The Silent Hill Experience

Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Platform: PSP (UMD Video)
Release date: 2006.04.04 (USA), 2006.06.02 (Europe)

The Silent Hill Experience is an interactive UMD Video created specifically for PlayStation Portable. It contains a collection of digital comics, music, videos and trailers.

The Silent Hill Experience includes an exclusive digital animated comic Hunger, written by Scott Ciencin, art by Steve Perkins and Alex Shibao. The comic section has also an animated adaptation of the five-issue Dying Inside released earlier in 2004.

The music section contains 20 tracks from the four SH games chosen by Akira Yamaoka.

The video section offers interviews with the series' producer and composer Akira Yamaoka as well as an exclusive interview with the Silent Hill film's director Christophe Gans. You can also find trailers of the first four games of the series, the film's trailer as well as several musical videos (Usagi, Fukuro, Ki-No-Ko). Besides this, The Silent Hill Experience has a gallery of various images of the SH film and games.



Animated comics with music. Each panel of the comic moves, shifts, fades, and wobbles to create a dramatic 'animated' effect.

  • Silent Hill: The Hunger
  • Silent Hill: Dying Inside


Trailers for the first four Silent Hill games, the Silent Hill film and a bonus music video called "Usagi".


  • Interview with Akira Yamaoka about the music choice for The Silent Hill Experience
  • Interview with Christophe Gans and Akira Yamaoka about Silent Hill movie


Selected works of Akira Yamaoka from the first four games.

Silent Hill 1

  • Silent Hill
  • Tears Of...

Silent Hill 2

  • Theme of Laura
  • Null Moon
  • Fermata in Mystic Air
  • Love Psalm
  • Laura Plays the Piano
  • True
  • Overdose Delusion
  • Promise

Silent Hill 3

  • You're Not Here
  • Breeze (In Monochrome Night)
  • Maternal Heart
  • Letter - From The Lost Days
  • Never Forgive Me, Never Forget Me
  • Dance With Night Wind

Silent Hill 4: The Room

  • Cradle of Forest
  • Nightmarish Waltz
  • Wounded Warsong
  • Room of Angel

Secret Movies

To watch these movies you have to press the X button when such symbol appears in the screen's corner while navigating through the menus.

  1. SH1 UFO Ending, SH2 UFO Ending, SH2 Dog Ending
  2. Fukuro
  3. Ki-No-Ko


Full capture of the entire UMD content.