Closer |
![]() Appearance: A very tall creature with two large padded arms that widen as they go down. Has normal-sized legs and a peculiar, twitching head with a large mouth on the front. Bears a strong resemblance to the Mandarin from Silent Hill 2. Closers in the endgame's Church take on a transformative, greenish appearance while becoming stronger and faster. |
Strategy: The Shotgun is a bit slow but you can bait them into an attack or just run behind them and blast away. The SMG's rapid fire works great too but there's really not much ammo for it. If you are going to try a melee weapon, try the Katana or Steel Pipe and sidestep around them between hits to dodge their attacks. |
Numb Body |
![]() Appearance: A malformed, bipedal body with no arms, pale purple in colour with bloody veins all over and what looks like a large single eye on its head. Makes sounds similar to goats or lambs and comes in sizes small, medium and large. No fries with that. |
Strategy: In the subway and underpass you'll encounter large Numb Bodies. These creatures are even more aggressive and powerful, and evasive measures are even more important, but when properly positioned you can still take them down with the Steel Pipe. If in a hurry or surrounded by several of them, the Shotgun can make quick work of them from close range and the Handgun works quite well although lacks the stopping power as these larger creatures power towards you. |
Double Head |
![]() Appearance: A dog wrapped in bandages with its head split in half, perhaps like a roasted dead dog come to life. Often howls for backup. |
Strategy: A helpful tool against them is using beef jerky to distract their attention, allowing you to run past or sneak up to attack them. The same goes for Double Heads already distracted by a piece of meat, a regular occurrence in the game. Just run past them or beat them down with a surprise attack, and always finish them off with a kick. Note that Double Heads will often howl to call in nearby reinforcements, who howl back before arriving on the scene. Quickly kill them or leave the area before you get surrounded. |
Pendulum |
![]() Appearance: Two half torsos and heads connected, with sharp blades on each head and larger blades extending from its body on both sides that it uses to walk. Most often found flying through the air while making very loud and distinctive screeches. |
Strategy: The Submachine Gun also works well on them due to its rapid fire, but you'll usually have to manually adjust your aim to hit them and there's not much ammo available for the gun. They will also lunge towards you once you first shoot them so keep up your fire to drop them before they reach you. The Handgun isn't effective at all as these creatures deflect their bullets from the front. In general it's highly recommended to ignore these enemies, especially on Hard. |
Insane Cancer |
![]() Appearance: An incredibly obese and disgusting creature of bulbous proportion and cancerous flesh with open sores. Its face appears to be crushed inward as if punched in. Always found initially lying down. |
Strategy: Insane Cancers are always found lying on the ground and in every instance can always simply be run past, even in tight corridors by pushing past as they stand. Therefore you don't need to fight a single one but if you wish to, the Shotgun is probably your best bet with its strong power. The Submachine Gun also handles them quite well, and for melee weapons the Stun Gun is surprisingly effective. As soon as they stand, get in a close shock and watch them fall down. Kick them continuously and repeat the process if they stand up again. Once an Insane Cancer is dead it will deflate, so always keep attacking until that happens, no matter how many kicks or bullets it takes. |
Slurper |
![]() Appearance: The general form of a human covered in leather-like flesh, with a large extended nose like an anteater and bulbous hands like boxing gloves. |
Strategy: When in closer range, the Shotgun works well with its power, but its slow speed can tie you up, making the Silenced Handgun more preferable. While Slurpers are already lying on the floor, the will also play dead after attacking a few times, ready to pounce on Heather if she approaches for a kick. Don't be fooled and keep firing from a distance until you hear it die or see blood pour out. Melee weapons are very ineffective on Slurpers due to their speed and low stance, so forget about them altogether. Also note that jerky can help distract and guide Slurpers, allowing you to run past or position them better for attacks. |
Nurse |
![]() Appearance: A female nurse in a dirty white blouse and skirt uniform with a nurse cap and high heels, carrying a steel pipe or revolver. While similar to Silent Hill 2's Nurses including their slumped posture, they have normal (dark) hair and faces, smeared with blood patches over their lipstick, and wear longer skirts. They breathe loudly and let out screams when attacked. |
Strategy: All Nurses carry weapons and are quite strong, so using melee weapons is too risky and opens you to attacks. While most carry pipes, a few Nurses wield revolvers that will take a big chunk out of your health if you get hit. Always keep an eye out for what they're holding and immediately rush to take out revolver Nurses before the others to remove the biggest threat. |
Scraper |
![]() Appearance: A humanoid wearing brown robes, red gloves and a threaded sack over its face. It wields a blade in each hand and strongly resembles the Missionary boss but is much weaker. It also carries a slight resemblance to Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2. |
Strategy: |
Valtiel |
![]() Appearance: A rather strange looking monster just like some others in this game. Valtiel's costume is very similar to Pyramid Head's from Silent Hill 2. The head of Valtiel twitches a lot like that of the Closer. Has a slight tone of yellow. You'll find Valtiel in 5-15 places in the game and he's almost always turning a valve for some reason. He could be helping you and he never tries to hurt you. |
Strategy: |
by Andrew Haffenden aka Conquerer (Silent Hill 3 FAQ/Walkthrough) |