
Cool and Scary Things

The title of this section originates from the Silent Hill 2 GameFAQs message board back in 2002 where I made a series of topics of "Cool and Scary things" found in that game, or simply a list of some interesting things you could see and hear throughout. This section carries on that tradition by listing all the worthwhile trivia I've found in Silent Hill 3. Enjoy.


  • You start in the same amusement park that Harry explores in Silent Hill
  • In the opening cutscene, the image that flashes multiple times is the twitching head of a horse later found on Happy Carousel
  • Heather starts her nightmare with the knife, handgun, submachine gun, a health drink, first-aid kit and ampoule along with some ammo
  • You can actually fall down a hole or get killed by an enemy and wake up in the mall, since it's just a nightmare
  • Heather explains that she likes cookies and chocolate when you examine certain walls in the gift shop

Central Square Shopping Center

  • Heather awakens inside Happy Burger, a chain restaurant also found in Silent Hill 2
  • The way Douglas says "sorry" in the opening conversation is rather funny
  • Heather provides some mildly funny but appropriate comments about the van in the alley when examined
  • The body the first Closer chomps on is a recoloured model of Angela from Silent Hill 2
  • There is a blue-coloured poster of Silent Hill 2 in the office hallway following the clothing store
  • You can hear some thumping in the room with the key under the skid, perhaps as if someone is running above
  • There's all sorts of baked goods and drinks inside Helen's Bakery that have incredible detail
  • You can hear the radio in the elevator before it falls

Nightmare Shopping Mall

  • In the first hallway of the Nightmare Mall you can hear loud, distant moans similar to those heard in Silent Hill 2's Historical Society
  • You can hear crunching glass while in the 1F northwest hallway
  • With a completed Silent Hill 2 save on your memory card, Heather can prepare to reach into the women's washroom toilet before wimping out and making light of anyone who would do such a thing
  • Heather must be blind to need the flashlight to see the Hanger in the women's clothing store since it's not very dark
  • Heather could simply use the coat hanger to remove the toilet blockage in the women's washroom but doesn't think of it
  • When you knock on the farthest stall door in the 1F women's washroom and walk away, it opens to reveal blood everywhere – someone's had a bad day
  • There are a few hallways where Double Heads are busy eating some sort of meat package while you can walk right past them
  • The room with the vise on 2F looks somewhat like Pyramid Head's lair from Silent Hill 2
  • The Moonstone door appears to allude to pregnancy with 300 days and nights (10 months rather than 9, but still) and "cries of pain", while the Walnut itself is pregnant with the Moonstone inside

Return to Normal

  • When you examine the middle-left table in Happy Burger, Heather comments that she was sleeping there earlier and she'd still like to be, or maybe she still is
  • Douglas hints that he saw the Split Worm ("that monster"), although it's perhaps a mystery how and from where

Hazel Street Subway Station

  • There's an interesting newspaper on one of the ticket machines that mentions a man who died from a subway train collision four years ago – you can witness an extra, paranormal scene if you read it before proceeding to platform 4
  • Heather says she could just hop over the turnstiles when you examine them
  • Inside the concourse ticket booth are framed photos on the wall that are screenshots from Silent Hill 2
  • If you move near the phones in the middle of B2, a phone will ring just once but cannot be answered
  • Garbage bins in the subway have the slogan "STASH YOUR TRASH" on them
  • The red shopping cart in the blocked off hallway below platform 1 and 2 is the same one from Wood Side Apartments where James acquires the handgun in Silent Hill 2
  • While Closers are normally not found in the subway, you can find a couple if you head down the stairs after using the nutcracker and then backtrack
  • Upon meeting the first Insane Cancer near the open subway train, you can lead it back to the train and hide inside as it won't be able to fit through the smaller door
  • After trying the red glow door on the tracks, three Double Heads appear out of nowhere at an instant
  • Be sure to step out the back door of the moving subway train for a fantastic exterior view of it speeding through the tunnels
  • If you move forward on the back of the train, a brief first person cutscene will play of Heather falling off and dying
  • Each subway car is released from the train after proceeding to the next car – every time you go back you'll be on the last car's doorstep
  • The subway car sounds, lighting and general atmosphere are extremely well done and just like a real subway ride
  • There is what Heather describes as garbage on the floor not worth her time right near the Insane Cancer in the train – close enough that it can look like she's talking about the Insane Cancer (worth a good laugh)
  • There are fallen hand holders from the roof on some of the seats that look like weird knives
  • The subway train moves and stops on its own without a conductor


  • Certain paths of the underpass will display all bloody and altered in an Extra New Game, damaging Heather on Hard as she remains in them
  • A creepy noise is heard upon examining the bloody lockers in the map room
  • Heather explains that the hardhat helmets in the map room are "geeky-looking"
  • A Slurper can be seen in the water under the bridge before the garbage room, disappearing on your way back
  • There are a fair amount of objects in the garbage room for Heather to comment on with interesting thoughts
  • There is actually a radio in one of the garbage bins from the sewers
  • When answering honestly to the sewer princess after dropping your steel pipe in the water in the monster room, she says " "I've finally found a truly honest man!" – a rather unfortunate comment for Heather
  • There are plenty of strange noises heard in the Underpass, ranging from distant monster screeches to mysterious thumps and ringing

Construction Site

  • An echoing clank is heard while climbing the stairwell
  • The 5F washroom looks like a washroom from Silent Hill 2's apartments
  • When you examine the washroom sink on 5F, Heather says "It's just a plain ol' washbasin"
  • You can actually find a Silencer hidden behind a newly-plastered portion of wall in the 5F main room, along with a body – perhaps it is the work of Solid Snake
  • Upon examining the pair of legs in the wall, Heather offers up some comments, including that she shouldn't've watched a movie called "The Black Cat"
  • Heather actually jumps from the fifth floor to the third, since two floors have collapsed below

Hilltop Center

  • There are six floors in this building, making it the highest number of floors in an accessible building in the Silent Hill series up to this point
  • If you examine the mannequin with the head in the Store Front Poseables storeroom and move to the other corner, a scream will be heard and the head will be chopped off with blood all over
  • There are car wheels, a wrench and some oil bottles on the shelf with the jack in KMN Auto Parts
  • The sign to the Gallery of Fine Arts has what appears to be a red square save point from Silent Hill 2 on it
  • Heather says she's not found of fire upon examining the "Flames Purifies All" painting caption in the Gallery of Fine Arts, understandable once you realize her history
  • In the Gallery of Fine Arts corridor, there's a noticeboard with upcoming gallery shows – Heather comments "Who really cares about that?"
  • On 2F you can hear some noises from Silent Hill 2 when Pyramid Head is chasing you in the hospital basement

Nightmare Hilltop Center

  • There is a costume very similar to Pyramid Head's from Silent Hill 2 hanging from some scissors in the second room of this area
  • It says "FRIEND" on the wall in the room with Vincent
  • You can actually fall down some holes in this area on Hard
  • The chemistry note on the Green Ridge desk only appears on Hard Riddle Level
  • Heather decides not to take any of the cash strewn on the counter in Last Drop Café
  • With the Transform Costume and Maul equipped, the Insane Cancer in Last Drop Café speaks in Japanese and loudly screams when hit, and Heather similarly returns Japanese comments when hit
  • Upon exiting Last Drop Café, the camera angle looks like first person view
  • The doors with blue lights over them throughout Nightmare Hilltop look fantastic and rather photorealistic
  • You can hear a monster groan in the northern part of the west 5F corridor upon checking the north door
  • In a south room on 5F, you can shoot and kill two Slurpers behind a fence while they cannot reach you
  • Heather is only 17 but she says she quit smoking for good when you examine the cigs in the southwest corner room on 5F
  • The matchbooks in the smoking conference room on 5F are huge
  • In the staircase room after burning the painting, on the wall are question marks and smiles reminiscent of Lisa's from the first Silent Hill
  • Despite Heather only taking one silver coin in Onestop Imports, she comments that she may act like a thief sometimes
  • It costs 25 cents for a pop in the Onestop Imports vending machine
  • Upon returning to the elevator with the life insurance key on 4F, you'll hear a strange noise
  • In the life insurance corridor, familiar music from Silent Hill 2's Blue Creek room 203 plays
  • It looks like they ran out of life insurance in the TU FUI, EGO ERIS room of Elberton Life Insurance
  • When Heather hears the monster after reciting TU FUI, EGO ERIS, she comments on it, but not all the other noises she hears
  • The Glutton monster and the fairy tale are awfully reminiscent of Harry reading about how to defeat a lizard creature and then later fighting it in the first Silent Hill's school


  • The orange car outside the Nightmare Hilltop Center looks like a 1967 Ford Mustang

Daisy Villa Apartments

  • The apartments sign outside says "Daisy Villa Apartments" but the text reads "Daisy Villa Apartment" when you examine it
  • With a completed Silent Hill 2 save, Heather will comment that there's no letter from a dead wife inside the mailboxes upon examining them
  • If you examine the save point by the front exit, Heather says "It makes 'me' head hurt" – indeed it does, Heather
  • Heather arrives at home after a crazy day like this and acts all casual with a simple "Dad, I'm home"? That's it?
  • Harry appears to wear the same outfit from the first Silent Hill, minus the vest
  • Heather gets blood on her vest, remaining for the rest of the game
  • The boss you fight on the rooftop looks similar to Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2
  • If you try to open the rooftop door during the boss fight after Claudia leaves, Heather will comment, "It's locked. That bitch....!"
  • There are washrooms in both Harry and Heather's bedrooms – now that's some luxury for a small apartment
  • When you examine the chair that Harry was in, Heather says he told her that he was the strongest man in the world; Heather then calls him a liar
  • Heather can read a movie quote on a poster in her bedroom
  • The middle shirt in Heather's dresser looks like a map
  • There's a cloth on a bucket in the kitchen
  • The phone by the door looks rather old

Silent Hill

  • When Douglas is driving Heather to Silent Hill, you can see "California" on the licence plate – seems like he's come a long way as Silent Hill is supposed to be in northeastern USA
  • Harry's diary given by Douglas makes for a fantastic and emotional read
  • Silent Hill now has even more fog than ever before
  • You can access the doghouse lot from Silent Hill 2 but there's nothing in the lot
  • Pete's Bowl-O-Rama's entrance doors are shut tight and cannot be opened
  • There are drawings of people bowling on the west wall on Carroll Street, near Pete's Bowl-O-Rama, the same ones from Silent Hill 2
  • It says "GOOKIE" on the wall near the entrance of Heaven's Night
  • If you have a completed Silent Hill 2 save, there's a "Lady Maria" poster on the stage with a woman of black hair – not unlike Maria who had dyed-blonde hair with dark roots
  • On the center table in Heaven's Night is the exact same tourist pamphlet found in the apartments in Silent Hill 2

Brookhaven Hospital

  • While the nurses look awfully familiar, they now have hair and viewable faces, and some sort of extended apron on the front of their miniskirts
  • Before reading Stanley Coleman's first diary when checking the doll beside it in the Visiting Room, Heather explains how she likes dolls with a very positive tone, but upon reading the creepy diary her tone changes and she explains she won't touch the doll with a 10-foot pole
  • It's actually possible to read the alarm clock time from afar and type it into the M4 briefcase without ever examining it up close, provided you can see it clearly enough
  • The end of the 2F patient wing hall contains the same mattresses, TVs, bucket and mop exactly as they appeared in Silent Hill 2
  • You can hear different tones of the basement wheelchair wheel on repeat if you pause it about every second
  • With a completed Silent Hill 2 save, Heather will comment that the fence on the rooftop doesn't look like it's about to break and fall, just as it does for James
  • In the secret hallway supposedly to Leonard, you can pause the game while a gate lowers to finish its sound effect, then unpause to have the gate finish lowering in silence
  • When climbing the ladder by Valtiel, it says "What A Wonderfull World" on the wall – this is a reference to The Exorcist III where the killer writes something similar with two l's in Wonderful

Nightmare Hospital

  • This is a TRUE "Nightmare" Hospital with the walls a mixture of what looks like fire and blood
  • Upon entering the 3F Storeroom, a large mirror is found on the wall while the room in the reflection transforms, with the real room following suit and Heather's reflection freezing
  • The mystery man on the men's locker room telephone reveals that Stanley Coleman is the corpse on gurney number 7 in the basement, and further that he was murdered by Leonard
  • The mystery phone caller says Happy 31st Birthday (14 of Alessa plus 17 of Heather) and then Happy 24th Birthday (7 of Cheryl plus 17 of Heather)
  • After the phone conversation, Heather realizes that the phone wasn't even connected
  • Behind the smoky glass on 2F, Valtiel holds a nurse upside-down, very suggestively with her legs spread open
  • You can hear a cry by the smoky glass area on 2F
  • In the B3 crematorium, you can hear the final dying breaths of Stanley Coleman while near corpse number 7
  • The scribbled memo in the 1F Day Room appears to have been written by Leonard
  • You can hear some monster noises in room C1

Lakeside Amusement Park

  • There are some actual completely dark areas in the amusement park
  • Robbie the Rabbit is only one of the park's four mascots – the others are Kathy the Kitty, Huey the Horse and Dawn the Duck, who can all be seen in the wall frames in the children's amphitheatre
  • Douglas has the same handgun as Heather
  • For some reason Heather decides that she should call an ambulance when she finds Douglas, forgetting the circumstances of her situation
  • The Silent Hill 2 elevator game show host mentions the park has a merry-go-round, haunted house, roller coaster, ferris wheel and tea cups; Heather can see all these rides minus the ferris wheel, which can be seen by Harry in the first Silent Hill
  • The Tea Cup ride behind Douglas seems to have been directly inspired from the mentioning of the "tea cups" ride by the Trick or Treat elevator announcer in Silent Hill 2
  • The full contents of Douglas's notebook can only be read from your inventory, with Heather only reading about half of it before picking it up in the Fortune House
  • Heather can find two of Harry's notepad memos which serve as save points in the first Silent Hill (one before the carousel and another before the final boss in the Church)
  • The ice cream stand with Harry's notepad is taken right out of the first Silent Hill, appearing in very similar form
  • Upon examining the carousel's ticket booth, Heather says there's no one here and she'll just sneak in
  • The ice cream stand and carousel line up in respect to each other just about exactly as they did in SH1, meaning Heather fights the Memory of Alessa on potentially the exact same carousel where Harry fought Cybil


  • The Eye of Night tarot card is a made-up card for this game
  • When you examine the picture on the wall in the confessional box, Heather comments, "Who can this be? Ah, it doesn't matter"
  • Closers in the Church are covered in a green type of bacteria and are faster and stronger
  • In the southeast room on 1F, your shadow is very large and sharp
  • There's a great view from behind the near desk light when you approach the far desk in the second hallway's bedroom
  • The painting of St. Jennifer in the room with the large save point on the ground is Jennifer Carroll, the praying woman statue from Silent Hill 2
  • When you examine the phone in Harry's Church bedroom, Heather comments that she shouldn't bother because she knows it's not connected
  • You can find Valtiel hanging a nurse in the corridor of Alessa's bedroom, and also patrolling other areas of the Church
  • Alessa's bedroom, hospital room and the classroom are taken straight from the first Silent Hill, all very similar in appearance
  • In Alessa's hidden hospital room corridor, Valtiel turns a valve below two hanging young female bodies, said to represent Cheryl and Alessa
  • When you examine the photo of Alessa in the hospital room, Heather says she was bored and sad at seven (which was when the photo was taken)
  • When you examine the bed in the same room, Heather goes on and on for a while about Dahlia and her past
  • The caption while examining the bed says "Dalia" instead of "Dahlia"
  • When examining the cards in Alessa's bedroom, Heather says Claudia had trouble winning when they were kids, which caused her to cry
  • If you kill all the enemies in the transforming small room full of monsters when returning to the chapel section, the room will return to normal
  • The graffiti desk and the "WOLF" drawing on the classroom wall in the south corridor of the upper level reappear straight out of the first Silent Hill
  • Heather comments that the "WOLF" drawing looks like a dog but acknowledges that it must be a wolf cause it says so
  • There is a note written by a K. Gordon in the classroom, the same name of the K. Gordon key from the first Silent Hill, revealed to be a teacher of Alessa's
  • There is a room full of Scrapers and nothing else in the south corridor of the upper level
  • Similarly to inserting the five tarot cards into Alessa's bedroom door, Harry inserted "five rites" (five different objects) into the same door at the end of the first Silent Hill
  • The five tarot cards are all meant to represent a character: Heather is the "Fool", Claudia is the "High Priestess", Douglas is the "Hanged Man", Vincent is the "Moon", and the god is the "Eye of Night"
  • There's a large fan before entering the final room with Vincent and Claudia, similar to the one in the first game's Nightmare School, but also a recurring theme in all the Silent Hill games
  • You can hear the Silent Hill 2 abyss moan at the beginning of the Vincent and Claudia cutscene before the final boss
  • Claudia stabs Vincent with what looks like the Dagger of Melchior from the first Silent Hill
  • If you examine Vincent's body before using the Pendant, Heather says she hated him too but regrets that it ended this way
  • After Heather coughs up the fetus, you can see blood dripping from her mouth
  • Valtiel climbs the wall in the final arena, assisting the God while covering her face with a curtain
  • After defeating the God and walking away, Heather mysteriously looks back – this is because she hears and sees a crying baby, just as did Harry at the end of the first Silent Hill, but she decides to end the circle by leaving it be (having no true connection to it like Harry did)
  • Despite no exit in sight, Heather manages to escape the final boss arena


  • The textures and clarity in Silent Hill 3 are extremely detailed and advanced for its time, making it perhaps the best-looking PS2 game ever released
  • Due to the detail of its character models and environments, Silent Hill 3 looks outstanding when played on PC in HD, standing the test of time
  • Numb Body moans sound like baby lambs
  • Double Heads often howl for assistance from others nearby who howl back before coming
  • Claudia has no eyebrows and is barefoot for the entire game (her spiritual predecessor Dahlia also went barefoot in the first Silent Hill)
  • Just like the previous games, there are multiple large fans in this one
  • While wearing an extra costume, the light from the flashlight comes from nowhere
  • In light areas, you can turn your flashlight on and off but no sounds are heard and no light is seen
  • The lighting when shooting is rather beautiful, especially with the submachine gun
  • Sometimes after dying, particularly in Nightmare areas, Valtiel comes and pulls Heather's body away