
Playing the Game

This section includes tips, strategies, game concepts and basics to help any newcomer familiarize themselves with the game.

Note: This section was written with the Playstation 2 version in mind, thus you will see PS2 button inputs like "X" come up often. If playing on Xbox or PC, keep in mind your button inputs will be different. Also, other versions come with slightly different menus.


01. Menus
02. Game Basics
03. Combat Strategies
04. Items
05. Health System
06. Controls
07. Difficulty Settings

01. Menus

Here we start by breaking down the various menus including their functions and changeable options.

Main Menu

This is the menu that you see upon starting the game. Refer to below for all its options.

Opening Movie
Before reaching the main menu a teaser movie will play, showing off clips from the game. Idle at the main screen if you wish to see it again.

New Game
Self-explanatory, this advances you to select your Action and Riddle Level for a new game. Note that this should only be used the first time you play time game, instead moving on to Extra New Games to continue your file and use any unlockables. Read more about it below.

Extra New Game
This option is unlocked after completing the game once and is the equivalent to the yellow-highlighted New Game from Silent Hill 2 or Next Fear in the original Silent Hill (today more known as a New Game Plus). This allows you to start a new game while keeping any unlockables and continuing your file to let you achieve more endings and unlock more extra items.

This option lets you continue from your most recent save upon death or after a soft reset. After a death it will return you to your last save or the beginning of the area you were in if you hadn't saved there. It is only available if you have a save on your memory card.

Use this to access the Load menu where you can view and choose from all your saves.

In the Options menu you can change a bunch of settings such as display and audio settings as well as more gameplay related functions. Press L1 or R1 to access the Extra Options menu for more. Refer to the Options and Extra Options menus below.

Extra Costume
Unlocked after completing the game once, use this option to enter in various codes to unlock extra costumes. You may be given codes in the end ranking screen but they must first be entered here before they can be used in-game.

Save/Load Menu

This is the menu where you save and load your game, accessed via Load from the main menu or from a save point when saving. In order to save your game you'll need to find and examine red circular insignias over the game. To start things off you will need 364 KB to save a new file on your memory card and can save up to 40 slots on each card. Consider saving in multiple slots over the course of the game in case you wish to load a previous save, although feel free to overwrite files if you don't need them anymore. But be sure to never overwrite your main file that has any unlockables if you ever start a fresh New Game instead of an Extra New Game.

Options Menu

Refer to below for a list of all options that can be changed.

Button Config Type A, Type B
Language English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Japanese
Subtitles Off, On
Brightness Level Level 0, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6, Level 7
Screen Position X and Y Coordinates
Vibration Off, Soft, Normal, Hard
Sound Stereo, Monaural
BGM Volume |||||||||||||||| (1-16)
SE Volume |||||||||||||||| (1-16)
Control Type 3D Type, 2D Type

Extra Options

This menu is accessed by pressing L1 or R1 in the Options menu and contains more gameplay-focused options.

Blood Color Normal, Green, Violet, Black
Blood Volume Little, Normal, Much
Walk/Run Control Normal, Reverse
Map Zoom Out, Zoom In
Noise Effect On, Off
Display Mode Normal, Sharp
Bullet Adjust* x1, x2, x3, x4, x5
Life Display* Off, On
Beginner Mode* Off, On

Note: The game must be completed once to unlock Bullet Adjust, upon which x1 and x2 are available. Each additional game clear will unlock the next level up to x5. The game must be completed on Hard Action Level to unlock the Life Display while Beginner Mode is unlocked upon dying 3-4 times on Easy or Normal Action Level.

Inventory Menu

This is your in-game menu where you can view, use and equip all your items and view other menus. Unlike Silent Hill 1 and 2, the inventory this time is segmented according to items, weapons and supplies to make navigation less cluttered. View the diagram below for a breakdown of the menu while you can read more about each function farther down.

The top left corner features a screenshot of your current position and is tinted with a certain colour that indicates your health status. View the Health System section to learn what each colour means.

This option will switch over to your map if you have it, revealing your current position and what's around you. Instead of using this option, simply press Triangle during gameplay for greater convenience.

This is where you'll find important documents you've read throughout the game, including puzzle riddles, codes or general lore. So instead of returning to them in-game you can view them here at a quick glance. Refer to the Memos section for the full roster of memos.

This lets you access the Options menu without quitting the game, where you can change the various options listed above, including the Extra Options.

In this section you will find all your key items or essentially anything that isn't a weapon or supply. If it is not already highlighted, select the Items title to display your items in the main portion of the inventory.

This switches to the weapons tab where you can view, equip and reload all your weapons. When you get a new weapon you will find it here.

Lastly this is the tab where you'll find all health and ammo supplies as well as beef jerky. This tab will be helpful whenever you wish to heal or reload your weapons (or you can reload in the Weapons tab).

02. Game Basics

In this section we'll go over general principals and basics that are important in playing the game.


As a survival horror game you'll experience a lot of variable and obscure camera angles that may make it difficult to see where you're going or what's ahead of you. Most of the time you can adjust it and even move the camera behind Heather by holding L2 and moving it around with the right stick. This is very helpful for fighting bosses or just generally staying on top of where you're going. Also pay attention to sudden camera angle changes or specific angles that hint towards certain items or other environmental details.

Using Maps

Maps are extremely valuable tools to navigate through the game, with each area generally having its own map that can be found early on. Once found, hit Triangle to view the map to see your current location and what's around you on the current floor, or use the left analog stick to change floors. Heather will mark open doors as arrows, locked doors as solid lines, impassable doors as squiggly lines, and other various points of interest as circles or other markings. Don't ever feel ashamed for frequently checking the map as it's an incredibly valuable tool and perfect for reorienting or reminding yourself of where to go.

Using the Radio and Flashlight

Ah, the series staples. You will find these two items fairly on in the mall and both are valuable tools to help you on your journey. Your Radio will emit static to alarm you to any nearby monster and your Flashlight will allow you to see in the dark and pick up certain items. Note that you can adjust the Radio volume in the inventory or turn it off altogether, which helps you be more discreet. The Flashlight can also be turned on and off by pressing Circle, which again can be helpful for avoiding enemies in dark hallways.

Game Concepts

This includes regular ideas and principles of playing the game, all described below.

Running doesn't make you a wussie, but instead it's often the best solution. While you may need to clear out certain rooms or halls to investigate more closely or avoid being hounded, running by them is always a very safe solution and certainly helps you conserve ammo.

Running Slow and Sluggishly
If you find yourself running rather slowly and unable to strafe, you're likely wearing the Bulletproof Vest. While this limits damage to the player, it's quite restrictive so decide what's more important to you.

Ammo Conservation
There is even less ammo in Silent Hill 3 than the previous two games, so conservation is more important than ever. Don't go killing every enemy you see, and don't waste ammo on enemies that can be handled effectively with melee weapons. Try to build up your ammo hoard for tougher enemies and bosses.

Conserving Health Items
You'll also receive fewer health items than previously, so it's important to use them wisely. Don't waste Health Drinks on tiny wounds or First-Aid Kits on wounds that a Health Drink will take care of. And save all Ampoules for when your health status is flashing deep red to make the most of them.

Searching Areas
A majority of the game consists of thoroughly searching rooms and hallways to find key items, memos and supplies. Therefore you'll want to be at least somewhat comprehensive in your search. Check carefully around each room and pay attention to any suggestive camera angles and note that Heather turns her head towards any nearby item (and also unlocked doors). If stuck, refer to your map to see if there's any rooms you may have missed.

Checking Doors
Probably about 70% of the doors in Silent Hill 3 are inaccessible. Doors will be either open, locked, broken-locked or just shut tight and can't be opened. If a door is locked, you'll either get a key to open it, or you'll have to get to the other side where you can unlock it, but if a door just won't open then you can forget about it. Note that Heather stares at unlocked doors when nearby.

Throughout the game you'll come across various notes and literature, some pertaining to puzzles including codes with others serving as lore. You'll generally know when a riddle will need to be solved due to obvious wording, but make sure to read these very carefully as some puzzles are incredibly intricate and difficult to solve. Some may even try to catch you off guard with a little trick that you may not have thought of, so keep an open mind.

You will find several codes on your journey for unlocking doors and keypads. Having a pen and paper handy can be helpful for quick reference, although you can always find any written codes in the Memos section of your inventory once found.

Nightmare Areas
On multiple occasions you will experience a transformation of one area to a nightmare version, a common theme in the series. Just about everything in these transformations change beyond the general layout of each building. Your map will therefore still be your key but all the earlier information will be reset. Different doors may be locked and unlocked, some places may be blocked off entirely and some new areas may exist that didn't before. Keep an eye out and treat each transformation as its own new area.

Soft Reset

This is a function that resets you to the main menu without resetting the game console, a function normally not available in older survival horror titles. To do this, press and hold Start + Select. This way you can load a previous save or start a new game.

03. Combat Strategies

Now we'll dive into the combat side of the game and how to approach different situations. For strategies for each enemy including suggested weapons, refer to the Enemies section.

Targeting Enemies
Just like its prequels, Silent Hill 3 uses an auto-aim or lock-on aiming system. With a weapon equipped, hold R2 to raise it or aim at the enemy and press X to swing or shoot. It's helpful to move towards or away from enemies while shooting, depending on the enemy and how aggressive they are. If you wish to only press R2 as a toggle instead of holding, you can change it in the Extra Options menu.

Shooting/Fighting Enemies
While it may be straightforward in principle, whether an enemy counts as a fighting or shooting kill entirely depends on how you finish it. A few bullets and a kick counts as a fighting kill cause the kick killed it. Beat it down and to death with a melee weapon also acts as a fighting kill, while you must deliver the finishing blow with a firearm to count as a shooting kill. Always stay on top of nearby enemies when fighting, and avoid reloading in-game to open yourself to attack. Instead do so from the inventory.

Fighting Multiple Enemies
Fighting a number of enemies at the same time is never a good idea as it opens you to the constant threat of attack. In rooms with multiple enemies, try to lure them one by one to an isolated spot from the rest and take them out that way. If you have the Shotgun or even the SMG, it can also be helpful in clearing groupings of enemies or knocking them down to quickly finish them off with kicks. Be sure to switch back and forth between appropriate weapons, including multiple firearms and also melee weapons depending on how urgent matters are.

Kicking Enemies
Another common theme in Silent Hill games, you will want to kick downed enemies to finish them off before they get up. It costs you no ammo and deals a lot of power, despite a single kick not automatically spelling death like in the previous games. Instead it may take multiple kicks to kill a downed enemy so keep on kicking until you hear their death note or see blood pouring out. Note that you can still kick enemies after they're dead, so don't confuse yourself into thinking a still and silent enemy is alive, unless it's a Slurper playing dead to fool you.

Pushing Enemies
Whenever you find an enemy blocking your way, you can use your smarts and just push past it while avoiding a fight, especially if it's a slower enemy. Always run at the gap between an enemy and a wall or another object rather than directly into them for the most efficient route past them. You'll find this is especially helpful for Insane Cancers, big tough enemies that you will never have to fight since you can always just push past them.

You've gone and done it again, haven't you? You got yourself surrounded. This can be a somewhat common occurrence due to enemies in high frequency in certain areas. When surrounded, either turn to the SMG or Shotgun for crowd control if you have it or push you way out where the safest gap is located. Sometimes that may involve running between a small gap between two enemies, pushing them both slightly to either side. You may take a hit in some cases, but you should be able to escape.

Escaping Grapple Attacks
Some enemies have attacks that grab a hold of Heather as they continue to damage her. The longer you're attacked by these, the more damage you will take. To escape more quickly, mash the shoulder and directional buttons. That includes L1, R1, L2, R2 and the D-pad.

Switching Walk/Run Control
Under normal controls, you must hold Square while moving to run, but with Walk/Run Control set to Reverse you will run without needing to press Square. This is highly recommended to avoid redundantly holding another button in a game where you'll be running almost all the time. If you ever do wish to walk, simply hold Square while moving.

While using 3D control (tank controls), you will be able to sidestep and strafe with L1 and R1. With normal Walk/Run Control you will sidestep while also holding Square will allow Heather to jog to the side. Switching Walk/Run Control reverses this and is recommended as mentioned above. You will find strafing very helpful if using 3D since it allows you to quickly escape to the side instead of turning and then moving, so use it to your advantage. Note that just like normal running, your strafing speed will be decreased when out of stamina. And if using 2D control, there is no strafing since you can immediately run in whichever direction you want.

Bulletproof Vest
A new item to the series, this vest can be worn to limit incoming damage from enemies and bosses by about 15%. At the same time, it comes at the cost of mobility, slowing Heather's running and turning speeds while removing your ability to strafe (but you can still sidestep). Therefore the player must decide if it's worth the tradeoff. The vest is found on a clothes rack in the women's clothing store on the first floor of the Nightmare Mall.

For the first time in the Silent Hill series, you have the ability to block attacks. While in caution mode (R2 with your weapon raised), press Square and Heather will adjust her hands accordingly to block an incoming attack for about a second-long window. This almost completely nullifies standard attacks, limiting damage by about 99.5%, while blocking with the Bulletproof Vest prevents any damage at all. Once mastered, blocking can dramatically help you in combat and allow you to immediate counter fire upon successful execution, or even leave you with a window for a safe melee attack or two. It may be natural to not bother with blocking or even forget the option exists, but when used properly it is immensely helpful and rather crucial in limiting damage for a 10-star ranking in particular.

As always, you have the choice to reload your guns live in-game or while paused in the inventory menu. I recommend always doing it safely in your inventory when around enemies to avoid an untimely reload that get you hit. However Silent Hill 3 adds manual in-game reloads where Heather doesn't have to unload a magazine to do so. To do this, you must equip the ammo for your weapon under the Supplies tab of the inventory, then press R3 during gameplay to reload. I'd advise avoiding this around enemies and bosses unless you're certain you can do so safely, and instead just use your inventory.

04. Items

A heavy focus of Silent Hill 3 is finding and using various items, including keys, weapons, supplies and other objects. In this section we'll cover all aspects of finding and using them.

Finding Items

It's not that hard to find items in Silent Hill 3, but keep an eye out for suggestive camera angles, where Heather is looking, and keep your Flashlight on for clarity. Be sure to check every door you come across to search every room, finding all key items and supplies inside.

Using Items

Every key is automatically used by examining the door it unlocks if you have it in your inventory. Items that aren't keys will have to be used from your inventory while standing in front of the target. Certain items aren't effective on their own and must be combined first. See below for more details. Additionally you can examine certain items for more details, providing clues for their usage.

Combining Items

This process has been streamlined by a single step since Silent Hill 2 but is relatively the same. First, stand in front of your target and enter your inventory. Find the first item and select "Combine", then move to the next item (no back required). If it's a two item combination you can simply use the second item to mix them, or in a three item mix you'll need to combine the first two items and use the third. Note that you can add the final item to the mix too but it's an unneeded step since whatever you use gets added to what's already combined.

You'll notice which items are included in your mix so far under the Items tab on the left side before using. Also understand that many items that can't be combined with anything may have Combine as an option, so don't let that confuse you if it otherwise doesn't make sense.

Examining Items

Several items have an Examine option in your inventory that allows Heather to take a closer look and report any interesting details or thoughts. This will help you assess not only where to use items but also what to do with the more confusing ones, since you may not know just by picking up an item that there's something rattling around inside it, but Heather will certainly notice when examined. So be sure to use this function whenever unsure about an item.

Equipping Items

New in Silent Hill 3 is the ability to equip more than just weapons, such as supplies, a vest, silencer and perfume. Equipping supplies like ammo, health and jerky allows you to reload, heal or use them with R3 in-game. Other items can be worn or used by equipping them to receive their benefits.

Extra Supplies

Silent Hill 3 uses a variable supply system that will hook you up with additional ammo and health pickups in certain areas if you are struggling, including perhaps two First-Aid Kits instead of two Health Drinks. This does not mean to go and waste your supplies knowing you will get more because you'll struggle even more, but know you will have some backup supplies if you're having a hard time. Keep an eye out for them and note what you find may be slightly different than what's stated in the walkthrough.

05. Health System

Here we'll cover everything health related including your status and supplies.

Health Status
In the top left corner of your inventory you'll see a real-time screenshot tinted a certain colour with a square pulse moving at a certain speed. This indicates your current health level, with the legend below.

  • Deep Blue: Excellent
  • Light Blue: Good
  • Light Yellow: Okay
  • Deep Yellow: Bad
  • Light Red: Very Bad
  • Vivid Red: Close to Death

The worse you're off, the faster the square pulse will move. Additionally your controller may vibrate once your health dips into the red.

Health Supplies
In order to keep on top of your status you'll need to find and use health supplies, spread out in high frequency. Keep an eye out and look for Health Drinks, First-Aid Kits and Ampoules, which recover a quarter, half and your full health, respectively. Refer to the Weapons and Supplies sections for more info on these items.

Recovering Health
Always stay on top of your health by checking your inventory status and use health items to stay healthy. Do this by finding the Supplies tab and using one of the three health items mentioned above. Additionally you can equip a supply and press R3 in-game to use it as long as you have more in your inventory. This can speed things up in difficult areas where you may be hit often.

06. Controls

PS2 Controls

D-Pad Menu navigation
Left Analog Stick Character movement, menu navigation
START Pause game, skip scene
SELECT Open inventory
X Accept, examine, attack, stomp or kick
Square Run, guard, block attack
Circle Cancel, exit menu/puzzle, toggle Flashlight ON/OFF
Triangle Quick Map
L1 Sidestep left
R1 Sidestep right
R2 Ready weapon
L2 Position camera behind character
L2 + Right Analog Stick Look in all forward directions
L1 + R1 Turn 180 degrees
L2 + L3 (Left Stick) Zoom in
R3 (Right Stick) Press to use current supply
Start + Select Soft Reset

PC Controls

W Move Forwards
S Move Backwards
Q Turn Left
E Turn Right
L Light
M Maps
TAB Search View
I Item
A Strafe Left
D Strafe Right
ESC Cancel / Skip / Pause
Z Zoom
H Supplies
F5 Quick Save
F9 Quick Load

Button Configuration Types

There are two Button Configuration types available in the Options menu: Type A and Type B. I'd suggest keeping with the default of Type B which is most similar to previous games in the series, but feel free to try A which swaps a few button inputs around.

Control Type

Just as previously, there are two control types in Silent Hill 3 that dictate player movement: 3D and 2D. Refer to each below for an understanding of how they work. Visit the Options menu to change it. If I could give a recommendation, I would suggest keeping the default 3D. While SH2's 3D control was a bit clunky, SH3's is instead incredibly smooth and fluid to the point that I'd say it feels much nicer to play with than to constantly change directions per camera angle with only slightly more open control. That and it's incredibly easy to turn with a sharp radius in 3D, including tight stairwells. Give it a chance and you'll see that this game may have the best implementation ever of tank controls in a survival horror game.

3D Type
Often referred to as tank controls, 3D control disregards where the camera is located and moves your character forward in the direction they are facing. If that's towards the camera, you'll move towards it. Use left and right to turn your character accordingly, while back on the analog stick will step Heather backward. Pushing left or right all the way will turn Heather while standing still. Turn while holding forward to keep momentum. With this control type, the player can perform sidesteps or strafes with L1 and R1 and a quick turn with L1 + R1 for convenience. I suggest using this method due to how seamlessly it works with the game, but ultimately it comes down to your preference.

2D Type
This method offers more free movement but depends entirely on where the camera is. Pressing to the left will move your character to the left of the camera no matter where they were facing. Note that since camera angles change fairly often, you will have to adjust your movement every time to keep going in the same direction. Since movement is completely open without restriction, there is no need for strafing or a quick turn since you can turn immediately in any direction. The free movement is nice, but having to adjust for every angle can get a tad bothersome, which is why I recommend 3D, but go with what works best for you.

Extra Options

Before you start your game you may want to visit the Extra Options to tailor your game how you like. Press L1 or R1 in the Options menu to access and change the following settings.

Blood Color and Volume
This is purely visual so go with what you like. I recommend normal blood colour to keep the serious tone, but green can look nice on additional playthroughs. I'd say Much is the way to go for Blood Volume, but it's your call.

Walk/Run Control
Normally Heather will walk as her default movement, requiring Square to be held to run. With this option set to Reverse, it switches. I highly recommend switching it since you'll be running for the majority of the game. If you ever do wish to walk, just hold Square.

This option controls whether your map will be fully zoomed-in or out every time you view it, but either way you can press X in the map to zoom in and out anyway. I'd suggest just leaving this as default.

Noise Effect
This is a filter that fills the screen with "noise", otherwise known as static. This creates a visual look that imitates an old, gritty horror film. Honestly though, with Silent Hill 3 as beautiful as it is (perhaps the best looking PS2 game out there), I'd suggest turning it off to experience it in its highest detail without muddying it up. Or if you plan to play the game multiple times, keep it on for the first go and then turn it off to see what you think of the difference. It is truly stunning turned off and thankfully it is your choice from the start if you wish to do so, unlike previously in the series.

Display Mode
Here your options are either normal or sharp, whether you want the game displayed more sharply and potentially jagged or default with some blending to smoothen the graphics. I'd suggest leaving it as is.

Bullet Adjust
You must first complete the game to unlock this option, upon which you can set it to x1 or x2, potentially multiplying every ammo pickup in the game accordingly. Each additional game clear will add another level, up to x5. You'll find this helpful for playing on Hard or the Extra difficulties, and while going for a 10-star ranking.

Beginner Mode
This first must be unlocked by dying 3-4 times on Easy or Normal Action Level, upon which you will be informed that Beginner has been added to the Extra Options. Find it there to enable it while playing on Easy or Normal, while it cannot be used after starting on Hard. The benefit of Beginner is that you cannot die from regular enemy attacks. Silent Hill 3 generally isn't a super tough game, especially on Easy, so I'd suggest avoiding Beginner entirely unless you're really having a hard time.

07. Difficulty Settings

Action Level

This sets the combat difficulty. Enemy and boss attacks will vary in damage, speed and overall aggression depending on which level you choose, in addition to their health. This also determines how many items and supplies will be found. Read each difficulty below for a general understanding of what they entail.

This must first be unlocked by dying 3-4 times on Easy or Normal Action Level, upon which you'll be asked if you wish to change to Beginner, which you can do immediately or at a later point in the Extra Options. You cannot switch to Beginner from Hard. On Beginner, enemies will be much less frequent, less powerful, slower, do less damage, grab you for a brief period only, and will generally not require kicks to kill. Boss fights will be very brief, supplies will be available in high frequency, your firearms will magically be reloaded upon raising them, melee weapons will not deflect off walls, and you cannot fall down holes. I'd recommend avoiding this difficulty unless completely new to the genre and really struggling.

Enemies on Easy will be less frequent, have half the health (requiring 3-8 bullets to drop), move slower, inflict less damage, grab a hold of you for less time, and often not require kicks to kill. Boss fights are noticeably shorter and weaker, supplies are more abundant, firearm clips will magically reload as you prepare to shoot, melee weapons do not deflect off walls, and you cannot fall down holes.

This is how the game is meant to be played. Enemies have their standard numbers, strengths (5-10 bullets to drop), speeds, power and generally have to be kicked after dropping with melee weapons (and the Shotgun). Boss fights are their normal length while still reasonable, supplies are fairly available, you have to reload your weapon manually in-game or in the inventory, melee weapons deflect off walls, but you still cannot fall down any holes.

Enemies are more common, stronger (10-15 bullets to drop), faster, inflict more damage, grab a hold of you longer, and almost always must be kicked after dropping with melee weapons (and the Shotgun), often multiple times. Boss fights last much longer with more health, supplies are less abundant, you always have to manually reload in-game or in the inventory, melee weapons deflect off walls, and you can fall down holes while running if not careful and if you don't pull back while teetering on the edge. Additionally, Heather will stumble and bump into walls and doors while running at full speed, can be insta-killed by the Split Worm's special attack if not careful, and in the Borley Haunted Mansion must lower herself by holding R2 to avoid getting hit by the spikes. In an Extra New Game, the opening hallways of the Underpass will drain Heather's health but will not kill her.

Riddle Level

This sets the complexity of puzzles found throughout the game, whether in written form via riddles or what items may or may not be required to pass certain areas.

Puzzles are very simplified if not spelled out to you, requiring very little analysis or action, and in some cases are bypassed entirely. Some items required for Normal and Hard will not be present or needed, while others will be easier to acquire.

Default puzzle difficulty with riddles most people should be able to solve with some thinking, but nothing too advanced or overly difficult. Some may require only a slight bit of creativity to solve.

Riddle difficulty increases dramatically with multiple puzzles requiring extremely deep analysis and multiple reads to understand. Riddles have confusing elements to throw you off while some verses may be vague. A very creative mind is required, some liberties in thought or the usual process may have to be made, and knowledge of outside literature is required for at least one puzzle. This stands as the hardest individual riddle difficulty in the entire series and is intended for an intellectual mind.

Suggested Action and Riddle Levels

Returning to the series or even as a newcomer familiar with survival horror, Normal and Normal may be the best way to go. Those not so experienced in the genre may want to consider Easy Action Level, but Normal Riddle Level is still rather reasonable and doesn't cut small pieces out of the game like Easy. Hard Action Level should be off limits unless confident in your abilities and experienced in the genre, and I'd avoid Hard Riddle Level your first time unless ready for an extreme intellectual challenge. Even on additional playthroughs Hard Riddle Level will likely give you headaches, but this guide is always here to help you.

Extreme Action Levels

By completing Hard Action level you will unlock Extreme 1 Action Level, which is a step above Hard. Beating that will unlock Extreme 2, while you can keep upping the ante until you reach Extreme X (10), the hardest Action Level in the game and a supreme challenge. For these levels, take Hard and multiply it accordingly to have some idea of what you're up for, including a health bar half the size as Hard for all levels and increasing enemy damage. You will certainly want to use Bullet Adjust x5 to give yourself a proper chance. While choosing your difficulty in the main menu, use the left and right buttons to toggle between the Extreme levels you've unlocked.