07. Chastain Heights
Inquire at the Monastery
So, your next objective is to get to St. Maria's Monastery located at the west edge of the town. If you're not interested in doing the side quests and exploring the town, you can just go straight to the place and skip to the next section. For everybody else, there's a lot to do and see in Chastain Heights.
Note: The western exit from Logan's Park is now open so you can return to that part of the town when you need.
Go north and search Lamon Street's east sidewalk for a First Aid Kit. Afterwards head south and find the entrance to the Movie Theater on the west edge of Lamon Street. Enter the Theater to complete a side quest.
Side Quest: Cinéma Vérité
The side quest takes place in the Movie Theater on Lamon Street, west of the Centennial Building. Enter the building and begin your search for the quest related items.
Find the film reels
First you need to find three film reels (exact location depends on your chosen puzzle difficulty):
- Film Reel "The House on the Lake". On a coat check counter in the lobby (Easy/Normal) or in the small room behind a concession counter (Hard).
- Film Reel "The Silent Children". In the toilet stall in the restrooms (Easy/Normal) or behind the seats in the showing room (Hard).
- Film Reel "The Secret of the Attic". In the film storage room (enter from the projector room).
There's also a First Aid Kit behind the second row chairs on the right side of the showing room.
Fix the projector
Enter the projector room to receive the side quest's objective. The projector's missing a light bulb which you need to find to get it working. Search around the room to find the Film Splicing Guidelines (24/54) stuck to the wall. The door to the left of the projector is locked - you need to obtain a code for the keypad to open it. On Easy the Replacement Bulb is found in the poster storage room at the back of the theater. On Normal and Hard you need to go outside to collect the bulb. Head towards St. Maria’s Monastery and enter the hardware store to the east of the monastery. The Replacement Bulb is on the shelf just behind the counter. While being in the shop you can also collect the
fifth painting for "The Art Collector" side quest. When you get the bulb, return to the projector room of the Movie Theater and insert the Replacement Bulb.
Play a film / Examine the screen
To learn the code to the locked door you need to play the three film reels, enter the scenes through the screen and find digits that makes the code. The order in which you play the reels is indicated by the attached notes (examine from the inventory):
- "The House on the Lake". Enter the house, go down the hallway past the stairs and through the door ahead. The first digit (9) is written on the wall to the right. Return to the entrance to exit the film.
- "The Silent Children". Move through the room to find the next two digits (24) on the wall by the ladder.
- "The Secret of the Attic". The last digit (1) is written on the window of the attic.
The whole code after you put together all the digits gonna be 9241. Enter the code and go into the room.
Open the attic trunk
Use the film splicer in the room to combine the three film reels into a single one. Place the Spliced Reel into the projector and run down to the screen to enter the last film. This film contains locations from all three reels. Enter the house, move past the stairs and enter the room to your left. Take a Wooden Crank from the window sill. Continue through the door at the end of hallway and then through another door. Get to the table by the window with a box on top of it. Attach the Wooden Crank to open the box. Collect a Key and climb the ladder in the corner of the room. Move through the attic to the window and use the Key to open the chest by the
windows. The chest contains a Golden Gun and 2 boxes of Pistol Bullets. Return to the Movie Theater through a point of entrance to complete the quest. |
Side Quest: The Art
Collector (cont.)
fifth painting - “Hope” - is lying in the storage room of the hardware store east of St. Maria’s Monastery. To unlock the storage room you need to collect the Storage Room Key from the cash register in the store. The painting is hidden in the pillar behind the crate - move the box away to get it.
You can also grab a Shotgun behind the shop counter. |
After you're done with the "Cinéma Vérité" quest get back to the street. Head south past the alley to the right until you bum into a road obstacle and pick up a First Aid Kit from the sidewalk. Head through the alley after that. As you exit the alley check a small fenced area to the right. In the back you should find the Newspaper Article (Abduction) (25/54) lying on the ground.
Side Quest: Digging up the Past (cont.)
fifth dig site is in the small fenced area west of the Movie Theater. The nearest shovel can be found in the street across the hardware store east of St. Maria’s Monastery.
Now return to the street and explore the area south of the alley. There's a First Aid Kit in the southwestern corner of the street near the barricade. Notice a retractable ladder on the east side of the street here. In the apartment on the 2nd floor you can complete another side quest.
Side Quest: The Gramophone
Pull down the retractable ladder to get into the apartment (if you don't have a Hook, there's one across the street by the red garage doors). Once you're in the apartment look at the gramophone on the small table just in front of you. It's not working - you need to collect some items first.
Fix the Gramophone / Find the record
Go up the stairs and enter the child's room to the left.
Take a Crank from the bloody cabinet. Proceed through the adjoining bathroom (there's a First Aid Kit on the shelf), then across the hallway and into the bedroom. Collect a Vinyl Record from the dresser. Now head down to the gramophone, insert the Crank and put in the Vinyl Record. Turn the crank clockwise to play the record. A dead body of a woman will materialize in front of you on the ground. Take a closer look at the body to get a further hint what to do. A writing on the ground by the body says "Turn back time". You should now turn the gramophone's crank in the opposite direction - counterclockwise. Watch a crime scene of a man killing his wife unfolding backwards in front of your eyes.
Put the victim's spirits to rest
After you watch the scene to the end the spirit of the murderer will emerge from his portrait on the wall and attack you. Run to the painting and burn it using the Lighter from your inventory. After you destroy the portrait, the spirit will be gone and the quest is completed. |
After you exit the apartment you can obtain one of the items requested by the beggar. Run north the street and enter the thrift shop on the west side of Brite Street.
Side Quest: Homeless (cont.)
There's an Old Coat in the Thrift Shop on Brite Street west of the Movie Theater. The exact location of the coat in the shop is different depending on your chosen puzzle difficulty:
- Easy - near the shop’s cash register
- Normal - in the storage room
- Hard - in the back of the storage room
Return to Homer through Logan's Park to give the Old Coat and unlock the tunnel to Chastain Heights.
Find a fishing rod for the beggar
The last thing Homer asks you to bring him is a fishing rod so that he could feed himself. You can find it in the docks of Pleasant River. We'll get back to that later in the game. |
In the northern part of the district you can find several more things to do. Run through the alley north of the Thrift Shop. Take a First Aid Kit in a small yard just ahead. In the dead end to the south you can find a Forensic Flashlight if you forgot to take it earlier. Head north through the alley until you exit to the street.
Side Quest: Bird Cage (cont.)
The third bird cage is in the northern part of Brite Street where the street makes a 90-degree turn to the west.
Approach the entrance to the Loft at the northeast corner of Chastatin Heights to begin another side quest.
Side Quest: Shadow Play
The side quest starts in the Loft in the northern part of Chastain Heights, on Brite Street where the street makes a 90-degree turn to the west. Enter the building and climb up the stairs to the loft. You'll see a map on the table up ahead. Light up the candles on the table and their light will reveal some symbols on the map. These symbols indicate the place of five
shadow symbols hidden across the town.
Locate the shadow sigils on the map / Find all of the hidden shadow sigils
The first symbol is right here in the loft. Grab the Soul-Eye fragment from the chair in the room, then find the Soul-Eye shadow symbol on the wall with a help of UV beam from your flashlight. Insert the fragment into the base by the symbol. Now switch your flashlight to normal light and rotate the fragment in the base so that the shadow from the fragment and the drawing on the wall would make the image seen in UV light. Adjust your position until you get the desired image projected on the wall. After the symbol is complete, the fragment will transform into Soul-Eye Token. Take it with you.
We'll search for the remaining shadow symbols as we explore the town taking into
account the map and do the same procedure for all of them to acquire other tokens. |
In the park to the southwest you will find more useful supplies: Pistol Bullets and Shotgun Shells on the ground by a tree and a First Aid Kit in the
northeastern corner of the park.
Now, you can continue to explore the rest of the town, but let's finally head to the Monastery to progress through the main storyline.
Side Quest: Shadow Play (cont.)
The Four fragment is in Chastain Heights, in the box along the northern edge of Brite Street just as you exit the loft. The Four shadow symbol is in the alley leading to the southern part of the street.
Run to the Monastery's front yard and, before you enter the building, check the area to the north. There's the Newspaper Article (Napier) (26/54) on the ground behind the fountain and another dig site.
Side Quest: Digging up the Past (cont.)
The sixth dig site is in the area to the north of St. Maria’s Monastery's front yard. The nearest shovel can be found in the southern part of St. Maria’s Monastery's front yard at the beginning of the stairs leading to the cemetery.
When you're ready to enter St. Maria's Monastery, approach the entrance to trigger a cutscene. |