Записка доктора / Doctor's MemoМестонахождение: Госпиталь Алхемилла, 2-ой этаж, операционная, на стене. |
The patient in room 206 is scheduled to undergo a trans-orbital lobotomy tomorrow. I've mandated that the following medications be doubled on the day of the procedure... |
Объявление о пропавшем пациенте / Missing Patient BulletinМестонахождение: Госпиталь Алхемилла, 2-ой этаж, на доске объявлений в коридоре. |
Room 205, patient went missing, last seen in the day room after a confrontation with another... |
Объявление для персонала / Attention StaffМестонахождение: Госпиталь Алхемилла, 2-ой этаж, комната медсестер, на стене. |
Attention Staff: |
Страница из отчета / Page from an Incident ReportМестонахождение: Госпиталь Алхемилла, 2-ой этаж, палата 203, на полке. |
...the patient proceeded to leap through the window and then ravaged the adjacent room. The patient was not responsive to verbal commands. Three staff members eventually subdued the patient. The patient entered a catatonic state and stopped responding to outside stimuli. Restraints were unnecessary during the following week's electroshock therapy sessions. |
Записка пациента / Patient NoteМестонахождение: Госпиталь Алхемилла (другой мир), 2-ой этаж, на окне возле лестницы. |
The doctors say that I'm unable to discern fantasy from reality... but I think I know what's going on around here. I saw those demons murder the other patients. I want to escape from this cursed place but I don't dare venture into the light. It seems that they're attracted to light. That's why people who need light to see are their natural prey. They also react strongly to sound. |
Записка / NoteМестонахождение: Госпиталь Алхемилла (другой мир), 3-ий этаж, палата 303, на кровати. |
she's not here she's not here |
План лечения / Schedule of TreatmentМестонахождение: Госпиталь Алхемилла (другой мир), операционный театр, на полке. |
Записка о электрошоке / Electroshock MemoМестонахождение: Госпиталь Алхемилла (другой мир), 2-ой этаж, операционная, на столе. |
...setting the electroshock machine beyond the seizure threshold has yielded impressive results in the patients. The most violent and depressed patients are rendered completely docile... The only side-effects have been minor: memory loss, some dislocated bones, one fractured leg, and a patient bit off his tongue. This accident was quite a nice side effect as this particular patient was also one of our noisiest. I've instructed the doctors to continue with this intensity level for all treatments. |
Пропавший пациент / Missing PatientМестонахождение: Госпиталь Алхемилла (другой мир), 2-ой этаж, комната медсестер, на полке. |
Room 205, patient went missing, last seen in the day room after a confrontation with another... |
Плакат о праздновании годовщины / Anniversary Celebration FlyerМестонахождение: Шепердс Глен, на колоне здания. |
Книга «История города» / Town History BookМестонахождение: Городская ратуша, центральный зал, на пьедестале. |
The history of Shepherd's Glen is one of opportunity and enterprise. First settled nearly a century and a half ago, its founders came here as pilgrims, searching for a new home to practice their faith and ensure the prosperity of their four families. |
Газетная заметка / Newspaper ArticleМестонахождение: Городская ратуша, боковая комната, на стене. |
What should have been a normal school run home turned into tragedy last week when a freak thunderstorm washed a school bus into the raging torrent of the Toluca River. The normally placid river, swollen by nearly a week of record-breaking rainfall, was running almost 15ft higher than normal. |
Письмо матери отцу / Letter from Mom to DadМестонахождение: Дом Шепердов, 2-ой этаж, спальня, на столе. |
Adam, I know that you will soon return to me, but I miss you dearly and writing to you always calms my nerves. Everything here is the same, but with you gone, the house is so empty... |
Записка о водяном насосе / Water Pump NoteМестонахождение: Дом Шепердов, подвал, на водяном насосе. |
If it runs out of fuel, use the can from the garage to fill it. |
Записка о двигателе / Engine NoteМестонахождение: Дом Шепердов, 1-ый этаж, на столе в задней комнате. |
Adam, don't forget to ask Curtis about the engine. |
Старая газета / Old NewspaperМестонахождение: Шепердс Глен, парк, на скамейке. |
Paul Russell Douglas was executed for the murder of 8 children in and around Silent Hill and Shepherd's Glen areas, according to court records. |
Надпись на фонтане / Fountain InscriptionМестонахождение: Кладбище Роуз Хайтс, Восточный сад, пьедестал фонтана. |
This fountain is hereby dedicated to the memory of Charlotte Borden by her loving parents. |
Надпись на фонтане / Fountain InscriptionМестонахождение: Кладбище Роуз Хайтс, Западный сад, пьедестал фонтана. |
This fountain is hereby dedicated to the memory of Claire Borden by her loving parents. |
Записка на воротах / Gate NoteМестонахождение: Кладбище Роуз Хайтс, Западный сад, на стене. |
The Guardian that once was whole |
Записка на воротах / Gate NoteМестонахождение: Кладбище Роуз Хайтс, Западный сад, на стене. |
Once whole but now split in twain |
Список дел Кертиса / Curtis's to-do listМестонахождение: Свалка, на прилавке перед Кертисом. |
Fix Adam's Engine. |
Записка Полу / Note to PaulМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, вестибюль, на стойке ресепшна. |
Paul, |
Публичное объявление / General NoticeМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, вестибюль, на задней стойке ресепшна. |
General Notice: |
Настенное сообщение / Wall MessageМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, 3-ий этаж, номер 303, на стене. |
I can't see my face. Maybe you will in 404 |
Записка Сэму / Note to SamМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, 3-ий этаж, номер 304, в шкафу. |
Sam, |
Записка Сэму / Note to SamМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, 3-ий этаж, номер 308, в шкафу. |
Dearest Sam, |
Настенное сообщение / Wall MessageМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, 3-ий этаж, номер 308, на стене. |
405 scares me. I left my ducky in there. |
Записка Кэрол / Note to CarolМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, 4-ый этаж, в шкафу. |
Carol, I'm struggling to find the right words. My body was broken and now you've broken my heart too. I don't know why. I loved you unconditionally, gave you everything I had, I thought you loved me too. I guess I was a fool. There are things, things about Sam you don't know, and if you did, I guarantee you'd feel differently. I want to forgive you Carol, but I can't... I've simply nothing left. |
Сообщение о доставке / Delivery NoticeМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, 4-ый этаж, на комоде в коридоре. |
Delivery Notice – Alchemilla Hospital : |
Настенное сообщение / Wall MessageМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, 4-ый этаж, номер 403, на стене в туалете. |
You can't wash it off. |
Открытка из Алхемиллы / Alchemilla PostcardМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, 4-ый этаж, в ящичке в туалете. |
I long for the days before my ilness overtook me. From my window I can see a large oak. The leaves are ablaze - yellow and red - and with each day more of them fall. When the sun is low, the shadows from its branches trail across my walls, but soon after the darkness fills the room. Please come and see me soon. I want to share one more memory with you, while I still can. |
Записка Джиму / Note to JimМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, 5-ый этаж, номер 508, в шкафу. |
Jim, |
Записка мистеру Джонсу / Note to Mr. JonesМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, 5-ый этаж, номер 507, в шкафу. |
Mr. Jones, |
Открытка из парка развлечений / Lakeside Amusement Park PostcardМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, 5-ый этаж, номер 507, на кровати. |
What a wonderful day! The smell of cotton candy and the sound of laughter filled the air. Days like this make me appreciate what it was like to be young and carefree. Family is the most important thing - and our children are the future. I only wish I could feel that innocent again. |
Открытка с озера Толука / Toluca Lake PostcardМестонахождение: Гранд Отель, 4-ый этаж, номер 403, в ванной. |
I have some bad news to share. Yesterday I took a boat out - as far as I could row - and I dipped my face into the cold, clear water. As I leaned over the side of the rowboat, my necklace caught on the oar and the chain snapped. I saw your precious gift slip into the blackness. I wanted to dive in after it, but the water was so icy so deep. Please...forgive me. I miss you. |
Тюремная поэма / Cell PoemМестонахождение: Полицейский участок, на стене в камере Алекса. |
All I want is freedom, |
Смятая записка / Wrinkled MemoМестонахождение: Полицейский участок, гараж, на багаже машины. |
Only time will tell who has the will to live. |
Университетский диплом / Southeastern University DegreeМестонахождение: Офис доктора Фитча, на стене возле двери. |
Southeastern University Upon the recommendation of the Faculty of The School of Medicine And by the virtue of the authority vested in them by the Congress of the United States the Board of Trustees of Southeastern University Has conferred upon Martin Fitch Medicinae Doctor Together with all honors rights and privileges thereto pertaining, In recognition of all requirements for this degree. |
Записка мистеру Фитчу / Note to Mr. FitchМестонахождение: Офис доктора Фитча, в обследовательской под маленьким ключем. |
Dear Mr. Fitch, |
Старая книга: важность Мастера Оружия / Ancient Book: Importance of The Master of ArmsМестонахождение: Ратуша, подвал. |
In the pursuit of creating a more perfect Way, rules must be followed and rules must be enforced. Any member who ignores this command shall be dealt with swiftly and in view of all. This shall ensure continued prosperity. |
Старая книга: важность Исполнителя Обрядов / Ancient Book: Importance of The Performer of RitesМестонахождение: Ратуша, подвал. |
With the truth of the old believers fractured, it is essential that one person maintain and effectuate the modern sectarian rites we have toiled so faithfully to create and protect. |
Старая книга: важность Хранителя Знаний / Ancient Book: Importance of The Keeper of LoreМестонахождение: Ратуша, подвал. |
To continue on the path we have laid before us, it is vital that the people remember the road traveled. We must continually provide, update and nurture accurate records of the past that cannot be challenged by outsiders. |
Старая книга: важность Исполнителя Закона / Ancient Book: Importance of The Executor of LawМестонахождение: Ратуша, подвал. |
In defense of The Tenets, it is necessary that one person preside over the punishments of any members who have fallen from the Path. These rulings must be based on complete understanding of the laws set forth and must be executed without prejudice. |
Сертификат об отставке из армии / Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active DutyМестонахождение: Дом Шепердов, чердак, на столе в секретной комнате. |
Письмо от отца / Letter from DadМестонахождение: Дом Шепердов, чердак, на столе в секретной комнате (в ящике стола после решения загадки). |
I have failed, and they know it. They blame me. They should. I swore to protect this town, but I can't. |
Настенная надпись / Wall WritingМестонахождение: Дом Шепердов (другой мир), 1-ый этаж, прихожая, надпись на стене. |
To escape to the future you must know the past |
Заметка доктора / Doctor's MemoМестонахождение: Дом Шепердов (другой мир), 2-ой этаж, комната Джоша и Алекса, на стене у двери. |
The patient in room 206 is scheduled to undergo a trans-orbital lobotomy tomorrow. I've mandated that the following medications be doubled on the day of the procedure... |
Настенная поэма / Wall PoemМестонахождение: Дом Шепердов (другой мир), 2-ой этаж, комната Джоша и Алекса, надпись на стене. |
Nobody saw when you were crying on your bed. |
Предупреждение / NoticeМестонахождение: Электростанция, 2-ой этаж, записка у двери кабинета руководителя. |
Notice: Due to the recent accidents we have implemented new system fail-safes. The generator will now only power down if the proper sequence is followed. First and foremost, the boiler needs to be shut down. Closing off any of the other systems before the boiler is closed will result in a system reset to prevent damage to the facility. |
Письмо заключенного / Prisoner's LetterМестонахождение: Тюрьма, 1-ый этаж, комната посещений, на стойке. |
When you're notified you have a visitor, an officer searches you, and then escorts you to the visitor area. You then get placed in a cage, get un-cuffed, and wait for your visitor. For the right amount, officers will let visitors bring things in. It's against the rules, of course, but even high ranking officers do it...I mean, who's gonna stop them? After the visit is over, they strip you, search you, and let you get dressed. Then you get cuffed and escorted back to your cage. Seeing friends and family is the only thing that gives us hope. Dad, I hope you visit soon. Until next time, |
Записка рабочего / Worker's NoteМестонахождение: Тюрьма, 1-ый этаж, на автоповзке у лестницы. |
I'm tired of the ridiculous time constraints you people give me! You ask me to fix the cameras, and then thirty minutes later you call and ask why I haven't patched the hole in the wall yet! I'm tired of the mixed signals - someone just tell me what you really want! |
Старая газета / Old NewspaperМестонахождение: Тюрьма, камера B5, на койке. |
For any readers looking to enjoy that good old Shepherd's Glen hospitality, you may want to reconsider your options. I recently stayed at the Shepherd's Inn, located conveniently just outside the downtown area. While our previous overnights at this location were memorable, the year since their Sesquicentennial Celebration has not been kind to our neighboring burg. Our accommodations themselves were inhospitable, to put it mildly, and the locals seemed gruff and uninviting. Even the Town Hall, once a friendly way for tourists to learn about the area's culture, stood in exceeding disrepair. On day two-- |
Письмо заключенного / Prisoner's LetterМестонахождение: Тюрьма, камера B2, на койке. |
Whoever gets this message, please help! We haven't seen a guard in days. We're hungry...Losing hope... Please help us! We're dying in here. |
Письмо заключенного / Prisoner's LetterМестонахождение: Тюрьма, камера A8, на стене. |
I'm going to kill you. |
Письмо заключенного / Prisoner's LetterМестонахождение: Тюрьма, камера A5, на койке. |
Kenny, I can't wait to get the hell out of here. The god damn cooks are the ones who should be thrown into solitary. In order to eat, you've gotta have your light on, before the officer will put food on your tray. They make you kneel against the back wall when they're dishing it out...otherwise you get nothin. Then the officer closes the window and you can eat your food, but then as soon as you get started they come back to pick-up the trays. The meals are never fully cooked, and sometimes the food is still cold in the middle. Also, they give you less than what a grown man would normally eat. I've seen the officers scrape most of it on the ground to make the tray lighter. We get juice, but it's watered down, to be just like the food - tasteless. The first thing I'm gonna do when I get out is eat a god damn cheeseburger. |
Записка заключенного / Prisoner's NoteМестонахождение: Тюрьма, камера A12, на стене. |
If anyone finds this note, |
Табличка с загадкой / Riddle SignМестонахождение: Тюрьма (другой мир), табличка в комнате с клеткой. |
Табличка с загадкой / Riddle SignМестонахождение: Тюрьма (другой мир), табличка в комнате с клеткой. |
Табличка с загадкой / Riddle SignМестонахождение: Тюрьма (другой мир), табличка в комнате с клеткой. |
Несколько строчек из гимна / Few Lines from a HymnМестонахождение: Церковь, главный зал, на скамье. |
Where shall my wondering soul begin? |
Отрывок из псалма / Excerpt from a PsalmМестонахождение: Церковь, восточное крыло, 2-ой этаж, на столе. |
Blessed is the man who does not tread the path of the wicked, |
Сквозь туман / Through the FogМестонахождение: Подземелье, комната 211, на столе. |
Through the Fog - A Skeptic in Silent Hill |
Доктрина / DoctrineМестонахождение: Подземелье, комната 320, на полке. |
Every child born of the flesh bears the Filth of the flesh that created it |
Записка об эксперименте / Experiment MemoМестонахождение: Подземелье, комната 301, на столе. |
The experiment failed. It was a shining hope for us all, but the weakness of a few has darkened that light for us all. |
Записка / NoteМестонахождение: Подземелье, комната 301, на столе. |
I'm happy to report today I successfully converted seven subjects to serve the will of our divine lord. If God is willing, please take this as a sign of my commitment and spare my wife, for she does not know better. |
Пропаганда / PropagandaМестонахождение: Подземелье, комната 301, на столе возле окна. |
The time has come! These dark days are merely a test to find the worthy! |
Список пыток / Torture ListМестонахождение: Подземелье, комната 302, на стене. |
By decree of the ordained council, the following have been chosen to serve the will of our divine lord. |
Свод уставов / Set of BylawsМестонахождение: Подземелье, комната 113, книга на столе. |
1. Commitment |
Контракт семьи Фитчей / Fitch Family ContractМестонахождение: Подземелье, зал семей-основателей, настенная табличка. |
We, the Family Fitch, in order to ensure our continued protection and prosperity, do enter into this Holy Contract with our God, accept our duties as Performer of Rites and willingly consign our child to the knife in God's name. |
Контракт семьи Бартлеттов / Bartlett Family ContractМестонахождение: Подземелье, зал семей-основателей, настенная табличка. |
We, the Family Bartlett, in order to ensure our continued protection and prosperity, do enter into this Holy Contract with our God, accept our duties as Executor of Law and willingly consign our child to the earth in God's name. |
Контракт семьи Холловэй / Holloway Family ContractМестонахождение: Подземелье, зал семей-основателей, настенная табличка. |
We, the Family Holloway, in order to ensure our continued protection and prosperity, do enter into this Holy Contract with our God, accept our duties as Keeper of Lore and willingly consign our child to the noose in God's name. |
Контракт семьи Шепердов / Shepherd Family ContractМестонахождение: Подземелье, зал семей-основателей, настенная табличка. |
We, the Family Shepherd, in order to ensure our continued protection and prosperity, do enter into this Holy Contract with our God, accept our duties as Master of Arms and willingly consign our child to the water in God's name. |
Жертвенный алтарь Фитчей / Fitch's Sacrificial AltarМестонахождение: Подземелье, жертвенный зал, плашка на алтаре. |
Theodore Fitch |
Жертвенный алтарь Бартлеттов / Bartlett's Sacrificial AltarМестонахождение: Подземелье, жертвенный зал, плашка на алтаре. |
Helen Bartlett |
Жертвенный алтарь Холловэй / Holloway's Sacrificial AltarМестонахождение: Подземелье, жертвенный зал, плашка на алтаре. |
Ann Holloway |
Жертвенный алтарь Шепердов / Shepherd's Sacrificial AltarМестонахождение: Подземелье, жертвенный зал, плашка на алтаре. |
Daniel Shepherd |