XVI : The Tower Cult A long-standing religious tradition native to the region is twisted by history The town of Silent Hill is where Claudia and Dahlia took steps to bring about the revival of God, and where in the second game James attempted to resurrect his deceased wife. It is a town that has an indigenous belief system that has been passed down over the years. With the appearance of nothing but unearthly rituals and fanatical priests over the course of the series, players have never clearly seen the true essence of the town's religion. Exactly what is the nature of the faith that originates from the town's former inhabitants? Concerning the history of this area which was revered as sacred ground and the doctrine which became the foundation for this faith, let us arrange a delineation of the relevant documents and dialogue from the series.
The otherworld's church sheds light on the history and true image of the religious organization Although the church that appeared in the first game was Christian, the design of the church in the third game is unique to the cult. It can be surmised that the cult's influence grew over a period of seventeen years before the church was constructed. Furthermore, it is established that the underground area of the otherworld's church is in fact a ruin where the town's former residents once conducted rituals. If one examines the walls in detail, it becomes apparent that there are new discoveries to be made.