Room 210 Seesaw Puzzle (Apartments)

On this page, you will find the complete solution to the Blue Creek Apartments seesaw puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake (2024). The correct solution will be the same for all riddle difficulty levels.

At Apartment 210, you will find a seesaw concealing something. To solve the puzzle, you must collect missing figurines and place them on the miniature seesaw.

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Apartment 210 miniature seesaw


Collecting the Figurines

To solve the puzzle, you need to find three figurine parts scattered in the apartments:

The Pigeon Figurine is on a cabinet shelf once you leave the bathroom in Apartment 212.

The Malformed Figurine Part is inside the bathtub behind the glass in Apartment 209.

The Wooden Swan Head is hanged from the ceiling in the bedroom of Apartment 211.

Combine the Malformed Figurine Part and the Wooden Swan Head to receive the Swan Figurine.


This puzzle is quick and easy. Place the Pigeon Figurine and the Swan Figurine on the seesaw. Move the Swan Figurine 2 places to the left to balance it out.

Seesaw puzzle solution

After solving the puzzle, you will get the Winged Key.