
Cybil's Scenario


[6-1] Chapter 6 "Church"

第六章  「教会」
Chapter 6 "Church"
The continuously ringing bell

Page 1 (City street, heavy fog)

A church bell is ringing. The bell rings forcefully, almost as if it had been waiting for them to leave
the cafe.

Page 2
"There are still...other people here."

Cybil's eyes glittered.

"This might be Harry's way of telling me where he is."

Page 3
And even if it is not Harry, if there is someone still here in town then she would like to meet them.

And hear what they have to say.

Page 4
Cybil's feet naturally pointed toward the church. Expecting to find a clue to escaping and reuniting with Harry, she tightly gripped Cheryl's hand and began to run.

第六章  「教会」
Chapter 6 "Church"
Dahlia Gillespie

Page 5
Once they arrived at the church the ringing stopped, and the large door at the entrance began to open from the inside.

Page 6
Cybil then thought that perhaps someone had been watching her movements all this time. She looked up at the top of the church and then began to look around nervously until a voice saying "This way" brought her back to her senses.

Dahlia turns around in the church

Page 7 (Church) (Dahlia appears)
Cybil faced the eerie woman from a distance. The woman once more called out to Cybil: "This way"
Cybil mysteriously moved towards the woman.

Page 8
"Were you the one ringing that bell?"

"Ku ku ku..." (Onomatopoeia for a chuckle)

The woman's face suddenly twisted and she began laughing loudly. She saw Cybil's perplexed expression, but thought nothing of it and just waved her hand left and right in front of Cybil's face.

Page 9
"I have been waiting for you. You have come just as I expected."

Cybil cocked her head to the side.

"Do you live here?"

The woman nodded and then looked at Cheryl.

Page 10
"You have done well to come here. You know, don't you? That it was my doing that caused... And you were hesitant to come alone, weren't you? But in the end I was able to meet you. It is all thanks to that woman."

Page 11
"I don't understand what you are talking about."

Cybil's words may or may not have reached her, but that woman began to laugh loudly again.

"Hey, tell me. Why are there no people here? Why are all the exits from town blocked?"

Page 12
"I do not know either. But shouldn't you be asking that girl instead?"

Cybil had a look of "What?" on her face. She looked at Cheryl. Cheryl face was tearful, and she shook her head back and forth.

Page 13
Cybil looked back at that woman and shouted at her.

"Stop all this nonsense! We have been pursued by monsters and nearly killed. If I was not protecting this child then who knows what would have happened to her by now."

Page 14
"The path of the Wiseman...the fool guided to this land through astrology. Everything has been preordained. There is nothing that I can do. You are not holding that child's hand. That child is holding yours."

Page 15
Her anger showing, Cybil went to open her mouth. But at that moment the woman blocked her.

Page 16
"I am Dahlia Gillespie. With that in hand I wonder where you will end up going. I have nothing for you, and nothing to tell you.

Page 17
You must escape from the demon's grasp as soon as possible. You must find the means to do so for your own sake. There is nothing I can do now. I will pray for your safety. ...Cybil Bennet."

Page 18
Cybil was shocked to be called by name. As she watched Dahlia quickly depart she was unable to speak.

Page 19 (Black)
After Dahlia disappeared behind a door Cybil regained herself. She tightly held Cheryl's hand and they left the church.

第六章  「教会を出て」
Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church"
Cheryl begins to speak

Page 20 (City street, heavy fog)
Right after they left the church Cheryl began to speak.

Page 21
"Hey...Miss? I am fine by myself now. This is not my first time coming here, and I have met that lady we just saw before."

Cybil stops in surprise.

Page 22
"What do you mean?"

"I, I have a place that I want to go. But I can only go alone. If you are with me, I won't be able to go, and then something terrible
is sure to happen."

Page 23
"Something terrible? Why? Your Daddy is looking for you. Until I get you back to your Daddy I cannot leave your side."

Page 24
"You're wrong. My Daddy must not find me. Someone is waiting for me. In order to meet that person I..."

Go to 6-2

[6-2] Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church"

第六章  「教会を出て」
Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church"
Obstinate Cheryl

Page 1 (City street, heavy fog)
Cybil let out a short sigh.

A ) She snaps at and scolds Cheryl.
Go to 6-3

B ) She kindly admonishes Cheryl.
Go to 6-4

[6-3] Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church"

第六章  「教会を出て」
思わず声を荒げるシビル (City street, heavy fog)
Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church"
Cybil raises her voice without realizing it

Page 1 (City street, heavy fog)
"Just stop it and be quiet!"

Cybil snapped at Cheryl.

Page 2
"A child like you should not be left alone in a dangerous town like this. Please do not be so difficult. I am a police officer. It is my job to return you to your Daddy. Please understand."

Go to 6-5

[6-4] Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church"

第六章  「教会を出て」
Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church"
Cybil kindly speaks to Cheryl

Page 1 (City street, heavy fog)
"Hey wait... Come on Cheryl."

Cybil made an effort to calmly end Cheryl's speaking.

Page 2
"You must have just had a bad dream or something. But something more frightening is actually occurring in this town. Come on, please take my hand."

Page 3
Cheryl placed her small hand into Cybil's palm.

"I will protect you no matter what. So you are safe, okay?"

Go to 6-5

[6-5] Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church"

第六章  「教会を出て」
Chapter 6 "Leaving the Church"
Cheryl's resolution

Page 1 (City street, heavy fog)
Once more, Cybil began to walk down the foggy street with Cheryl in tow. At first Cheryl resisted holding Cybil's hand as hard as she could, but once she realized this was futile she reluctantly followed along behind Cybil, while wiping away her tears.

Page 2
Cheryl muttered something so that it could not be heard.

Go to 7-1

[6-6] Chapter 6 "Searching"

第六章  「探索」
病院の中は (Hospital corridor, dark)
Chapter 6 "Searching"
The inside of the hospital is...

Page 1 (Hospital corridor, dark)
Cybil begins to walk along the concrete wall that is dimly lit by the outside light. Several doors are on the left and right of the passage.

Page 2
Each door has a 3 digit number plate on it, and without even looking inside she can tell that they are hospital rooms.

Page 3
"Cheryl! If you are there come out... Your Daddy is looking for you!"

Cybil's voice just reverberates and then fades into the air.

Page 4
She places her hand on the knob of one of the doors and turns it. It appears to be locked.

Page 5
Maybe Cheryl is in one of the rooms and locked it from the inside. But if Cybil's voice cannot reach her...

"Just how should I search for Cheryl?"

Page 6
"...That's it......"

Go to 6-7

[6-7] Chapter 6 "Searching"

第六章  「探索」
シェリルの探索 (Hospital corridor, dark)
Chapter 6 "Searching"
Searching for Cheryl

Page 1 (Hospital corridor, dark)
Cybil thinks of something.

A ) If I use the key...
Go to 6-8

B ) If I use the hospital intercom...
Go to 6-9

[6-8] Chapter 6 "Searching"

第六章  「探索」
扉の鍵を順に… (Hospital corridor, dark)
Chapter 6 "Searching"
First to find the key...

Page 1 (Hospital corridor, dark)
"The key... The key to the hospital rooms should be at the reception area. Then I can open the doors and search each room for her."

Go to 6-10

[6-9] Chapter 6 "Searching"

第六章  「探索」
院内放送を使えば… (Hospital corridor, dark)
Chapter 6 "Searching"
If I use the hospital intercom...

Page 1 (Hospital corridor, dark)
"The hospital intercom... Most hospitals have a speaker installed in each room. A hospital of this size should definitely have such a thing installed.

Page 2
I'll head back to the reception area on the first floor and then look for the room with the intercom equipment. If something happens down there then I can get help from Harry."

Go to 6-10

[6-10] Chapter 6 "Searching"

第六章  「探索」
Chapter 6 "Searching"
Cybil heads back to the first floor of the hospital

Page 1 (Hospital corridor, dark)
"To realize this after coming up to the third floor..............."

Cybil races back down the stairs that she just ran up in order to return to the first floor.

Go to 7-16
