Fated Meeting"

第二章  「運命の出会い」
Chapter 2 "The Fated Meeting"
Harry meets Cybil Bennet

Page 1 (Black)
Cybil Bennet. She is a full time police officer working in the neighboring town of Brahms. There was no one else in the cafe other than her and Harry. She took a seat at the counter and waited for Harry to awaken.
Harry wakes up in Cafe 5 to 2

Page 2
I suddenly awoke. Where is this place? Why am I here? Was I brought here by someone? There is
no boundary between dream and reality, just confusion.

Page 3
As I lay on the bench seat in the cafe my eyes slowly begin to focus. The woman sitting at the counter stands and folds her arms. She walks over and looks down at me.

第二章  「カフェ」
Chapter 2 "Cafe"
Cybil Bennet

Page 4 (Cybil standing in the center of the cafe)
She is wearing a police uniform. The woman smiles a little bit, as she appears to be relieved that I have regained consciousness.

Page 5
"It looks like you have come around."
"Who are you?"

I try talking to the unfamiliar woman.

Page 6
"I'm Cybil. Cybil Bennet. I'm here because all communication with this town suddenly went dead and so I came to investigate."

Page 7
"I'm...Harry Mason. I brought my daughter to this town for some sightseeing, but on the way there was an accident and I lost consciousness... Oh, yeah, Cybil...You haven't seen a little girl in this town have you?"

Page 8 (Cybil's picture changes)
"A little girl... No, I haven't seen her..."
"When I came to after the accident my daughter was nowhere to be seen. The passenger door was open and she was gone.

Page 9
Cheryl...uh, sorry, my daughter's name is Cheryl... She is a timid person, so it is hard to imagine that she headed out into this weird town alone. Plus I was there in the driver's seat... And since she gave me no warning it just doesn't make sense.

Page 10
Are you familiar with this area? There is no sign of anyone, and what is going on with the snow at this time of year... Just what in the world has happened in this town?"

I said all of this while breathing deeply.

Page 11 (Cybil's picture changes)
"I'm afraid I don't know either. I still haven't seen anyone other than you. It's like the town is as silent as a graveyard, left without even the means to contact any neighboring towns."
"I see."

Page 12
"You also had an accident, right? I thought it was a good idea to head to the police station in this town alone on my motorcycle, but... I guess I was going a little too fast.

Page 13
A girl suddenly jumped out into the road...I am pretty sure it was a girl...I almost hit her. I cut the handlebars hard in order to avoid her... After that I can barely remember anything......

Page 14
When I came to I was lying in the street in front of this cafe. So naturally I came in here to get out of the snow. And then I found you sleeping there..."

Page 15
"I...was having some kind of a terrible dream. As for if I made it here on my own, I don't remember at all... Just what in the world has happened in this town... What is going on with everything?"

Page 16
"Well, the situation is definitely strange. I will head back to Brahms for reinforcements, and then return here. How about you?"

Cybil stood and fixed her collar with resolute fortitude.

Page 17
"I've got to look for Cheryl... There is no way I can just leave her here alone."

Page 18 (Gun in Cybil's hand)
"I see. Well, I'll give you this then. You never know what might happen under these circumstances. If you feel threatened then pull the trigger without hesitating."

Go to 2-2

[2-2] Chapter 2 "Handgun"

第二章  「拳銃」
Chapter 2 "Handgun"
Cybil holds out the handgun

Page 1 (Gun in Cybil's hand)
I take the gun into my hand.

A ) Thanks...I hope I don't have to use it...
Go to 2-3

B ) Thank you, but...I'm no good with guns.
Go to 2-4

[2-3] Chapter 2 "The Weight of the Handgun"

第二章  「拳銃の重み」
Chapter 2 "The Weight of the Handgun"
Harry receives the gun from Cybil

Page 1 (Cybil standing in the center of the cafe)
Having never handled a handgun before I am surprised by how heavy it is.

Page 2
"But you...will you be alright?"
"I'm not like the average girls around here. I have undergone proper training."

Page 3 (Close up of Cybil in front of cafe door)
Cybil placed her hand on the exit door, but then she turns and faces me again.

Page 4
"Harry. Don't go shooting me by mistake or anything. I haven't had any training on how to stop bullets."

She smiled after saying this and then disappeared into the thick fog.

Page 5 (Empty cafe)
(No text, page automatically is dismissed)

Go to 2-5

[2-4] Chapter 2 "No Good with Guns"

第二章  「銃器は苦手」
Chapter 2 "No Good with Guns"
Cybil shows Harry how to use the gun

Page 1 (Cybil standing in the center of the cafe)
"Thank you, but...I'm no good with guns. I haven't even touched one. I can't handle it."

Page 2 (Gun in Cybil's hand)
Amazed, Cybil takes a deep breath.

"It's simple. I'll show you how to use it. See, first hold it in your right hand, then place your forefinger on the trigger."

I reluctantly followed her instructions.

Page 3
"Like this?"
"Yes. Now place your left hand on your right hand so that it doesn't move. Then all you have to do is slide this, fix your aim, and pull the trigger."
"Like this?"

Page 4 (Black)

The bullet grazes Cybil's cheek and penetrates the wall of the cafe. One of pictures on the wall falls.

Page 5 (Cybil standing in the center of the cafe)
"He...Hey! You need to watch it!!"
"I'm sorry, I was just doing what you said and it just..."
"No it's not "and it just..." Just a few centimeters over and you would have been a murderer!"

Page 6
I lost even more self confidence.

"Well, it's all right. Please use it carefully. Well then...I'm going."

The sound of the door closing reverberated woefully inside the cafe.

Page 7 (Close up of Cybil in front of cafe door)
(No text, page automatically is dismissed)

Go to 2-5

[2-5] Chapter 2 "Alone Again"

第二章  「再び一人に」
Chapter 2 "Alone Again"
Cybil leaves the cafe

Page 1 (Harry with the gun in the cafe)
After being left alone in the cafe I gazed at the handgun Cybil gave me for a little while. And then I thought about Cheryl, who had disappeared in this town.

Page 2
The figure I saw in the fog... That was definitely Cheryl. But she didn't answer my calls, and she was quite possibly moving away from me?

Page 3
I don't understand... I am getting a bit mixed up. Still, the one thing I know for sure is that Cheryl has vanished in this town.

Page 4
All I can do is look for her. I may not have any knowledge of the surroundings or any clues, but I won't find Cheryl if I stay here. I stood up energetically and placed my hand on the cafe door.

Page 5
(JiJiJi...JiJi...JiJiJi.........) (Onomatopoeia for radio static)

Page 6
Something is making noise.

Page 7
(JiJiJiJi...JiJiJiJi...JiJi...) (Onomatopoeia for radio static)

Page 8

Go to 2-6

[2-6] Chapter 2 "The Source of the Noise"

第二章  「音の源」
Chapter 2 "The Source of the Noise"
Noise is coming from somewhere...

Page 1 (Harry with the gun in the cafe)
What is that noise?

A ) It's somewhere inside the cafe...
Go to 2-7

B ) It's somewhere outside the cafe...
Go to 2-8

[2-7] Chapter 2 "Inside the Cafe?"

第二章  「カフェの中に?」
Chapter 2 "Inside the Cafe?"
Harry picks up the radio

Page 1 (Harry with the gun in the cafe)
I look around the cafe. I walk in the direction the noise is coming from. And then I pick up the source of the noise.


Page 2 (Close up of radio)
(No text, page automatically is dismissed)
Page 3 (Air Screamer breaking cafe window)
At that moment the window glass shattered with a thunder and a giant birdlike creature flew into the cafe.

Page 4 (Air Screamer, animated)
No, it is not a bird. It is a creature with reddish-brown skin that looks as if it has been burned.

Page 5
In its belligerent pale green eyes it is clear that my life is in danger.

Go to 2-9

[2-8] Chapter 2 "Outside the Cafe?"

第二章  「カフェの外に?」
Chapter 2 "Outside the Cafe?"
The radio beyond the window

Page 1 (Street outside of the cafe)
Outside? I open the door and hurry out into the street. The snow still continues to fall. I breathe in the cold outside air and it feels like waking up.

Page 2
The noise I just heard until now had stopped.

Is the wind drowning it out?

My question was soon answered.

Page 3
Through the glass I can see that a radio has been placed on top of a table inside the cafe.

"Is it that..."

I immediately went back inside the cafe.

Page 4 (Close up of radio)
The noise has stopped. Thinking that it may come in handy for something, I slide the portable radio into my pocket and once again walk toward the cafe's exit.

Go to 2-17

[2-9] Chapter 2 "Messenger from the Sky"

第二章  「空からの使者」
Chapter 2 "Messenger from the Sky"
In this sudden assault, Harry...

Page 1 (Air Screamer, animated)

A ) hide underneath a table.
Go to 2-10

B ) ready the handgun in my inexperienced hands.
Go to 2-11

C ) run outside of the cafe.
Go to 2-12

[2-10] Chapter 2 "To Under a Table"

第二章  「テーブルの下へ」
Chapter 2 "To Under a Table"
Harry instantly hides

Page 1 (Animated flying creature)
I immediately hid underneath a nearby table. However, it was smarter than I thought.

Page 2
At a glance its legs appeared thin, but it spreads them wide and uses its long nails as a tool to lift the table up and then lets out a loud laugh.

Page 3
I don't have a choice. I have to try and fight. But if I randomly fire blindly then I will only waste bullets.

Page 4
That's it. I must set my aim. Its body. When it spreads its wings, at that moment when its body is undefended, I will...

Page 5
It swings its large arm-like wing down at me and using that "weapon" it just misses my neck.

Page 6
This is my chance. The target is its body... Mumbling, I tell myself that. However...I can't fix my aim very well. My hands are shaking.

(Gun shot sound, then Air Screamer falls)

Page 7 (Dead Air Screamer on cafe floor)
When that single bullet hit it... It finally lost its life force and fell to the floor like a rag.

Go to 2-16

[2-11] Chapter 2 "Fire"

第二章  「発砲」
Chapter 2 "Fire"
Harry readies the handgun in his inexperienced hands

Page 1 (Air Screamer, animated)

I firmly held the handgun that I just received, quickly pointed it at the creature, and pulled the trigger.

Page 2
I am not used to using guns, so some of my shots hit the ceiling.

Go to 2-13

[2-12] Chapter 2 "To Outside the Cafe"

第二章  「カフェの外へ」
Chapter 2 "To Outside the Cafe"
Harry cannot fight in the tight space indoors

Page 1 (Air Screamer, animated)
I've got to get out of here. Outside. I can't move about so well in this tight indoor area. However...

Page 2
Almost as if reading my mind, it moves to the only door in or out of the cafe, blocking my route. I can't escape.

Page 3
Then right as I think that maybe it has pulled one of its wings far back, it swings it down at me just missing my neck.


Page 4
I just barely avoided death, but in the process I ended up falling backwards.

Page 5
However, I didn't let go of the gun.

Page 6
The target is the wing...

Page 7
If I can destroy its wing it won't be able to move. Then I can finish it at my leisure.

(Gun shot sound, then Air Screamer falls)

Page 8 (Dead Air Screamer on cafe floor)
My one shot hits the wing, blasting a hole in it. The creature loses altitude as it falls to the floor.

Page 9
I can't afford to waste bullets. I crush it with the with the thick sole of my shoe many times. As its strange cries die out, a dark red stain spreads out on the floor.

Go to 2-16

[2-13] Chapter 2 "Aim"

第二章  「照準」
Chapter 2 "Aim"
Focusing the aim on one thing

Page 1 (Air Screamer, animated)
I limit my aim...

A ) Its vulnerable spot is...its body.
Go to 2-14

B ) Aiming at the wing will bring it down.
Go to 2-15

[2-14] Chapter 2 "The target is its body"

第二章  「狙いは胴体」
Chapter 2 "The target is its body"
Harry focuses his aim on its body

Page 1 (Air Screamer, animated)
That's it. I must set my aim. Its body. When it spreads its wings, at that moment when its body is undefended, I will...

Page 2
It swings its large arm-like wing down at me and using that "weapon" it just misses my neck.

Page 3
This is my chance. The target is its body... Mumbling, I tell myself that.

Page 4
However...I can't fix my aim very well. My hands are shaking.

(Gun shot sound, then Air Screamer falls)

Page 5 (Dead Air Screamer on cafe floor)
As my third shot pierces it... It finally lost its life force and fell to the floor like a rag.

Go to 2-16

[2-15] Chapter 2 "The target is its wing"

第二章  「狙いは翼」
Chapter 2 "The target is its wing"
Harry focuses his aim on its wing

Page 1 (Animated Air Screamer)
Those large wings. It uses them nimbly to maintain its balance in the air.

Page 2
If I destroy its wing it won't be able to move. Then I can finish it at my leisure.

(Gun shot sound, then Air Screamer falls)

Page 3 (Dead Air Screamer on cafe floor)
My one shot hits the wing, blasting a large hole in it. The creature loses altitude as it falls to the floor.

Page 4
I can't afford to waste bullets. I crush it with the with the thick sole of my shoe many times. As its strange cries die out, a dark red stain spreads out on the floor.

Go to 2-16

[2-16] Chapter 2 "After the Battle"

第二章  「戦いを終えて」
Chapter 2 "After the Battle"
This is not a dream...

Page 1 (Close up of Harry in the cafe)
"What the hell... This is not a dream. What's happening to this place?"

Page 2
Only the sound of my fist hitting the table echoes in the cafe. At my feet the still warm corpse of the creature lies in the center of a pool of oddly colored liquid.

Go to 2-17

[2-17] Chapter 2 "Harry Leaves the Cafe"

第二章  「カフェを後に」
Chapter 2 "Harry Leaves the Cafe"
Harry heads for the alley

Page 1 (Street outside of the cafe)
After leaving the cafe I decided to first head toward that alley from before.

Go to 3-1
