
Cybil's Scenario


[3-1] Chapter 3 "The Police Station"

第三章  「警察署」
Chapter 3 "The Police Station"
Searching for the Police Station

Page 1 (City street, heavy fog)
Being unable to escape from Silent Hill, Cybil then worried about what she should do next. Since all the people have vanished she cannot even talk to anyone about what is happening here.

Page 2
"I should look for the police station. Even if the person I was talking on the phone with earlier isn't there, I might be able to get some other information there."

She has visited this town many times. Following the thread of her memory, she begins walking along the complicated intersecting streets.

第三章  「警察署」
Chapter 3 "The Police Station"
The word "POLICE"

Page 3 (Front of Police Station)
"Just how long have I been walking?"

As she saw the word "POLICE" appear from out of the fog her entire body was completely exhausted.

Page 4 (Inside of Police Station)
She opens the glass door at the entrance and heads inside. As she does this she sees that no one is here, which is just as she had expected. The lack of any sound is painful to her ears.

Page 5
After she walked around the reception area for a bit she moved toward a room that the door had been left open for. The plate beside the door says "Meeting Room".

Page 6
Compared to the same room at the Brahms station, this one is quite small. She looked around the room.

Go to 3-2

[3-2] Chapter 3 "The Police Station"

第三章  「警察署」
Chapter 3 "The Police Station"
Inside the meeting room

Page 1 (Inside of Police Station)

A ) The phone is off the hook...
Go to 3-3

B ) Someone is here...
Go to 3-4

[3-3] Chapter 3 "The Police Station"

第三章  「警察署」
Chapter 3 "The Police Station"
The dangling telephone receiver

Page 1 (Inside of Police Station)
Two long simple folding tables are lined up next to each other in this room, which is about 140 square feet in size.

Page 2
Folding chairs surround the tables. The disorderly state of the chairs makes the empty station seem unnatural.

Page 3
A telephone is on top of the small wooden desk that has been placed in the corner of the room. The telephone receiver is dangling in the air just above the floor, as if it had fallen off. It is bouncing up and down.

Page 4
"I wonder if this the phone that I was connected to?"

Cybil hangs the receiver up, but then picks it back up again and places it against her ear.

"Of course it is not working."

Page 5
The problem is that the police station is completely empty. Even Cybil, who had been skeptical about the condition of the town up to this point, now had to accept things as they were. She thought, "Something terrible has happened here."

Page 6
There is a phone. A scribbled memo has been placed next to it.

(Telephone mini-game) (38*2647*)

Page 7 (Black)

Page 8
Cybil hastily repositioned the telephone receiver.

Page 9

Page 10
"Cheryl! This is Cheryl, right? I am looking for you. Can you hear me?"

Page 11
"...Da......help me..."

The telephone is muddled, so Cybil cannot hear it very clearly.

"Cheryl! I am coming to help you now! Tell me where you are!"

Page 12
"...the...in the......elementary school......"

Page 13
The phone went dead.

Go to 3-5

[3-4] Chapter 3 "The Police Station"

第三章  「警察署」
Chapter 3 "The Police Station"
The presence of a person?

Page 1 (Inside of Police Station)
Cybil senses someone... Somewhere in this small room...

Page 2
Underneath the lined up tables... Behind the folding chairs... Cybil cautiously checked all the places that someone could hide in, but... It does not appear that anyone is here.

Page 3
The faded ceiling fan is blowing air down towards Cybil. That might have been what made her so sure someone was here, or perhaps it was just her imagination.

Page 4
She is uneasy. She wants to talk to someone, to anyone. These feelings might be what made Cybil think that someone was here.

Go to 3-5

[3-5] Chapter 3 "The Police Station"

第三章  「警察署」
Chapter 3 "The Police Station"
Leaving the Police Station

Page 1 (Black)
"What was that all about?"

Cybil left the police station. Cybil is once again in the city streets where the snow is falling.

"That's right..."

Cybil recalled her conversation with Harry.

Page 2 (Close up of Harry in cafe)
(Oh, yeah, Cybil...You haven't seen a little girl in this town have you?)

Page 3
"A little girl... Yes...Cheryl. I wonder if I will be able to rescue her unharmed in this town which has
become a nest of monsters..."

Page 4
But Cybil is a police officer. To find and protect Cheryl is her responsibility and her mission.

Page 5
Realizing this Cybil could not sit still, and in the next moment she was gone.

Go to 4-1

[3-6] Chapter 3 "Reunion at the Police Station"

第三章  「警察署での再会」
Chapter 3 "Reunion at the Police Station"
Seeking out the Police Station

Page 1 (City street, heavy fog)
Being unable to escape from Silent Hill, Cybil then worried about what she should do next. Since all the people have vanished she cannot even talk to anyone about what is happening here.

Page 2
"I should look for the police station. Even if the person I was talking on the phone with earlier isn't there, I might be able to get some other information there."

She has visited this town many times. Following her the thread of her memory, she begins walking along the complicated intersecting streets.

第三章  「警察署」
Chapter 3 "Police Station"
Just how long have I been walking?

Page 3 (Front of Police Station)
"Just how long have I been walking?"

As she saw the word "POLICE" appear from out of the fog her entire body was completely exhausted.

Page 4 (Inside of Police Station)
She opens the glass door at the entrance and heads inside. As she does this she sees that no one is here, which is just as she had expected. The lack of any sound is painful to her ears.

Page 5
After she walked around the reception area for a bit she moved toward a room that door had been left open for. The plate beside the door says "Meeting Room". Compared to the same room at the Brahms station, this one is quite small. She looked around the room.

Page 6
Clunk. At the same time Cybil entered the room one of the disorderly arranged folding chairs moved quite a bit.

She readied herself.

"Who's there?"

Page 7 (Harry appears)
A man jumped up right away and pointed a black handgun at Cybil.

Go to 3-7

[3-7] Chapter 3 "Reunion at the Police Station"

第三章  「警察署での再会」
Chapter 3 "Reunion at the Police Station"
The man pointing the handgun at Cybil

Page 1 (Inside of Police Station) (Harry appears with gun)
The man...

A ) lowers the gun.
Go to 3-8

B ) fires at Cybil.
Go to 3-9

[3-8] Chapter 3 "Reunion at the Police Station"

第三章  「警察署での再会」
Chapter 3 "Reunion at the Police Station"
The man lowers the gun

Page 1 (Inside of Police Station) (Harry appears with gun)
The man slowly returns the weapon to his side.



Page 2
"Sorry. I thought that another monster had appeared. So I instantly hid behind a chair."

"Me too... All this is not good for my heart, you know."

Page 3 (Harry appears with pipe)
"Before I came here I found a steel pipe. I will give the handgun back to you. Like you said, I might end up shooting a human by mistake."

Page 4
Saying that Harry plops the handgun into Cybil's hand. Cybil nods slightly.

"Have you found your daughter?"

Page 5

Harry shakes his head back and forth.

"I thought she might be in custody at the police station, so I came here..."

Harry looks around the room and then speaks.

"But just like this, there is not a single man, woman, or child here."

Page 6
"Let's look somewhere else. There should be a church just over the river. Maybe she is in custody there?"

Page 7
"OK." (Harry)

They ran out of the police station with Harry in the lead.

Go to 3-10

[3-9] Chapter 3 "Reunion at the Police Station"

第三章  「警察署での再会」
発砲する男 (Inside of Police Station)
Chapter 3 "Reunion at the Police Station"
The man fires

Page 1 (Inside of Police Station) (Harry appears with gun)

The bullet grazes Cybil's temple and impacts on the wall of the meeting room. Shocked, Cybil sank to the floor.

Page 2

All the color has drained out of the face of the man that is standing in front of the still unable to speak Cybil. It was unmistakable...it was Harry.

Page 3
"Sorry...! Are you alright?"

".........I was shocked... If you had been just a little more over then you would have hit me!"

Harry sighs deeply.

Page 4
"I have done an unforgivable thing. I have encountered monsters up till now. I ran in here to get away... I was sure that the monsters had come in..."

Cybil thought, "Please don't mistake me for a monster."

Page 5
"At any rate, I wondered if maybe someone might be here, so I came in to check it out..."

"As you can see, things are like this."

Page 6
The inside of the station was ominously silent. Even if the other officers were here, since there are monsters running loose outside there is no reason for the two of them to just relax and warm up in the station.

Page 7
"Let's look somewhere else. There should be a church just over the river. Maybe she is in custody there?"

"OK." After muttering this Harry holds the gun out to Cybil as if he has realized something.

Page 8 (Harry appears with pipe)
"I will give this back to you. I have had a few opportunities to use it, but this seems more suited to me."

Harry says this and readies a long steel pipe that he picked up somewhere.

Page 9
"I see. But you would be better off just getting used to using it."

Harry has a sorrowful look on his face. Cybil gives him a contemptuous glance and then a smile appears on her face. Then she runs out of the station.

Go to 3-10

[3-10] Chapter 3 "To the Church"

第三章  「教会へ」
Chapter 3 "To the Church"
Heading to the church with Harry

Page 1 (City street, heavy fog)
On the way to the church Harry tells Cybil about the events that occurred in the cafe while running out of breath.

Page 2
"Indeed...something is wrong here." (Cybil)

"I was glad to have received the handgun from you..."

Cheryl doesn't have any weapons. And she is just a little girl..."

Page 3
Hoping that Cheryl would be at the church Cybil carefully ran over the slippery asphalt.

Go to 4-12
