

"My Name is Ben. I don't belong here. It was thirty years ago they all died... I was spared... But then why did I feel an urge to come back to this place? I want to understand... Please, make me understand... Is there something wrong with me?"

You start in the lobby of the abandoned Sheppard's Orphanage, where the entire game will take place. Take the Map from the wall directly in front of you above the plant - it will help you navigate the building. Walk forward into the office. Look at the painting on the wall and take it down. Behind the painting is a safe, but there is not yet the necessary clue to open it. There is nothing else of interest in the office. Exit back out and go through the right door. Walk forward and turn the corner. Ben will hear a voice coming from an obscure place, "You left this in the bottom locker." Don't you remember, Ben?" Make your way into the dining room by the door on the right. On the far wall to the right of the window, take the Candle. Ben will notice that the candle is irregularly shaped, as if there is something inside. Go out into the corridor and go straight ahead. The path will be blocked by a wall with a floor clock in front of it. Look at the dial - there are five numbers marked on it, which you need to press in a certain order: V, VI, II, XII, IX.

After this manipulation, the clock will move away, revealing a passage in the wall behind it. Once again a voice is heard: "Stop living, Ben. Why don't you go weeping in the shower room like you did that night?" Keep walking forward. Stop by the kitchen on the way. In the kitchen, put a candle in a pot on the stove to melt it, but you don't have anything to light the wood in the stove yet. Go out into the hallway and keep walking forward. Go through the left door down into the basement. When you try to go in the shower room door, Ben will say that he feels something bad will happen if he goes in there now. Go back out and go up to the second floor. Walk forward until you reach the restroom door. Go in there. Ben will hear a cry for help coming through the vent. It seems that there is a woman named Karen trapped downstairs in the basement. She, like Ben, is also from the orphanage, but the strange thing is, she knows nothing or remembers nothing about the tragic murders of 30 years ago, when all but three of the children were killed. Ben promises to help.

There is a chain with a lock on the center stall. Open the left stall. When Ben tries to use the toilet, he will find Tongs that can be used to pick up hot things. Go out into the hallway and turn the corner. Go into the first bedroom. Notice the red shoes by the left bed. From the dresser by the window you can get Bullets for Ben's gun and 2 First Aid Kits. When you run out of Bullets and First Aid Kits, you can get them from the dressers in the bedrooms on the second floor. The maximum number of ammo is limited to 13. From the bottom drawer of the chest of drawers, get a Lighter. Go back to the first floor. Once down in the basement, Ben will talk to Karen, who is locked in the closet on the right. He can't open the door yet. Go to the kitchen on the first floor. Open the stove door, light the wood with the lighter and close the door so the flame is strong enough. The candle in the pot will melt, exposing the object inside. Take the object out with the tongs. You will get a Small Key. Go to the toilet on the second floor and open the chain lock with the key. There is a symbol on the wall in the stall. Once again a voice will say, " You don't belong here Ben... You should be dead..."

"My name is Ben. I have a secret. I don't belong here. Where am I? I'm in the orphanage. I'm not alone anymore... Save me..."

You will find yourself in an alternate orphanage. The symbol on the wall can be used as a portal between the normal and alternate worlds. Go out into the corridor and go to the third bedroom. The room is dark - use the lighter to light the room. You will encounter the first monster in the game. Press 1 to equip the pistol and deal with it. After killing the monster take the Crank from the floor. Go out into the corridor. Round the corner on the left Ben will find a new door, unmarked on the map with a code lock. Ben won't be able to open it, noticing only that the lock resembles a drawing of one of the children at the orphanage. Head to the hallway on the first floor. Notice the door to the kitchen with two recesses. You will encounter another monster along the way. The door to the office is hidden. Insert the handle into the hole to the right of the door and turn it. The passage to the office will open. In the office, there is a writing on the wall. Ben will write it down in his notebook. This is a clue to opening the safe in the office. Through the portal in the restroom on the second floor, head to the office in the normal world. There are 6 keys on the panel of the safe, of which you need to press the following keys in this order: 6, 4, 5, 3. After opening the safe you will get the Nurse's Letter:

'Hello there nurse Elisa. You have a young boy named Ben at your orphanage. Ben has been examined at the hospital a couple of weeks before as you know and we are sorry to say that he has been diagnosed with a serious form of cancer. Please give this information to him gently as he is a very sweet little boy. If there is anyone he wishes to talk to please bring him here.
-Dr. Graham Nolan'

After reading the letter, the voice is heard again, "See you in the shower room, Ben..." Go to the shower room in the basement...

"I don't...feel so good... I must sit down... I remember now... 30 years ago I went down here... ...and cried... I can't feel my arms. I'm going to sleep... My name is Ben..."


"-Please dad!! -I'm sorry Moon but we don't know how to deal with all this. It has gone too far... -Mom...? -...we're sorry my child... -I... I won't do it again...please, I promise! Stop the car... -We're already here. These people will take care of you. -When will I see you again? Will you visit me? -Goodbye Moon..."

Now you play as a woman named Moon. Go into the office and a voice will say, "Someone already took the stuff you need, go look him up." Head to the shower room in the basement. In the shower room you will find Ben's body. Once again the voice will come out, informing you that he left something for Moon in a closet in his world. Take the items from Ben's backpack and head to the restroom. On the way, you can go into one of the bedrooms on the second floor and grab some ammo. Then go to the alternate shelter through the symbol in the restroom.

"My arms are bleeding... They left me at this orphanage... because I've tried killing myself ever since I was three years old... I guess they got tired of it..."

Go to the dining room on the first floor. There will be a monster in the dining room. After killing it, take the Cabinet Key from the sticking figure in the wall. Now you need to go back to the dining room in the normal shelter.

"I want to die. Dad... look... I'm bleeding... Why the sad face?"

When you get to the dining room, open the old cupboard with the key you got. You will get a first aid kit and a pair of Scissors. A familiar voice will say, "There you go, Moon.... Now go and finish what you started." Go to the second floor. The passage in the wall will again be closed by the clock and you again need to enter the right combination of numbers on the dial, now for a certain period of time. Not having time to enter it, the player will lose one unit of health. The combination is as follows: V, II, VI, XII, IX. Continue to the second floor, where you will enter the first bedroom. Near the left bed are red shoes tied with laces. Cut the laces with the scissors. A voice will say, "I have something for you in my world." Now go to the same bedroom in the alternate orphanage. Light the bedroom with the lighter and find the Classroom Key on the left bed. Go back to the normal shelter and go to the classroom on the second floor, which is at the end of the hallway, and open it. There is something written on the blackboard in the classroom. Take the Chalk from the teacher's desk and use it on the blackboard. On the blackboard is a Latin phrase with a missing word and the letters that can be used to make the word:
Et resedit qui erat mortuus et coepit loqui et _____ illum matri suae.

To find the word, go to the second bedroom and take the Homework from under the bed on the right. When you look at it in your inventory, you will see the complete phrase with the missing word - "dedit". Go back to the classroom and write this word on the board using the letters under the phrase. A voice will say, "Moon, I have a message for you in my world." Go to the alternate orphanage.

"Why do you look so sad Moon...? You wanted to die... Don't you want to die anymore...? I think you should..."

Go to class. On the way you will meet a monster. In the classroom, there is a Note on the floor near the only desk. Pick it up and read it in your inventory:

"I'm sorry about everything I did. I know it's my fault entirely. It has been tormenting me since I was a small child and I tried to put things right all those times. Finally you grew tired of me, but how could you understand how I felt? Through the years I forgot what I had to do but now its all clear again. This time I'll do it right and do what has to be done. I will leave this life and everything will be good again. I know it's best for everyone and that is what you all truly want deep inside. To who ever finds this note - my life will end in the boys' washroom. Good bye mom. Good bye dad."

Moon will exclaim, "What?! I never wrote this!" Go to the restroom on the second floor.....

"-Hello there Moon... -Who... Who are you? -My name is Alessa... -Don't come any closer! -Do not fear me Moon. You need to feel this... -No!! Get away from me! Get awa..."


"I'm Karen. I don't know how I got here... but I seem to be locked up... in the orphanage I lived in thirty years ago..."

Now you play as Karen, who is locked in the basement storeroom. Talk through the ventilation grate - Ben will answer the cry for help from above. He promises to help. For now, take the Screwdriver from the open locker and lie down on the bag in the middle of the room to rest.

"...are you really my sister? ...but mum said you were dead. I never knew..."

Upon waking up, Karen will hear a sound outside the door - you can now leave the storeroom. Go to the toilet on the second floor and go to the alternative world.

"-I'm proud of you dear sister. -Who is...? But I thought it was a dream! Alessa? -Yes dear sister, it's me. -Why... why are you proud of me? -Because what you did for me of course. -Did...what did I...I don't understand! -You don't remember? Well, you will remember soon enough. -Remember what? -What is it that I will remember? -Alessa? -..."

There's clearly more blood in the alternate restroom. Take the items from the bag on the floor. If necessary, you can return to the normal world and grab more ammo. In the alternate toilet, take the Stone Tablet in the shape of a moon sickle from the left toilet. Go downstairs and go to the office. There you will find another Stone Tablet in the shape of a sun disk on the wall. Remove it with a screwdriver. Now go to the kitchen. Insert both tablets into the holes in the door and go inside. Inside you will find a terrifying tree with fruits in the form of human heads. Take the Drawing from the bench. This is a clue to open the door across from the classroom on the second floor. As soon as you leave the kitchen there will be a dialog between Alessa and Karen:

Alessa: Do you remember when you were a child and we used to talk about running away from all that's bad? ...that we would find the good place.
Karen: I'm sorry but I don't remember much of my childhood at all.
Alessa: That's ok. You will remember. When you gave me that promise I knew we would make it all come true ... together.
Karen: What promise? I...
Alessa: I found the good place Karen. I found it.
Karen: The good place? What are you talking about? Alessa? ...

Continue walking toward the door. Looking at the picture, arrange the sliders and select the color of the buttons similar to the picture:

After opening the door, go inside. A dialog with Alessa will follow:

Alessa: You are finally here, sister. Do you remember now? Do you remember how you killed all those seeds of evil for me? For us! Just like you promised we cleaned this place of the bad things, together.
Karen: What? I didn't kill... I... I didn't... I... I did all those horrible things... No!
Alessa: You did good sister. But why aren't you happy?
Karen: I finally remember what happened that night. It was me. I killed them all. How could I do such a thing?
Alessa: You did what had to be done! You helped me find us the good place, just as you promised.
Karen: No! I never wanted to kill anyone. It's you! It was you back then, making me do all those horrible things. I never wanted this!
Alessa: So you are turning against me now? I see. You are evil as well and can't be allowed to be in the good place.
Karen: Alessa, what... What are you doing? My God, no... No!

Kill the monster and the game ends.

"Karen... What good did that do? Please meet me at you know where... Moon would like to have a word with you."

To be continued...