
Full Game Script

Complete game script of Silent Hill 4: The Room inlcuding all character dialogues, commentaries and reactions.

Copyright 2005 by st-MK
All rights reserved

Original Script Document doc, 232 kb


01. A Nightmare (Joseph Schreiber’s Reactions)
02. Main Titles
03. The Room
04. The Subway World
05. The Forest World
06. Water Prison World
07. The Building World
08. The Apartment World
09. The Hospital World
10. The Subway World – 2nd Time
11. The Forest World – 2nd Time
12. Water Prison World – 2nd Time
13. The Building World – 2nd Time
14. Room 302 of the Past
15. Outside Room 302
16. Ritual Area
17. Ending – 21 Sacraments
18. Ending – Eileen’s Death
19. Ending – Mother
20. Ending – Escape
21. Henry’s Universal Reactions
22. Eileen’s Reactions
23. Walter’s Diary (full version)
24. Missing Files. Messages not appeared in the game
25. Others
Notes. Information from an author

01. A Nightmare (Joseph Schreiber’s Reactions)

It was two years ago
that Henry Townshend moved into
Room 302 of South Ashfield Heights,
an apartment building in the
medium-sized city of Ashfield.
Henry was happy and enjoying his new life.
But five days ago, something
strange happened.
He began to have a recurring dream
each night.
One other thing...
He couldn’t leave Room 302...

What’s with this room? It’s covered in blood and rust... This is my room... But what the hell has happened to it...? This room... Is it really my room...? It’s in terrible shape... The air is so heavy... My head hurts...
[Looking at the photo over the bed] My head...so heavy... This photo...it’s filthy... Was it here before...? This scenery...I know I’ve seen it before...
[Looking at the bed]: This is my bed.
[Looking at the church’s photo] My head hurts... I don’t remember putting up this photo... This church...
[Looking at items on the desk] There are all sorts of dusty items here... What the hell? None of it’s mine...
[Looking at the scrapbooks on the desk] That’s weird... My red typewriter is gone...
[Looking at the lighthouse’s photo] This photo...was it here before...? I’ve seen this lighthouse before...
[Looking at the bike’s photo] This photo...was it here before...? My head......
[Trying to open the window] The window...I can’t get it open...
[Trying to open the bathroom/laundry door] The door’s shut tight. It won’t open at all.
[Looking at the shoes] These shoes... They’re not even my size...
[Trying to open the exit door] The door is shut for good...
[Looking at the cooker] I’m not interested in food at al... My head...it hurts...
[Looking at the kitchen sink] I don’t feel like washing my hands right now...
[Looking at the refrigerator] It smells horrible... I’m afraid to open it up...
[Looking at photos on the furniture] What is this photo...? It’s all faded and I can’t see it well...
[Looking at the furniture] I thought I moved this, but now it’s back where it was...
[Looking at the “strange” wall] Creepy... It looks like a face.
[Looking at photo over the couch] Who are all these people...? 21 people... It can’t be... Why are they here...?
[Looking at Henry’s portrait] Who is this guy...?
[Looking at the magazine table] It’s part of an old picture book... “There once was a baby and a mother who were connected by a magical cord. But one day the cord was cut, and the mother went to sleep. The baby was left all alone. But the baby made lots of friends at Wish House, and everyone was very nice to him. The baby was happy.” (It’s ripped here and I can’t read anymore.)
[Looking at TV] Where did this big TV come from...? I thought I had a record player here...
[Looking at books on the bookshelf] These books...they’re not mine...
[Looking at radio on the bookshelf] I don’t even know what this is...
[Looking at the clock] This clock... When did it stop working...? Did I even have a clock in this room before...?
[Looking at the chest] What’s this...?

02. Main Titles

Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo

Suguru Murakoshi

Program Director
Masashi Tsuboyama

Art Director
Masashi Tsuboyama

Sound Director
Akira Yamaoka

Sub Producer
Akihiro Imamura

Akira Yamaoka

Executive Producer
Hirotaka Ishikawa

Silent Hill 4 -The ROOM-

03. The Room

Henry: Oh, man... What a dream...
Henry dials 555-2195: It’s still not working...
Henry answers when telephone rings: Hello...?
Voice on the phone: Help...me...
Henry (at the phone): What...?
Henry lifts the phone: The cord’s cut...

Henry [trying to call on the phone, in the bedroom]: No answer, just like I thought.
Henry [trying to dial 555-3750]: ...That noise just now... What was that...?
Henry [looking at the photo over the bed, in the bedroom]: It’s that lake in Silent Hill. I went sightseeing there a few years ago. I like this photo because it really captures the beauty and tranquility of the trees and lake there. I put this up on the wall right after I moved here.
Henry [looking at the bed, in the bedroom]: This is my bed.
Henry [looking at the church’s photo, in the bedroom]: This is a photo of the church I ran across while I was visiting Silent Hill. For some reason, I was really attracted by the way it looked, so I took the picture.
Henry [looking at items on the desk, in the bedroom]: There are a lot of small items here, but none of them is particularly interesting.
Henry [looking at the scrapbooks on the desk, in the bedroom]: It’s a brand-new scrapbook.
Henry [looking at the lighthouse’s photo, in the bedroom]: It’s a photo of the lighthouse near the lake in Silent Hill. It feels a little bit lonely for a tourist town, but it’s a nice place to relax and heal your soul.
Henry [looking at the bike’s photo, in the bedroom]: It’s just a quick shot I took in downtown Silent Hill. It’s a nice tourist town about a half-day’s drive from here.
Henry [trying to open the window]: I can’t open the window... Up until a few days ago, it was no problem... Ever since I started having those nightmares...
Henry [looking into the bathtub, in the bathroom]: Just a normal bathroom. Nothing has changed since I moved here two years ago.
Henry [looking at the shower, in the bathroom]: I don’t feel like taking a shower now.
Henry [looking at the toilet, in the bathroom]: There’s nothing to do here.
Henry [looking at the faucet, in the bathroom]: I don’t feel like washing my face right now...
Henry [looking at the bath shelf, in the bathroom]: Just the typical stuff you find around a sink, nothing particularly interesting.
Henry [looking at the toolkit, in the laundry room]: There are tools and things on the ground.
Henry [looking down at a tank, in the laundry room]: It’s a tank filled with oil.
Henry [looking at clothes dryer, in the laundry room]: It’s a clothes dryer. I don’t need that right now.
Henry [looking at a washing machine, in the laundry room]: It’s a washing machine. I don’t need that right now.
Henry [looking at the laundry shelf, in the laundry room]: There’s nothing interesting here at the moment.
Henry [looking at the cardboard box, in the laundry room]: Nothing in this area has really changed since I moved here.

Henry looks at the exit door, in the main room: Five days ago... That’s when I first had the nightmare. I haven’t been able to get out of my room since then. The phone doesn’t work, the TV doesn’t work... I can’t even get anybody to hear me when I yell... My whole world has suddenly turned insane... My door’s chained up, the windows are sealed shut... And on top of that, someone chained the door from the inside. How am I going to get out of here...?
Henry reads the appearing red note: “Don’t go out.” “Walter”. What the hell...? What's goin’ on here...?
Henry checks the peephole when something falls outside: That’s Eileen Galvin from next door...
Eileen retrieves the items she dropped back into her grocery bag: Oh, man... Hope my luck changes before the party...

Henry [looking at the chained-up door]: ...That weird nightmare... ....Ever since I started having that... Who would have done this...? It was attached from the inside... Is somebody... Is somebody in here...? The door is chained and locked. It’s totally locked up. I can’t get it off no matter what I do... I can’t...open...the door...
Henry [looking down at the note slipped under the door]: What’s this...? “Mom, Why doesn’t u Wake up?” [First Letter]
Henry [looking at the shoes, in the main room]: My shoes. I don’t need to change them right now.
Henry [looking at the cooker, in the kitchen]: I don’t really feel like cooking now...
Henry [looking at the kitchen sink, in the kitchen]: I don’t feel like washing my hands right now...
Henry [looking at photos on the furniture, in the main room]: It’s a photo of me as a kid and then when I graduated from high school.
Henry [looking at the furniture, in the main room]: I’ve had this furniture since before I moved here two years ago.
Henry [looking at photo over the couch, in the main room]: I got this photo from Frank Sunderland, the super here at South Ashfield Heights.
Henry [looking at photo upper right the couch, in the main room]: This is a photo of the outside of South Ashfield Heights. I was immediately attracted by the outside of the building, as well as the view from the window here. When I moved here two years ago, I almost felt like I was being drawn here.
Henry [looking at the magazine table, in the main room]: The main power is off. So even if I press it, nothing happens.
Henry [looking at TV, in the main room]: It’s weird. A few days ago, the power to my TV and my VCR just stopped coming on... Ever since I started having those nightmares...
Henry [looking at books on the bookshelf, in the main room]: I brought these books with me when I moved in two years ago, but I haven’t touched them since then.
Newscaster (variant #1): Are you yearning for that special place to spend quality time with your loved one? Do you need to relax and get away from it all? Come to Silent Hill for the ultimate peaceful getaway.
Newscaster (variant #2): And now, the news. Yesterday, Wally the Walrus, a longtime resident of the Springfield Zoo, gave birth to a healthy baby walrus pup named Buttercup. Mother and child are doing just fine.
Newscaster (variant #3): And next, we’ll be taking a look at the weather. Tonight, we can expect scattered clouds, clearing by morning. Tomorrow looks to be quite a nice day, with the warm and sunny weather continuing through the evening. And the weekend, we can expect more of the same. So I hope you all get out there and, uh, enjoy your weekend.
Newscaster (variant #4): And now the news. In Washington, a gathering of 200,000 people, appealing for stricter gun control laws in the wake of a spate of violent shootings throughout the country, turned tragic when shots were fired into the crowd. Two people were killed and several wounded, including a 3-year-old child. At this moment, no suspects have been found. Police are investigating the source of the shots.
Newscaster (variant #5): Police arrested a Mr. Suguru Murakoshi after he was discovered naked, urinating from the top of a utility pole in North Ashfield.
Newscaster (variant #6): And on a lighter note, we have a new addition to the zoo. Last night at 3 a.m., a female baby tiger was born, and both mother and child are reportedly doing just fine.
Henry [looking down at a note stuck between the wall and the bookshelf, in the main room]: It looks like a scrap from some book... Man, this thing looks like it was written ages ago... “Through the Ritual of the Holy Assumption, he built a world. It exists in a space separate from the world of our Lord. More accurately, it is within, yet without the Lord’s world. Unlike the world of our Lord, it is a world in extreme flux. Unexpected doors or walls, moving floors, odd creatures, a world only he can control... Anyone swallowed up by that world will live there for eternity, undying. They will haunt that realm as a spirit. How can our Lord forgive such an abomination...?” (This part of the book is too damaged to read.) “...It is important to travel lightly in that world. He who carries too heavy a burden will regret it...” (The book is too damaged to read any more.) [Book Scrap]
Henry [looking at the clock, in the main room]: The clock stopped working a few days ago.
Henry [looking at the chest, in the main room]: This chest could hold a lot of stuff.
Henry hears a crash is heard originating from the bathroom: What was that...?

Henry looks at a hole in the wall in bathroom: What the hell?! S-somebody in there? I wonder if I can get out this way...?

Henry [looking into the bathtub, in the bathroom]: Of course there’s no one in the bathtub...
Henry [looking at the shower, in the bathroom]: This is no time to be taking a shower.
Henry [looking at the toilet, in the bathroom]: It isn’t the time for that kind of thing.
Henry [looking at the faucet, in the bathroom]: The water has stopped running...
Henry [looking down at the wall, in the bathroom]: Who the...? Who could have done this...? I knew it... There must be someone here...
Henry [looking at the bath shelf, in the bathroom]: There are bathroom items here, but I don’t have time for that now.
Henry [looking at the hole, in the bathroom]: The sewage pipe’s broken too... [Steel Pipe]

04. The Subway World

Henry finds himself sitting on a descending escalator: What...the...hell...?

Henry [looking at the escalator in the Lynch Street Side Entryway, Basement 1]: It’s a down-only escalator... That’s weird... It’s a dead end...
Henry [looking at a pipe near the escalator in the Lynch Street Side Entryway, Basement 1]: It’s a big pipe... This looks like the South Ashfield subway station I can see from my apartment... But it’s all wrong... This shouldn’t be here...
Henry [looking at the hatchway in the wall in the Lynch Street Side Entryway, Basement 1]: What’s with this...? This looks like the South Ashfield subway station... But I don’t think this should be here...
Henry [looking at the broken column in the Lynch Street Side Entryway, Basement 1]: One of the columns is collapsed...
Henry [looking at the column ruins in the Lynch Street Side Entryway, Basement 1]: This looks like the South Ashfield subway station... The one I can see from my apartment window.... But it’s all wrong...
Henry [looking at the poster on the wall]: It’s some kind of poster. There’s nothing interesting about it.
Henry [looking at the information stand on the wall]: “Information”...for the “Lynch Street Line” and the “King Street Line”... Is this really...South Ashfield Station?
Henry [looking at the advertisement on the wall]: It’s some kind of advertisement. There’s nothing interesting about it.

Woman sees Henry: Who are you...? What’s your name?
Henry: Henry. And you?
Woman: Huh? This is my dream and you don’t even know my name? It’s Cynthia...
Henry: Your dream?
Cynthia: That’s right. This is just a dream. And a really terrible one too. I hope I wake up soon.
Henry: So you think this is a dream, huh?
Cynthia: Well, if it’s not a dream, what is it? Anyway, I want to get out of here, but I can’t find the exit... Say... Will you help me find it? I’m kind of scared all alone... I’ll do a “special favor” for you later... It’s just a dream, so I might as well have some fun...

Cynthia becomes ill: Wait a minute... I think I’m gonna puke...

Henry [looking at the urinal in the Men’s Bathroom, Basement 1]: I don’t need to use this now.
Henry [looking at the toilet in the Men’s Bathroom, Basement 1]: It looks like there’s no one in there.
Henry [looking at the phone at the Turnstiles, Basement 1]: It’s a pay phone. But it’s broken...
Henry [looking at the Lynch Street Line coin dispenser at the Turnstiles, Basement 1]: It’s a coin dispenser for the Lynch Street Line, but it’s broken and I can’t use it...
Henry [looking at the King Street Line coin dispenser at the Turnstiles, Basement 1]: It’s a coin dispenser for the King Street Line, but it’s broken and I can’t use it...
Henry [looking for employees in the checkout at the Turnstiles, Basement 1]: There aren’t any subway employees around...
Henry [looking at the station guide at the Turnstiles, Basement 1]: Some kind of station guide... But the text is all blurry. It’s totally useless...
Henry [looking at the King Street Line entrance at the Turnstiles, Basement 1]: It’s the King Street Line entrance.
Henry [looking at the King Street Line exit at the Turnstiles, Basement 1]: It’s the King Street Line exit.
Henry [looking at the Lynch Street Line entrance at the Turnstiles, Basement 1]: I need a coin to get through the turnstile...
Henry [looking at the Lynch Street Line exit at the Turnstiles, Basement 1]: It’s the King Street Line exit.
Henry [looking at the blocked off stairs in the King Street Side Entryway, Basement 1]: I should be able to get to the street this way, but it’s a dead end...
Henry [looking at the toilet in the Women’s Bathroom, Basement 1]: I don’t think anyone’s in there.
Henry [looking at the hole in the Women’s Bathroom, Basement 1]: Where could this crazy hole lead to...?

The Room

Henry wakes up in his bed: What...another dream...? But it seemed so real... Or could it be... Was I really inside that woman’s dream...? Oh, that’s just stupid... What am I thinking...?

Henry [looking at photos on the furniture]: That’s strange... The photo fell down...
Henry [looking at the furniture]: This furniture has been here since I moved in. Huh...? That’s weird... ...Somebody moved it...
Henry straightened the furniture: Who could have done it...?
Henry [looking at the wall behind furniture]: There’s a message carved in here. It looks like they used an ice pick or something. “The faint hope I had is slowly changing to despair. I’ve somehow managed to tunnel this far, but no matter what I do, I can’t get any farther. The hallway, the windows, the walls... It feels like this room is stuck in another dimension. Eileen never noticed...”
Henry [looking down at pistol]: There’s a pistol on the floor... [Pistol]

Eileen sitting on her bed (Henry watching through the crack in the wall): ...Where did I put that damn broom...? Oh, there it is...

Voice on the phone: ...Where did you go...? ...Hurry... Save me... If you need a token...there’s one here...

Henry [looking at the furniture]: This furniture has been here since I moved in, but I moved it around a bit.

The Subway World

Henry [looking at the mannequin in the Women’s Bathroom, Basement 1]: It’s some kind of mannequin... It’s got a coin in its hand. [Lynch Street Line Coin]
Henry [looking at the mannequin in the Women’s Bathroom, Basement 1]: It’s some kind of mannequin... Creepy...it sort of reminds me of Cynthia...
Henry [trying to use coin at the King Street Line entrance at the Turnstiles, Basement 1]: It looks like I can’t use this coin for the King Street Line.
Henry [trying to use coin at the line exit]: This is the exit so there’s nowhere to use a coin or ticket.
Henry [trying to exit subway through the entrance]: I can’t exit through the turnstile on the entrance side.
Henry [looking at the blocked path in the Passage between Lines (North), Basement 2]: The path is blocked by rubble. I can’t get through...
Henry [looking at the mannequins in the Passage between Lines (North), Basement 2]: It’s filled with some kind of weird stuff...

Cynthia’s trapped inside a subway car: Hurry! Help me! Please help! Someone’s coming! Get me out of here!

Henry [looking at the vending machine with “1 $” writing in the Lynch Street Line (East), Basement 3]: Strange vending machine... It says “1 $” on it...
Henry [checking the red light on a panel in car operator’s room, Basement 3]: There’s a button here.
Henry pressed the button: It looks like the car’s door opened.
Henry [looking at the toy box in the subway car, Basement 3]: There’s a toy box here... It has “1000 $” written on it... It’s locked and I can’t open it.
Henry [looking at the limbs in the subway car, Basement 3]: What the hell...?

Henry realizes that Cynthia’s gone: Cynthia...

Cynthia’s voice is heard over a teleprompter: ...Henry, I found the exit. Come to the turnstile... ...Henry, I found the exit. Come to the turnstile... ...Hurry, hurry...! It's him...! ...He's coming!

Henry [looking at golf club in the train car, Basement 4]: It’s a golf club. Looks like a 9-Iron. [9-Iron]
Henry [looking at the panel in car operator’s room, Basement 4]: I think I could move this train car... If I only had a train handle...
Henry [looking at the vending machine, Basement 4]: It’s a vending machine... I wonder what it was “vending” anyway...
Henry [looking down at scattered things on the floor at the Turnstiles - King Street Side, Basement 1]: Women’s makeup items are scattered on the ground. These must be Cynthia’s...
Henry [noticed a plate on the door to the ticket office at the Turnstiles - King Street Side, Basement 1]: There’s a plate on the door. [Temptation Placard]

Henry sees Cynthia in blood mess: Are you okay!?
Cynthia: It’s just...a dream, right...? ...I think ...I drank too much last night... ...I never got to do that...“special favor” for you... ...I...I feel like I’m dying...
Henry: It’s okay...it’s just a dream...
“16121” is written on Cynthia’s chest.

The Room – Return from the Subway World

Henry wakes up in his bed: Cynthia... Man, what’s that noise out there...?
Henry sees ambulance and a police car from the window: There’s an ambulance and a police car near the subway entrance... Is it Cynthia...?

Henry [looking at the photo over the bed]: There are so many weird stories about Silent Hill, but looking at this scenery...it’s hard to believe that any of them are true.
Henry [looking at the church’s photo]: It’s a photo of Silent Hill Church. It was just a quick snapshot, but if I stare at it, I feel like I’m being sucked in. It makes me feel so strange...
Henry [looking at items on the desk]: There are scraps from magazine articles, books, and things like that, but nothing useful.
Henry [looking at the scrapbooks on the desk]: It’s my scrapbook. I’ve always had the habit of saving little scraps of information.
Henry [looking at the lighthouse’s photo]: It’s the lighthouse near the lake in Silent Hill. There was an old amusement park by there.
Henry [looking at the bike’s photo]: It was a nice, sunny day when I snapped this shot in downtown Silent Hill. The air was so fresh and I felt so good.

Voice on the radio: Hurry up and get that ambulance...
Voice on the radio: Quit yappin’ and move her already!
Voice on the radio: Damn...she’s got numbers carved into her chest. I wonder if... ..........

Henry [looking at the cardboard box]: There’s nothing interesting.
Henry [looking down at scrap of red paper slipped under the door]: There’s a scrap of red paper stuck in here. “Although the cult itself is gone, I’m sure the spirit of it is still alive. There are too many strange things happening in that town. I’m investigating two people. Or maybe I should say just one. I’ve just about discovered what’s going on. April 8” [Red Diary – April 8]
Henry [looking at the cooker]: I should be hungry, but I’m not... Is my stomach paralyzed or something...?
Henry [looking at the kitchen sink]: The water still works, but I don’t need any now.
Henry [looking at photos on the furniture]: I was that age once too...
Henry [looking at the furniture]: I wonder if this furniture belonged to the person who lived here before...
Henry [looking at photo over the couch]: I heard that Sunderland, the superintendent who gave me this photo, has been the super here since the building was built.
Henry [looking at photo upper right the couch]: This is South Ashfield Heights. It’s U-shaped. The west side has two floors, and the east side has three floors.
Henry [looking at the magazine table]: There’s a TV remote, a car magazine and an ashtray, but nothing really useful...
Henry [looking at TV]: I can’t use the TV or the phone. It feels like someone has intentionally cut off communication...
Henry [looking at books on the bookshelf]: I brought these books with me when I moved here, but I don’t read them anyway.
Henry [looking at the clock]: The clock stopped at 10:06...
Henry [looking at the toilet]: I don’t really have to go right now...
Henry [looking at the faucet]: Just like I thought, no water...
Henry [looking at the hole]: The hole’s getting bigger...

05. The Forest World

Henry [looking down from a NE Cliff]: It’s a cliff. I can’t go forward here.
Henry [looking at the “strange” writing]: This writing...? What does it mean...?
Henry [looking at the “strange” writing]: There’s weird writing here too...
Henry [looking at the “strange” writing]: I can’t read this writing...
Henry [looking at the “strange” writing]: Someone carved some kind of weird writing...
Henry [looking into the well]: It’s too dark to see.
Henry [reading the warning, Path outside Industrial Compound]: “Danger. Do Not Enter.”
Henry [looking around in the Industrial Compound (South)]: What is this place...? Is it some kind of factory...?
Henry [looking at the pipe, Industrial Compound (North)]: What is this stuff...? What could they have been making...?
Henry [looking down at chainsaw, Path with Car]: It’s a chainsaw.*
Henry [looking at the car]: The engine’s still running... And the driver’s seat door is open...
Henry [looking into the car]: It’s stopped with the brake pedal engaged... There are all sorts of things scattered on the seat... Among the trash is a scrap of paper with something written on it. “It’s been a while since I came here to Silent Hill. Maybe I’ll meet the Devil this time. But whenever I come to a cool place like Silent Hill, I always get real thirsty. Jasper Gein” There’s a memo pad in there too. “I’m not sure what that nosy guy meant when he said: “His home is the orphanage in the middle. The lake is northwest. So the opposite is southeast.” The nosy guy said one other thing I don’t understand: “If you bring the dug-up key, you can’t go back. Put it away somewhere before you return there.” [Jasper’s Memo Pad]

Jasper: S-So y-you c-came...t-to investigate th-this stone t-too... Th-There was another g-guy here before... A...a...a real nosy guy... B-B-But I was the one, one who f-found this s-stone first... I-I-In the o-old d-days, th-the n-n-natives called it... “N-Na-Nahkeehona”... Th-They used it in a...a ceremony...f-f-for talkin’...with their dead ancestors. A-And n-now...th-th-those guys are, are usin’ it too... C-C-Call it the “m-mother stone”... Th-They’re just u-up, up ahead, in that, that weird building... Op-Operatin’ s-some kinda c-crazy re-religious cult... Th-They u-used to c-c-c-collect o-orphans... And, and, and...d-d-did things to ‘em... K-K-Kinda g-gives you the ch-chills, huh? This stone... Y-Y-Yeah...g-g-gives me the ch-ch-chills... ...A...a...a c-ceremony f-for t-talkin’ to the dead...

Henry [looking at the “mother stone”]: This rock is creepy somehow...
Henry [looking at the lighthouse]: The lighthouse is lit up.
Henry [reading Wish House’s enter area plate, NE Path outside Wish House Area]: “Silent Hill Smile Support Society “Wish House””. That’s the orphanage run by the cult, huh...
Henry [looking at the graffiti, Wish House Area]: Looks like graffiti drawn by a kid...
Henry [looking at the toy, Wish House Area]: Must be some kind of kids’ toy...
Henry [looking at a swing, Wish House Area]: It’s a swing. It looks like it hasn’t been used in a long time.
Henry [reading the plate on the wall, Wish House Area]: “The Outside is filled with dangerous things. If someone goes Outside without an adult’s permission, the Master is sad.”

Jasper (after Henry has a look on Wish House): Th-That, that b-building... d-d-did you s-see it? A, a l-long time ago...I, I wa-, I was c-curious, so I, I took a look inside... I, I was s-so scared...I, I came right out... P-People say the t-t-town near here... C-C-Crazy stuff happens there t-too... Th-They say those, those guys have s-somethin’ to do with that t-too... Th-That place is r-real scary too...

Henry [looking at the tools, Coal Mine]: There are some long-handled tools there...
Henry [looking at the pipes, Coal Mine]: What were these pipes used for?
Henry [looking at the tanks, Coal Mine]: What’s this...? What could this be here for?
Henry [looking at the tanks with pipes, Coal Mine]: What were they doing with this...? Is that cult involved in all this...?
Henry [looking at the limbs in left from the archway, Coal Mine]: There’s something on the other side of the wire netting... My god, it stinks... There’s nothing interesting, but...
Henry [reading the plate, Toluca Lake Overlook]: “Toluca Lake”.
Henry [looking at the Toluca Lake]: This... It’s that lake in Silent Hill, Toluca Lake. I haven’t seen that place in a while... I took a trip there a few years back. There was a photo of the lake in my room.
Henry [looking at the Toluca Lake]: It’s Toluca Lake in Silent Hill... It’s beautiful... But also sad somehow...
Henry [looking at the Toluca Lake]: It’s beautiful... But for some reason, it gives me the creeps... Toluca Lake in Silent Hill...
Henry [looking at the broken statue, Toluca Lake Overlook]: The upper body is missing... Was it some kind of goddess or something...?

Henry meets the kid at the cemetery: Hey, little boy, what are you doing here?
Jasper appears: You’re... F-Finally...the Th-Third Revelation... S-Something’s g-gonna happen... Th-That n-nosy guy that was here... H-He said it too... Something big’s gonna happen... Finally, it’s gonna happen!

Henry [looking down from a broken wall, Cemetery]: There’s a cliff on the other side of the fence. I can’t go any further.
Henry [looking at the gravestone, Cemetery]: It must be the grave of someone from that Silent Hill religious group...
Henry [looking at the gravestone, Cemetery]: Carved in the stone, it says: “Best Wishes for Wish House”.
Henry [looking at the gravestone, Cemetery]: Carved in the stone, it says: “Tread there and thy home shall be made like unto Hell by the power of the Lord.”
Henry [looking at the gravestone, Cemetery]: Carved in the stone, it says: “Tread there and you will tremble in fear for the Descent of the Holy Mother.”
Henry [looking at the gravestone, Cemetery]: It’s a gravestone... There’s nothing very interesting about it...
Henry [looking at the coffin, Cemetery]: A grave has been dug here... On the bottom of the coffin are the numbers “11121”...
Henry [looking through the fence, Cemetery]: There’s stuff scattered on the ground on the other side of the fence, like something was thrown away from over there.

Jasper (at Wish House): Th-Th-The d-d-door won’t open... Th-That n-n-nosy guy g-g-gave me something really good... I...I...I...I c-could l-l-let you have it...bu-bu-but not for free. I’m really th-thirsty... I’m so, so th-thirsty... Oh, chocolate... Oh, chocolate... I w-want some chocolate... I...I j-just gotta have some chocolate milk... Creamy, sweet chocolate milk... Oooh... So good... So good... I’m really thirsty...
I’m so, so thirsty... I want some chocolate milk...

Henry: Hmm...I’m pretty sure I’ve got some in my fridge...

Jasper (Henry gave him chocolate milk): Oh, man, that was awesome! H-Here, take this... There’s s-somethin’ written on it.

Henry [looking down at the spade, Wish House Area]: It’s a small spade with a bloody inscription. [Blood-Inscribed Spade]
Henry [looking down at the root, Path with Strange Tree]: An arm coming up from the ground... Oh, man, thank god... It’s just a tree root...
Henry [looking down at a golf club, SE Dead End]: It’s a golf club. Looks like a 6-Iron. [6-Iron]

The Room

Henry (hears someone ringing the door) checks the peephole and sees Eileen Galvin: Help me Help! Let me outta here!
Eileen: There’s something going on in this room...
Richard Braintree, a fellow tenant of South Ashfield Heights, appears: What do you mean?
Eileen: I heard some weird noises coming from inside there...
Henry: Help!
Eileen: Hey, Richard. Can you see anything from your window?
Richard: No...everything looks pretty normal to me... The guy who lives here... What’s he like, anyway?
Eileen: I know his name and face, but that’s about it.
Richard: Well, I’m gonna go call the super.
Eileen: Yeah...good idea.
Henry: Damn it... They can’t hear me...

The Forest World

Jasper (after Henry finds the key): You found it, huh? G-G-Gives me the ch-chills...
Jasper (inside Wish House): I...I...I w-w-wonder what they did here...?
Henry [looking at the mess in left, Wish House]: I wonder what was going on here...
Henry [looking at the pinned notes, Wish House]: There are a bunch of notes pinned up here. “Listen to the teachers. Don’t go to outside the walls. Play nicely. Read the Book.”
Henry [looking down at a note on the floor, Wish House]: There’s a scribbled note. “Have you found Alessa yet? How is Walter’s progress coming along? Send me a report.”
Henry [looking at drawing on the table, Wish House]: It’s a child’s drawing.
Henry [looking at the videotape, Wish House]: It’s a dust-covered videotape. I wonder what’s on it... Well there’s no way I can look at it right now anyway...
Henry [looking down at the note near the broken-down altar, Wish House]: It’s falling apart, and I can’t even read most of the pages. Here’s a part I can read... “The Second Sign: And God said, Offer the Blood of the Ten Sinners and the White Oil. Be then release from the bonds of the flesh, and gain the Power of Heaven. From the Darkness and Void, bring forth Gloom, and gird thyself with Despair for the Giver of Wisdom. The Third Sign: And God said, Return to the Source through sin’s Temptation. Under the Watchful eye of the demon, wander alone in the formless Chaos. Only then will the Four Atonements be in alignment.” [Holy Scripture Scrap]
Henry [noticed plate on the door, Wish House]: There’s a plate on the door. [Source Placard]

The numbers “17121” carved into Jasper’s body.
Jasper on fire: I finally met him! The one the nosy guy talked about...the Devil!!

The Room – Return from the Forest World

Newscaster: A special news report... In a forest near Silent Hill, the burned corpse of a 30-year-old male was discovered earlier today. The police have ruled it a homicide and are investigating. The numbers “17121” were reportedly carved into the man’s body. Due to the marks on the victim, the police are investigating possible links to the Walter Sullivan case 10 years ago...

Henry [looking at the photo over the bed]: Could that forest world have been somewhere on this photo of Silent Hill...?
Henry [looking at the church’s photo]: I wonder if there’s a connection between Silent Hill Church and the orphanage in the forest...
Henry [looking at items on the desk]: There are scraps from magazine articles, but I don’t remember why I cut them out.
Henry [looking at the scrapbooks on the desk]: It’ll be especially useful to save information at a time like this.
Henry [looking at the lighthouse’s photo]: There’s a rumor that something weird happened at the amusement park near this lighthouse a few years back, but nobody knows the truth.
Henry [looking at the bike’s photo]: Apparently, it’s super rare to have a sunny day in Silent Hill. I was just a lucky tourist to show up on that day, I guess.

Frank Sunderland (Henry hears someone is throwing fits on the door and he checks the peephole): This is the superintendent! Are you in there, Henry?
Henry: Help me! There’s something wrong with this room! Help me! Help! Let me outta here!
Frank: Is anybody home?
Henry: What’s goin’ on here...?
Frank tries to open the door with his key: That’s strange... It’s the right key. I’m...I’m...I’m sure I heard something in there... Yeah, that sound... It’s the same one as back then.

Henry [looking at the shoes]: My shoes. Come to think of it, when and where did I buy these shoes...?
Henry [looking at the cooker]: This is no time for cooking. Besides, there are no ingredients in this room.
Henry [looking at the kitchen sink]: I’ve got nothing to cook, so I don’t need to wash dishes...
Henry [looking at photos on the furniture]: I was that age once too... It’s not a very sentimental memory for me.
Henry [looking at the furniture]: I wonder if this belonged to the person who lived here before me. Maybe it’s even older.
Henry [looking at photo over the couch]: I got this photo from Sunderland, the superintendent. I heard his son and daughter-in-law disappeared in Silent Hill a few years back...
Henry [looking at photo upper right the couch]: This is South Ashfield Heights. I wonder when it was built... I guess it’s a pretty old building.
Henry [looking at the magazine table]: It’s just a car magazine, a remote and stuff like that. Nothing happens when I press the remote control.
Henry [looking at TV]: Just like I thought, the power’s blown...
Henry [looking at books on the bookshelf]: These books are mine, but this bookshelf was here when I moved in.
Henry [looking at the clock]: With the clock stopped, my sense of time is all screwed up.
Henry [looking at the toilet]: There is no time for that right now...
Henry [looking at the faucet]: No water from the faucet either...
Henry [looking down at the wall]: The wall is even more wrecked...
Henry [looking at the hole]: The hole has changed again... And I think I can hear children’s voices...

06. Water Prison World

Voice from the jail cell: Get me out... Get me the hell out of here... He’s...he’s gonna kill me! Walter’s gonna kill me! He...he’s gonna kill me!

Henry [looking at the red graffiti on the wall in cell, 1st Floor]: Graffiti... It still looks like a kid’s writing... “I’m being watched from the middle room.”
Henry [looking at note on the bed in cell, 1st Floor]: Something’s written... “I’m sick of being watched.”
Henry [looking down at the note in Circular Cell Hallway, 1st Floor]: There’s a sloppily written note on the ground. “Lucky! I finally escaped from the cell. I decided to take a careful look around this building. The scariest place was the 1st floor basement. There’s a kitchen in the northeast, but next door in the northwest is a death chamber. To get in there, you have to punch in the right numbers. I don’t know the numbers, and it was too dark to even see the panel, so I didn’t go in.” [Exploration Memo]
Henry [looking at the note on the wall in Spiral Stairway Access, 1st Floor]: It’s a sloppily written note. “To get to the surveillance rooms in the middle of this complex, you have to use the corpse disposal chutes in the cells. However, on the 1st and 2nd floors, these cells are locked. That’s so the kids wouldn’t discover them. So you have to get to the 1st floor from one of the cells on the 3rd floor. I know how to do it, but it’s really a pain. Also, the lights only work on the 2nd floor.” [Guard’s Diary]

The Room

Henry [noticing the TV is turned on]: I don’t remember turning this on...
Henry [looking at the magazine table]: I don’t remember pressing the button on the remote control.
Henry [looking down at scrap of red paper slipped under the door]: There’s a scrap of red paper stuck in here. “Lately I’ve been feeling like my life is in serious danger. I’ve been through a lot in my life, but I’ve never felt this kind of pure, animal fear. In case something happens to me, I’ve decided to write down what I’ve learned for whoever you are that’s living in the apartment now. I’ve been investigating the mass murder that took place 7 years ago in which 10 people were killed in 10 days. They were killed in a variety of ways, but the one thing they had in common was that each corpse had the following numbers, in order of their deaths, carved into them: 01121, 02121, 03121, 04121, 05121, 06121, 07121, 08121, 09121, 10121 ... The name of their killer...it was carved in as well... His name was...Walter Sullivan. April 4” [Red Diary – April 4]

Water Prison World

Henry [looking at the transformer in Generator Room, Basement 2]: The transformer isn’t working.
Henry [looking at the generator in Generator Room, Basement 2]: The generator isn’t working.
Henry [trying to open door with the Halo of the Sun]: I can’t open it very wide.
Henry [looking at the plate in Waterwheel Room, Basement 2]: It’s a key. [Water Prison Exit Key] There’s something written on the plate. “To turn on the lights in the 3rd floor cells, turn this waterwheel. Remember that the water must flow in the direction of the waterwheel. Of course, you also have to open the sluice gate on the roof.” [Waterwheel Room Plate Message]
Henry [looking at the plate in Waterwheel Room, Basement 2]: I already copied the Waterwheel Room Plate Message into the Scrapbook.
Henry [looking at the diary on the table in cell, 2nd Floor]: It’s a diary. “I’ve been watching the surveillance room’s peephole the whole time, and sometimes he’s there. I can tell ‘cause I see a shadow move or hear his footsteps.”
Henry [looking at the graffiti on the wall in cell, 2nd Floor]: There’s graffiti here... It still looks like a kid's writing... “I got no clothes on.”
Henry [looking at the bottles in cell, 2nd Floor]: The bottle’s filled with black powder.
Henry [looking at the black graffiti on the wall in cell, 2nd Floor]: It’s graffiti... It doesn’t look like it was written by an adult... “Picking my nose a lot.”
Henry [looking at the paper on the wall in cell, 2nd Floor]: There’s something written on paper. It still looks like a kid’s writing... “I peed in my pants. I gotta wash them so nobody finds out. Oh, I just saw a shadow. I think someone saw me.”
Henry [looking at the stun gun in cell, 2nd Floor]: It’s a stun gun. [Stun Gun]
Henry [looking at the black graffiti on the wall in cell, 3rd Floor]: There’s a graffiti here... “I’m a boy genius, and I figured out the answer to the surveillance room puzzle. It’s light and water!”
Henry [looking at the paper on the table in cell, 3rd Floor]: There’s something written on the paper. “Now it will look like I’m sleeping. Huh? Were those footsteps? I wonder if they saw me.”
Henry [looking at the red graffiti on the wall in cell, 3rd Floor]: There’s a graffiti here... It still looks like a kid’s writing... “I wanna hide. But I can’t hide.”
Henry [looking at the diary on the table in cell, 3rd Floor]: It’s a diary. “We had beef stew yesterday. In the cafeteria, I heard there’s a death chamber behind the kitchen, and they take meat straight from the dead people and cook it. That really scared me.” [Prison Diary]
Henry [looking at the diary on the couch in cell, 3rd Floor]: It’s a diary. “I’m in trouble. I stood in front of the surveillance room and yelled as loud as I could, but nobody came out.”
Henry [looking down at the clothes in cell, 3rd Floor]: There are clothes lying here.
Henry [looking down at the hole in the floor]: It’s a hole...
Henry [looking at the document on the table in Surveillance Room, 1st Floor, easy/normal variant]: There’s a document here. “This place continues to deteriorate. The doors to a number of cells no longer open. As a result, the kids inside can no longer go outside. But the less they now about that, the better. I can’t open the doors, but from this room, I can watch them get more and more emaciated each day. With no food and never showering themselves, they turn into smelly little grey slumps in there. Following the suggestion of an engineer, we’ve disposed of the corpses by digging a hole below the cells. Since each floor of this building can be rotated independently, we can dispose of the bodies without the others noticing by aligning each cell with a body in it vertically. P.S. Chief, I bet you’re just dying to see the interrogation room behind the kitchen. I understand your feelings, but have you noticed? There are three rooms with bloody beds. One is on the 1st floor, one is on the 2nd floor, and one is on the 3rd floor. If you line those three rooms up, then it’s “bingo”.” [1F Surveillance Room Report]
Henry [looking at the document on the table in Surveillance Room, 1st Floor, hard variant]: There’s a document here. “I’m sleepy...” [1F Surveillance Room Report]
Henry [looking at the document on the table in Surveillance Room, 2nd Floor, easy/normal variant]: There’s a document here. “To keep a close eye on the kids, it’s important to keep the cells well lit. The lights on the 3rd floor were originally bought as searchlights. As a precaution against a blackout, they were set up to run on a private generator. There’s a hydroelectric generator in the basement. To light up the 1st and 2nd floors, use the corpse disposal chutes. Since each floor of this building can be rotated, you can light up any of the cells by matching up the holes. Repeating this periodically is an effective way to keep the kids fearful and well-behaved. P.S. Chief, if you turn the valve in the middle of this room, you can easily rotate the cells. You can’t rotate the 1st floor, so align the 2nd and 3rd floors with the 1st floor cell that have the blood-stained bed. By the way, if you’re using the peephole in this room, it’s easy to make sure you’re doing it right. Give it a try. Also, please don’t forget to open the sluice gate on the roof. Much appreciated, Chief!” [2F Surveillance Room Report]
Henry [looking at the document on the table in Surveillance Room, 2nd Floor, hard variant]: There’s a document here. “I want to go home.” [2F Surveillance Room Report]
Henry [looking at the memo on the wall in Surveillance Room, 3rd Floor]: It’s some kind of memo. “The Secret Number for getting through the door in back of the kitchen this month is “0302”. Thanks for your cooperation.” [Secret Number Memo]

Henry sees man from the cell and kid walks away: Who is that boy? And who are you?
Man: His name’s Walter...Walter Sullivan. I used to work at the orphanage, watching the kids... I’m Andrew DeSalvo. They tried to make it seem like an orphanage... But according to that town’s Holy Scriptures, it was actually the center of their religion... That kid, Walter... He was really into that mumbo jumbo... Especially that “Descent of the Holy Mother” business... Scary... My god... Oh...oh, my god...

Henry [looking at the door in Kitchen, Basement 1]: There’s a plate on the door. [Watchfulness Placard]
Henry [looking at the door in Kitchen, Basement 1]: It’s locked... I don’t know the number.

“18121” carved into Andrew DeSalvo’s belly.

The Room – Return from the Water Prison World

Eileen (Henry hears someone ringing the door and checks the peephole): How’s it going with Room 302?
Frank: Well...I, uh, just tried to open it up, but it looks like somethin’s, uh...blockin’ it from the inside. Anyway, it’s not the first time...
Eileen: You mean...the guy who lived here before...?
Frank: And...it wasn’t just him, either. There’s, uh, somethin’ wrong with this whole apartment...
Eileen: Don’t say that... You’re scaring me...
Frank: Well, anyway, I just slipped a note under his door. Don’t worry about it too much. There are a...lot of strange things in this world... The umbilical cord I keep in a box in my room... Lately, it’s started to smell terrible...
Eileen: Huh? Umbilical cord...?
Frank: Oh, forget I said anything...
Eileen: But still, those noises...

Henry [looking down at scrap of red paper slipped under the door]: There’s a scrap of red paper stuck in here. (It’s stained with blood, and I can’t read it...) [Superintendent’s Memo]
Henry [looking down at scrap of red paper slipped under the door]: There’s a scrap of red paper stuck in here. “I’ve found something that’s extremely effective against the ghosts. It saved my life. It was stuck into the huge rock in the woods near the orphanage. It’s a sword blade with a hand-made, triangle-shaped wooden handle that has some kind of spell written on it. As a weapon, it’s heavy and hard to carry. But somehow it seems to change in response to the ghost-victim’s power. Strike when the sword is energized! If you don't reduce their power, your attack will be repelled. As far as I know, there are only 5 swords in existence with that kind of power. It’s extremely valuable. July 23” [Red Diary – July 23]
Henry [looking into the bathtub]: Blood... It’s stained with blood... It smells horrible... Just like that water-filled room under the cylindrical prison...
Henry [looking at the shower]: Was blood coming out of here...?
Henry [looking at the toilet]: The water isn’t running in the toilet either...
Henry [looking at the faucet]: There’s no water coming out at all...
Henry [looking down at the wall]: It’s a real mess...
Henry [looking at the hole]: The hole’s even bigger now... There’s a lot of noise coming from the inside the hole...

07. The Building World

Henry [looking at the car on the Top of Hotel South Ashfield]: What’s a car doing here...?
Henry [looking at the “strange” sign on the Top of Hotel South Ashfield]: I’ve seen this sign before... But even so... Where am I...?

Richard Braintree fell down from the roof: Ouch! Dammit... Where the hell am I...?
Richard points his revolver at Henry, and then puts it down: Ah, you’re a real person...
Richard stands up: Hey, you’re the guy that lives across from me...
Henry: Yeah, my name’s Henry.
Richard: I’m Richard Braintree, from 207. What the hell’s happened to us? That hole...and this freaky world... But if you’re here too, then there must be something wrong with the whole apartment building... That must explain what happened to that other guy too...
Henry: What “other guy”?
Richard: The guy who lived in 302 before you... A journalist...he disappeared one day. He got pretty crazy towards the end... Shut himself up in his room and wouldn’t come out... Anyway... I’m gettin’ the hell out of here. You should, too -- if you know what’s good for you.

Henry: Wait... Watch out for that kid.
Henry [looking at the kitchen furniture at Home of Eric Walsh, Basement 3]: It’s a spider’s web...
Henry [looking at the table at Home of Eric Walsh, Basement 3]: There’s a birthday cake and champagne here...
Henry [looking at the bookshelf at Home of Eric Walsh, Basement 3]: None of the books in this bookshelf look particularly interesting.
Henry [looking at the wall with photos at Home of Eric Walsh, Basement 3]: Lots of stuff here, but none of it looks useful.
Henry [looking down at the victim at Home of Eric Walsh, Basement 3]: There’s a weird sword stuck in his stomach, and he’s holding something in his hand... [Ghost’s Key]
Henry [looking down at the victim at Home of Eric Walsh, Basement 3]: There’s a sword stuck in his stomach. [Sword of Obedience]
Henry [looking at the shelf in the Interior Storage Room, Basement 5]: What...the...hell...? Something reeks...
Henry [looking at the golf bag in the Albert’s Sports Store, Basement 5]: It’s a golf bag. But there’s nothing inside...
Henry [looking at bunch of golf clubs in the Albert’s Sports Store, Basement 5]: There are a bunch of golf clubs in here. But it looks like they’re all bent and broken.
Henry [looking down at the golf club in the Albert’s Sports Store, Basement 5]: It’s a golf club. Looks like a 5-Iron. [5-Iron]
Henry [looking at items in the Albert’s Sports Store, Basement 5]: There are all sorts of sports supplies, but nothing particularly interesting.
Henry [looking down at cage with volleyballs in the Albert’s Sports Store, Basement 5]: It’s filled with volleyballs.
Henry [looking at the bat in the Albert’s Sports Store, Basement 5]: Oh, this bat is made out of plastic... It’s totally useless as a weapon...
Henry [looking down at the bat in the Albert’s Sports Store, Basement 5]: It’s an aluminum bat. [Aluminum Bat]
Henry [looking at the shelf in the Albert’s Sports Store, Basement 5]: This shelf is about to fall apart. There’s nothing interesting in it, though.
Henry [looking at a cage in “Garland’s” Pet Shop, Basement 7]: It looks like a cage for dog or cat.
Henry [looking at the shelf in “Garland’s” Pet Shop, Basement 7]: There are all sorts of dog and cat items here.
Henry [looking at the shelf with cat food in “Garland’s” Pet Shop, Basement 7]: It’s enough cat food for an army of cats. [Albert’s Sports Key]
Henry [looking at the shelf with cat food in “Garland’s” Pet Shop, Basement 7]: There’s pet food here.
Henry [looking at the sword in the Interior Hallway B, Basement 8]: It’s some kind of strange sword... [Sword of Obedience]
Henry [looking at the spade in the Interior Hallway B, Basement 8]: It’s a large spade. [Spade]
Henry [looking at the clock in Clock Room, Basement 8]: An upside-down clock... The hands aren't moving... The doorknob is rusted shut, and I can't get it open...
Henry [trying to enter the elevator in Exterior Elevator Access, Basement 8]: The elevator’s not here.

Richard (Henry sends his elevator down, and Richard has a conversation with the kid Henry’s seen around before, in another elevator): Are you the kid he was talkin’ about? You live in that apartment too, huh? Say...you look a lot like a little punk that I once caught sneakin’ around there... Do you know somethin’ about what’s goin’ on?!
Richard (the kid runs away): Hey! Hey, you! Stop!

Henry [looking at the boxes in Exterior Area with Water Tower, Basement 12]: Lots of cardboard boxes, but nothing interesting.
Henry [looking down at a golf club was in Gum Heads’ hands in Exterior Area with Water Tower, Basement 12]: It’s a golf club. Looks like a pitching wedge. [Pitching Wedge]
Henry [looking at the wooden crates in Interior Stairway C, Basement 15]: Wooden crates. Nothing interesting about that.
Henry [looking at the axe in Bar Southfield, Basement 15]: It’s a rusty axe. [Rusty Axe]
Henry [looking at a billiard table in Bar Southfield, Basement 15]: It’s a billiard table. Looks like they were in the middle of a game.
Henry [looking at memo on the bar counter in Bar Southfield, Basement 15]: There’s a memo here. “The boss said that the number this time is the last 4 digits of this store’s phone number. But the phone number is written right there on the sign on the roof. Anybody could see it from South Ashfield Street. Is that really okay?” [Bartender’s Memo]
Henry [looking down at collapsed Winding Stairway]: The stairway is collapsed... It doesn’t look like I could get through...
Henry [looking at the door to Room 207, Winding Stairway Basement 4]: What’s this...? It’s door #207 from my apartment building... There’s a plate on the door. [Chaos Placard]

“19121” is written on Richard’s forehead in blood.
Richard dies strapped to an electric chair: A...a...a...a...a...k...k...k...”kid”...!? Th...th...th...th...that’s n...n...no kid... It’s...th...the 11121...m...m...man...

The Room – Return from the Building World

Henry (hears someone knocking on the door) checks the peephole and sees writing on the wall outside: “BETTER CHECK ON YOUR NEIGHBOR SOON!”
Henry [looking at the photo over the bed]: Maybe that orphanage in the forest...and the cylinder-shaped prison were both somewhere in this photo too...
Henry [looking at the church’s photo]: It seems there’s some kind of ancient native religion still active in Silent Hill.
Henry [looking at items on the desk]: There are scraps from magazine articles, but I can’t remember what magazine I cut them out from.
Henry [looking at the lighthouse’s photo]: There was even a rumor that a UFO came flying right by the lighthouse...
Henry [looking at the bike’s photo]: I hear that it’s almost never sunny in Silent Hill... And people say that when the fog comes out, strange things happen.
Henry looks out the window: There’s a man in 207, pointing his finger... He’s pointing...at room 303... Eileen’s room?

Voice on the radio: .......... Looks like another one, captain... ...got “1...121”... on his head...
Voice on the radio: It’s just like that case from 10 years ago...
Voice on the radio: Yeah, that Walter Sullivan case...
Voice on the radio: But Sullivan’s dead. They even got the body... Must be some crazy copycat...
Voice on the radio: Yeah, but even so...

Henry [looking at the shoes]: These shoes... I’m pretty sure I bought them in Silent Hill.
Henry [looking at the cooker]: I know I should be hungry, but I don’t feel a thing......
Henry [looking at the kitchen sink]: I’ll probably lose the water soon too.
Henry [looking at photos on the furniture]: I visited Silent Hill lots of times when I was that age...
Henry [looking at the furniture]: I moved this to the right before... But what’s this hole on the wall behind it...?
Henry [looking at photo over the couch]: I got this photo from Sunderland. He uses Room 105 as the superintendent’s room.
Henry [looking at photo upper right the couch]: This is South Ashfield Heights. It’s U-shaped, so you can see what the person living across from you is doing all the time. Now that I think of it, there was a movie like that a long time ago...
Henry [looking at the magazine table]: There’s a remote control, a car magazine and stuff like that, but nothing useful...
Henry [looking at TV]: The TV, the radio, the phone, the window, the door... What the hell is going on here...?
Henry [looking at books on the bookshelf]: I wonder if this bookshelf belonged to the person who lived here before me...
Henry [looking at the clock]: The clock is stopped... I wonder how much time has passed...
Henry [looking at the toilet]: There’s something in the toilet... I’m not brave enough to do [to grab] it...
Henry [looking at the faucet]: Might as well forget about getting water out of here...
Henry [looking at the hole]: This hole... It doesn’t look like a human made it... It’s getting bigger...and rounder... I think I’ve seen this pattern before...

08. The Apartment World

Henry wakes up and sees a long-haired man in a coat knocking on “303” door, and then walks away.
Henry: It looks like my apartment... What the hell is this?

Henry [looking at diary on the table, Room 301]: There’s a diary here. “The last few months, Joseph, the guy next door to me who gave me that rare porn magazine, looks like he’s been work super hard. He said if he found another rare one, he’d give it to me but he hasn’t shown his face around much lately. He said he was a journalist and he is always investigating stuff. But I think something strange is going on with him. He’s been shut in his apartment and I can hear all these weird noises coming from there. July 1 –Mike” “Oh my beautiful Rachael, What’s with the note on the red paper? I thought you’d written a note back to me... But I guess maybe it was somewhere else... He took it along with my clothes. Those were my best clothes. July 2 –Mike” [Mike’s Diary]
Henry [looking at scrap of red paper on the table, Room 301]: It’s a red piece of paper with nothing written on it.
Henry [looking down at the magazines, Room 301]: Wow, look at all these porno magazines...
Henry [looking at super’s photo on the wall, Room 301]: This guy... Is it the super...? He was much younger in this picture. There’s a key taped to the back of it... [Superintendent’s Key]
Henry [looking at super’s photo on the wall, Room 301]: It’s a photo of the super when he was much, much younger.
Henry [looking at nurse’s photo on the wall, Room 301]: It’s a photo of a nurse. It says “I love you” on it. There’s a key taped to the back of it... [Locker Key #106]
Henry [looking at nurse’s photo on the wall, Room 301]: It’s a photo of a nurse.
Henry [looking down at magazine, Room 301]: There’s a magazine lying open. “Teaching Despair: “Wish House”. “Wish House,” an orphanage on the outskirts of Silent Hill. But behind it’s false image is a place where children are kidnapped and brainwashed. Wish House is managed by the “Silent Hill Smile Support Society,” a charity organization sometimes called “4S”. It’s true that 4S is a well-respected charity that “takes in poor children without homes and raises them with hope.” But at it’s heart, it is a heathen organization that teaches its own warped dogma in lieu of good religious values. Mr. Smith (temp), who lives near “Wish House,” had this to say: “Sometimes at night I can hear their weird prayers and the sounds of [children] crying. I went there to complain one time, but they ran me right out. Since then it hasn’t changed a bit.” In fact, this reporter was refused admission when he attempted to take photographs in the facility. What exactly do the folks at “Wish House” have to hide? During my investigations, I was able to discover, however, a suspicious-looking round concrete tower which appears to be part of their facilities. Unfortunately no one was willing to tell us what the tower was used for. But it seems unlikely that it has anything to do with the business of raising orphans. It may in fact be a prison, or a secret place of worship. The cult religion that operates “Wish House” is known by the locals simply as “The Order”. It’s a religion that is deeply interwoven with Silent Hill’s history. But it’s worshippers’ fervent belief that they are among the elite “chosen people” has a dark and dangerous side. I intend to continue my investigation of “Wish House” and the cult behind it. I’ve always believed that “telling the whole truth” and showing the children the true path, is our most important duty. Joseph Schreiber” [Joseph’s Article]
Henry [looking at the porno magazines on furniture, Room 301]: Porno magazines everywhere... There’s no time for that right now.
Henry [trying to open the door to Room 302]: It’s locked. There’s a scrap of red paper stuck under the door. This is the same way they show up under my door... I can’t even open it with the key... I think it’s locked from the inside too...
Henry [trying to open the door to Room 303]: It’s locked. What was that guy doing here...? Could he be the next victim...? Or could he be...

The long-haired man in a coat is sitting on the stairs: I got this from Miss Galvin a long, long time ago... She was younger than me back then... She looked so happy holding her mother’s hand... Here, I’ll give it to you... [Shabby Doll] She was so young then, so happy with life... Just holding on to her mother’s hand...

Henry [looking down at the clothes, 2F Hallway]: It’s a part of some torn jeans... There’s blood and some kind of animal hair on them.
Henry [looking at the lockers, Main Area]: These are the tenants’ lockers. There are numbers 101 through 304.
Henry [looking into the locker #106, Main Area]: “I love you, Rachael... Mike.” It’s filled with love letters from Mike to Rachael.
Henry [looking at the keys, Room 105]: There are keys for each apartment here. [Apartment Keys]
Henry [looking at piece of red paper, Room 105]: It’s a piece of red paper.
Henry [looking at torn piece of red paper, Room 105]: It’s a torn piece of red paper.
Henry [looking at memo, Room 105]: It’s a hastily scribbled memo. “Found by Nurse Rachael. Return it to Room 302... ...together with the part her boyfriend (Mike?) tore off...”
Henry [looking at red box in the bookshelf, Room 105]: It’s a red box. Man, this is really stinks...! It’s practically bringing tears to my eyes...
Henry [looking at diary, Room 105]: It’s a diary. “The red box seems even stranger today. It’s giving off a terrible smell. It’s disgusting, but I just can’t throw it away. It must have been around 30 years ago. That young couple was living in the apartment, but one day they just suddenly disappeared. Ran off just like thieves in the night. I don’t know why. It must have been money troubles, or maybe they got themselves into some kind of danger. The problem came after that. They left their newborn baby when they took off. I even found the umbilical cord. I called the ambulance right away and I heard the baby survived, but I don’t know what happened to him. Although a few years later, I often saw a young kid hanging around the apartment. One day he just stopped coming by. But now that I think of it, I’ll bet he was that abandoned baby. It’s a horrible story. Abandoning a newborn baby... That all happened in Room 302... And the umbilical cord I found there... Well, I still can’t get myself to throw it away.” [Superintendent’s Diary (Umbilical Cord)]
Henry [looking at the paper near the phone, Room 106]: It says: “My darling’s number”. And there are some numbers that look like a phone number.
Henry [looking at the phone after calling the number, Room 106]: There’s a phone ringing somewhere.
Henry [looking at uniform, Room 106]: It’s a nurse’s uniform. The name on it says “Rachael”.
Henry [looking at turntable, Room 107]: It’s a turntable.
Henry [looking at speaker, Room 107]: It’s a big speaker.
Henry [looking at the shelf, Room 107]: There are lots of records and music magazines on the shelves.
Henry [looking at the light, Room 103]: The cordless fluorescent is giving off an eerie glow.
Henry [looking at the furniture, Room 102]: The furniture seems to be covered with some kind of animal hair.
Henry [looking at submachine gun, Room 102]: It’s a submachine gun. [Submachine Gun]*
Henry [looking at the refrigerator, Room 102]: It smells terrible...
Henry [looking into the refrigerator, Room 102]: ...It’s wrapped up in these torn, bloody jeans... It’s the body of a dead cat... There’s a torn red paper in one of the pockets... [Torn Red Paper]
Henry [looking into the refrigerator, Room 102]: It’s a dead cat wrapped in a pair of jeans...
Henry [looking at gun, Room 101]: It’s a model gun. It’s totally useless as a weapon.
Henry [looking at gun, Room 101]: All the guns here are just models.
Henry [looking at paper on the wall, Room 101]: It’s a paper target from a shooting range.
Henry [looking at the bookshelf, Room 101]: Nothing but books about guns... But one of these magazines has something written on the back cover. “My eyes and skin are so itchy! That stupid cat next door made my allergy go crazy. I was so pissed off, I took my converted model gun and blasted away at the thing at point black range. It was way cool. The thing just dropped like a stone. By the way, that revolver that Richard in 207 carries...it’s the real thing. That guy’s dangerous...”
Henry [looking at the kitchen furniture, Room 204]: There are plenty of cooking tools, but there’s nothing I need right now.
Henry [looking into the box, Room 203]: There’s an unopened bottle in the box...
Henry [looking down at the bottles, Room 203]: There are empty bottles all over the floor too...
Henry [looking at the bottles on the counter, Room 203]: Look at all these empty bottles. Phew. That old alcohol smell...
Henry [looking down at spray, Room 203]: It’s a can of bug spray. [Bug Spray]
Henry [looking at bloody shirt, Room 203]: It’s a blood stained shirt... [Torn Red Paper]
Henry [looking at bloody shirt, Room 203]: It’s a torn and blood-stained shirt...
Henry [picking up the phone receiver, Room 202]: There’s no one there...
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: It’s a painting of a man with a gun. The memo says... “101. A gun maniac, he’s always coughing from his cat allergy.”
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: It’s a painting of a woman holding a cat. The memo says... “102. She loves cats too much and missed her chance to get married. I kind of felt sorry for her while she was mourning for one of her dead cats.”
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: This must be...the superintendent... The memo says... “105. Sunderland, the superintendent. The super mistakenly thought that Mike was Rachael’s lover.”
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: It’s a painting of a nurse. On the memo, it says... “106. My beautiful darling. Lately she’s been bothered by a stalker.”
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: It’s a painting of a young man. The memo says... “107. He listens to great music. But I feel sorry for him, having to live under Braintree...”
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: It’s a painting of a man holding a brush. The memo says... “202. Self portrait”
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: It’s a painting of a man drinking alcohol. The memo says... “203. He’s so noisy. I wish he would stop all that drinking and fighting.”
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: It’s a painting of a plump woman. The memo says... “204. She’s always eating something. But I wish my girlfriend liked to cook like her...”
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: It must be the guy who plays video games... The memo says... “205. He’s always shut in his room. It looks like he has lots of weird interests. I heard he tape recorded Mike getting beaten up by Richard.”
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: It’s a painting of two adults and a lot of children. The memo says... “206. How can they even sleep with so noisy kids? Besides that, they have to live next to Braintree.”
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: This must be...Richard Braintree... The memo says... “207. Braintree, that prick. He’s always yelling at kids. Especially that weird one that hangs around. But he took Mike into his apartment and peeled his skin off, so he’s my hero.”
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: It’s a painting of a man holding...a porno magazine...? The memo says... “301. That perverted stalker... He got what he deserved!”
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: It’s a painting of an old couple... The memo says... “304. A nice, sweet old couple.”
Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: There’s nothing painted yet...
Henry [looking at the warning in Room 201]: The writing is all blurry... I can’t read it...
Henry [looking at tape, Room 205]: It’s a cassette tape. The label says “Skinned Mike.” I could listen it on the stereo in my room. [“Skinned Mike” Cassette]
Henry [looking at the hardware on the table, Room 205]: There are a lot of old video game machines lying around...
Henry [looking at the bookshelf, Room 205]: They’re all books about computers and electronics.
Henry [looking at the hardware in the bookshelf, Room 205]: There are lots of old game machines and other devices that I have no idea about...
Henry [looking at barbell, Room 205]: It’s a barbell.
Henry [looking at the wall, Room 206]: It looks like a kid’s graffiti... The writing is so jammed together, it makes me feel sick...
Henry [looking at the toys, Room 206]: There are lots of kids’ toys lying around.
Henry [looking at baby bed, Room 206]: It’s a baby bed.
Henry [looking out the window, Room 207]: I can see Eileen Galvin from here... I’m pretty sure that’s Room 303. What’s she doing in this world?
Henry [looking at the chair, Room 207]: This is the gun Richard was using... [Richard’s Revolver]
Henry [looking at the urn, Room 207]: There’s men’s bloody underwear and a torn shirt sleeve in the garbage.
Henry [looking at golf club, Room 207]: It’s a golf club. Looks like a putter. [Putter]
Henry [trying to open the door to Room 303]: It’s locked. I think Eileen Galvin’s on the other side of this door...

The Room

Henry [looking down at the red paper slipped under the door]: There’s red paper stuck in here. “I figured out the riddle behind the numbers. “01121” is actually “01/21”. In other words, 1 out of 21. So Walter was planning to kill 21 people...? But he never finished the job. He was convicted for the murders of Billy and Miriam Locane, the 7th and 8th victims. Afterwards, he committed suicide in his jail cell. The grisly mass murder of 10 people shocked the world and came to be known as the “Walter Sullivan Case”. There are two big puzzles here. The first is: What was the motive for the murders? The second is: Why did he kill himself before completing his task? Was he simply insane...? May 2” [Red Diary – May 2]
Henry [looking down at the red paper slipped under the door]: There’s red paper stuck in here. “It was four years ago that they discovered the body with “12/21” carved into it. Right away I had this terrible feeling and couldn’t stop shaking. The victims had been murdered six months earlier, but Walter had been dead for seven years, having committed suicide three years before the murder. The police think it’s a copycat crime and are calling it the Sullivan Case Round Two. But something about it bothered me... May 14” [Red Diary – May 14]
Henry [looking down at the red paper slipped under the door]: There’s red paper stuck in here. “I picked up the key that Eileen from Room 303 must have dropped. I thought I’d return it but she wasn’t home. I guess I’ll give it to the super. May 20” [Red Diary – May 20]
Henry [looking down at torn red paper slipped under the door]: There’s a torn red paper stuck in here. “I lost the key to Eileen Galvin’s room. I’ve gotta find it and bring it back. Let me think... The last place I saw it was...” (It’s ripped here and I can’t read the rest...) [Red Diary Scrap]
Henry [looking down at torn red paper slipped under the door]: There’s a torn red paper stuck in here. “Oh yeah, I had a really wicked headache that day and just collapsed on the bed. Maybe if I look near the bed in my room -302’s bedroom- I’ll find it. I get headaches every day now. It’s terrible. What am I going to do? May 22” [Red Diary Scrap (cont.)]
Henry [looking down at torn red paper slipped under the door]: There’s a torn red paper stuck in here. It’s so bloody, it’s hard to read... “Rachael... ...love you...always watching...window... ...protect you...ith love, Mike” [Mike’s Love Letter]
Henry [hears something noisy in the laundry room, checking clothes dryer]: What the hell is this...? The dryer sprayed blood all over the place...
Voices on the “Skinned Mike” tape: [Richard] “How do you like that, you sick little freak? You had it comin’ to you! These clothes are disgusting. Get ‘em outta my sight!” [Tenant from 102] “I know... It’ll be perfect to wrap his body in.” [Tenant from 203] “Hold it. Hold it...I think I’ll keep that one for myself.” [Richard] “You!! You snoopin’ around again?! Get your ass outta here before you really piss me off!”
Henry [looking at the bed]: The red diary said “under my bed”...
Henry [looking down at the keys near the bed]: There’s something on the ground... [Doll Key]

The Apartment World

“20121” carved into Eileen’s back.
Eileen (inside Room 303, the kid is standing in front): Hey kid... Thanks... Did you find your mommy...? This place...it’s dangerous... You need... Hurry and get out of here...

The Room – Return from the Apartment World

Henry [looking at the photo over the bed]: Maybe It’s my imagination, but I feel something like fear coming from this photo.
Henry [looking at the church’s photo]: I didn’t think anything of it when I took the picture, but... Now it gives me a seriously creepy feeling...
Henry [looking at items on the desk]: There are scraps from magazine articles, but......I don’t remember cutting them out...
Henry [looking at the scrapbooks on the desk]: It’s my scrapbook. Everything in here is also in another copy I carry all the time, so I don’t have to worry.
Henry [looking at the lighthouse’s photo]: Maybe it’s just my nerves playing tricks on me, but this photo gives me a weird feeling...
Henry [looking at the bike’s photo]: Maybe It’s my imagination, but I get that weird feeling looking at this photo too...
Henry looks out the window: Eileen......
Henry [looking at the “strange” wall, in the main room]: What’s this...?
Henry [looking down at scrap of red paper slipped under the door]: There’s a scrap of red paper stuck in here. “I don’t think I can protect myself. He’s truly insane. I can’t hold on any longer. His power can’t be measured. I was so scared today that I sealed off the back of the storage room. I wonder if Eileen Galvin is okay. She has no idea what’s going on... But she’s in danger nevertheless. July 13” [Red Diary – July 13]
Henry [looking down at the paper slipped under the door]: There’s some kind of strange paper stuck in here. [Succubus Talisman]
Henry [looking at the shoes]: These shoes... Are they really mine...?
Henry [looking at the cooker]: The burner won’t go on...
Henry [looking at the kitchen sink]: The water works, but I’ve got nothing to wash...
Henry [looking at photos on the furniture]: Photos of me when I was a kid and when I graduated... Nothing very interesting.
Henry [looking at the furniture]: I moved this to the right before... There’s nothing interesting about the furniture itself.

Voice in the Eileen’s room (Henry watching through the crack in the wall): So they took the victim to St. Jerome’s, huh...
Voice in the Eileen’s room (Henry watching through the crack in the wall): Yeah, she’s not gonna make it...
Voice in the Eileen’s room (Henry watching through the crack in the wall): She had numbers in her back too...
Voice in the Eileen’s room (Henry watching through the crack in the wall): Walter Sullivan copycat, “Round Three”, huh...
Voice in the Eileen’s room (Henry watching through the crack in the wall): Well, they never got the scumbag behind Round Two a few years back... Maybe it’s the same guy...
Voice in the Eileen’s room (Henry watching through the crack in the wall): What if one, two, and three...what if there are all the same guy?
Voice in the Eileen’s room (Henry watching through the crack in the wall): What the hell are you talkin’ about?
Voice in the Eileen’s room (Henry watching through the crack in the wall): You know Sullivan killed himself... The weird thing is... There were no clues... Crime scenes were always spotless... No fingerprints, no fibers, nothing... Just the numbers “20121”... Now I been a cop for a long time... But I never seen a case like this one... It’s almost like...like they were killed by a ghost or something...

Henry [looking at photo over the couch]: I got this photo from the superintendent, but there’s nothing very interesting about it.
Henry [looking at photo upper right the couch]: This is South Ashfield Heights. Is there something screwy going on with this whole apartment building...?
Henry [looking at books on the bookshelf]: It’s just a bunch of cheap novels. Nothing interesting here.
Henry [looking at the clock]: The clock is stopped... How much time has passed since this room started going crazy and the hole appeared...?
Henry [looking at the toilet]: I don’t need to use that now...
Henry [looking at the faucet]: I can’t get any water from here. But I think the kitchen faucet still works...
Henry [looking down at the wall]: It looks like the wall isn’t getting any worse...
Henry [looking at the hole]: The hole is blocked...
Henry [looking at the “strange” wall, in the laundry room]: It’s some kind of stain... Come think of it, it also looks like an evil demon...
Henry [looking at the appeared writing, in the laundry room]: What the hell...? “After he did the Ritual of the Holy Assumption, other worlds began to force their way into his universe and it began to swell horribly. But his universe is different than ours -- it has limits. And in the limits of that universe, he rules as a king. And in the deepest part of his kingdom is his Mother.”
Henry [looking at the left depression, in the laundry room]: “Temptation” is inscribed into the depression.
Henry [looking at the right depression, in the laundry room]: “Source” is inscribed into the depression.
Henry [looking at the upper depression, in the laundry room]: “Watchfulness” is inscribed into the depression.
Henry [looking at the bottom depression, in the laundry room]: “Chaos” is inscribed into the depression.
Henry [looking at the appeared hole, in the laundry room]: The hole... Where will it lead to this time...? Eileen... I wonder if she’s okay...

09. The Hospital World

Henry [looking at the operation table in Emergency Room 1, 1st Floor]: The operating table... There’s a blood-stained cover on top of something... I don’t even want to imagine what’s under that cover...
Henry [looking at bloody table in Emergency Room 1, 1st Floor]: It’s a bloody operating table... That guy... What in god’s name was he doing here?
Henry [looking at human-like object in Emergency Room 1, 1st Floor]: There’s a strange, human-shaped object...
Henry [looking at the shelf in Office, 1st Floor]: There are all sorts of medical things, but I wouldn’t know what to do with any of them.
Henry [looking at knife on the table in Office, 1st Floor]: It’s a paper-cutting knife. [Paper-Cutting Knife]
Henry [looking at the note on the wall in Reception, 1st Floor]: What’s this note...? “Eile...Galvin... E...en Galvin ...ileen Galvin Eilee...Galvin Eil...en Gal... …een…lvin E...n Galvin Eileen Ga...in Eileen Gal...n Eileen...vin”

Henry sees pinned photos on the board: Eileen... Are you still alive...?

Henry [looking at the pictures on the board in Reception, 1st Floor]: There are a lot of photos pinned up on the board. Could these be Eileen’s pictures...?
Henry [looking at paper on the table in Reception, 1st Floor]: It’s a nurse memo. “I lost Eileen Galvin’s hospital room key. She was a patient brought in with severe injuries. I wonder if I left it in one of the other hospital rooms. I really hope not...” [Nurse’s Memo]
Henry [looking at the shelf in Reception, 1st Floor]: There are lots of forms with the name “St. Jerome’s Hospital” on them. St. Jerome’s Hospital... That’s not too far from my apartment...
Henry [looking into wardrobe in Reception, 1st Floor]: It’s a bunch of medical equipment and stuff...
Henry [looking at bed in Emergency Room 2, 1st Floor]: It’s a bed with wheels. They must move patients with this. I wonder if Eileen is in this room...
Henry [looking at the operation table in Emergency Room 2, 1st Floor]: The light is broken and lying on top of the operating table.
Henry (looking down at woman’s handbag): What’s a woman’s handbag doing here...? It must be Eileen’s... [Eileen’s bag]
Henry [looking at documents on the table in Doctor’s Lounge, 1st Floor]: It’s a baby’s medical chart...
Henry [looking down at golf club in chamber X1, 2nd Floor]: It’s a golf club. Looks like a 4-Iron. [4-Iron]
Henry [looking at the broken glass in chamber X1, 2nd Floor]: The glass is broken...
Henry [looking at the broken glass with something in the compartment in chamber X1, 2nd Floor]: There’s a horrible smell coming from inside the broken glass...
Henry [looking out from chamber X1, 2nd Floor]: I can see someone on the other side of the wire net, but they’re not moving... Is it a dead body...?
Henry [in chamber X2, 2nd Floor]: There’s a nice, soft, afternoon light coming in from the window. Is time flowing differently here...? Or is this some kind of...light from Heaven?
Henry [looking at the cord in chamber X3, 2nd Floor]: This long thing... What the hell is it? Some kind of umbilical cord...?
Henry [looking at the wall in chamber X4, 2nd Floor]: That terrible smell... What’s behind this cloth...?
Henry [in chamber X5, 2nd Floor]: It’s a sterile room...
Henry [in chamber X6, 2nd Floor]: It’s wet from...rain?
Henry [looking at the pictures on the wall in chamber X7, 2nd Floor]: There are photos on the wall.
Henry [looking at the pictures on the board in chamber X7, 2nd Floor]: There are a bunch of x-ray pictures stuck up on the board. Are these Eileen’s x-rays?
Henry [looking down at the pictures in chamber X7, 2nd Floor]: There are x-ray pictures on the floor. Eileen...?
Henry [looking at the snake-like statue in chamber X8, 2nd Floor]: It’s a key. [Hospital Room Key]
Henry [looking at the material on the wall in chamber X9, 2nd Floor]: It’s some kind of skin... It smells so bad... It must be fairly new... My god...is it human skin......?
Henry [looking at the corpse on the bed in chamber X10, 2nd Floor]: It’s a man’s dead body.....
Henry [looking at the limbs in chamber X11, 2nd Floor]: Oh man, that stinks like hell... What...the hell...is it?
Henry [looking at the hanging body in chamber X12, 2nd Floor]: What the hell...? I can see legs coming out from the bottom of the cloth...
Henry [looking down at the vase in chamber X13, 2nd Floor]: Dried-up flowers...
Henry [looking at the skin on the bed in chamber X14, 2nd Floor]: It’s some kind of skin... It smells horrible... There’s something stuck in it... Around the middle of the skin, there’s still some meat attached on the inside...
Henry [looking at the furniture in chamber X15, 2nd Floor]: There are all sorts of medicines, but I don’t know what any of them are.
Henry [in chamber X15, 2nd Floor]: It’s a sterile room... ...Which one is the sterile room...?
Henry [looking at the broken bed in chamber X16, 2nd Floor]: This bed looks like someone broke it...
Henry [looking at the furniture in chamber X17, 2nd Floor]: There’s a scalpel, scissors and other surgical instruments here. What are they doing here...?

Eileen wakes up: Aaaaah!
Henry holds onto Eileen: Eileen! Eileen! Relax!
Eileen: Y-You... You’re Henry from next door... ...What are you doing here?
Henry: I don’t...I don’t know where to start... There was this strange hole in my room... I saw people getting killed...all these weird other worlds... And I saw you get attacked too...
Eileen: What are you talking about? I’m supposed to believe that?
Henry: But it’s true... And there was a kid with you...
Eileen: I remember now. I was getting ready to go to my friend’s party... The boy protected me from the man with the coat... I’m sorry I didn’t believe you... I guess there’s something wrong with me... I just feel so scared... This place...what is it anyway?
Henry: I don’t know either... But I do know that if you get killed here... Then you die in the real world too... Anyway, the only out of here is through that hole.
Eileen: Okay, okay. Take me with you.

Henry [looking at the dead end, 2nd Floor]: It doesn’t look like I can go any further...

The Room

Henry wakes up in his bed: Eileen...she’s gone.....

Henry (in the main room): The air in this room feels heavy... The gloomy atmosphere has lifted somewhat.
Henry [looking down at the ceiling fan, in the main room]: The ceiling fan has fallen down... This room...it’s so oppressive...
Henry [looking down at red envelope slipped under the door]: It’s a red envelope. There’s a letter and a small key inside. [Small Key] “You’ve seen that world as well... That horrible nightmare. But if you get sucked into it, it’s not just a nightmare. Don’t get lost in there. If you get pulled in, you’ll be killed. But there’s still hope. Maybe this “small key” will guide you. If you’ve seen the door with the placard set in it, look on the other side of the door. Then keep going down. To the deepest part of him. And look for the ultimate Truth. July 20 –Joseph” [Red Diary – July 20]
Henry [looking down at scrap of paper stuck between the wall and the bookshelf]: It looks like a scrap from a diary. “How long has it been since I left this room? I can't tell if it’s been days or hours... But during that time, they’ve found the body of “14/21”. I’ve been having hallucinations lately. I think I’m losing my mind. (No date written.)” [Red Diary - ??/??]
Henry [looking down at scrap of paper stuck between the wall and the bookshelf]: It looks like a scrap from a diary. “Walter Sullivan did kill himself. He died in his prison cell of blood loss after he stabbed himself in the neck with his spoon. His body was buried in a cemetery just outside his hometown of Silent Hill in an unmarked grave. After that, his name became famous all over the world and it looked like his string of mass murders was finished at 10 out of 21. But 3 years later, they found a corpse that had “12/21” carved into it. The corpse was from 6 months earlier. In other words, the person was killed two and a half year after Sullivan committed suicide. The MO was exactly the same as Sullivan’s. Except for one thing. All 10 of Sullivan’s victims were found with their hearts cut out and their chest wounds sewn together expertly with thread. On the other hand, the “12/21” victim still had their heart. Naturally the police think it’s a copy cat and are proceeding on that basis. But they haven’t made any progress and recently discovered victim number 13. This corpse also had their heart intact. The police still haven’t identified a suspect. I’ve got a working hypothesis. Very few people knew the details of the original crimes and would be able to copy Sullivan’s MO so precisely. First I’ll head to Silent Hill. To the graveyard near that beautiful little lake. Maybe I’ll find the answer there. June 11” [Red Diary – June 11]
Henry [looking down at scrap of paper stuck between the wall and the bookshelf]: It looks like a scrap from a diary. “The weather that day was very strange. Even though I avoided the earlier storm, there was a thick fog clinging to everything. Fortunately, that allowed me to avoid being seen and get right to work. The police are still stubbornly acting as if it’s just a copycat case. So I figured things probably hadn’t been touched here. But I was wrong. I should have come sooner. The cemetery was in such bad condition that it was almost sad. The storm must have raised the sea level. Anyway, that’s how it was when I found
Walter Sullivan’s grave.” (This diary is too damaged around this point and I can’t read anymore.) “I’m still in shock... There was no body in the grave... And on top of that, written on the coffin were the number “11/21”... June 14” [Red Diary – June 14]

The Hospital World

Eileen sees Henry returned from the hole: Henry!
Henry: Have you been here the whole time?
Eileen: Yeah, and I didn’t see any hole either. You just disappeared all of a sudden. I can’t stay here by myself. I’ll be cursed... I know it... What am I gonna do?
Henry: I might know a way to save you... Do you know about someone named Joseph?
Eileen: Yeah, he was the guy who lived in your apartment before you. I think he was a journalist or something... He disappeared about 6 months before you moved in... But towards the end... He started acting really weird.....
Henry: Yeah, he was doing an investigation... About a religious cult and a man named Walter Sullivan. I got this letter from him... He told me to go down... down into the deepest part of him... And to look for the ultimate Truth. Let’s do that. There must be something down there.
Eileen: Okay, I’ll do it. You’re the only chance I’ve got... I’ll stick with you.

Henry [looking at the writing on the wall in Long Descending Staircase, Basement 1]: “Ever downward”.

The Room – Return from Hospital World

Henry [looking at the scrapbooks on the desk]: It’s my scrapbook.
Henry [looking down at filthy envelope slipped under the door]: It’s a filthy envelope... There’s a letter and a toy key inside. [Toy Key] “Mommy, I’ll giv you this so pleez wake up soon. It’s inside my toy train.” [Kid’s Letter]
Henry [looking down at scrap of red paper slipped under the door]: There’s a scrap of red paper stuck in here. “I’ve found two mysterious and powerful artifacts that seem to be very effective for evading the ghost-victims: the Holy Candle and the Saint Medallion. Not only are they effective against the ghost-victims in the Other World, they also seem to prevent them from invading my room. Just light the candle near where they’re coming in and its holy power is activated. The Saint Medallion seems to repel unholy energy when it’s worn (equipped). I’m starting to gain some hope. July 25” [Red Diary – July 25]

10. The Subway World – 2nd Time

Henry [looking at the Lynch Street Line entrance at the Turnstiles, Basement 1]: I could go if I had a Lynch Street Line Coin. I’m pretty sure I’ve got one.
Henry [looking at the mannequins in the Passage between Lines (North), Basement 2]: There’s a horse-riding crop here. [Riding Crop]
Henry opened the toy box: There’s a filthy toy coin inside the box. [Filthy Coin]
Henry [looking at the toy box in the subway car, Basement 3]: There’s nothing interesting.

The Room

Henry [looking down at the red paper slipped under the door]: There’s red paper stuck in here. “A few days after Walter killed himself in his cell, several residents witnessed a long-hair man with a coat here. Through his window, Richard Braintree in 207 saw the man moving something heavy and doing something in Room 302. Even Sunderland, the superintendent, saw the man with the coat hanging around Room 302, and confirmed there were signs of someone having been in there. July 17” [Red Diary – July 17]
Henry [looking at the kitchen sink]: I can wash the coin. [1 $ Coin]
Henry [looking at photos on the furniture]: That’s strange... The photo fell down...

The Subway World – 2nd Time

Eileen (Henry goes down the ladder): I can’t use a ladder with my arm like this...
Henry [looking down at scattered things on the floor at the Turnstiles - King Street Side, Basement 1]: Cynthia left all this behind... It looks like Cynthia dropped some of her stuff here. There’s a commuter ticket here. This was...Cynthia’s... [Cynthia's Commuter Ticket]
Henry [looking at the vending machine with “1 $” writing in the Lynch Street Line (East), Basement 3, after he used 1 $ Coin]: This came out of the vending machine. [Murder Scene Key]
Henry [looking down at train handle in the King Street Line Ticket Office, Basement 1]: What’s a train handle doing here...? [Train Handle]
Henry [looking at the panel in car operator’s room, Basement 4]: There’s a handle missing from this projection. It should act as a key.
Henry [looking from the window in car operator’s room, Basement 4]: Through the driver’s seat window, I can see light coming in from the side of the tunnel.
Henry pushed the train handle: The car moved about one car length.
Henry [looking at the panel in car operator’s room, Basement 4]: It’s not moving anymore...

11. The Forest World – 2nd Time

Henry [looking down at the torch, Cemetery]: There’s something written on the candlestick. “Holy Flame” It’s a torch. [Torch]

Eileen reads the “strange” writing: I can read this writing... It looks like some kind of a diary... Here goes... “October 1st. He told me I could write whatever I wanted because nobody will ever see it. I like to write. My teacher taught me how.”
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “October 2nd. I played with Bob. It was fun, but I went too far away and “He” got angry”.
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “October 3rd. I played with Bob again. I went even further this time...” The writing fades out after that...
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “October 4th. My cheek hurts. I hate him.”
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “October 5th. I got hit again. I didn’t do anything wrong. I wish he was dead.”
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “October 6th. Tomorrow is Book Study in the chapel. If I can’t read well, I’ll wind up like John. I’m really scared.”
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “October 13th. I finally got outside. John is still stuck in that round cell. I hope I read well tomorrow.”
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “October 14th. I did a good job reading today. I was so happy. But the 21 Sacraments for the Descent of the Holy Mother was hard.”
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “October 15th. Bob is gone. Nobody will tell me what happened. I bet...” I can’t read any more than that...
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “October 16th. Some important people came today. One of them, Dah...” It’s cut off...I can’t read anymore.
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “October 17th. The important lady told me my mother was asleep in Ashfield. I have a mother, too. I’m so happy. I want to see my mother. Where is Ashfield, anyway?”
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “October 18th. I have to stay in the round cell even if I read well tomorrow. If I do it, God will be happy. So I will do it. He comes into the round cell a lot to visit, but it’s okay I guess.”
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “October 21st. Sunday is the day I leave the round cell to read the Book. I read very well today. If I can do a good job reading the 21 Sacraments for the Descent of the Holy Mother, I can meet my mother. The important lady told me that. But tomorrow I’m going to the round cell again.”
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “October 28th. I have to take a train or something to get to Ashfield. Everyone says Ashfield is a scary place, but I really want to see my mommy.”
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “February 10th. I went to visit Ashfield again. Again, I...” something...something... “...mommy.” Some of it’s blurred and I can’t read past there...
Eileen reads the “strange” writing: Here goes... “March 17th. I went to Ashfield again. It was my fourth time. Just like last time, my mother...” something... “The city is scary and the apartment where my mother is has...” Um, I can’t read any more than that...

Henry [looking into well, with the torch, Path outside Cemetery]: The person’s head is looking this way... [Doll’s Head]
Henry [looking into well, with the torch, Eastern Path with Hanging Thing]: I can see person’s left arm... [Doll’s Left Arm]
Henry [looking into well, with the torch, NE Cliff]: I can see person’s right arm... [Doll’s Right Arm]
Henry [looking into well, with the torch, SE Dead End]: I can see person’s left leg... [Doll’s Left Leg]
Henry [looking into well, with the torch, Outside Coal Mine and Wish House (North West)]: I can see person’s right leg... [Doll’s Right Leg]
Henry [looking into empty well, with the torch]: I don’t see anything interesting...
Henry [looking down at note on the ground, Wish House Area]: There’s a note on the ground. “Something’s here but nothing’s here. I feel something from the well. Something’s missing. Aaaaaaaahhhh!!!!! It has begun!!! Jasper” [Jasper’s Burned Memo]
Henry [looking at the doll, Wish House Area]: A charred doll’s body is sitting in the wheelchair. There’s a message carved into it. “Though my body be destroyed, I will not let you pass here. To prepare for the Receiver of Wisdom... I cut my body into five pieces and hid them in the darkness. When my body is once again whole, the path to below will be opened. If you are the Receiver of Wisdom, you will understand my words. The ritual has begun...” [Wheelchair Doll Text]
Henry [looking at the chain, Wish House Area]: There’s a chain here. [Chain]
Henry [looking down at the pickaxe, Coal Mine]: Every time I look at it, it creeps me out more. [Pickaxe of Despair]

Henry meets the kid at the Toluca Lake: Are you...Walter Sullivan?
Kid: That’s what everybody calls me, but I don’t really have a name. Or a home either...
Henry: Well, what about a mom or dad?
Kid: Yeah...but I never met ‘em... They left South Ashfield Heights right after I was born. But soon I’ll get to see my mom.
Henry: Do you know where she is now?
Kid: Yeah, of course -- right where I was born. Lots of people tried to stop me, but it’s fine now. It says in the Scriptures that I’ll be with her. I gotta hurry. Mom’s waiting...

Henry [looking at the broken statue, Toluca Lake Overlook]: It’s some kind of suspicious-looking medallion... [Crested Medallion]
Henry [looking at the fallen doll, Wish House Area]: The doll has fallen off the wheelchair, but I guess there’s nothing else interesting.
Henry [looking at the path below, Wish House Area]: There’s a staircase going down.
Henry [looking at book on the altar, Wish House Underground Altar]: There’s a book here. It looks like some kind of bible... ““The Descent of the Holy Mother -- The 21 Sacraments” The First Sign: And God said, At the time of fullness, cleanse the world with my rage. Gather forth the White Oil, the Black Cup and the Blood of the Ten Sinners. Prepare for the Ritual of the Holy Assumption. The Second Sign: And God said, Offer the Blood of the Ten Sinners and the White Oil. Be then release from the bonds of the flesh, and gain the Power of Heaven. From the Darkness and Void, bring forth Gloom, and gird thyself with Despair for the Giver of Wisdom. The Third Sign: And God said, Return to the Source through sin’s Temptation. Under the Watchful eye of the demon, wander alone in the formless Chaos. Only then will the Four Atonements be in alignment. The Last Sign: And God said, separate from the flesh too, she who is the Mother Reborn and he who is the Receiver of Wisdom. If this be done, by the Mystery of the 21 Sacraments, the Mother shall be reborn and the Nation of Sin shall be redeemed.” [Descent of the Holy Mother – The 21 Sacraments]
Henry [looking at the narrow bottle, Wish House Underground Altar]: There’s an outline from some kind of narrow bottle here...
Henry [looking at the heavy bottle, Wish House Underground Altar]: There’s an outline from some kind of heavy bottle here...
Henry [looking at the door with depression, Wish House Underground Altar]: It’s locked... There’s a round depression about 10 inches wide here...

12. Water Prison World – 2nd Time

Henry [looking down at shirt in Death Chamber, Basement 1]: It’s a shirt with something written on it in wax. [Prisoner’s Shirt]

The Room

Henry [reading the writing on the Prisoner’s Shirt]: “My room is on the 2nd floor and I had to drink something with black things in it. I hid the sword with the triangle handle under my bed. That guy, the fat one, took the basement key. Next time I’ll stick this triangle sword into that pig and take the key.” [Note from the Bloody Prisoner’s Shirt]
Henry [looking down at the red paper slipped under the door]: There’s red paper stuck in here. “My theory is that Walter never died at the prison. It may have been someone else who committed suicide. Either that, or the person the police arrested was not the real Walter Sullivan. I’m in no position to investigate what really happened in the prison, but in any case, Walter didn’t die at the prison. The man with the coat that showed up here was the real Walter. 7 years ago he did something in that apartment. I’m certain there’s a link between that and the bizarre things that have been happening here. Just a little bit more and I’ll have this whole thing figured out. I may even find that the real Walter is somewhere nearby... July 18” [Red Diary – July 18]
Henry [looking down at scrap of red paper slipped under the door]: It’s a red scrap of paper. “I’m going to summarize everything that I’ve learned about Walter Sullivan so far. He was born right here in Room 302 of “South Ashfield Heights.” His parents abandoned him soon afterwards and disappeared somewhere, leaving the baby alone. He was discovered and sent to St. Jerome’s Hospital. He was “adopted” by “Wish House,” an orphanage in the forest near Silent Hill that’s run by the secret Silent Hill religious cult. When he was six years old, someone from the cult showed him where he was born. Since then, he started to believe that Room 302 itself -- in other words, this room -- was his mother. Every week, he travelled from the orphanage to South Ashfield Heights, a pretty long trip for a kid his age. Sometimes he took the subway, and sometimes the bus. I’m tired. My headache is already killing me. I’ll write more tomorrow. July 28” [Red Diary – July 28]

Water Prison World – 2nd Time

Henry [looking at the nightstick, in 3F Surveillance Room]: It’s a leather sap. [Nightstick]
Henry [looking at the transformer in Generator Room, Basement 2]: The transformer is working.
Henry [looking at the generator in Generator Room, Basement 2]: The generator is working.

13. The Building World – 2nd Time

Henry [looking down at diary in the Exterior Elevator Access, Basement 10]: It’s a diary. “I want to go back to that time... Things were so good then... The day of my birthday... The cute cat in the pet store... All those balls in the basket... Playing pool was fun too... The door of time was wide open... When I see four things, I can’t help but remember that time...” [Reminisces]
Henry [looking down at golf club in the Albert’s Sports Store, Basement 5]: It’s a golf club. Looks like a 3-Wood. [3-Wood]
Henry [looking at the cake candles in the Albert’s Sports Store, Basement 5]: Cake candles here? That’s weird...
Henry [looking at cage in “Garland’s” Pet Shop, Basement 7]: It looks like a cage for a dog or cat.
Henry [looking at the mess in “Garland’s” Pet Shop, Basement 7]: This store is a mess.
Henry [looking down at newspaper, Interior Staircase D]: There’s a newspaper on the ground. “According to the Ashfield police, on...at approximately 8:30 in the evening, witnesses near the pet store, Garland’s, reported the sound of multiple gunshots, possibly from an automatic weapon. By the time the police arrived, the perpetrator had already fled and the shop owner, Steve Garland, was found dead with a probable submachine gunshot wound to the head. All of the store’s animals were brutally slaughtered and the store left in extreme disarray. In addition, inside sources say that Garland’s heart had been removed, and on his back 5 number were carved............”
Henry [looking down at stuffed cat at Home of Eric Walsh, Basement 3]: This is a weird place for a stuffed animal... [Stuffed Cat]
Henry [looking down at the golf club in the Entrance Alleyway, Basement 1]: It’s a golf club driver. [Driver]
Henry [looking at the cage with stuffed cat in “Garland’s” Pet Shop, Basement 7]: There’s a stuffed animal cat in the cage.
Henry [looking down at the billiard ball Under the Elevators, Basement 12]: What’s a cue ball doing here, anyway...? [Billiard Ball]

The kid Walter Sullivan is seen talking with the adult Walter Sullivan: I’m going to see my mom! Stay outta my way! Who are you, anyway?
Walter: My name’s Walter. Walter Sullivan. It’s time to complete the “21 Sacraments.”
Kid: But that’s my name... And what are the “21 Sacraments”?
Walter: Don’t worry. You’ll know soon enough. Well, let’s go and see Mother...
Kid (the adult Walter carries the young Walter off): Lemme go! That hurts!
Henry runs in, but all of two Walters are gone: Damn!**

Henry [looking down at the volleyball in Exterior Area with Water Tower, Basement 12]: This is a weird place for a volleyball game... [Volleyball]
Henry [looking at billiard table after using billiard ball in Bar Southfield, Basement 15]: It’s a billiard table. The balls are here too.
Henry [looking at memo on the bar counter in Bar Southfield, Basement 15]: There’s a memo here. “The boss said we had to change our phone number ‘cause all of the complaints about the weird noises. Now we have to change the store sign on the roof. What a pain. By the way, the number is the last 4 digits of the new phone number. Not too smart if you ask me...” [Later Bartender’s Memo]

The Room

Voice on the phone (Henry dials 555-3750): The phone number you are trying to reach is no longer in service. The new number is 555-4890.
Henry [looking at the scrapbooks on the desk]: It’s my scrapbook. Everything in here is also in another copy I carry all the time, so I don’t have to worry.
Henry [looking at items on the desk]: There are scraps from magazine articles, but.......I don’t remember cutting them out...
Henry [looking down at scrap of red paper slipped under the door]: It’s a red scrap of paper. “Continuing from yesterday, I’m going to summarize everything that I’ve learned about Walter Sullivan so far. Naturally, it was a long way for a kid his age to travel, but he made the trip every week by subway or bus. Unfortunately, someone else was living in this apartment and so he couldn’t be reunited with his mother (Room 302). For years, he continued to come here, almost like he was possessed, just to peek into the apartment. Eventually, the tenants began to complain and treat him badly when they saw him hanging around. Walter began to fear the tenants and see them as obstacles preventing him from seeing his mother. As the years passed and Walter matured, he began to be more and more influenced by the teachings of the cult. Furthermore, his obsession with his mother and his feelings of resentment towards the other world became even deeper. Walter became preoccupied with one particular tract from the cult’s “Bible.” “The Descent of the Holy Mother -- The 21 Sacraments” “By the 21 Sacraments, the Holy Mother shall appear in the countries of the world and shall bring salvation to the sinful ones.” After Walter left “Wish House”, he moved to “Pleasant River”, a town neighboring Silent Hill. For a while, he lived the life of a normal student, but he was still filled with bitterness and resentment towards the rest of the world. Several years later, he launched his plan there. The 21 murders... July 29” [Red Diary – July 29]

The Building World – 2nd Time

Henry: I can hear the sound of a clock from somewhere...
Henry [looking down at a golf club was in Gum Heads’ hands in Gum Head Arena, Basement 10]: It’s a golf club. Looks like a 3-Iron. [3-Iron]
Henry [looking down at a golf club was in Gum Heads’ hands in Gum Head Arena, Basement 10]: It’s a golf club. Looks like a 7-Iron. [7-Iron]
Henry [looking down at a golf club was in Gum Heads’ hands in Gum Head Arena, Basement 10]: It’s a golf club. Looks like an 8-Iron. [8-Iron]
Henry [looking down at a golf club was in Gum Heads’ hands in Gum Head Arena, Basement 10]: It’s a golf club. Looks like a sand wedge. [Sand Wedge]
Henry [looking up at collapsed Winding Stairway]: The collapsed wall is in the way. I can’t get through...
Henry [looking down at collapsed Winding Stairway]: A wall must have collapsed from above... I think I can make it through.
Henry [looking at the door with the Halo of the Sun, “The One Truth”]: There’s a message carved into the door. “To reach the deepest part, you must defeat the One Truth. Do so and this door will open.”
Henry [looking down at the diary, Strange Spiral Staircase]: There’s a diary on the ground. “I had that weird dream today. The one with the man with the long hair and coat. He was crying and looking for his mother again. I saw that man with the coat 10 years ago at this apartment. He was going up the stairs, carrying a heavy tool, and old-looking bowl and a bag that was dripping blood. I never saw him again after that. But a few days later, the neighbors complained that they heard strange noises coming from the supposedly empty Room 302. So I took a look around Room 302 and found signs that someone had been in there, but nothing odd other than that. But that’s when it all started. I still hear strange noises coming from the window of Room 302. Sunderland” [Superintendent’s Diary (Man with the Coat)]

14. Room 302 of the Past

Henry [looking at the magazine table]: There’s an old picture book and a red book here. “There once was a baby and a mother who were connected by a magical cord. But one day the cord was cut, and the mother went to sleep. The baby was left all alone. But the baby made lots of friends at Wish House, and everyone was very nice to him. The baby was happy. His friends told him how to wake up his mother. So the baby went right away to go and wake her up. But the mother wouldn’t wake up. No matter how he tried, she wouldn’t wake up. Because the one that he was trying to wake up was actually the Devil. The baby has been deceived. Poor baby. The baby cried and cried and cried. When he thought of the mother, he remembered the feelings of being connected to her through the magical cord. Just then, a ray of light came down from the sky. The light was very warm and made the baby feel good. When the baby looked into his hand, he saw that the magical cord was lying there. With the cord clutched in his hand, the baby went happily to sleep.” [Old Picture Book] ““Crimson Tome” She who is called the “Holy Mother” be not holy one whit. The “Descent of the Holy Mother” is naught but the Descent of the Devil. Those that be called the “21 Sacraments” be not sacramental one whit. The “21 Sacraments” be naught but the 21 Heresies. To give birth to a world of wickedness within the blessed realm of our Lord be blasphemy and the work of the Devil. If thou would stop the Descent of the Devil, you must bury part of the Conjurer’s mother’s flesh within the Conjurer’s true body. Thou must also pierce the Conjurer’s flesh with the 8 spears of “Void”, “Darkness”, “Gloom”, “Despair”, “Temptation”, “Source”, “Watchfulness” and “Chaos.” Do so and the Conjurer’s unholy flesh will become that which once it was, by the grace of our Lord.” [Crimson Tome]
Henry [reading the writing at the wall]: “The gate to Hell”
Henry [reading the writing at the wall]: “Why must I destroy this wall...?”
Henry [looking at piece of red paper]: It’s a piece of red paper. “What’s with this room? It’s covered in blood and rust... This is my room... But what the hell has happened to it...? This room... Is it really my room...? It’s in terrible shape... The air is so heavy... My head hurts... Creepy... It looks like a face. What the hell am I writing...? August 2 –Joseph” [Red Diary – August 2]
Henry [looking at piece of red paper]: It’s a piece of red paper. “I can’t break down the wall. August 3 –Joseph” [Red Diary – August 3]
Henry [looking at piece of red paper]: It’s a piece of red paper. “When the bell rings, Eileen=mother’s body, blood. August 4 –Joseph” [Red Diary – August 4]
Henry [looking at piece of red paper]: It’s a piece of red paper. “The Crimson Tome “Bury part of the Conjurer’s mother’s flesh within the true body of the Conjurer.” Part of the flesh=super’s room? August 5 –Joseph” [Red Diary – August 5]

Eileen (sees Joseph’s bust hangs upside down in the room): Eeeeek... It’s him...
Joseph: You’ve done well to make it this far. Let me tell you something about “him,” Walter Sullivan... When he was a little boy, he began to believe that my apartment was actually his birth mother. He decided to “free” her from the stains and corruption of this world. At the orphanage, he learned of the “21 Sacraments,” the only way to purify her. He then performed the ceremony of the “Holy Assumption” and created this...twisted world. Now...he’s become nothing more than an inhuman killing machine... Well, he’s dead now...but he’s trying to complete...the “21 Sacraments.” His boyhood desire...to return to the bosom of his birth...has divided him... Now his child self...has manifested itself in this world... And soon, he is planning to finish his work... The...21...Sacraments... Number 20... “The Mother Reborn”... Eileen Galvin... Number 21... “The Receiver of Wisdom”... Henry Townshend... Even now...it may not be...too late... Follow the...Crimson Tome... Stop him... If not...wherever you run... He will catch you... Find...him... His...true location... It must be nearby... You must kill...him... You must kill him... Kill...... Kill... Kill...... Kill......
Henry: Eileen!!
Joseph: Hurry... She’s being taken over... She’s Number 20... “The Mother Reborn”... The Crimson Tome... Obey the Crimson Tome... Kill him... Must...kill...him... Kill...... Kill...... Kill...... Kill...

Henry [looking at pickaxe]: There’s a pickaxe stuck in the wall... [Pickaxe of Hope]

The Room

Henry [in the hidden back room]: I can’t believe this place was here... It’s the wall I broke with the pickaxe... Walter must have built this wall...
Henry [looking at the Walter’s body, in the hidden back room]: Walter...? His body... It’s tangled up in some kind of pipe... There’s something in his coat... [Keys of Liberation]
Henry [looking at the Walter’s body, in the hidden back room]: Is this the real...Walter Sullivan...? It smells terrible... I guess he’s been here from way before I moved in...
Henry [looking at the refrigerator, in the hidden back room]: What’s this in the refrigerator...? Bags of blood and things like that...
Henry [looking at the Great Knife, in the hidden back room]: What the...? What the hell was Walter doing in here...?
Henry [looking at the Obsidian Goblet, in the hidden back room]: It’s a bowl made from obsidian...
Henry [looking into the Obsidian Goblet, in the hidden back room]: It’s filled with white oil... Walter must have used this here...
Henry [looking at mortar, in the hidden back room]: A mortar and pestle... There’s some kind of residue in it...
Henry [looking at the book, in the hidden back room]: This must be the cult’s bible...
Henry [looking at the shelf, in the hidden back room]: It looks like a bunch of different medicines...
Henry [looking down at the depression, in the hidden back room]: There’s some kind of strange black fluid in the depression...
Henry [looking at the cardboard box, in the laundry room]: The cardboard box is torn and the contents are spilled all over.
Henry [looking at piece paper, in the laundry room]: It’s a piece of paper. “He used this place as the locus for the creation of his world. I’m certain he must have performed the “Ritual of the Holy Assumption” near here. But I’m not strong enough to stop him anymore... He locked me up in this room and played with me just like a toy... My eyes are starting to go blind... The pain... I can feel my body starting to die... But...things are taken care of... Whoever lives here after me... You’ll be the 21st, the last of the sacrifices... I leave it up to you... When the bell tolls, the ritual begins. Eileen=mother’s body, blood. Part of the mother’s flesh=super’s room. This is all I’ve been able to figure out. I hope this letter gets to you in time... Joseph Schreiber” [Joseph’s Letter]
Henry [looking down at scrap of red paper slipped under the door]: There’s a scrap of red paper stuck in here. “No. 1...Ten heart... No. 2...Ten... No. 3...Ten hearts... No. 4...Ten hearts Steve Garl... No. 5...Ten... No. 6...Ten heart... No. 7...Ten hearts Billy Locane No. 8...Ten hearts Miriam Locane No. 9...Ten hearts... No. 10...Ten... No. 11...Assumption Walter Sullivan No. 12...Void... No. 13...Darkness... No.14...Gloom... No. 15...Despair Joseph Schreiber No. 16...Temptation Cynthia Velasquez No. 17...Source Jasper Gein No. 18...Watchfulness Andrew DeSalvo No. 19...Chaos Richard Braintree No. 20...Mother Eileen Galvin No. 21...Wisdom Henry Townshend August 7” [Red Diary – August 7]

15. Outside Room 302

Henry looks around: No way... Not here too...
Henry sees Eileen: Eileen!

Henry [looking at painting, Room 202]: It’s a painting by the person who lived in this apartment...
Henry [looking at the blood stains, Room 303]: This is...Eileen’s blood...
Henry [looking at the clothes on the chair, Room 303]: It’s a nurse’s uniform. [Nurse Uniform]*
Kid’s voice: Dad... Dad... Where’s Dad...? Dad... I can’t see your face...
Henry [trying to enter the Room 105]: There are 6 chains in the way. I can’t open the door.
Henry [trying to enter the Room 105]: There are 5 chains in the way. I can’t open the door.
Henry [trying to enter the Room 105]: There are 4 chains in the way. I can’t open the door.
Henry [trying to enter the Room 105]: There are 3 chains in the way. I can’t open the door.
Henry [trying to enter the Room 105]: There are 2 chains in the way. I can’t open the door.
Henry [trying to enter the Room 105]: I can't open the door because of this crazy chain.
Henry [looking down at sketchbook, Main Area]:  It’s a sketchbook... Walter’s...father...?
Henry [looking at the lockers, Main Area]: These are the tenants’ lockers, but I don't need to mess around with them now...

Henry sees Eileen holding Walter’s sketchbook: Eileen...?
Eileen (variant #1): It’s terrible...That poor little boy... His parents just threw him away right after he was born... Poor thing... He really thinks that Room 302 is his mother... I’ve gotta...I’ve gotta help him...
Eileen (variant #2): Oh, my head hurts... Th-That boy...he’s coming in... His pain...I feel it... Oh, it hurts... That boy... He really thinks that Room 302 is his mother... Oh, my head...Oh...oh god. I’ve got to help him...
Eileen (variant #3): Daddy...? Where are you...? Where did you go...? Mommy...? Mommy! Why...? Why won’t you wake up...?

Voice of Walter’s father: Oh, shut the hell up! You can’t blame it all on me!
Voice of Walter’s father: I told you we shouldn’t have a baby, didn’t I?!
Voice of Walter’s father: Anyway, let’s get outta here... I can’t stand it anymore...
Voice of Walter’s father: If that super hears him, we’re in trouble. There’s something about that guy... I just don’t like the look of him...
Voice of Walter’s father: Stupid little crybaby...
Voice of Walter’s father: Hurry up -- get packed!

Henry kneels in pain: Ow, my head......!
Eileen (variant #1): Henry? Are you okay? It’s Walter... He’s crying... Even finishing the 21 Sacraments... It won’t help that boy... I’m going back, Henry... To the room where he is... We’re the only ones... The only ones that can stop him...
Eileen (variant #2): Henry? Are you okay? Walter... He’s crying... Even finishing the 21 Sacraments...... It won’t help that boy...... I’m going back, Henry Townshend.... To the room where Walter Sullivan is... We’re the only ones... The only ones who can stop him...
Eileen (variant #3): Daddy...? Mommy...? Why did you leave me? I’m scared... I’m so scared... It’s dark, and I’m so scared... Mommy... Mommy......? Are you asleep...? Mommy... I’ll wake you up... I will...

Henry [looking down at the piece of paper, 1F West Hallway]: This woman... Is this Eileen...?

The Room

Henry [looking at the cross, in the hidden back room]: Walter’s body is gone... Where could it be...?
Henry [looking down at the depression, in the hidden back room]: In the depression... Wait a minute, this is no normal depression... When I stare into it, I feel like I could be sucked in. It’s like it’s connected to some other dimension... Or maybe it’s like a hole that, once you enter, you can never leave... I’ve got to bring Walter’s umbilical cord...

16. Ritual Area

Kid’s voice: Mom! Mom! Let me in... Mom!
Walter: Hey there, little Walter... Just a little longer now... Henry... You’re it...the last of the 21 Sacraments... The “Final Sign”... The “Receiver of Wisdom.”

Henry [trying to take the spears, Chamber of the 21 Sacraments]: The spears are stuck in. Some kind of power is at work... I can’t pull out the spears...

17. Ending – 21 Sacraments

Henry kneels to the floor, in pain: Ah! My head...**
[Henry stands up, with a strange look on his face. He’s been possessed.]
Kid sits on the couch, in Room 302: Mom... Mom...... I’m home... I won’t let anyone get in my way... I’m gonna stay with you, forever......
Newscaster: And now, the news... Yesterday, in Ashfield and the woods near Silent Hill, the bodies of five apparent murder victims and a sixth severely wounded female discovered.
[Walter just stands, hands open.]
Newscaster: The woman was immediately rushed to St. Jerome’s Hospital, but died a short time later of her injuries. She has been identified as a Miss Eileen Galvin of Ashfield. The last body discovered was found in Room 302 of the South Ashfield Heights Apartment. It is believed to be that of its occupant, Henry Townshend... The body was reportedly disfigured beyond recognition, making identification impossible. Once again, we’ve got late breaking news... Five unnamed police officers have been found dead, for reasons unknown, in the South Ashfield Heights apartments, along with its superintendent,
Mr. Frank Sunderland. All other residents of South Ashfield Heights have been rushed to St. Jerome’s Hospital, many complaining of severe chest pains. These strange incidents are similar to the ones which occurred in Silent Hill Some years ago. More news to follow.

18. Ending – Eileen’s Death

[The entire place starts to shake.]
Kid knocks on Room 302’s door: Mom! Mom! Let me in... Mom!
[Kid kneels down, dead, and his body disappears.]
[Henry finds himself in his bedroom. In first-person view, Henry walks outside.]
Newscaster: And now, the news... Yesterday, in Ashfield and the woods near Silent Hill, the bodies of five men and women were discovered. The police reported that all the murders appeared to be the work of the same perpertrator.
[Henry moves towards the radio.]
Newscaster: They are continuing their investigation. Four of the victims were found dead at the scene, and the fifth victim, a Miss Eileen Galvin, was transported to St. Jerome's Hospital, where she died a short time later.
[Henry falls to the floor.]
Newscaster: Police say that Miss Galvin's injuries matched exactly those of the other victims...
Henry: Eileen......

19. Ending – Mother

[The entire place starts to shake. Eileen falls to her knee.]
Henry: Eileen...
Kid knocks on Room 302’s door: Mom! Mom! Let me in... Mom!
[Kid kneels down, dead, and his body disappears. Henry walks outside of South Ashfield Heights Apartment. Holding onto his arm, Henry takes a look back at South Ashfield Heights and proceeds on.]
Henry: Eileen...
The day after...
[Henry brings Eileen flowers.]
Eileen: Thanks!* Well, I guess I can go back to South Ashfield Heights now...
[Room 302 is shown... and it's been fully infested.]

20. Ending – Escape

[The entire place starts to shake. Eileen falls to her knee.]
Henry: Eileen...
Kid knocks on Room 302’s door: Mom! Mom! Let me in... Mom!
[Kid kneels down, dead, and his body disappears. Henry walks outside of South Ashfield Heights Apartment. Holding onto his arm, Henry takes a look back at South Ashfield Heights and proceeds on.]
Henry: Eileen...
The day after...
[Henry brings Eileen flowers.]
Eileen: Thanks!** Guess I’ll have to find a new place to live, huh?
[Henry nods, and the screen fades.]

21. Henry’s Universal Reactions

[Trying to open the door] The door’s shut tight. It won’t open at all.
[Trying to open the door] The lock is broken. I can’t open the door.
[Trying to open the door] The door is locked from the other side.
[Trying to open the door] It’s locked from the outside. I can’t get it open.
[Trying to open the door] It’s locked.
[Trying to open the door] It’s unlocked.
[Trying to open the door] The door won’t open. It seems like it’s locked from the inside.
[Trying to open the door] The door won’t open.
[Trying to open the door] The door won’t open...
[Trying to open the door] The door is shut tight. I knew it...I can’t get out this way...
[Trying to open the door] I can’t even open it with the key... I think it’s locked from the inside too...
[Trying to open the door] There’s no key that fits this room...
[Trying to open the door] I think it’s locked from the other side too...
[Trying to use the item] I can’t use this here.
[Looking at broken golf club]: It’s a broken golf club.
[Trying to use broken golf club] It’s broken and useless as a weapon.
[Trying to use broken golf club] Damn, it’s broken...
[Wine Bottle is broken] It’s broken...
[Trying to take the 11th item to inventory] I can’t hold anymore...
[In darkness] I can’t see anything...
[Looking at broken vending machine] It’s a broken vending machine...
Henry [looking into the drum can]: There’s a strange-looking liquid in the drum can...This black liquid...what could it be...?
Henry [looking into the drum can]: This liquid... It reeks so bad it makes my head spin.
Henry [looking into the drum can]: It’s a drum can filled with some kind of black liquid...
[Pressing the elevator’s button] Nothing happened...
[Pressing the elevator’s button] The buttons aren’t working...
[Pressing the elevator’s button] It’s probably for calling the elevator. Everything’s broken except for the
open/close button...
[Pressing the elevator’s button] The elevator must be on another floor. I need to press the button on the right to call it.
[Looking at the valve] There’s a handle here.
[Looking at the valve] The handle is rusted over. I can’t turn it.
[Looking through the crack in the wall] It looks like Eileen is okay.
[Looking through the crack in the wall] Eileen... I wonder if she’s okay...
[Looking through the crack in the wall] I can’t see her... I wonder if something happened to Eileen...
[Looking at softly wall] This wall must be to prevent suicides...
[Looking at garbage] Just garbage. There’s nothing useful here...
[Looking at garbage] Garbage...nothing interesting here.
[Looking at garbage] There’s a lot of garbage.
[Looking at garbage] It’s a pile of garbage...nothing interesting about it.
[Looking at garbage] It’s a pile of garbage. Nothing interesting about it.
[Looking at garbage] There’s nothing interesting around here.
[Looking at the ladder] It’s a ladder.
[Looking at the ladder] It’s a ladder. No, this one doesn’t lead to anywhere... It’s just a small stepladder...
[Trying to enter the hole/door without Eileen behind] I can’t just leave Eileen all alone.
[Trying to enter the hole/door without Eileen behind] I can’t just leave Eileen.
[Trying to enter the hole/door without Eileen behind] I can’t just leave Eileen all alone...
[Trying to enter the hole/door without Eileen behind] I can’t just leave Eileen all alone.
[Near the ghosts] I’m getting a very bad feeling all over... Maybe I’ve been holding something that somehow weakened this...
[Near the ghosts] ...This hurts......
[Near the ghosts, after using Saint Medallion] The bad feeling is getting weaker... It must be this medallion...
[Near the ghosts, after using Holy Candle] The bad feeling is getting weaker... It must be this candle...
[Trying to use the Holy Candle] I can’t put it here...
[Looking at ghost in the refrigerator] Some mysterious lump of flesh...

22. Eileen’s Reactions

Don’t go too fast...
Don’t go too far ahead...
My leg hurts...
I’m getting tired...
I’m scared...
Where are we...?
My leg...
Henry, you’re going too fast...
Please...don’t leave me alone...
I’m feeling weak...
I can’t keep going....
I’m scared... Please don’t leave me...
What is this place?
This is just horrible...
I wonder what could be down there...
This must be what Hell is like...
I’m cold... Help me... It’s him... He’s coming in...
I’m scared!!
Where’s mommy??
Daddy...? Where’s daddy???
Mommy... Wake up... Let me in...
Hen...ry... Towns...hend...
And God said, thou must return to the wellspring of sin...
And God said, separate from the flesh too, she who is the Mother Reborn and he who is the final Receiver of Wisdom...
[In the Hospital World] This is a nightmare... It can’t be happening...
[In the Hospital World] Down? Where could that be...?
[In the Hospital World] How did I get into this...?
[In the Hospital World] The boy that helped me... I wonder if he’s okay...
[In the Hospital World] That man with the coat... Something about him isn’t right.
[In the Subway World – 2nd Time] I wonder if Joseph is still alive...
[In the Subway World – 2nd Time] This looks like South Ashfield Station... This looks like the station closest to our apartment...
[In the Subway World – 2nd Time] I used to live in North Ashfield... I used this subway all the time when I was younger...
[In the Forest World – 2nd Time] Could this be...Silent Hill woods...?
[In the Forest World – 2nd Time] I’m pretty sure that somewhere in these woods, is an orphanage called “Wish House”...
[In the Forest World – 2nd Time] I studied archaeology back in college, but...
[In Water Prison World – 2nd Time]: It’s so damp and gross here...
[In Water Prison World – 2nd Time]: Could this be...that Silent Hill cult...?
[In Water Prison World – 2nd Time]: The place where they kept all those kids locked up...?
[In Water Prison World – 2nd Time]: I wonder if this is where that boy was kept too...
[In Water Prison World – 2nd Time]: That article that Joseph said he was writing... Was it about this place?
[In the Building World – 2nd Time] I remember this place... It looks a lot like downtown Ashfield...
[In the Building World – 2nd Time] Are you...okay?
[In the Building World – 2nd Time] Considering the circumstances, I guess we’re doing pretty good, huh...
[In the Building World – 2nd Time] Is this really what happened to the city...? Or are we just going insane...?
[In the Building World – 2nd Time] I’m in too much pain for it to be a dream... Plus, I can see you so clearly...
[In Outside Room 302] This is our apartment building, but...now it looks like some kind of nightmare.
[In Outside Room 302] We can’t get out of here...?
[In Outside Room 302] That boy... I feel so sorry for him.

23. Walter’s Diary (full version)

Octoburr 1
He told me two rite watever No body wil see it anihow I like two rite. teecher toed me haw.

Octoburr 2
I playd wit Bob. It was fun. Butt I wint two far and HE gat reely mad.

Octoburr 3
I playd with Bob agin. I went even frther this time. There was a hewj rock. It was reely kool. HE beet me up aftr it

Octoburr 4
My cheek herts. I hate him.

Octoburr 5
I got hit agin I didnt do anethin rong I wish he wuz ded

Octoburr 6
Twomoro is Book study in the chappil If I cant read good Ile wind up like John. I am reely scard.

Octoburr 13
I finuly got outside John is stil stuk in the round cell I hope I can reed good tomoro

Octobur 14
I did good reedng today I wuz so hapy But the 21 sacrumentz for the desent of the holy mother was hard

Octoburr 15
Bob is gawn No body will tell me wut hapind. I bet HE did it --Andru!

Octoburr 16
Sum impaurtant peeple came today One of them wuz a lady namd Daleeuh...

Octoburr 17
The impaurtant lady told me mommy wuz asleep in Ashfeeld. I got a mommy two! Im reely hapy! I wanna see her. Were is Ashfeeld anyhow?

Octoburr 18
I hav to stay in the round cell tomoro even if I reed good If I do it God wil be happy so I wil do it HE cums into the round cell a lot to vizit but its ok I gess

Octoburr 21
I only leeve the round cell on Sunday Then I go and reed the Book I red reely good today two! If I can keep reeding the 21 sacrumentz for the desent of the holy mother good, I can see mommy. That's wut the impaurtant lady sed But tomoro Im goin to the round cell agen

Octoburr 28
I hav to take a trane or sumthin to go to Ashfeeld Evrybody sez Asheffeld is a reely scary place but I reely wanna see my mommy

Febrerry 10
I went to Ashfeeld agen Again I couldn't find mommy. Sum mean girls in the train sed mean stuff to me and I got scared. He beet me agen too

March 17
I went to Ashfeeld agen It wuz my forth time Just like befor I didint see mommy The sity is scarey and the upartmint were mommy is haz a scarey guy in it If I can just reed the 21 sacrumentz for the holy mother thing I can be with her

24. Missing Files

Newscaster: Police are investigating charges of sexual assault involving a Mr. Suguru Murakoshi and a 12 year old Junior High School student. The suspect, Mr. Suguru Murakoshi, has denied all charges. The police are continuing to investigate.
Newscaster: A Japanese man, identified as one Suguru Murakoshi, was arrested for drunk and disorderly conduct in North Ashfield last night.
Newscaster: Mr. Murakoshi was found naked in the Mayor's office, clutching a large inflatable sex doll.
[Andrew DeSalvo] Sorry about the mess. I broke a bottle here... I tried to clean it up, but I guess I didn’t do such a good job. [Stranger] Oh, don’t worry about it. These carpets are pretty old anyway. It ain’t no big deal. By the way...

25. Others

[Warning] Some parts of this game may be considered violent of cruel.
[Victim 07/08 whispering when stops] Receiver of Wisdom...**
[Ghost – Joseph Shreiber’s voice on the phone] I’m always watching you... I’m always watching you......


In [] are the actions needed for cues.
* Bonus modes game-only cues.
** Non-subtitle cues.


Thanks to www.silenthill.ru forum for inspiration.
Thanks to John_Modest for original script files from the game.
Thanks to Konami for the Game.
Thanks to all Silent Hill crazy fans who read this Script.

The Silent Hill videogames, “Silent Hill 4: The Room”, and all other registered instances of such are Copyright (c) Konami. All characters, stories, and so on are Copyright © their respective holders.

This document is protected by international copyright laws.
Silent Hill 4: The Room Script Copyright © 2005 st-MK.