
Game Script


0. Opening Movie
I. Arrival
II. Old Silent Hill
III. Midwich Elementary School
IV. Balkan Church
V. Alchemilla Hospital
VI. Central Silent Hill
VII. Sewers (To Resort Area)
VIII. Silent Hill Resort Area
IX. Sewers (To Amusement Park)
X. Lakeside Amusement Park
XI. Nowhere
XII. Endings
Transcription Notes

* - unsubtitled in-game

0. Opening Movie

The following clips are all CG MOVIES:

Over black.

Title card: The fear of blood tends to create fear for the flesh.

Fade in to a framed photo of Alessa.

Harry and his wife are in what looks like a graveyard. Harry is knelt over with a wrapped up baby in his arms. He rises to show his wife as she reaches her hand in and they lock eyes. (Harry's wife is replaced by Cybil after receiving the Good+ ending but the scene remains the same).

Cheryl stands amongst the fog in town, slowly moving her feet. There is a strange aura about her.

Harry suddenly awakens in a panic inside the cafe.

Lisa crawls out from under a desk and hugs Harry.

Inside a church in front of a Jesus cross, Dahlia turns around to face the camera.

Alessa looks into the camera in a dark shot. The light fades up revealing a boiler behind her as her figure fades away like a ghost.

A terrified Lisa shows delight and relief as she stares into Harry's face.

Kaufmann holds a revolver while sitting in a chair. He lifts his head to look up at the camera.

Cybil walks towards the camera inside the cafe and crosses her arms.

A windy road on a dark night. The headlights of a Jeep roll on through.

Now in the car interior, Cheryl sleeps in the passenger seat while holding a sketchbook. Harry concentrates on the road.

A burned and scarred Alessa, with white bandage wrapping covering her chest and torso as she lies on her bed. She struggles to sit up, then lifts her head and looks towards the camera.

A motorcycle approaches from behind Harry's Jeep on the same windy road at night. It's driven by a police officer.

Cybil sits with her legs crossed while wearing sunglasses and listening to her police radio. She stands and walks away.

Kaufmann follows Lisa in a hallway. He grabs her arm. Lisa stops and pulls away. She snaps and yells at him.

The motorcycle continues to drive behind the Jeep before creeping up alongside it.

Lisa laughs and kneels over in a cackle.

The Jeep continues along the countryside road in the night.

We see the police officer on the bike closely. It's Cybil. She looks over at Harry and then speeds off. Harry watches her peel away.

Cheryl awakens in the passenger seat with a light yawn and turns to her father with a smile.

Back to Cheryl standing amongst the thick fog with a mysterious aura about the scene.

Harry's headlights shine on a ditched motorcycle on the side of the road that matches the one from earlier. Its driver is nowhere to be found. Harry turns his head out the window to get a good look at it as he passes.

Dahlia runs through a large open room of an ancient-looking structure with pillars. She stops as she turns around and opens her eyes in amazement. She looks completely shocked at what she's seeing.

A two-story house stands secluded near a pond on a cloudy day.

An image flashes of Cheryl in a struggle, looking up towards the camera.

A dark female shadow walks across the countryside road in the night. Headlights quickly approach. The figure turns towards the oncoming vehicle and braces for impact.

Harry gasps inside the vehicle and madly spins the steering wheel. Cheryl looks on ahead in fear.

The female figure, which we now see wearing a blue outfit, stands with her arms blocking her face as she braces. With the first person perspective of the vehicle, it veers to avoid her to the sounds of screeching tires as the camera bumps into the wall and then looks up to the sky.

Fade to black.

I. Arrival

1.1 - Bachman Road - Wreckage

CG MOVIE: Harry awakens in the driver's seat of his crashed Jeep. He pulls his hands over his face before suddenly shifting his attention to the passenger seat. Cheryl is gone and the door is open. He looks out past the open door and turns to look out his window before stepping outside. He steps away from the wreckage while looking all over. The entire area is engulfed in thick fog.

Harry walks on the road beside a shop, then stops and turns his head to look over the area. It's very quiet and also snowing.

Harry: (inner monologue) Cheryl. Where could you be? It's strange... It's quiet. Too quiet. This place is like a ghost town. Cheryl.

The player takes control to walk into town.

1.2 - Finney Street - Chasing Cheryl

After taking a few steps into town, Harry stops and listens to footsteps from the distance.

Harry: (inner monologue) Footsteps?

Harry runs around the street corner.

CG MOVIE: Across the road stands Cheryl, seen from her side/rear profile. She holds a mysterious pose without moving.

Harry: Cheryl? Is that Cheryl!?

She begins jogging across the road into the fog and stops in the middle as Harry pulls up near her.

Harry: Where are you going?

She takes a few more steps.

Harry: Hey wait...stop!

As the player chases her she continues into an alley. Harry stops to look down into it before advancing.

Her steps continue to sound until a gate is heard opening and closing near the end. Harry steps through it as well.

1.3 - Back Alley Path - What's Going On Here?

Just inside the back path is a massive amount of blood splattered all over the ground and side wall.

Harry: (inner monologue) What the..? What is it?

As the player advances through another gate, the light begins to fade into darkness.

Harry: (inner monologue) That's strange, it's getting darker.

He pulls out a lighter and strikes it.

Harry: (inner monologue) ......better than nothing, I guess.

Faint sirens are heard in the distance as the player proceeds past a broken wheelchair with its creaky wheel still spinning. Next up is a stretcher with a covered body and more blood that leads him to a crucified corpse hanging on a fence at the end.

Harry: What is this? What's going on here!?

Terrifying child-like monsters appear from the shadows and hack at Harry with their knives. There is no escape as the earlier part of the path is now blocked off. The creatures kill Harry who falls with a gasp.

II. Old Silent Hill

2.1 - Cafe 5 to 2 - Meeting Cybil

CG MOVIE: Lying down on a bench inside, Harry suddenly rises in a panic as if awakening from a nightmare. He quickly surveys the room as a woman dressed as a police officer approaches him and crosses her arms.

A moment later Harry sits normally on the bench as the officer sits cross-legged on a stool across the room.

Harry: Was I dreaming?
Officer: How do you feel?
Harry: Like I've been run over by a truck, but I'm all right, I guess.
Officer: Glad to hear it. You from around here? Why don't you tell me what happened?
Harry: Wait a second. I'm just a tourist. I came here for a vacation. I just got here... I don't know what happened. I'd like to find out myself.
Officer: Uh-huh?
Harry: Have you seen a little girl? Just turned seven last month... Short, black hair... My daughter.
Officer: Sorry. The only person I've seen in this town is you.
Harry: Where is everybody?
Officer: I'd tell you if I knew, believe me. But, from what I can tell, something bizarre is going on. That's all I know.
Harry: Hmmm...
Officer: What's your name?
Harry: Harry... Harry Mason.
Officer: Cybil Bennett. I'm a police officer from Brahms, the next town over. The phones are all dead, and the radio, too. I'm going back to call in some reinforcements.
Harry: Hmph.

Harry stands and approaches the door.

Cybil: Hold it! Where do you think you're going?

Harry turns around to face Cybil.

Harry: My daughter... I've gotta find her!

Cybil stands from her stool.

Cybil: No way! It's dangerous out there.
Harry: In that case, I need to find her now! Cheryl's my little girl. I can't just leave her out there by herself.
Cybil: Have you got a gun?
Harry: Ummm... no.
Cybil: Take this. And hope you don't have to use it.

Cybil unholsters her handgun and holds it out for Harry.

Cybil: Now listen to me, before you pull the trigger, know who you're shooting. And don't do it unless you have to. And don't go blasting me by mistake. Got it?

Harry takes the gun and puts it away.

Harry: Yeah. Thanks.
Cybil: You'd do best to stay nearby. I'll be back with help as quick as I can.

Cybil leaves the cafe.

2.2 - Cafe 5 to 2 - Huh? Radio?

Once Harry collects some items and tries to leave, a radio on one of the tables begins emitting static. Harry turns to it from the door.

Harry: What's that? Huh? Radio? What's going on with that radio?

Harry approaches and examines the radio as a window smashes behind him. He looks back before something crashes through the window beside him. It's a large flying creature which knocks Harry to the floor.

As the player, Harry shoots it until it drops.

Harry: This is not a dream! What's happening to this place!?

The player is then free to leave.

2.3 - Outside Cafe - Back to the Alley

Harry stands just outside the cafe.

Harry: (inner monologue) Where could Cheryl have gone? I guess I'll check that alley again.

Harry marks the alley on his map.

2.4 - Back Alley Path - To School?

Arriving in back path of the alley, Harry finds Cheryl's sketchbook with a ripped out page beside it that says "To school". He kneels to look at it.

Harry: Isn't this Cheryl's sketchbook? Hmmm... She's at the school...

Harry marks Midwich Elementary School on his map.

2.5 - Levin Street House Backyard - Eclipse

After passing through the Levin Street home into the backyard, the daytime light fades into sudden darkness.

Harry: (inner monologue) What? It's getting dark again? What's going on!?

Harry turns on his flashlight.

III. Midwich Elementary School

3.1 - Locker Room - Banging Locker

A loud repetitive bang is heard as the player locates and examines a banging locker door. Harry opens it and a cat quickly jumps out to break the tension. It briefly frightens Harry as he steps back.

Harry: (inner monologue) Just a cat...

The cat runs around the lockers before a gruesome sound is heard. Something may have happened to it, but there is nothing to be found.

3.2 - Courtyard - The Other Side (Nightmare School)

After proceeding through the clock tower, Harry finds himself in an alternate realm of the school, particularly the courtyard.

Harry: Where am I? Have I been here before?

He walks to the center of the courtyard and sees a large circular symbol on the ground.

Harry: Hmm.* I don't remember this being here before...

3.3 - First Floor Boys Washroom - The Monster Lurks (Nightmare School)

Harry finds another door deeper in the room. A sawed-off shotgun is visible on the ground just under it.

The door creaks as Harry pushes it open. On the wall just past it hangs a crucified mutilated corpse on the wall.

On the wall beside it is a note written in streaking blood:

"Leonard Rhine The Monster Lurks"

3.4 - Teacher's Room - Phone Call from Cheryl (Nightmare School)

A set of three blue phones sit on the table but don't appear to work. One of them rings as Harry is about to leave the room. He turns and answers it.

Voice: (telephone filter) Daddy--- help me---- ---Daddy---where are you---?
Harry: Cheryl!

The line goes dead and the dial tone plays.

Harry: (inner monologue) That was Cheryl's voice. I know it. Where is she? Cheryl...

Harry hangs up the phone.

3.5 - Locker Room - Banging Locker Round 2 (Nightmare School)

In the nightmare version of the same room as before, a familiar banging is heard. Once the player locates the banging locker, blood is seen seeping from it, all over the lower lockers.

Harry opens the locker door and see we a closeup. It's completely drenched in blood but otherwise empty.

Harry: (inner monologue) Nothing inside.

As soon as the player steps back away from the empty locker, one of the tall lockers on the other side suddenly bangs open and out falls a mutilated corpse along with a key.

3.6 - Fire Pit - Split Head Lizard (Nightmare School)

As soon as Harry passes the open turnstile, the grated floor begins descending like an elevator. Harry freezes and looks around in a panic as we fade out.

Fade in to large dark meshy arena. Suddenly a fire forms in the center of a pit, below a hanging corpse as a series of vertical spikes rotate around both. The fire soon entirely engulfs the corpse.

A giant lizard is visible on the other side. Harry must fight it.

After taking fire, it freezes and growls. It then opens its mouth to attack Harry. The player shoots into its mouth multiple times, after which the creature screeches, the screen blurs and a siren sounds. Fade to black.

3.7 - Boiler Room - The Girl in Blue

CG MOVIE: In a dark room, the girl in blue who caused Harry's crash leans back against the boiler as she plays with her fingers. She turns to face Harry, then fully stands while staring his way. The room brightens and she fades away like a ghost.

Harry: What was that...? Who in the hell was that? (inner monologue) Where am I? This is... a boiler room!? What is going on here?

A church bell is heard ringing in the distance.

3.8 - Hallway - Church Bells Ringing

Now on the main floor the bell is louder.

Harry: (inner monologue) I hear a ... A church bell, maybe? Who is ringing the bell?

Harry checks his map and circles Balkan Church.

IV. Balkan Church

4.1 - Main Hall - Meeting the Crazy Lady

CG MOVIE: A woman in strange clothing, including a hood and a tie, stands in front of a Jesus cross at the front of the church. She turns around to face Harry.

Harry: Were you ringing that bell?
Woman: I've been expecting you. It was foretold by Gyromancy.
Harry: What are you talking about?
Woman: I knew you'd come. You want the girl, right?
Harry: The girl? You're talking about Cheryl?
Woman: I see everything.
Harry: You know something!? Tell me!

Harry slowly approaches before her words stop him.

Woman: Stay back! Nothing is to be gained from floundering about at random. You must follow the path. The path of the hermit, concealed by Flauros...
Harry: What? What are you talking about?
Woman: Here, the Flauros, a cage of peace.

She pulls out a pyramidal-shaped object and holds it up.

Woman: It can break through the walls of darkness, and counteract the wrath of the underworld.

She places it on the front altar next to a key.

Woman: These will help you. Make haste to the hospital before it's too late.

The woman begins walking away.

Harry: Wait! Don't go yet!

She continues and exit through the side door.

V. Alchemilla Hospital

5.1 - Examination Room - Meeting Kaufmann

CG MOVIE: Hearing a gunshot from the lobby, Harry enters the examination room to find a man in a suit holding a gun. He sits in a chair overlooking a dead creature in a pool of blood. The man looks up at Harry.

The man stands and immediately aims at Harry.

Harry: Hold it...

Harry raises his hands. The man fires from point blank range as Harry takes cover near the ground. The bullet appears to have missed.

Harry: Stop! Don't shoot! Wait... I'm not here to fight. My name is Harry Mason. I'm in town on vacation.

He lowers his gun and Harry stands back up.

Man in Suit: Thank God. Another human being.
Harry: Do you work here?
Man in Suit: I'm Dr. Michael Kaufmann. I work at this hospital.
Harry: So maybe you can tell me what's going on?
Kaufmann: I really can't say. I was taking a nap in the staff room. When I woke up, it was like this. Everyone seems to have disappeared. And it's snowing out. This time of year. Something's gone seriously wrong. Did you see those monsters? Have you ever seen such aberrations? Ever even heard of such things? You and I both know, creatures like that don't exist!
Harry: Yeah... Have you seen a little girl anywhere? I'm looking for my daughter. She's only seven. Short, black hair.
Kaufmann: She's missing? I'm sorry. But with all those monsters around, I highly doubt that she's...

Harry sighs.

Kaufmann: Sorry, I didn't mean to alarm you.

Kaufmann grabs his briefcase from the floor.

Kaufmann: Your wife, she's here with you?
Harry: She died four years ago. Now, it's just me and my daughter.
Kaufmann: I see... I'm sorry.

Suddenly he heads for the door and briefly turns back.

Kaufmann: Well, I'd better be going. I can't just sit around here doing nothing.
Harry: So long. Good luck out there.

Kaufmann leaves the room.

5.2 - 4th Floor - Vision of the Girl in Blue

After the mysterious "4" button appears in the elevator, Harry pushes it and experiences a brief vision.

The girl dressed in blue from the school and scene of the accident walks through a doorway under a sign that says "Antique". It appears to be from somewhere else rather than the hospital.

5.3 - Alessa's Hospital Room - Alessa? (Nightmare Hospital)

Harry finds himself in a dirty room in the secret second basement. It contains an empty bed with some blood stains and an IV stand alongside it. Harry surveys the room from the entrance.

Harry: What's this? Looks like someone's been here...

Harry walks over to the side of the bed where there's what looks like a life support control panel. A key and a framed photo sit on it.

Harry examines the photo. It's a young dark-haired teenager who looks a lot like the girl dressed in blue that Harry has seen a few times. The bottom right of the photo says "Alessa".

Harry: (inner monologue) Alessa...?

5.4 - Video Tape (Room 302) - Hospital Viewing (Nightmare Hospital)

(When the player tries to watch the Video Tape in the Hospital)

The screen is filled with snow and thick static smothers the entire recording. Through it, a female voice is heard but only barely decipherable at parts.

Female Voice: ----------- Still ------ unusua--- -----fever... ---- don't ------- get------ puls---- --- just bare------------- --- skin is ------------ Even when I ch---- ------------- ---------------------------- --zing thro---- Why-- -------------------- chil-------- ------------------- ------------- --won't tell ------ ----------- ---please...

The tape ends.

5.5 - Examination Room - Meeting Lisa (Nightmare Hospital)

CG MOVIE: Harry shines his light around the dark room and sees a uniformed nurse hiding under a desk. With a worried look on her face, she immediately crawls out, stands and firmly hugs Harry. She looks at his face as her worry turns into a light smile of relief.

Nurse: Finally. Someone else who's OK.
Harry: Who are you?
Nurse: My name's Lisa Garland. What's yours?
Harry: Harry Mason.
Lisa: Harry, tell me what's happening here? Where is everybody? I must have gotten knocked out. When I came to, everyone was gone. It's awful...
Harry: So you don't know anything either. Great. I just don't get it. It's like this is all some kind of bad dream.
Lisa: Yeah. A a living nightmare.
Harry: Let me ask you, have you seen a little girl around here? Short, black hair. Seven years old.
Lisa: A seven-year-old girl? What? She's your daughter?
Harry: Yes.
Lisa: A seven-year-old girl... I can't say that I have. I was unconscious all this time. I'm sorry.
Harry: (sighs) That's alright. Do you know anything about all that weird stuff in the basement?
Lisa: No. Why? Is there something down there?
Harry: You don't know? Don't you work here?
Lisa: We're under strict orders never to enter the basement storeroom. So I really don't know. What did you say was down there?
Harry: Well, it's... Umph!*

A siren sounds in the distance. Harry holds his hands to his head, experiencing pain.

Harry: Damn! My head...
Lisa: What's wrong? Harry...?

Harry falls to his knees as it continues.

Lisa: Harry, let me help you.

Fade to black.

Lisa: Harry?*

5.6 - Examination Room - Yes, Dahlia Gillespie

Harry sits the edge of a hospital bed. He's back in the normal realm again.

Harry: Was I dreaming?

A door clicks offscreen.

Woman: (offscreen) You were too late.

Harry lifts his head to see who it is. We still can't see her, but it sounds like the woman from the church.

Harry: It's you...

Indeed it is her.

Woman: Yes. Dahlia Gillespie.
Harry: Tell me everything you know. What's going on?
Dahlia: Darkness. The town is being devoured by darkness. Strength must overcome petty desire. Childish sleep talk. I knew this day would come.
Harry: What are you talking about? I don't understand a word of this.
Dahlia: Believe the evidence of your eyes. The other church in this town. That is your destination.

She pulls a green key out of her pocket as she continues.

Dahlia: This is beyond my abilities. Only you can stop it now. Have you not seen the crest marked on the ground all over town?

Dahlia places the key on the table beside her.

Harry: So that's what I saw in the schoolyard. What does it mean?
Dahlia: It is the mark of Samael... Don't let it be completed.

She suddenly leaves through the near door.

Harry: Hey! Wait!

VI. Central Silent Hill

6.1 - Antique Shop - Reuniting with Cybil

After pushing a shelf at the back of the shop, Harry discovers a large hole in the wall about the size of him.

Harry: What's this?

A door clicks offscreen. Harry spins around and aims his handgun. It's Cybil.

Cybil: Harry!
Harry: Cybil?

Harry lowers the gun and Cybil approaches as she sighs in relief.

Cybil: I'm glad you're OK. I shouldn't have left you. Things are worse than I thought. It's nuts!
Harry: What are you doing here? I thought you left town.
Cybil: I saw you go in here, so I followed you. I couldn't get out. All the roads out of town are blocked. Cars have completely stopped running. The phones and radios are still out, too.
Harry: What about my daughter? Did you see her?
Cybil: I did see a girl.
Harry: Was it Cheryl?
Cybil: I only caught a glimpse of her through the fog. I went after her, but she vanished. I don't know about your daughter, but...
Harry: (angrily) And you just let her go!? Where was it?
Cybil: On Bachman Road. She was heading towards the lake. Now don't get excited. It wasn't like she ran off exactly. There was no place for her to go. The road has been obliterated.
Harry: What!? So then Cheryl...
Cybil: It was like she was walking on thin air.
Harry: Hmm...?*
Cybil: What about you? Anything?
Harry: Yeah... I met this bizarre woman. Her name's Dahlia Gillespie. Do you know her?
Cybil: Dahlia Gillespie? No. And?
Harry: She said something about the town being devoured by darkness. Gibberish like that. Any idea what it means?
Cybil: Darkness devouring the town? Must be on drugs. They sell 'em to the tourists. The force still can't figure out who's behind it. None of our leads have panned out, and the investigation is stalled.
Harry: What could drug trafficking have to do with all this?
Cybil: Hmm...* I really don't know. But, maybe that's the darkness she was talking about. That's all I can think of.
Harry: Hmm...*

Cybil approaches the opening Harry just discovered before she came in.

Cybil: What's this?
Harry: Just discovered it. Maybe there's something back there.
Cybil: Let's have a look.
Harry: Wait. We don't know what's back there. I'd better check it out first.
Cybil: I'm a cop. I should go.
Harry: (assertively) No. I'm going.
Cybil: Alright. I'll cover you from here. Be careful. If anything looks fishy, get back here on the double.
Harry: Okay. Cybil.
Cybil: Yes?
Harry: Do you know anything about... Well...like some other world... It's like some kind of bad dream...?
Cybil: What are you talking about?
Harry: I'm not quite sure. I try to make sense of it, but then my mind goes blank. Everything's dark there, and I hear sirens in the distance. I met this nurse... Lisa. It's like I was there, but not really. It's all a blur. Like some kind of hallucination, you know?
Cybil: I have no idea what you're talking about, Harry.
Harry: Oh... I was just wondering. Never mind. (sigh)
Cybil: Harry. You're tired.
Harry: Yeah, maybe...

Harry ducks under the opening and proceeds inside.

6.2 - Antique Shop Back Hall - "The Other Church"

At the other end of the path, Harry comes across a small room with an altar, a chalice and another ornament, plus some candles and a painting of a winged creature on the wall.

Harry: What's this...? Some kind of altar...? Never seen anything like this before. Maybe this is "the other church."

Once the player looks around and tries to head back through the passage, Harry is suddenly spooked by something.

Harry: What the...!?

The top decoration of the altar is now aflame.

We cut back to Cybil in the other room leaning against the wall.

Cybil: Harry? Are you OK? Harry?

Cybil takes a closer look in the hole. She decides to pass through it. We catch up with her at the other end.

Cybil: Harry?

There is no flame on the altar and Harry is nowhere to be seen. Fade out.

6.3 - Examination Room - Lisa Explains Town Folklore (Nightmare Hospital)

Harry comes into consciousness back in the hospital with Lisa. He sits on the edge of the bed with Lisa seated in a chair watching over him.

Harry: Where am I?
Lisa: Harry.
Harry: Lisa... Then I'm in the hospital.
Lisa: You were having a bad dream.
Harry: Was I? Hey, you don't look too good. Are you OK?
Lisa: I'm fine. Nothing you need to worry about.
Harry: Well, if you're sure... Lisa... Do you know a woman named Dahlia Gillespie?
Lisa: Oh yeah, that crazy Gillespie lady. She's kinda' famous around here. She never sees anybody, so I don't know that much about her. But I heard her kid died in a fire, and supposedly she's been crazy ever since.
Harry: Well, she says the town is being devoured by the darkness. Do you have any idea what she's talking about?
Lisa: The town... devoured by the darkness. Yes, I think I do. Before this place was turned into a resort, the townspeople here were on the quiet side. Everybody followed some kind of queer religion. Weird occult stuff... Black magic, that kind of thing. As young people moved away, the people figured they'd been summoned by the gods. Evidently, things like that used to happen around here all the time. Before the resort, there really wasn't anything else out here. Everyone was so flipped out. Gotta blame it on something. Then a lot of new people came in and everybody clammed up about it.
Harry: A cult...
Lisa: Last time I heard anything about it was, gosh, years ago... When several people connected with developing the town died in accidents. People said it was a curse. Oh.* I'm sorry, I'm rambling... I'll shut up.

Lisa gently lowers her head. Fade to black.

6.4 - Antique Shop - The Other Side (Nightmare Antique Shop)

Harry awaken on his stomach on a mesh floor near a couch. It appears to be a nightmare version of the antique shop. He begins speaking as he stands.

Harry: Was that another dream? Did I pass out again?

He steps forward.

Harry: (inner monologue) I don't want to think so, but maybe this is all just going on in my head. I could have had a car accident, and now I'm lying unconscious in a hospital bed... I don't know what's real anymore... Cybil said Cheryl was heading towards the lake. But, the road to the lake is blocked... Aren't there any other roads? Lisa would probably know...

The player regains control.

6.5 - Town Center Escalators - Cheryl on the TV Screens

As Harry heads up the escalator, a large screen next to a set of 9 other screens all fill up with snow to the sound of static. The mark of Samael appears on the screens before it is replaced with a staticky image of Cheryl.

CG MOVIE: Closeup on one of the screens. Cheryl is in a struggle looking up at the camera. The same voice clip from the school phone is heard.

Cheryl: (TV filter) Daddy--- help me----* ---Daddy---where are you---?*
Harry: Cheryl!

All screens cut to static and some spirit symbols.

6.6 - Town Center Dirt Pit - Twinfeeler Larva

After moving along the meshy walkway towards a corpse, the floor gives way and Harry falls into a dirt pit below. He gasps as he lands but appears uninjured.

On his hands and knees, he suddenly stands up as as giant larva surfaces from the soil beside him. It slides over the fallen grate floor and back into the dirt beyond it. Harry must fight the creature.

After attacking it, the larva shrieks and curls up into a ball, motionless. A moment passes before it scurries back into the soil. It then erupts in front of a glass door at the other end and crashes through it, leaving the area entirely.

6.7 - Examination Room - Guidance from Lisa (Nightmare Hospital)

Harry steps through the door back into the hospital examination room. Lisa looks towards the door.

Lisa: Harry!
Harry: Glad you're OK.

Lisa runs over to Harry and grabs his hands.

Lisa: Thank God you came back. I was scared to be here all alone.
Harry: I'm here now. I was worried, too. I'm real happy to see you. Lisa, can you tell me how to get to the lake?
Lisa: The lake? You take Bachman Road.
Harry: The road's blocked.
Lisa: Well, that's the only way out there.
Harry: Are you sure? There's gotta be another way.
Lisa: (excitedly) Wait, I just remembered something.
Harry: What?
Lisa: There's a water works over by my old elementary school. It's been abandoned for years. There's an underground tunnel out there used for inspections, or something! I remember hearing it runs all the way to the lake!
Harry: Really?! You think I can get to the lake from there?
Lisa: I've never been down in there myself, so I'm not positive. Besides, it's all fenced off to keep people out.
Harry: If there's a chance, I've got to try.
Lisa: Harry, don't go! I don't want to be alone. It's so scary. I can't stand it.
Harry: How about coming with me? This may not be the safest place in the world either. I can't promise you anything, but I'll do my best to protect you.
Lisa: No... somehow I feel I'm not supposed to leave this place. Oh, Harry, I'm so scared... I'm cold.
Harry: Look, just wait here a little longer. I'll be back as soon as I find my daughter.
Lisa: Harry...

Lisa puts her head down and holds her arms up to her body as if feeling cold. She takes a few steps away as Harry leaves the room behind her.

6.8 - Koontz Street Rooftop - Floatstinger Moth

Harry walks up a metal staircase to a rooftop. He calmly walks to the middle of the roof.

A metallic crash is heard. Harry turns around to see a giant flying moth bigger than him staring right at him. The stairs have been collapsed and he must fight it.

After damaging the creature enough, it shrieks and begins to fall as sirens take over the soundtrack. Fade to white.

Fade back in to the rooftop as the sirens fade. It's now daytime and snowing again.

VII. Sewers (To Resort Area)

7.1 - Water Works - Breaking and Entering

Harry arrives at a fenced off lot.

Harry: (inner monologue) This must be that water works Lisa was talking about.

The player must approach and try the gate.

Harry: (inner monologue) It's locked.

The camera focuses on a worn padlock on the gate.

Harry: (inner monologue) Hmm... the lock is worn out. I may be able to break it if I hit it hard.

The player may then smash the lock and proceed inside.

VIII. Silent Hill Resort Area

8.1 - Annie's Bar - Saving Kaufmann

Harry steps inside and turns to witness a creature with sharp claws pinning down Kaufmann in a struggle between the billiard tables.

Harry carefully approaches, takes aim and fires one precise shot. The creature falls off Kaufmann. He stands up and kicks it.

Harry: Are you OK?
Kaufmann: Yeah, I guess so. But I'm beat. I thought I was a goner there. So, how'd it go? Did you find a way out?
Harry: (disappointed) No. Not yet. How about you?
Kaufmann: Zip. But it's too soon to give up. This craziness can't go on forever. A military rescue squad should be here any time now. If they come through the town, we're home free.
Harry: I hope so.
Kaufmann: I better get going. This isn't the time to stand around flapping our gums.

Kaufmann grabs his briefcase.

Harry: Do you know a girl called Alessa?

Kaufmann makes his way for the door and answers without eye contact.

Kaufmann: No.

He leaves the bar.

8.2 - Indian Runner - Drugs?

Harry kneels and opens the safe under the counter with a key, if directed by the player. Inside are a few packages of white powder.

Harry: (inner monologue) What is this? Drugs?

Harry closes the safe and stands back up.

8.3 - Norman's Motel Garage - Kaufmann's Tirade

After Harry finds the small glass vial in the motorcycle tank, Kaufmann enters the room. He is absolutely pissed.

Kaufmann: Give me that!
Harry: What is this?

Kaufmann aggressively takes it from Harry.

Kaufmann: That's none of your business! Instead of messing with that, how about coming up with a way to get out of here?
Harry: Humph.
Kaufmann: You shouldn't be hanging around here goofing off! What do you think you are doing? You want to get yourself killed!? Get outta here!
Harry: Okay, take it easy.
Kaufmann: Unless you want to die, keep your mind on business. Got it?

He turns and leaves through the door.

Harry: (inner monologue) That guy's gotta be involved in the local drug racket. Man, was he pissed. And in such a rush, too. That was probably dope in the bottle. Anyway, better let him do as he pleases. There's more than my life at stake. I guess I wasted my time. Better hurry.... I'm worried about Cheryl.

8.4 - Sandford Street Bridge - Transition to the Other Side

Harry crosses the bridge in the darkness as another siren goes off in the distance. Harry stops in his tracks.

Harry: What's this!

The ground shakes underneath him, causing him to lose balance before gathering himself.

Harry: Uoh... Oh...* Huh?*

The road underneath him transforms into mesh as he saw in the previous streets. Rain also spits down. Harry looks around as he thinks to himself.

Harry: (inner monologue) Not again...!? No, this time it feels different. Rather than shifting from reality to a nightmare, this is more like reality becoming a nightmare. I don't like this feeling. Like something bad will happen... No doubt, something terrible is going on...

The player regains control.

8.5 - Boat Cabin - Meeting with Cybil and Dahlia

Just inside the door, Harry sees Cybil looking out the cabin window into the darkness. He approaches her as she turns around.

Harry: Cybil!
Cybil: Harry!
Harry: How did you get back here?
Cybil: I followed the sewer. Were you the one who cut the fence?
Harry: Yeah. I'm glad you made it. I was worried about you.
Cybil: You were worried!? Where did you disappear to? Never mind. I want to know what's going on here. What is with this town?
Harry: This may sound really off the wall, but listen to me. You've got to believe me. I haven't gone crazy, and I'm not fooling around. At first, I thought I was losing my mind. But now I know I'm not. It's not me. This whole town... it's being invaded by the Otherworld. By a world of someone's nightmarish delusions come to life... Little by little the invasion is spreading... Trying to swallow up everything in darkness. I think I'm finally beginning to understand what that lady was talking about.
Cybil: Harry. Hold on a minute. I don't get it.
Harry: Look, I don't understand it all myself. I guess I can't explain it.
Cybil: Well, what's making this happen?
Harry: I don't know that either. But, I do know Cheryl is "there".
Cybil: "There"...?
Harry: Under whoever created this darkness. Cheryl is somewhere. And she needs my help.
Cybil: Harry. This whole thing's been a major blow to you. You need to rest.
Harry: Cybil, I...

A door opening breaks the conversation. Harry and Cybil turn to see Dahlia has arrived.

Dahlia: The demon is awakening! Spreading those wings.
Harry: Dahlia Gillespie...
Dahlia: Was it not as I said? I see it all, now. Yes, everything. Hungry for sacrifice, the demon will swallow up the land. I knew this day would come. And what's more, the task is almost finished. There's only two left. To seal this town to the abyss, the mark of Samael. When it is completed, all is lost. Even in daytime, darkness will cover the sun. The dead will walk, and martyrs will burn in the fires of hell. Everyone will die.
Harry: So what am I supposed to do? I've got to save Cheryl.
Dahlia: It is simple. Stop the demon. The demon, the demon taking that child's form. Stop it before your daughter becomes a sacrifice. Before it is too late. Stop it. Stop it.
Harry: What do I do?
Dahlia: Go to the lighthouse on the lake, and to the center of the amusement park. Make haste. You are the only hope.
Cybil: Look Harry. I really don't get what's going on. But if there's a chance we can save your daughter, I'm in. I'll check out the amusement park. You go to the lighthouse.

Cybil heads for the door. She stops and turns her head to Harry as he thanks her.

Harry: Cybil... Thanks.

Cybil raises her right hand to acknowledge him as she leaves the cabin.

Dahlia: You will need to use it.
Harry: Use what?
Dahlia: The Flauros. Only with that can you stop it.
Harry: What about Cybil!?

The camera aims towards the door Cybil left from. Dahlia leaves the cabin.

8.6 - Lighthouse Roof - Trying to Stop Alessa

Harry arrives at the top of the lighthouse. The flat circle roof is covered with a glowing-orange mark of Samael.

Harry turns to see Alessa standing near the edge while facing him.

Harry: Wait!

He reaches his arm out. Alessa fades away as she always does.

Harry: Damn! I was too late?

8.7 - Boat Cabin - Cybil's Not Back Yet

Harry arrives back in the cabin. He is alone this time.

Harry: Cybil hasn't come back. That creep's sure to show up at the Amusement Park pretty soon. Let me be on time.

IX. Sewers (To Amusement Park)

9.1 - Sewer Tunnel - Cybil is Captured

CG MOVIE: After Harry begins his descent into the sewers, we get a brief look at Cybil sneaking up to a corner down below. She pokes her head around the corner before she gets shoved to the ground by something unseen. Cut to black.

X. Lakeside Amusement Park

10.1 - Merry-Go-Round - Parasitic Cybil

Harry walks past a couple horses on a merry-go-round.

CG MOVIE: Cybil sits in a wheelchair with her head laid back. She raises her head and slowly stands. As she struggles forward, we can see that her eyes are red. She looks possessed.

Harry backs up as she approaches. Cybil pulls out a handgun and fires at Harry. He steps back, possibly hit by the bullet but otherwise showing no signs of injury.

The player must then kill or save her.

10.2a - Merry-Go-Round - Saving Cybil

Harry douses Cybil with the unknown liquid and backs away. Steam appears to be coming from Cybil's back as she staggers with her hands over her eyes.

Cybil: Ah... Uhhh...*

She falls to her knees.

Cybil: Aahhhh...*

Cybil falls face forward on her stomach. A large parasite creature crawls away from her body, which has left a large bloodstain on her back. Harry stomps it to death and kneels down by Cybil.

Harry: Cybil! Wake up! Snap out of it! Cybil!

Cybil raises her head.

Cybil: (dazed) ...Harry? ...What...happened?
Harry: Shh...* Don't talk. I'll take care of you.

The scene fades into the dark merry-go-round spinning as Harry and Cybil have a discussion offscreen. Cybil still sounds somewhat dazed.

Cybil: Harry... Why did they take your daughter? Why her?
Harry: I'm not sure, myself. But you know, Cheryl isn't my biological daughter. I actually haven't told her yet. She probably already knows anyway, though. We found her abandoned on the side of the highway. Nobody knew where she came from. We didn't have any kids of our own. My wife was sick, and it didn't look like she was getting any better. So we took Cheryl in.
Cybil: So in that case...
Harry: There might be some connection between Cheryl and this town.
Cybil: So what do you do now?
Harry: Cheryl is my daughter. I will save her. No matter what.

Fade to black.

10.2b - Merry-Go-Round - Killing Cybil

Once Cybil has taken enough damage or fires off enough shots, she looks closely at her handgun as if it's out of ammo. She tosses it to the ground and continues to fight Harry.

CG MOVIE: After Cybil takes enough damage, she falls backward as her head loudly slams the ground. Her eyes and mouth are open before she clutches her mouth with her hand, breathing nervously. She rolls back and forth in a struggle as we hear slithering creature sounds inside her. She is becoming bloody as we fade to black. Fade back in moments later to witness Cybil's final movements as her head moves back and forth before coming to a rest. Her neck and face are splattered with blood. She is now dead.

Harry stands over her sprawled out and lifeless body.

Harry: What in the hell... How could this have happened?

He drops to his hands and knees over her. He bangs the floor with his fist. Fade to black.

10.3 - Walkway - Capturing Alessa with the Flauros

Harry walks through the meshy amusement park on his own. He turns to see Alessa standing in the darkness, watching him.

Harry: I figured you'd show. Hold it right there. I don't know who you are or what you're trying to do, and I don't care. Just one thing. Let Cheryl go. That's all I ask.

Alessa raises her right arm and aims at Harry.

Harry: What?

A mysterious force knocks Harry to the ground. He stands back up and runs toward her but an invisible force field blocks him and throws him down again.

Harry: Damn!

He stands once again. His pocket begins to glow blue.

Harry: Huh?

Harry pulls out the Flauros. It floats out of his hand and above him, encompassed by a blue glow.

Harry: What is this?

The Flaurous shifts its shape around, showcasing multiple pyramids within it. It spins around as beams of light shine from it. It makes a droning hum.

In a wide shot we see Alessa walking away from Harry as the Flauros works above them both. The blue light fades and disappears, leaving Harry in complete darkness. Alessa turns around. She screams and takes cover as a blue beam shoots past her.

Alessa reaches forward as if trying to clutch something and falls to the ground. Harry emerges from the darkness in front of her.

Harry: Where's Cheryl? Give me back my daughter.

Dahlia appears from the darkness and approaches Alessa, who lifts her head towards her.

Dahlia: We meet at last, Alessa.
Alessa: .......!
Harry: Dahlia Gillespie...... Where's Cheryl? Where is she!?

Dahlia ignores him as if he's not even there.

Dahlia: Alessa. This is the end of your little game.
Alessa: Mama...
Harry: Huh? Could she be...?
Dahlia: You've been a ghastly little pest, haven't you? Alessa? I was careless. Thinking you couldn't escape from our spell. But Mommy didn't know how much you'd grown. That's why I couldn't catch you all by myself. But what a pity, yes? Now you're half indebted to this man for his help.
Harry: Hey! What are you talking about?

Dahlia continues to ignore Harry.

Dahlia: Alessa. My dear little girl... There is one thing left I need you to do for me.
Alessa: No. Get away from me.
Dahlia: Bad girl.

The blue glow of the Flauros begins to surround them both.

Dahlia: Everything is ready. Let's go home now. Um-hmm?*

The glow brightens to a very bright blue that hides them. Harry steps back from it.

Harry: What's going on here!?

Alessa screams as we fade to black.

XI. Nowhere

11.1 - Examination Room - Lisa Runs Off

Lisa is knelt over Harry who lies with his back on the floor. Suddenly he sits up in a panic as if awakening from a nightmare. Lisa quickly rises and widens her eyes as she stares at him from behind. Her left eye and cheek twitch. Fade to black.

Lisa: (over black) Harry.*

Fade in to Harry again sitting on the edge of the bed with Lisa in a chair in front.

Harry: Lisa? What happened? Where's Alessa and Dahlia?
Lisa: Harry, listen. Something you said before has been bothering me. I just can't get it out of my head.
Harry: What is it Lisa?
Lisa: So I went to look in the basement. Even though I was scared as hell. Like you said, there were these creepy rooms. But nothing really unusual down there. But while I was down there, I got this weird feeling. Like I'd been there before. Like something happened there, but I can't quite remember somehow. What was it? Harry... help me... I'm so scared. I can't take this.

Lisa covers her hands over her head.

Harry: It's only a temporary thing. You're in shock from when you were knocked out. Don't fret about it, you'll remember after a while...

Harry reaches out to support her. She suddenly stands up.

Lisa: No. You don't understand...

Lisa runs to the door as Harry rises from the bedside.

Harry: Wait! Where do you think you're going?

Lisa passes through the door.

Harry: (inner monologue) Lisa... Damn! What's that? That sound....

It sounds like water loudly bubbling in the distance or the entire area is lightly shaking. Harry looks around the room and at the floor.

Harry: From down there... It's coming from the basement...

11.2 - Elevator - Being Summoned

Harry approaches an elevator along a narrow mesh path. He freezes as the doors slowly open. He slowly enters it as he speaks aloud and the doors slowly close with him inside.

Harry: I'm being summoned... What happened in this town? What could be making things like this? I have a feeling if I take the elevator down I'll find it.

Fade to black.

Harry: Cheryl...*

Fade in as the elevator doors open and Harry steps out.

11.3 - Storage Room - Lisa...

After returning from the previous room, Harry hears a voice behind him.

Lisa: (offscreen) Harry?

Harry turns around. Lisa stands in the corner beside the door.

Harry: Lisa... What's the matter with you?
Lisa: I get it now... Why I'm still alive even though everyone else's dead. I'm not the only one who's still walking around. I'm the same as them. I just hadn't noticed it before.
Harry: Lisa?
Lisa: (trembling) Stay by me, Harry. Please. I'm so scared. Help me...

Lisa slowly approaches Harry and opens her arms, waiting for his embrace.

Lisa: Save me from them. Please... Harry...

Harry steps away from her as she begins to sob. Harry breathes nervously and shoves Lisa away in a panic. She bumps into the wall.

Lisa stares into the camera while leaning against the wall. A stream of blood pours down her forehead, over her blinking eye and down her cheek. She pushes away from the wall and dramatically stumbles as she moves over to Harry. More blood begins to stream from her head, entirely covering her face and staining her clothes as she staggers towards Harry. Desperate for his support, her eyes are full of sadness.

Harry steps back as Lisa keeps approaching. He turns and goes through the door. He shuts it, puts his back against the door and spreads his body to keep it closed.

Lisa is heard sobbing behind it as she knocks.

Harry: Lisa...*

11.4a - Kitchen - Banging in the Fridge

After removing the dagger and placing the ring on the fridge, Harry walks away. Banging from the fridge stops him and turns him around. Another series of bangs occur but the fridge remains closed.

11.4b - Kitchen - Killed by the Fridge Monster

After removing the dagger from the fridge but not placing the ring, Harry walks away. A bang is heard behind him. He freezes and turns around to look at the fridge.

Suddenly a tentacle grabs Harry by the leg, pulling him down. It pulls him towards the fridge as he scrambles to stop it but cannot. The camera pans away.

Harry: Ahhhh!*

11.5 - Graffiti-Filled Room - Alessa's Sobs

Harry looks around a room with heavy graffiti written all over the walls and floor. A young female is heard crying. The camera turns to see a ghost of little Alessa sobbing while sitting under a table in the corner. She disappears.

11.6 - Video Tape (VCR Room) - Nowhere Viewing

(When the player watches the same Video Tape in Nowhere)

The tape shows an image of Lisa at the end of a table with her head down and hands held near her face. It remains for the full video.

Lisa: What is it? Still has an unusually high fever... Eyes don't open... getting a pulse... But just barely breathing. Her skin is all charred! Even when I change the bandages, the blood and pus just start oozing through! Why... What is keeping that child alive? I... can't stand it any longer... I won't tell a soul ...promise. So please...

The tape ends.

11.7 - Alessa's Hospital Room - Ghosts from the Past

Four apparition figures stand around a hospital bed in a room identical to one found in the hospital's secret second basement.

We recognize Dahlia and Kaufmann at either side of the bed. Two doctors also stand at the head and foot of the bed, while a small figure about the size of a child can be seen underneath the bed sheet. There is a reverb in the room as they talk.

Dahlia: Everything is going according to plan. Sheltered in the womb.
Doctor 1: But it's not done yet. Half the soul is lost. That is why the seed lies dormant.
Doctor 2: And what soul remains captured in that husk, is buried deep down in the subconscious.
Kaufmann: (angrily) Are you trying to say it won't work!? That wasn't our agreement!
Dahlia: No, no. These are just stalling tactics. If we lend a hand, we will be able to get power. Never fear. The promise shall not be broken.
Unknown Man: But the power we could draw now would be very weak; almost nothing. Unless we get the other half of the soul...
Dahlia: We'll use a magical spell. Feeling this child's pain, it's sure to come.
Doctor 2: But that will take time...

The ghost figures fade away, leaving Harry alone in the room.

11.8 - Gillespie Home - Listen to Mommy

Ghost figures of Dahlia and Alessa appear in a hallway. Alessa is stubbornly on the floor as Dahlia tries to pull her up.

Dahlia: Come!* Come along!*
Alessa: No!* No! I don't want to!
Dahlia: Do what mommy tells you, now. I just want you to lend me a teeny bit of your power. That's all.
Alessa: No! I don't want to do it!

Alessa finally breaks free from the struggle. Dahlia stands over her.

Dahlia: It will make everyone happy... and it's for your own good, too.
Alessa: Oh, but mommy. I just want to be with you. Just two of us. Please understand.
Dahlia: Oh, yes, I see... Maybe mommy has been wrong.
Alessa: Mommy...
Dahlia: Why didn't I see this before? There's no reason to wait... Herein lies the mother's womb, containing the power to create life. I could have done it all myself.
Alessa: Mommy?

The ghosts disappear.

XII. Endings

12.1 - Final Arena - Good+ Ending

Cybil cocks and aims her gun at Dahlia, who stands next to Alessa slumped on her knees and a disfigured body in a wheelchair. They are in a large empty area. Harry is not seen yet.

Dahlia: I was shocked to realize the talisman of Metraton was being used. In spite of the lost soul returning at last, Just a little longer and all would have been for naught. It's all because of that man. We must be thankful to him. Even though Alessa has been stopped, his little girl still has to go. What a pity...

Dahlia laughs.

Cybil: Freeze!

She shoots at Dahlia. An invisible forcefield blocks the bullet.

Cybil: What in the devil's name...!

A force violently blasts Cybil to the floor, knocking her out cold.

Harry appears and approaches Dahlia, Alessa and the wheelchair figure.

Harry: Dahlia!
Dahlia: Well, well, well. To think you'd make it this far.
Harry: Where's Cheryl!? What have you done to her!?
Dahlia: What are you talking about? You've seen her many times. Restored to her former self.
Harry: I'm in no mood for jokes.
Dahlia: Don't you see? She's right there.

Dahlia points to the figure in the wheelchair beside Alessa.

Harry: That's absurd.
Dahlia: You are the only one who thinks so.
Harry: Why? Why are you doing this?
Dahlia: It's been a long seven years... For the seven years since that terrible day, Alessa has been kept alive, suffering a fate worse than death. Alessa has been trapped in an endless nightmare from which she never wakens. He has been nurtured by that nightmare. Waiting for the day to be born. That day has finally come. The time is neigh. Everyone will be released, from pain and suffering. Our salvation is at hand. This is the day of reckoning. When all our sorrows will be washed away. When we return to the true paradise!

Dahlia raises her arms and gazes above as she continues.

Dahlia: My daughter will be the mother of God!

Suddenly a small light forms between the wheelchair figure and Alessa, expanding over both of them.

The large ball of light fades away, revealing a a holy-looking female figure resembling Alessa. She wears a white dress and is glowing brightly.

Dahlia suddenly takes a bullet to the chest and falls to the ground. Kaufmann enters the meeting holding a revolver and his briefcase. He stops beside Harry, looking towards Dahlia and the Girl in White.

Kaufman: Quit screwing around! Return things to how they were before!
Harry: Kaufmann!
Kaufmann: Did I ask for this! Nobody uses me! You won't get away with this!

Dahlia lifts to her hands and knees to face Kaufmann.

Dahlia: Your role is over. We don't need you anymore. What do you think you can accomplish by coming here?
Kaufmann: My, aren't we getting cocky? Bet you can't see this and keep your cool.

Kaufmann reaches into his suit pocket. He pulls out the red glass vial found by Harry in the motorcycle. It takes Dahlia by extreme surprise.

Dahlia: (trembling) Aglaophotis! I thought I got rid of that!
Kaufmann: All I had to do was plant it somewhere for you to find, You all, well, it kept you busy. Ha!* You're easy! And there's more where this came from!

Dahlia reaches her arm forward in desperation.

Dahlia: Stop it!!

Kaufmann swings his arm back and throws the glass vial towards the Girl in White. Time slows down as we watch the vial in slow motion. All sound is quiet as it spins through the air.

It explodes on contact, staining the Girl in White's dress and removing her glow.

Girl in White: (echoing) Ahh!*

She holds her arms around her body and then over her head.

Harry: Huh?* What the!?

Dahlia begins madly laughing. Kaufmann takes a few step back, frightened.

Kaufmann: (under his breath; barely audible) What on earth? That's not supposed to...

The Girl in White is slumped over. Blood splashes from her back. A small winged creature sprouts from within her. It rapidly increases in size as it rises above her body. Harry takes a step back.

The creature kicks off from Alessa's body and flaps its wings as it ascends above the arena. Harry and Kaufmann watch on.

Dahlia is still on her knees. The creature shoots red lightning bolts at her. Her body is consumed by fire and she falls down dead.

The player takes control and must kill the creature. After the final shot, the creature begins to struggle while flapping its wings. The same scream from the Girl in White is heard as the creature holds its hands on its head, contorting its body.

The flying demon falls down to the ground. It is encompassed by the same bright ball of white light from before.

Girl in White: Daddy!*

The ball of light fades away, revealing the Girl in White with her stained clothes but still glowing faintly. She pants while on her hands and knees, looking up at Harry who stares back. Flames begin to fall from above as the arena shakes, as if about to crumble.

She sits up and holds her arms to her body. She begins to glow more brightly for a moment as Harry watches her closely.

She now holds a baby in her arms. She extends it out towards Harry. He takes the baby in his arms and stares at it.

The flames and shaking increase as the Girl in White points to a blue light in the distance. Harry looks at it and then back at the baby, unsure what to do.

Cybil regains consciousness nearby. She stands and makes her way to Harry. Kaufmann lies face forward on the floor. He looks all over as he stands.

Lisa, entirely covered in dried blood, crawls up from underneath the mesh floor. She grabs a hold of Kaufmann. They have a brief struggle as Lisa nervously breathes but neither say anything. Kaufmann screams wildly as she pulls him to the floor, out of frame.

Cut to Cybil and Harry with the baby running towards the blue light. An explosion is heard above. Harry and Cybil stop and look up. They brace for impact. Fade to white.

Fade back in to Harry and Cybil still fine. We see Alessa holding her arm out, watching over them as their protector.

Harry and Cybil continue to run away as the Girl in White drops, this time likely dead. Fade to black.

Cut to Harry and Cybil running through the foggy streets. They disappear into the fog ahead. Fade to white.

Roll credits over black.

Harry is knelt over holding the baby next to Cybil in a graveyard. He rises while admiring the child. Cybil reaches in to nudge the baby and both lock eyes. Fade to black.

Roll bloopers.

12.2 - Final Arena - Good Ending

Harry appears and approaches Dahlia, Alessa and the wheelchair figure.

Harry: Dahlia!
Dahlia: Well, well, well. To think you'd make it this far.
Harry: Where's Cheryl!? What have you done to her!?
Dahlia: What are you talking about? You've seen her many times. Restored to her former self.
Harry: I'm in no mood for jokes.
Dahlia: Don't you see? She's right there.

Dahlia points to the figure in the wheelchair beside Alessa.

Harry: That's absurd.
Dahlia: You are the only one who thinks so.
Harry: Why? Why are you doing this?
Dahlia: It's been a long seven years... For the seven years since that terrible day, Alessa has been kept alive, suffering a fate worse than death. Alessa has been trapped in an endless nightmare from which she never wakens. He has been nurtured by that nightmare. Waiting for the day to be born. That day has finally come. The time is neigh. Everyone will be released, from pain and suffering. Our salvation is at hand. This is the day of reckoning. When all our sorrows will be washed away. When we return to the true paradise!

Dahlia raises her arms and gazes above as she continues.

Dahlia: My daughter will be the mother of God!

Suddenly a small light forms between the wheelchair figure and Alessa, expanding over both of them.

The large ball of light fades away, revealing a a holy-looking female figure resembling Alessa. She wears a white dress and is glowing brightly.

Dahlia suddenly takes a bullet to the chest and falls to the ground. Kaufmann enters the meeting holding a revolver and his briefcase. He stops beside Harry, looking towards Dahlia and the Girl in White.

Kaufman: Quit screwing around! Return things to how they were before!
Harry: Kaufmann!
Kaufmann: Did I ask for this! Nobody uses me! You won't get away with this!

Dahlia lifts to her hands and knees to face Kaufmann.

Dahlia: Your role is over. We don't need you anymore. What do you think you can accomplish by coming here?
Kaufmann: My, aren't we getting cocky? Bet you can't see this and keep your cool.

Kaufmann reaches into his suit pocket. He pulls out the red glass vial found by Harry in the motorcycle. It takes Dahlia by extreme surprise.

Dahlia: (trembling) Aglaophotis! I thought I got rid of that!
Kaufmann: All I had to do was plant it somewhere for you to find, You all, well, it kept you busy. Ha!* You're easy! And there's more where this came from!

Dahlia reaches her arm forward in desperation.

Dahlia: Stop it!!

Kaufmann swings his arm back and throws the glass vial towards the Girl in White. Time slows down as we watch the vial in slow motion. All sound is quiet as it spins through the air.

It explodes on contact, staining the Girl in White's dress and removing her glow.

Girl in White: (echoing) Ahh!*

She holds her arms around her body and then over her head.

Harry: Huh?* What the!?

Dahlia begins madly laughing. Kaufmann takes a few step back, frightened.

Kaufmann: (under his breath; barely audible) What on earth? That's not supposed to...

The Girl in White is slumped over. Blood splashes from her back. A small winged creature sprouts from within her. It rapidly increases in size as it rises above her body. Harry takes a step back.

The creature kicks off from Alessa's body and flaps its wings as it ascends above the arena. Harry and Kaufmann watch on.

Dahlia is still on her knees. The creature shoots red lightning bolts at her. Her body is consumed by fire and she falls down dead.

The player takes control and must kill the creature. After the final shot, the creature begins to struggle while flapping its wings. The same scream from the Girl in White is heard as the creature holds its hands on its head, contorting its body.

The flying demon falls down to the ground. It is encompassed by the same bright ball of white light from before.

Girl in White: Daddy!*

The ball of light fades away, revealing the Girl in White with her stained clothes but still glowing faintly. She pants while on her hands and knees, looking up at Harry who stares back. Flames begin to fall from above as the arena shakes, as if about to crumble.

She sits up and holds her arms to her body. She begins to glow more brightly for a moment as Harry watches her closely.

She now holds a baby in her arms. She extends it out towards Harry. He takes the baby in his arms and stares at it.

The flames and shaking increase as the Girl in White points to a blue light in the distance. Harry looks at it and then back at the baby, unsure what to do. Then he begins to run towards the blue light.

Kaufmann lies face forward on the floor. He looks all over as he stands.

Lisa, entirely covered in dried blood, crawls up from underneath the mesh floor. She grabs a hold of Kaufmann. They have a brief struggle as Lisa nervously breathes but neither say anything. Kaufmann screams wildly as she pulls him to the floor, out of frame.

Cut to Harry sprinting away from the fiery arena with the baby in his arms. We then see Alessa lying motionless, likely dead, as the fire continues to fall around her.

Cut to Harry sprinting through the foggy streets. He soon disappears into the thick fog ahead. Fade to white.

Roll credits over black.

Harry runs through the dark night, still with the baby in arms. Suddenly he stops and looks around as crickets hum. He tilts up at the camera which zooms out to reveal him on an empty road under a street light. Fade to black.

Roll bloopers.

12.3 - Final Arena - Bad+ Ending

Cybil cocks and aims her gun at Dahlia, who stands next to Alessa slumped on her knees and a disfigured body in a wheelchair. They are in a large empty area. Harry is not seen yet.

Dahlia: I was shocked to realize the talisman of Metraton was being used. In spite of the lost soul returning at last, Just a little longer and all would have been for naught. It's all because of that man. We must be thankful to him. Even though Alessa has been stopped, his little girl still has to go. What a pity...

Dahlia laughs.

Cybil: Freeze!

She shoots at Dahlia. An invisible forcefield blocks the bullet.

Cybil: What in the devil's name...!

A force violently blasts Cybil to the floor, knocking her out cold.

Harry appears and approaches Dahlia, Alessa and the wheelchair figure.

Harry: Dahlia!
Dahlia: Well, well, well. To think you'd make it this far.
Harry: Where's Cheryl!? What have you done to her!?
Dahlia: What are you talking about? You've seen her many times. Restored to her former self.
Harry: I'm in no mood for jokes.
Dahlia: Don't you see? She's right there.

Dahlia points to the figure in the wheelchair beside Alessa.

Harry: That's absurd.
Dahlia: You are the only one who thinks so.
Harry: Why? Why are you doing this?
Dahlia: It's been a long seven years... For the seven years since that terrible day, Alessa has been kept alive, suffering a fate worse than death. Alessa has been trapped in an endless nightmare from which she never wakens. He has been nurtured by that nightmare. Waiting for the day to be born. That day has finally come. The time is neigh. Everyone will be released, from pain and suffering. Our salvation is at hand. This is the day of reckoning. When all our sorrows will be washed away. When we return to the true paradise!

Dahlia raises her arms and gazes above as she continues.

Dahlia: My daughter will be the mother of God!

Suddenly a small light forms between the wheelchair figure and Alessa, expanding over both of them.

The large ball of light fades away, revealing a a holy-looking female figure resembling Alessa. She wears a white dress and is glowing brightly.

Blue static electricity appears around the Girl in White.

Dahlia: It's awakening! It's awake! Now no one can interfere!
Harry: Cheryl!!
Dahlia: Give up! That person no longer exists. This is a God! Descended among us to reach out and save us!

The Girl in White strikes Dahlia with blue lightning. Her body sets aflame and she bursts out laughing as she drops to the floor.

Harry must then defeat the Girl in White. After the final shot, she screams and begins to stagger as she falls to her knees with her head down.

Girl in White: Daddy!*
Harry: Cheryl!*
Girl in White: Thank you daddy. Goodbye.

The Girl in White's body disappears as flames begin falling from the roof. The arena starts to shake.

Harry: Cheryl...?

Harry drops to his hands and knees. He lowers his head to the ground. He bangs the ground once with his fist as he talks.

Harry: Can't be? You can't leave like this... This can't be happening! Cheryl!? ...Cheryl!!

Cut to Cybil regaining consciousness. She stands and walks over to Harry with a limp.

Harry is still on his knees. She pulls him up and slaps him, then shakes him by the shoulders.

Cybil: Harry. Go.

He doesn't react whatsoever. The camera moves up to watch them from above in the fiery room, before turning away. Fade to black. Roll credits. Roll bloopers.

There is no post credits scene in this ending.

12.4 - Final Arena - Bad Ending

Harry appears and approaches Dahlia, Alessa and the wheelchair figure.

Harry: Dahlia!
Dahlia: Well, well, well. To think you'd make it this far.
Harry: Where's Cheryl!? What have you done to her!?
Dahlia: What are you talking about? You've seen her many times. Restored to her former self.
Harry: I'm in no mood for jokes.
Dahlia: Don't you see? She's right there.

Dahlia points to the figure in the wheelchair beside Alessa.

Harry: That's absurd.
Dahlia: You are the only one who thinks so.
Harry: Why? Why are you doing this?
Dahlia: It's been a long seven years... For the seven years since that terrible day, Alessa has been kept alive, suffering a fate worse than death. Alessa has been trapped in an endless nightmare from which she never wakens. He has been nurtured by that nightmare. Waiting for the day to be born. That day has finally come. The time is neigh. Everyone will be released, from pain and suffering. Our salvation is at hand. This is the day of reckoning. When all our sorrows will be washed away. When we return to the true paradise!

Dahlia raises her arms and gazes above as she continues.

Dahlia: My daughter will be the mother of God!

Suddenly a small light forms between the wheelchair figure and Alessa, expanding over both of them.

The large ball of light fades away, revealing a a holy-looking female figure resembling Alessa. She wears a white dress and is glowing brightly.

Blue static electricity appears around the Girl in White.

Dahlia: It's awakening! It's awake! Now no one can interfere!
Harry: Cheryl!!
Dahlia: Give up! That person no longer exists. This is a God! Descended among us to reach out and save us!

The Girl in White strikes Dahlia with blue lightning. Her body sets aflame and she bursts out laughing as she drops to the floor.

Harry must then defeat the Girl in White. After the final shot, she screams and begins to stagger as she falls to her knees with her head down.

Girl in White: Daddy!*
Harry: Cheryl!*
Girl in White: Thank you daddy. Goodbye.

The Girl in White's body disappears as flames begin falling from the roof. The arena starts to shake.

Harry: Cheryl...?

Harry drops to his hands and knees. He lowers his head to the ground. He bangs the ground once with his fist as he talks.

Harry: Can't be? You can't leave like this... This can't be happening! Cheryl!? ...Cheryl!!

Fade to black. Roll credits.

Harry sits with his head titled back and eyes and mouth open in his crashed Jeep, completely still. The horn is blaring, blood is smeared on his forehead and down his face. He is dead. Fade to black.

Roll bloopers.

12.1 - UFO Ending

The UFO ending consists of five brief extra scenes after using the Channeling Stone in the following locations, plus the ending itself afterwards. Each interaction is written below.

12.5a - School Rooftop - 1st Sighting

A pulsating whirring sound is heard in the distance.

Harry: What?

Harry looks up in the dark sky and sees a single small light.

Harry: (inner monologue) That light!?

Cut to a closeup of the white light in the shape of an alien spaceship fluttering about. We cut back to Harry watching on as it slowly flies away and disappears. The sound fades away as well.

12.5b - Hospital Courtyard - 2nd Sighting

The same pulsating whir is heard.

Harry: What?

The perspective shifts to the night sky above Harry. The same small bright white light is visible.

Harry: (inner monologue) That light!?

After another brief closeup, it flies up and down towards the left before disappearing.

12.5c - Motel Compound - 3rd Sighting

Again the pulsating whir is heard.

Harry: What?

We shift up to the night sky to see the small light.

Harry: (inner monologue) That light!?

We see a brief closeup before it veers off to the right and then back left in a zigzag before disappearing.

12.5d - Boat Cain - 4th Sighting

The pulsating whir sounds from outside.

Harry: What?

Out the cabin window are five small lights in a small circle a far distance away.

Harry: (inner monologue) That light!?

We see a brief closeup of a few of them fluttering. Back with Harry, the lights expand outward and disappear.

12.5e - Lighthouse Roof - 5th Sighting

Once more the pulsating whir sound plays in the distance.

Harry: What?

Up in the sky this time is a full fleet of small lights. They're ordered in three separate lines beside each other.

Harry: (inner monologue) That light!?

We see a closeup of a bunch of them fluttering about. Then we cut back to behind Harry as the fleet of lights approaches him

Fade to white. Cut to ending.

12.5f - Lighthouse Roof - Abduction (Ending)

The following plays out in the form of images and sound.

Fade in to multiple flying saucers with their lights flashing on their undersides. At the top of the frame we see a few traditional-looking aliens peering out of the saucer window.

As we fade to black we hear a sealed door open followed by multiple footsteps.

Fade in to Harry standing with his arms wide as a few aliens stand around him.

Harry: (nervously laughing) Sorry... Ah...

We hear an undecipherable alien voice respond. As Harry continues, we hear alien weapons cocking while perhaps a laser charges up.

Harry: Let me ask you, have you seen a little girl around here? Short, black hair.

Quickly fade to black. Suddenly a zapping blast is heard, cutting him off off before he can speak any more.

Harry: (screaming) Ahhhh!*

Fade in to Harry being zapped by an alien aiming its weapon right at him, right next to another holding a weapon but not firing.

Fade to black as Harry is heard falling to the floor.

Cut to Harry being dragged to a flying saucer from behind. Two aliens carry him as his arms are draped around them. They approach two more aliens at the front of a ship, while others are seen by their own ships on the side.

We hear more alien voices and fade to black as a door is heard closing.

Finally we see the alien spacecrafts flying off into the night sky, growing smaller before turning into a distant twinkling light like that of a star. Roll scrolling credits, straight out of Star Wars.

Title card: THE END

Roll bloopers.

12.6 - Bloopers

All clips are CG MOVIES and feature title cards with the character names after each freeze frame:

Kaufmann chases after Lisa in a hallway. He pulls her arm to stop her. As she's about to snap at him, Kaufmann begins an odd posture dance as he backs away. It catches Lisa by surprise and she bursts out laughing. Freeze frame on her beautiful smile.


Kaufmann twists around and dances in front of Lisa, with a rare smile on his face as well. Freeze frame on Kaufmann, with Lisa smiling in the background.


Cybil walks through a graveyard. She motions forward with her hand a few times. Freeze frame on her smile.


Cheryl stands amongst the fog in town, staring into the camera. She cutely hunches over with her face towards the camera, as if roaring like a tiger. Freeze frame on her face with her teeth fully showing.


A teenage Alessa sits back in her bed. She wears a black shirt which is opened, revealing bandages covering her chest and torso. She tilts her head towards the camera and gives an awkward thumbs up with a bit of a duck face. Freeze frame.


Dahlia stands facing the Jesus cross in the church. She turns around to face the camera while twisting her body in a bit of a dance. She puckers her lips and closes her eyes as she rushes to smooch the camera. Freeze frame close on her face.


Harry lies on the bench in the diner. He awakens and springs up in a hurry, but falls to the side as he does so. He gathers himself back up and wipes his arm over the bench, as if to play it off. He tilts his head back and forth with a childish expression before looking cooly into the camera. Freeze frame.


Transcription Notes

Any time a script or something is transcribed it can be helpful to have a few clarifications along the way. This section covers just that, clearing up a few of my markings seen throughout along with some noted mistakes in the original subtitles, some of which are also marked in the script with transcription notes.

I. Script Markings

A few markings you will see in the script:


This means the following scene in the paragraph plays out as a detailed CG movie rather than the blocky in-game graphics. The end of the paragraph and start of a new one afterwards indicates the game has switched back to in-game graphics. Generally lines are almost always spoken only during in-game graphics outside of a few instances like screams or Cheryl's "Daddy---help me" struggle on the TV screen.


This asterisk means that the preceding line is unsubtitled in-game but I have still transcribed it. There are many cases where words at the very beginning or end of scenes are said but not subtitled, often when fading in or out, but there are other cases as well, particularly for screams, ha's and hmm's, which are written as I personally hear them. If not asterisked, they are subtitled as they are written.

(inner monologue) 

This means Harry is not actually speaking the following words which only appear onscreen, as if we are reading his thoughts. These moments are important to the story so I've included them. Every line in the same (inner monologue) grouping means it's not spoken, while if a described event occurs between the next thought it will be written as (inner monologue) again. Without the descriptor, it means the line is spoken.

(over black)
(telephone filter)

These are all modifiers or other descriptors that help explain a character's tone, which I've written above their lines when necessary. (sighs) indicates that character has let out a sigh, offscreen means the character is unseen while speaking, generally meaning other characters have not yet seen them in that scene. Telephone or TV filter means it sounds compressed as it would from those devices. Over black means these lines are said with nothing but a black screen, usually before or after a fade in or out. They are all very straightforward.

II. Subtitle Mistakes

Here we'll cover a few mistakes found in the subtitles. Note the ">>" arrows indicate which lines appear incorrectly and how they should read. The unmarked lines are unaffected without any mistakes.

Subtitle/Voice Differences

Harry: I don't know who you are, what you are trying to do, and I don't care. >>

I don't know who you are or what you're trying to do,

(Harry says this in more of a natural flow than subtitled.)

Dahlia: Even though Alessa has been stopped, his little girl still has to go. What a pity... >>

his little girl has to go.

(Perhaps "still" was in the original script and meant to be said, but it is not spoken here by Dahlia.)

Dahlia: Alessa has been trapped in an endless nightmare from which she never wakens. >>

from which she never awakens.

(Subtle but she does say "awakens" instead.)

In these cases in the script I've kept the original subtitle as written but have added a transcription note beside it to clarify the error.

Punctuation/Capitalization Mistakes

Dahlia: In spite of the lost soul returning at last, Just a little longer and all would have been for naught. >>

just a little longer and all

(De-capitalization of "j". Or perhaps even a period in the previous line instead.)

Kaufmann: All I had to do was plant it somewhere for you to find, You all, well, it kept you busy. >>

somewhere for you to find.

(Should be a period instead of a comma.)

I've also kept these as written in the script since I've shown a lot of preference to the subtitles and perhaps they're not major mistakes anyway.

There are perhaps many other cases where one could probably challenge the punctuation by nitpicking but it's really not worth going over in my opinion.