

На протяжении игры Гарри будет встречать эхо, оставленные событиями из прошлого. Эхо - это определенные места, вызывающие помехи - телефон Гарри будет трещать, а фонарик мерцать возле таких мест. Чем ближе вы к такому месту, тем сильнее этот статический шум. Подойдя к источнику этих возмущений, вы получите эхо-сообщение - сообщение из прошлого. Сообщения могут быть как текстовыми, так и голосовыми.

В других областях вы будете замечать визуальные эхо, выглядящие как призрачные фигуры. Визуальные эхо не вызывают статический шум, и плохо видны на свету, поэтому их труднее обнаружить. Вы можете снимать эти фигуры на телефон, чтобы получать изображения из прошлого и другие сообщения.

Далее список всех мест с эхо:


  1. Магазин телевизоров "Clear Picture", телевизор в углу (Happy Ever After) / Магазин платьев "Teresa's shop", красное платье в углу (Prom 1)
  2. Темный лес, телефонная будка у хижины лесника (Stranded 1)
  3. Темный лес, свадебный венок на дереве возле водной башни (Babes in the Woods 1)
  4. Темный лес, синий спальный мешок возле насосной станции (Stranded 2)
  5. Темный лес, череп оленя на дереве после домика "Orion Lodge" (Cycle of Death 2)
  6. Кошмарный темный лес, домик с ледяными фигурами (Family Vacation 1, 2)
  7. Средняя школа Мидвич, плакат на стене возле парковки для велосипедов (Choking Game 1)
  8. Кафе "Wonderland", стол возле окна в зале (Choking Game 2)
  9. Кафе "Wonderland", красный фартук на стене на кухне (Frigid 1)
  10. Средняя школа Мидвич, синяя машина на стоянке (Pigtails 2)
  11. Средняя школа Мидвич, картинка на скамейке, где сидела призрачная девочка (Frigid 2)
  12. Средняя школа Мидвич, коробка для завтрака на столе во внутреннем дворе (Prom 2)
  13. Средняя школа Мидвич, листки на креслах в заднем ряду в планетарии (Big Bear)
  14. Средняя школа Мидвич, плакат школьного бала в коридоре с ящиками перед спортивным залом (Prom 3)
  15. Средняя школа Мидвич, шарик в форме сердца, привязанный к скамейке перед спортивным залом (Prom 4)
  16. Кошмарная средняя школа Мидвич, комната с тремя ледяными фигурами (Gossip 1, 2)
  17. Кошмарная больница Алхемилла, комната с ледяными фигурами (Hospital Visit 1, 2)
  18. Кошмарный торговый центр, комната с ледяными фигурами (Gumballs 1, 2)
  19. Торговый центр, сразу после входа (The Experience 1)
  20. Торговый центр, мусорная урна перед книжным магазином "Pageturners" (Problem Child 1)
  21. Торговый центр, клетка в углу в магазине животных (Family Pet 1)
  22. Торговый центр, в коридоре после магазина животных (The Experience 2)
  23. Торговый центр, красный мячик на скамейке между магазином нижнего белья "Chica Bella" и магазином подарков (Family Pet 2)
  24. Торговый центр, кодовая дверь в магазине "Celebrations" (Celebration Time)
  25. Торговый центр, книга на мусорном баке после магазина "Celebrations" или салона красоты "New Looks" (The Experience 3)
  26. Торговый центр, стенд с карточками памяти в магазине фототоваров "Photographic Memory" (Problem Child 2)
  27. Карта на капоте машины на набережной после выхода из канализации (Day Trippers 1)
  28. Парк развлечений "Lakeside", застывшие фигуры в лебединой повозке в туннеле любви (Day Trippers 3)
  29. Парк развлечений "Lakeside", после преследования призрачной девочки в туннеле любви (Day Trippers 4)


  1. Игровая площадка, девочка на качелях (Playground)
  2. Темный лес, мальчик за решеткой в конце ответвления насосной ситуации (Babes in the Woods 2)
  3. Темный лес, скелет оленя на кухне в домике "Orion" (Cycle of Death 1)
  4. Обзорная площадка Брайант, открытая дверь красной машины (Bryant Overlook)
  5. Бордель, девушка, сидящая на диване (Pigtails 1)
  6. Средняя школа Мидвич, ремень, повешенный на вешалке в кладовке (Choking Game 3)
  7. Кошмарная средняя школа Мидвич, за окном во внутреннем дворике (Gossip 3)
  8. Кошмарная средняя школа Мидвич, душевая спортзала (Gossip 4)
  9. Кошмарная средняя школа Мидвич, машина на парковке (Gossip 5)
  10. Торговый центр, девушка, сидящая на скамейке слева от входа в кинотеатр (Problem Child 3)
  11. Угол улиц после выхода из торгового центра, собака, сбитая машиной (Family Pet 3)
  12. Парк развлечений "Lakeside", стенд для фото (Day Trippers 2)

Большинство сообщений имеет несколько вариаций в зависимости от психологического профиля игрока. Большое спасибо Whitney с Always on my Mind, а также Valtiel с Valtiel’s Silent Hill Site за помощь в создании этой страницы!

Все звуковые сообщение были получены, используя различные программы и скрипты, созданные AlphaTwentyThree и hcs. Отдельное спасибо Inso.

Игровая площадка / Playground

Место: Игровая площадка, девочка на качелях (эхо-фото).
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

Daddy... Where are you?

[Var. 2]

Daddy, help me.

[Var. 3]

Daddy, I need you.

[Var. 4]

Daddy, I'm hurt.

Счастливы вместе / Happy Ever After

Место: Магазин телевизоров "Clear Picture", телевизор в углу.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

I promise to honor and respect you. To love you for who you are and the way you are. Our marriage will be a source of strength, so you can go into the world and achieve great things. I am your muse, and your best friend, but I will be much more. I will be your wife.

[Var. 2]

To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health. Whatever ails us, whatever weaknesses our flesh may suffer under, our love will cure all ills, our love will be our rock.

[Var. 3]

To have and to hold from this day forward, I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad. To sleep by your side and be your faithful companion.

[Var. 4]

We share a deep love. As we grow older together and the fires of our youth grow dimmer, our love will remain strong, our passion undimmed, our excitement only growing as we build our life together.

Испорченная / Stranded 1

Место: Темный лес, телефонная будка у хижины лесника.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

Mom? Mom, it's me Jackie. I'm scared. I'm at a party in the woods, but I don't like it. The guys... I don't know. I don't like the way they're talking. You've got to come find me.

[Var. 2]

Mom, it's Jackie. Look, I'm sorry about earlier. You were right. I'm at the party. I don't feel good. I don't know anyone and I'm nervous. Can you come get me?

[Var. 3]

Dammit, mom. Why you never pick up? I need you. I'm at the party in the woods, but I'm feeling uncomfortable. I need you to come pick me up.

[Var. 4]

Mom? It's Jackie. I've been stupid. I've come on to the woods for a party, but I want to come home. I'm lost. I don't know where I am. I'm outside a ranger station. I don't like the crowd here. I wanna come home.

Испорченная / Stranded 2

Место: Темный лес, синий спальный мешок возле насосной станции.
Тип: Текстовое сообщение с вложением

[Var. 1]
Crazy shit, man. We shouldn't have given the new girl that stuff. She's running round tearing her clothes off. Won't stop crying. Damn. Shut up about who gave it to her, Lewis.

[Var. 2]
Whoa. Someone slipped the new girl a Mickey and things got out of hand. Wild and crazy. Feel kind of bad for her.

[Var. 3]
We thought it would be fun to spike the new girl's drink. Didn't know it would end up like this. We thought she was still swimming, but... she wasn't moving.

[Var. 4]
Hell. I told them not to go too far, but they wanted to mess around with the new girl. No one was supposed to get hurt. I'm burning the trash - no one will know we were here.

Детки в лесу / Babes in the Woods 1

Место: Темный лес, свадебный венок на дереве возле водной башни.
Тип: Текстовое сообщение

[Var. 1]
Don't worry about looking for me. I'll be with my brother again soon. I hope he forgives me. It's so cold. It had to end like this.

[Var. 2]
It’s so cold, but I’m happy because I know I will see my brother again soon. Lying down now. Cold. A bird just put a leaf on me, or did I dream it? Love you all.

[Var. 3]
Following you again bro. You always were the first to do things, but it wasn't right that you were the first to die. Lying down now. So cold. Can't feel my legs.

[Var. 4]
I'm not sure if it's the cold or the pills that's making me so numb. All the pain will stop soon. See you soon bro.

Детки в лесу / Babes in the Woods 2

Место: Темный лес, мальчик за решеткой в конце ответвления насосной ситуации (эхо-фото).
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

It's my brother! I was just playing, trying to scare him. I shut him in. But now the water's filling up. He can't get out. I can't get him out!

[Var. 2]

Help! It's my brother! We're playing in the pump station. But the water's come up and he's trapped. His hands are cold. His head's under the water!

[Var. 3]

I followed my brother in. He’s always getting in trouble. He's stuck and I can't get him out. He's in the water. He can't get out!

[Var. 4]

We've been drinking dad's beer. Dared each other to sneak into the pump station. The water came up real fast and he's stuck. I need you to get him out. Oh God, he's gone under.

Цикл смерти / Cycle of Death 1

Место: Темный лес, скелет оленя на кухне в домике "Orion Lodge" (эхо-фото).
Тип: Текстовое сообщение

[Var. 1]
Joel Jr's first kill! He shot like he was born with a rifle in his hands. He's gonna make his grandpa proud!

[Var. 2]
Joel Jr's first kill! It was a biggie too - 190lbs field dressed. Got him in the neck, went down like a dead weight. My son is a man now!

[Var. 3]
Joel Jr's first kill! Field dressed weight 180lbs. He's a natural born KILLER!

Цикл смерти / Cycle of Death 2

Место: Темный лес, череп оленя на дереве после домика "Orion Lodge".
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

Come on son. Finish it. I am ashamed to be your father. You got it in the leg, now you've got to kill it. This is what we do, this is how the world works. Shoot!

[Var. 2]

Come on Joel. You'd think that it was you shot and dying, not the deer. Get your hands out your pants and be a man. My son the queer. Shoot the damn thing! Shot you queer!

[Var. 3]

Stop crying, Joel. Stop being such a pussy. Finish the damn thing. If you had aimed better in the first place, it wouldn't be suffering like that. Just point and shoot. It's right in front of you!

Семейный отпуск / Family Vacation 1

Место: Кошмарный темный лес, домик с ледяными фигурами.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-I'm on the phone, dammit! Yeah, I'm taking us back early. This is not my idea of fun.
-Not now! I'm on the phone.
-Mommy! (Quack!) (Hoot!) (Squawk!) (Squawk!) (Cluck!)
-Shh! Go show your daddy. This whole trip was a bad idea. It's making me crazy. Nothing but trees, logs, and my family. I'm trapped. Feel like I'm suffocating in here, Diane.
-I won! Mom, I won!
-Shut up! Or I'll smash that stupid thing. Give me a minute, Diane.

[Var. 2]

-I'm on the phone. Yeah, I'm coming back early. This was a stupid idea.
-Not now honey, Mommy's on the phone. Get out of bed, play with your daughter!
-Mommy! (Quack!) (Hoot!) (Squawk!) (Squawk!) (Cluck!)
-Shush. Go show Daddy. This whole trip was a bad idea. A week picnicking and cycling... like that's going to make it right? I'm still hurting, this feels fake. I don't want to be with him.
-I won! Mom, I won!
-Alright! In a minute! Give me a second, Diane.

[Var. 3]

-I'm on the phone. Yeah, I'm coming back early. This isn't working out.
-Not now honey, Mommy's on the phone. Put your damn drink down and look after her!
-Mommy! (Quack!) (Hoot!) (Squawk!) (Squawk!) (Cluck!)
-Shush. Go show Daddy. This whole trip was a bad idea. He's not better here. Worse if anything. I can't put up with it anymore.
-I won! Mom, I won!
-Alright! In a minute! Give me a second, Diane.

[Var. 4]

-I'm on the phone. Yeah, we're coming back early. This isn't working out.
-Not now honey, Mommy's on the phone. Can't you look after her?
-Mommy! (Quack!) (Hoot!) (Squawk!) (Squawk!) (Cluck!)
-Shush. Go show Daddy. This whole trip was a bad idea. I knew that before we even came, but I went along. The last thing we needed was time alone together.
-I won! Mom, I won!
-Alright! In a minute! Diane, hold for a second.

Семейный отпуск / Family Vacation 2

Место: Кошмарный темный лес, домик с ледяными фигурами после решения загадки.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-Sure. Sorry about that, Diane.
-Mom, look.
-What now? You've broken a glass. Is that blood...
-Oh Jesus.

[Var. 2]

-It's good to talk, Diane. I feel pretty alone out here.
-Hey Mom.
-Be careful. Where's your dad?
-Oh Jesus... you're bleeding?

[Var. 3]

-I know, that's the problem, Diane.
-Mom, look.
-Was that your glass? What was she doing...
-Oh my God, is that blood?

[Var. 4]

-That's how I feel, the sooner the better.
-What was that?
-Honey, what have you done...
-Oh God, she's bleeding!

Брайант Оверлук / Bryant Overlook

Место: Обозревательная площадка Брайант, открытая дверь красной машины (эхо-фото).
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-Stop it! Please, or I'll tell my dad.
-Your dad? Your dad isn't here right now. Come on, you've been leading on me all night.

[Var. 2]

-No! Please!
-Come on. You been giving me that look all night. Oh that dress. That dress got me all hot and bothered.

[Var. 3]

-Take your hands off me! You've had too much to drink.
-Yeah, I'm drunk on your love. Give it up, baby.
-Get off! No!

[Var. 4]

-Please. Stop it! I said no.
-Baby, baby... Come on, you said you loved me. Don't be scared. It's going to be great.
-No, please.

Косички / Pigtails 1

Место: Бордель, девушка, сидящая на диване (эхо-фото).
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was... I was so angry. I wanted it to be just so perfect, you know. I guess seeing the wig kind of killed the moment. You almost had it.

[Var. 2]

-You damn whore. It's just a wig. You're old enough to be my wife. You ain't a schoolgirl, you're old meat. Disgusting.

[Var. 3]

-Sorry I hit you. I guess I was just mad at myself. You look so much like my daughter. Just put the wig back on and, uh, let's go upstairs.

Косички / Pigtails 2

Место: Средняя школа Мидвич, синяя машина на стоянке.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-Look at you. Aren't you just about the most perfect schoolgirl there ever was. With those pigtails, I doubt there's any little girl in the world quite as perfect as you.

[Var. 2]

-You all ready for school? Hey, look at me when I'm talking. Daddy's little princess. You look so cute with your pigtails. All the boys in your class must be so distracted. Okay, you can run off now. See you tonight.

[Var. 3]

-You got all your books? You lunch? Good. How come you changed your hair? The other girls tell you to do your hair like that? I thought you looked great with pigtails. Okay, honey, you have a nice day.

Игра в удушение / Choking Game 1

Место: Средняя школа Мидвич, плакат на стене возле парковки для велосипедов.
Тип: Текстовое сообщение

[Var. 1]
All students. There is a craze at the moment for young adults to try what is often called The Choking Game. Don't be stupid. There is plenty of sensation and stimulation out in the world without needing to starve your brain of oxygen.

[Var. 2]
All students. There is a craze at the moment for young adults to try what is often called The Choking Game. Don't be stupid. Don't risk your young lives, or your health. No parent should have to bury their child.

[Var. 3]
All students. There is a craze at the moment for young adults to try what is often called The Choking Game. Don't be stupid. Don't risk your young lives, or your health. The kids who have died playing this 'game' died senseless, tragic deaths. Heed their warning and don't join them.

Игра в удушение / Choking Game 2

Место: Кафе "Wonderland", красный фартук на стене на кухне.
Тип: Текстовое сообщение

[Var. 1]
Was Rick upset because of Todd? Man. I didn't think that kid had any friends.

[Var. 2]
I can't believe they made that joke in front of Rick. Everyone knows how close he was to his brother.

[Var. 3]
Man that was awful. Why didn't anyone tell me Rick was Todd's best friend? Man, that joke is all over the school anyway.

Игра в удушение / Choking Game 3

Место: Средняя школа Мидвич, ремень, повешенный на вешалке в кладовке (эхо-фото).
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-Power of mind over matter. I control my destiny. Death is an illusion. Death is a buzz.

[Var. 2]

-That's a nice new belt, Todd. Oh, thank you, Mom. You have a nice day at school. Sure, Mom. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Sure, Mom. Whoa.

[Var. 3]

-Oh, yeah... Oh...

Холодная / Frigid 1

Место: Кафе "Wonderland", стол возле окна в зале.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-Why you have to be like this, baby? I know you're shy and stuff. That's how you are. But we have a connection. Why don't you trust me? All the other guys are gettin... yeah, ok sorry that's cheap.

[Var. 2]

-Why can't you be relaxed with me, like you should? Is it your parent's house? You don't want to do it there? There's other places... Why you got to be so frigid?

[Var. 3]

-You know I love this thing we've got going. But I am only human, baby. I look around, see what the other girls are doing. And I got to ask myself, why is she so frigid? It's hard on me, baby.

Холодная / Frigid 2

Место: Средняя школа Мидвич, картинка на скамейке, где сидела призрачная девочка.
Тип: Текстовое сообщение

[Var. 1]
I know it's cold to do it this way, but you don't listen when I talk. Sorry, it's over. I can't do this if you won't open up to me. -Steve.

[Var. 2]
Sorry for doing this like this, but... It's for the best. We aren't working as a relationship... let's stay friends, right? -Steve.

[Var. 3]
You’re not listening. This frigid thing is just too big a deal. If we can’t be together like that, then we can’t be together at all. Enjoy your space. -Steve

Выпускной вечер / Prom 1

Место: Магазин платьев "Teresa's shop", красное платье в углу.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-Hi Jenn, it's Caitlan. I am staring at THE nicest prom dress. If this and two months of starving myself doesn't get Mike's attention, I give up. See you in the class!

[Var. 2]

-Hey, it's Caitlin. I'm looking at the world's most beautiful prom dress. I am SO EXCITED. Mike will be putty in my hands! Catch up tonight.

[Var. 3]

-Caitlin here. Jenn, you should see the dress I'm wearing. It's too hot! This dress, six inch heels and no panties... I'm going to blow Mike's mind. See you tonight.

Выпускной вечер / Prom 2

Место: Средняя школа Мидвич, коробка для завтрака на столе во внутреннем дворе.
Тип: Текстовое сообщение

[Var. 1]
Caitlan. If you haven't already got someone, I was thinking that maybe you'd like to be my prom date? -Mike

[Var. 2]
Hey Caitlan. You got till lunch is over to say yes... the question: will you be my prom date? -Mike.

[Var. 3]
Lovely Caitlan. The last few weeks have been incredible. It’d be the icing on the cake if you’d accompany me to the prom? Say yes and I’ll be on cloud nine! -Mike

Выпускной вечер / Prom 3

Место: Средняя школа Мидвич, плакат школьного бала в коридоре с ящиками перед спортивным залом.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-Speech! Speech!
-You guys really want to hear me talk? You asked for it. High School is a special place. It's a place where you learn a lot of things. But the most important thing you learn is about yourself. High School is where you learn who you are, where you get to establish an identity and an independence. But remember this: you're not done learning; not about algebra, not about yourself. You're going to change, you're going to discover new things every day. That said, always remember who you were, who you wanted to be back in High School.

[Var. 2]

-Speech! Speech!
-It's almost over, almost done. We're almost done with High School. In many ways that's a great thing, we're all excited about getting out into the real world, carving our own paths. But before we do, let's remember how great High School was. Let's remember the friends we've made, the fun we've had, the parties, the ups and the downs. Apparently life gets worse from here on in, so let's treasure those memories! Now, let's dance!

[Var. 3]

-Speech! Speech!
-Okay, settle down, settle down. When you start High School, a lot of us, we can't wait to finish and get out there into the real world. But now we're here, now we're done with High School... I bet a lot of us maybe wish we had another year. There's nothing like it. We've all made lifelong friends here. Some of us more than that... I know that some of you couples out there on the dance floor are going to spend the rest of your lives together. Even if you don't end up married to your High School sweetheart, I hope you will carry something of your time here in your heart. Everyone ready for the last dance?

Выпускной вечер / Prom 4

Место: Средняя школа Мидвич, шарик в форме сердца, привязанный к скамейке перед спортивным залом.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-Here's to us.
-We're never gonna get old.
-Never gonna be like our parents.
-Never gonna blend in.

[Var. 2]

-Here's to us.
-Never gonna get old.
-Never gonna be like our parents.
-Never gonna stop loving.

[Var. 3]

-Here's to our future.
-We're never gonna get old.
-Never gonna be like our parents.
-Never gonna be apart.

Большой медведь / Big Bear

Место: Средняя школа Мидвич, листки на креслах в заднем ряду в планетариуме.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-So now as we move across the sky, we see another familiar face. This will be Ursa Minor, or as we like to call him 'Little Bear'. What's so funny? Can't you horny little animals save this kind of thing for after class?

[Var. 2]

-So now as we move across the sky, we see another familiar face. This will be Ursa Minor, or as we like to call him 'Little Bear'. What's so funny? Very good. Well if Mandy doesn't mind waiting till after class to make her call, let's continue...

[Var. 3]

-So now as we move across the sky, we see another familiar face. This will be Ursa Minor, or as we like to call him 'Little Bear'. What's so funny? Ah... Well, I suppose I should be glad that someone in this class sees the romance in astronomy.

Слух / Gossip 1

Место: Кошмарная средняя школа Мидвич, комната с тремя ледяными фигурами.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-The door's locked? Shit, I'm stuck out here. I'll try and get the doors open - you go take the photos. Don't loose your nerve! I told you, she's with him. Get some photos and we'll catch the asshole red-handed. And you get a kiss for every photo.

[Var. 2]

-Dammit. The doors shut behind you. I guess you're on your own. Show me some balls, okay? They're inside, so you just got to find them and get photos. Gonna nail that sleazy bastard, right? I'll try and get the doors open. Get moving.

[Var. 3]

-Oh, damn the door's shut. Look, I'll try to get them open. You go get the photos. Don't lose your nerve, I'm all out of motivation. No, wait... (drinks) Now I'm all out. Okay, go get photos of them together. You get a journalism credit if we catch them red handed.

Слух / Gossip 2

Место: Кошмарная средняя школа Мидвич, комната с тремя ледяными фигурами.
Тип: Текстовое сообщение

[Var. 1]
Hot Paparazzi Spots: the courtyard, the parking lot, and the locker rooms. Get some sizzlers!

[Var. 2]
Prime Paparazzi Spots: the courtyard, the parking lot, and the locker rooms. Snap snap!

[Var. 3]
Hot Paparazzi Spots: the courtyard, the parking lot, and the locker rooms. Move it!

Слух / Gossip 3

Место: Кошмарная средняя школа Мидвич, за окном во дворе (эхо-фото).
Тип: Текстовое сообщение с вложением

[Var. 1]
Now we know how she got her A. Staying late after class.

[Var. 2]
You've got to see this. Caught in the act... look who's getting 'extra credit'!

Слух / Gossip 4

Место: Кошмарная средняя школа Мидвич, душевая спортзала (эхо-фото).
Тип: Текстовое сообщение с вложением

[Var. 1]
Check this out. Naked & wild for the camera!

[Var. 2]
Check this out. Not as innocent as she acts! Hot & soapy for the camera!

Слух / Gossip 5

Место: Кошмарная средняя школа Мидвич, машина на стоянке (эхо-фото).
Тип: Текстовое сообщение с вложением

[Var. 1]
Who's that in the car with teach? Dirty! He's old enough to be her father!

[Var. 2]
Who's that in teacher's car? Yes it is! She can't wait till they get to the motel!

Слух / Gossip 6

Место: Кошмарная средняя школа Мидвич, если вы не сделаете всех фотографий и вас настигнут монстры три раза.
Тип: Текстовое сообщение

[Var. 1]
Sigh... I'm tired of waiting. You were a great disappointment. The door's open - go home and meditate on your uselessness.

[Var. 2]
Sigh... I'm tired of waiting. I'm off to have fun elsewhere. The door's open - go home and love yourself silly.

Больничное посещение / Hospital Visit 1

Место: Кошмарная больница Алхемилла, комната с ледяными фигурами.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-I just spoke to the nurse and she says she's doing fine. At this age, they heal easy. It won't even scar. She's fine, she's fine. She's eaten half her chocolates, she's getting bored of staying in bed.
-Tell her about the song!
-Oh, yeah, I got a song played for her on the hospital radio. She loved it! I need to check with that nurse about tomorrow's hours, but I'll be heading out soon. I'll try to be home soon as I can.

[Var. 2]

-Yeah, they say she'll be fine. She's young, it'll heal easy. She's fine. She liked the bear. And the chocolates. Huh? It's hardly spoiling her.
-And the song!
-And the song, sweetie. I got the DJ to play her a song on the radio. Yeah, well I'll be here for another half hour, till visiting time is up.

[Var. 3]

-Yeah, doctor says she's doing well. She's young and healthy, so it'll heal quick. She's fine. All doped up on medicine and she's eaten nearly all the chocolate I bought.
-Dad ate some too!
-No, don't... don't worry, she ate some fruit too.
-Oh, oh, the radio!
-Oh, and I got a song played for her on the radio. That cheered her up. I'll be leaving soon. I'll try and be home soon as I can. You don't need to worry about me.

[Var. 4]

-Yeah, they say she'll be okay. She's in good spirits. She liked the chocolates, and the bear. Though she says, she'd rather see you. Yeah, I know, I know.
-Tell Mom about the song!
-Right, the song. Yeah, I got the radio to play her a song. She loved that. And now she's going to go to sleep. Visiting is almost up and she needs her rest. You'll be in tomorrow? Okay.

Больничное посещение / Hospital Visit 2

Место: Кошмарная больница Алхемилла, комната с ледяными фигурами после решения загадки.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-She's going to be okay. Says she's doing fine. I was so mad when it happened, but I'm just worried for her now. I don't know, surrounded by nurses. I hear you... it's not that easy. I'll let you know how it goes.

[Var. 2]

-Apparently she's going to be okay. Thank God. He's spoiling her rotten, you know. She's going to get fat, sitting in bed all day eating chocolates. He's trying to make me feel bad.

[Var. 3]

-I spoke to him. She's going to be okay. Too worried to be angry. I can't think about it yet. He's spoiling her silly trying to make himself better about it. I'm just relieved she's okay.

[Var. 4]

-She's fine. She's going to be fine. I want to go visit, but he's doing a good enough job. Spoiling her, as you'd expect. Don't want to cast a cloud over it. No use getting her hopes up, you know? I'm just so glad she's okay.

Жвачка / Gumballs 1

Место: Кошмарный торговый центр, комната с ледяными фигурами.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-We'll be back soon as we can, but we've got lots of shopping to do! Yes, I won't forget. Why are you shouting? Yes, she's here.
-Can I have some bubblegum?
-Sure, here. I can't buy her gum? Stop being ridiculous.
-No. I don't want THOSE colors. I want my favorite colors.
-What are your favorite colors?
-I won't tell.
-It's a secret? Just a minute. I know the secret. I saw you looking up at Tookie. I'm right, aren't I?
-Yes! My favorites!

[Var. 2]

-We're at the shops now. Yeah, I have the list. Need a coffee. Yes, she's here with me now.
-Can I have some bubblegum?
-It's not candy, when did anyone get a sugar rush off gum?
-No. I don't want THOSE colors. I want my favorite colors.
-Okay, what are your favorite colors?
-You forgot.
-I didn't forget. Uh-huh, the cartoon bird? See, Daddy does remember...

[Var. 3]

- I can't, I'm shopping. With my daughter. I get that, I get that.
-I want some bubblegum.
-Just a minute. Hold the line. Okay, here. Sorry, like I was saying I know I've let you down, but I'll make it up to you.
-Not those colors!
-What, what's wrong with those colors?
-I want colors like Tookie! My favorite!
-Hold on, please, just a bit longer? Like that?
-Yay! My favourite!
-You there? Sorry about that.

[Var. 4]

-You going to be home when we get back? Sure. Sure. No, she's fine.
-Can I have some bubblegum?
-Sure, here. She wanted some gum. That's hardly spoiling her. Wait.
-No. I don't want THOSE colors. I want my favorite colors.
-What are your favorite colors?
-Mom knows.
-I'm sure she does. You hear that? Yeah, she won't tell me. The mascot? The cartoon bird? Okay... Like this, sweetie?

Жвачка / Gumballs 2

Место: Кошмарный торговый центр, комната с ледяными фигурами после решения загадки.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-Come on, let's go. We haven't much time to shop!
-Why not? It's Saturday.
-Yes, but we need to get back to help Mom.
-Mom sucks.
-Come on now, you know that isn't true.

[Var. 2]

-Come on then, bring your gumballs with you.
-Where are we going?
-Food Court! We need a drink before we start shopping properly!

[Var. 3]

-Okay. You come here and we can meet up.
-Who are you talking to?
-No one, sweetie. Yeah, wear something nice. Nothing underneath. Okay, bye. Well come on honey, we got lots of shopping to get done!

[Var. 4]

-Come on, save some for later!
-I'll keep this one for Mom.
-That's a great idea. Come on, last one to the escalators is it!

Впечатление / The Experience 1

Место: Торговый центр, сразу после входа.
Тип: Текстовое сообщение

[Var. 1]
Welcome to Toluca Mall - home of The Experience. Escape to a world of shopping, dining, and entertainment - an oasis in your busy world. Bring family, friends, and colleagues and experience a luxurious and sophisticated world of leisure. Live the life - live The Experience!

[Var. 2]
Welcome to Toluca Mall - home of The Experience. Ours is a world of shipping, dining, and entertainment - a safe haven in the busy modern world. Pamper yourself, treat family and friends and enjoy the calm and serenity of the ultimate leisure destination. Relax and enjoy The Experience!

[Var. 3]
Hey girls! Welcome back to Toluca Mall - home of The Experience. Whatever you're looking for, we have it here! The latest fashions, the greatest salons, top eats, and the latest movies! Feel like a princess for a day, every day - here at Toluca Mall!

[Var. 4]
Welcome to Toluca Mall - home of The Experience. As the state's premier boutique mall experience, we're glad to have you back! Everything you need under one roof with so much to see and do, you'll never want to leave!

Впечатление / The Experience 2

Место: Торговый центр, в коридоре после магазина животных.
Тип: Текстовое сообщение

[Var. 1]
Store managers and retail staff! It's been another great month at Toluca Mall, but we're not stopping yet! The job of providing the perfect shopping Experience is never done. This month we are focusing on retail attitude - random mystery shoppers will be deployed to ensure that each store in the mall is focusing on consumer-orientated service. Make sure your customer feels like No. 1 - they're not shopping, they're experiencing. The happier they are, the more money they will spend. Stores who fail to satisfy our mystery shoppers will be contacted by the brand manager. Keep up the good work!

[Var. 2]
Store managers and retail staff! It's been another great month at Toluca Mall, but we're not stopping yet! The job of providing the perfect shopping Experience is never done. This month we are focusing on customer emotions - random mystery shoppers will be deployed to ensure that each store in the mall is focusing on lifting the mood of their customers. Always remember, you're not here to sell, you're here to make people happy. The happier they are, the more money they will spend. Stores who fail to satisfy our mystery shoppers will be contacted by the brand manager. Keep putting smiles on those faces!

[Var. 3]
Store managers and retail staff! It’s been another great month at Toluca Mall, but we’re not stopping yet! The job of providing the perfect shopping experience is never done. This month we are focusing on “fun” – random mystery shoppers will be deployed to ensure that each store in the mall is focusing on this key part of the experience. Make your store an exciting place to be. After all, shopping is all about having fun and it’s a hobby that just about everyone can enjoy! When people are having fun, the profits look after themselves. Stores who fail to satisfy our mystery shoppers will be contacted by the brand manager. Keep up the good work!

[Var. 4]
Store managers and retail staff! It's been another great month at Toluca Mall, but we're not stopping yet! The job of providing the perfect shopping Experience is never done. This month we are focusing on retail attitude - random mystery shoppers will be deployed to ensure that each store in the mall is focusing on consumer-orientated service. Making your customer happy is a science, and one we hope you are perfecting! With a carefully calculated mix of pricing, store layout, display dressing, and staff training, you can do great things. It's not rocket science - but it's not far off! Stores who fail to satisfy our mystery shoppers will be contacted by the brand manager. Keep up the good work!

Впечатление / The Experience 3

Место: Торговый центр, книга на мусорном баке после магазина "Celebrations" или салона красоты "New Looks".
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-Lost a whole afternoon's profit! Bastards said it was in our rental agreement. Yeah, well, they shut the shop so they could come in and take photos for their brochure. Kicked out customers, brought in their own actors to pretend. Didn't even show our products, had some stuff of their own they brought. Yeah, screw the Experience.

[Var. 2]

-Yeah, I got the afternoon off. Those mall marketing goons were all over the store taking photos. Had a bunch of stupid models pretending to be customers! Happy families, these smiley smiley moms, dads and kids. You KNOW the customers we get in are not that good looking.

[Var. 3]

-Well, the store was closed all afternoon. The had photographers in doing photos for the brochures, all that shit. They don't use real customers, they've got models. Damn, these girls were hot. I mean, even the old ones. You know, like really sexy. Better than real girls any day of the week and, man, my eyes... my eyes are SORE.

[Var. 4]

-Yeah, I haven't lifted a finger all afternoon. The store was closed so they could take photos in there--for marketing. I don't know why they need to even be there... Why they can't just "computer" the whole thing or whatever. They weren't real customers. Models and actors, I guess. And the food? The food they showed was like, all, brought in special and sprayed with a spritzer to make it look tasty.

Трудный ребенок / Problem Child 1

Место: Торговый центр, мусорная урна перед книжным магазином "Pageturners".
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-This is Malcolm. Following the suspect. It's that girl again. If I grab her, it'll be the third time I've booked her. Why am I so reluctant? I guess... I guess I feel sorry for her. When I spoke to her last time, she seemed like such a nice girl. Not altogether there, but nice. She's not like the other kids, not doing this to show off. Derek thinks she wants to get caught, that's her thing. Maybe. Maybe not. Ah shit, she's taking something. Oh man, I guess I gotta go for it.

[Var. 2]

-Malcolm. Just after three in the afternoon. A retailer called in a shoplifter on the first floor. Sure enough, it's that girl again. Well why am I holding off grabbing her? I guess I feel sorry for her. When we took her in last time she was so mad, so angry. Just kicking and screaming. Clearly got her own share of problems. I don't mind grabbing the kids who are just messing about, don't mind grabbing those preppy little shits who are just, you know, showing off. But I feel bad with her. Oh, she's moving.

[Var. 3]

-Malcolm. Doing my rounds. I saw her again. I... I, aw shit, you know, I guess I can say this. I turned my back when she took something. Pretended I didn't see it. Why? I dunno. I guess I feel sorry for her. Last time we grabbed her, when we were talking to her... I dunno, there was so much sadness in those eyes. I felt sorry for her.

Трудный ребенок / Problem Child 2

Место: Торговый центр, стенд с карточками памяти в магазине фототоваров "Photographic Memory".
Тип: Текстовое сообщение

[Var. 1]
Another day of quality jacking! Today I bagged myself,

Nice skirt
Memory Cards
2 CDs
Expensive lipsticks
2 bras

Could have sworn that dopey guard saw me, maybe he let me off cause he wants a kiss. Dirty old fart.

[Var. 2]
Another day of quality jacking! Today I bagged myself:

Memory Cards
2 CDs
Bottle of Tequila
Pair of Jeans

Saw that dopey guard again. Let him see me smoking in the no-smoking zone. Too chickenshit to tell me to stop!

[Var. 3]
Another profitable day at the mall! Today I bagged myself,

Nice top
Memory Cards
2 CDs
Cheap necklace
Pair of jeans

Pretty ring That dopey guard spotted me again, didn’t say a word. I hope he’s not planning to make a career out of this…

[Var. 4]
Another profitable day at the mall! Today I bagged myself.

Nice top
Memory Cards
2 CDs
Bunch of books
Pair of jeans
3 DVDs

Was spotted in the last store by that guard. I looked all innocent and just walked past him, but I think he knew.

[Var. 5]
Another day of quality jacking! Today I bagged myself,

Nice top
Memory Cards
2 CDs
3 lipsticks
Pair of jeans
2 videogames

Spotted by that security guard in the last place. I don't get it though - he didn't do anything. Maybe he didn't see me afterall.

[Var. 6]
Another profitable day at the mall! Today I bagged myself:

Nice top
Memory Cards
2 CDs
3 lipsticks
Cute hat

Was clocked by the security guard in the last place. Though he didn’t say a word. I think he’s too nice a guy to have a shitty job like that.

Трудный ребенок / Problem Child 3

Место: Торговый центр, девушка, сидящая на скамейке слева от входа в кинотеатр (эхо-фото).
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-911? Oh God, he's bleeding everywhere!
-Calm down sir. Who is bleeding? Can you describe the situation?
-The security guard, Malcolm. He's been stabbed. He's dead!
-Are you sure he is dead? Is he breathing?
-Oh God, she just went crazy. She was spitting and screaming. It's not right. Malcolm would never hurt a fly. She just went insane.

[Var. 2]

-911? It's Malcolm the security guard, he's been stabbed!
-Slow down, sir. Is there bleeding?
-Yes. There's lots. He's not moving.
-And the attacker? Is he still there?
-She. It's a she. She's still here, she's sitting on a bench. She's just staring into space.
-The police and ambulance are on their way. Do not approach the attacker.

[Var. 3]

-911? Oh God. I think he's dead.
-Sir, can you describe the emergency? Who is dead?
-Malcolm! He's a security guard here. Oh my God, he didn't see it coming. She, she had a knife, and just pulled it out and cut him. Must have hit an artery or something.
-Is Malcolm breathing? Can you find a pulse?
-He'd tried to help her. Even afterwards, he said to me: it's not her fault. Oh God, that was the last thing he said!

Любимец семьи / Family Pet 1

Место: Торговый центр, клетка в углу в магазине животных.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-No, not like that. Wait. Here's a photo. I need one that looks exactly like it.
-You're in luck. That breed is popular. Take a look at this one.
-That's perfect.

[Var. 2]

-I need one that looks just like this. It's a present.
-We got lots of breeds, I can recommend...
-No, I need one EXACTLY like this. It's a present!
-Okay, okay. Come take a look over here.

[Var. 3]

-I'm looking for a dog. Here.
-Oh, you're looking for that dog? Or...
-No... not THIS dog... One that looks the same.
-Exactly the same?
-You're in luck.

Любимец семьи / Family Pet 2

Место: Торговый центр, красный мячик на скамейке между магазином нижнего белья "Chica Bella" и магазином подарков.
Тип: Текстовое сообщение с вложением

[Var. 1]
Hey! Check out my new doggie! I'm going to teach her to sit and beg. I called her Obie because she is so obedient!

[Var. 2]
Look what I just got!!! She's so cute. She LOVES me so much and keeps trying to lick my face. I call her Hollie!

[Var. 3]
I knew it! Look what I got! I named him Dylan. He is the cutest puppy. So silly - keeps chasing his own tail!

[Var. 4]
Check out my dog! He's so clever. I've only had him for an hour, but he already knows my voice and I taught him a trick. I've named him Chip.

Любимец семьи / Family Pet 3

Место: Угол улиц после выхода из торгового центра, собака, сбитая машиной (эхо-фото).
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-We hit something?
-Oh shit.
-What is it?
-Oh shit.
-What do I tell her?

[Var. 2]

-We hit something?
-Oh crap. Let's take a look.
-Oh no. Is it dead?
-Yes, I... oh, shit.
-What's wrong?
-I know this dog.

[Var. 3]

-It's me.
-Where are you?
-Why are you calling? What's up?
-I just hit a dog. With the car.
-Hit a dog?

[Var. 4]

-I told you to keep your eyes on the road.
-If we hadn't been arguing, I would have. I think we hit something.
-You can't drive and talk? I suppose that would be asking too much.
-Oh shit.
-What now?
-We hit a dog.
-A dog?
-Not just any dog.

Время празднования / Celebration Time

Место: Торговый центр, кодовая дверь в магазине "Celebrations".
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-So what was that code again? Yeah, I know you told me. I got a lot to remember. (Strings) (Jazz) Huh. How am I supposed to... oh, wait. No, I get it. Okay. Thanks.

[Var. 2]

-Yeah, it's Kevin. I need to get out back, but you forgot to tell me the code. You did? Was I drunk? Oh right, yeah. Yeah. (Strings) (Jazz) Got it.

[Var. 3]

-What was the code again, buddy? What, this one? (Strings) And, this one? (Jazz) That's too easy.

[Var. 4]

-Stephanie? Yeah, it's me. I forgot the code for the door. No, no I don't have a card. It's the keypad one. I need a code. Sorry, what? Oh! (Strings) (Jazz) Thanks Stephanie!

Поездка / Day Trippers 1

Место: Карта на капоте машины на набережной после выхода из канализации.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-We're here now. Let's try and enjoy ourselves!
-Glad to.
-Hey, look at the lake! Dad, I bet you could go fishing there. Mom, you could take some pictures!
-Fishing? Now you're talking! Come here and I'll use for bait! The fish here like little girls!

[Var. 2]

-You can be such an asshole sometimes.
-Hey, take it easy. We're here now.
-Hey, stop chit chatting! We're here! Let's go get some FOOD!
-Food. What kind of food?
-Chili dogs!

[Var. 3]

-We're here now. So let's enjoy ourselves.
-Yeah! Let's explore! Let's have fun!
-Fun, I can do that.
-So we've heard. Hey wait up!

[Var. 4]

-Here. Finally.
-Place hasn't changed a bit.
-Unlike us.
-Have you SEEN the lake? C'mon let's go.
-She's got the right idea. Let's just go with the flow. We're on vacation. Hey, wait up!

Поездка / Day Trippers 2

Место: Парк развлечений "Lakeside", стенд для фото (эхо-фото).
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-Thank you for saving me from the dragon, Sir Knight!
-All in a day's work.
-What can I give you as a reward?
-This one's on the house. All part of the job.
-I insist. How about some gold? A castle?
-What about that last bit of candy you've been hiding away? I'll take that over the gold.
-My candy? No way! What kind of knight are you?

[Var. 2]

-Why does he have to KILL the dragon?
-It was going to eat the princess.
-Maybe he was hungry. Maybe she was a bad princess.
-Knights save princesses. That's how it works.
-I guess.

[Var. 3]

-M' lady. I hope you are unharmed from your brush with death.
-That ferocious dragon... you were almost consumed. Such a hideous beast.
-Dad, it's just a painting. It's not real. Stop being silly!
-You embarrassing your daughter again?

Поездка / Day Trippers 3

Место: Парк развлечений "Lakeside", застывшие фигуры в лебединой повозке в туннеле любви.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-This brings back memories. Our first date. It was so exciting...
-You were pretty forward, back then. A real animal.
-Oh, I still am. Give me a kiss.
-Hey, this I like!
-Please remain inside your carriage. This ride has been temporarily halted due to a guest in the tunnel.
-What the hell.
-Come on animal. I'm still waiting for that kiss.

[Var. 2]

-Feels like a long time ago. Our first date.
-You were a horny young man.
-Like you weren't.
-I was young. Lots of energy.
-Let's be young again.
-Please remain inside your carriage. This ride has been temporarily halted due to a guest in the tunnel.
-Lights out. You'll have to use your hands to find your way.
-Shame. I prefer to see what I'm getting into...

[Var. 3]

-I swear these swans are the same ones. Remember the date? You were so quiet.
-I was nervous! I'd drank half my dad's liquor cabinet to relax myself.
-Wasn't the last time a date started with you dead drunk.
-Sorry. So would it be too pushy to ask for a kiss?
-Since you were such a gentleman, I don't see why not.
-Please remain inside your carriage. This ride has been temporarily halted due to a guest in the tunnel.
-What? They want us to stay put? Is it safe?
-I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.

[Var. 4]

-I remember that first date so clearly.
-It was fun, you were a good date.
-It was easy to be happy back then.
-How about a kiss, for old time's sake?
-For old time's sake.
-Please remain inside your carriage. This ride has been temporarily halted due to a guest in the tunnel.
-That ruined it.
-Since when did a little privacy ruin a kiss?

Поездка / Day Trippers 4

Место: Парк развлечений "Lakeside", после преследования призрачной девочки в туннеле любви.
Тип: Голосовое сообщение

[Var. 1]

-What the hell did you think you were doing?
-I wanted to watch you being happy.
-Do we look happy?
-Let's go. I don't know why you're mad at HER.

[Var. 2]

-What were you thinking?
-I wanted to see the swans. Wanted to see if they were real.
-It's a ride. They're not... Come on, let's go.
-Hey, is that candy?

[Var. 3]

-I'm sorry. I ruined your ride. I'm sorry if I ruined everything.
-It's not ruined. We're just glad you're safe.
-Those swans pack a mean peck.
-They DO?
-Yeah, like this!