Chapter 3: Scene 6
- You've reached the captain's and owner's quarters. Enter the captain's cabinet on your left.
- Key action: Reading Vigo's diary
Inspect the computer on the table, then the diary lying to the
left of the computer and then the computer again.
- Leave the room, go around the corner to find a locked gate.
- If you didn't find Angie in the previous scene and didn't give her the wedding ring, you'll run into Vigo in front of the gate and get a bad ending.
Pre-established harmony.
- To the right of the gate is the panel. You need to enter the right passcode. For the clue check your SNS and find the post from Saul about snooker. Now, you have three billiard balls collected earlier in the game numbered 1, 6 and 7. Compare the picture with the panel and press the right buttons to open the gate.
- Enter the owner's apartment.
- Key action: Finding an old family photo
Check the drawer by the entry door in the room to find an old photo with Jerome's family.
- Key action: Getting the artificial eye
Check the unlocked safe
in the corner of the room to get the Eye of Kassites.
- Approach the bookshelf to solve a puzzle. There's a number of similar books standing on the shelf. You need to place the books on the upper shelf in the correct order. To learn how, check Jerome's post on your SNS wall on the smartphone. The right order from left to right would be:
Amore (love)
Pudicizia (modesty)
Morte (death)
Fama (fame)
Tempo (time)
Eternitia (eternity)
- After solving the puzzle, the bookshelf will slide to the side revealing a hidden door. Enter the door, cross the passage and enter the door at the end of it.
- If you failed to read Vigo's diary or find the old photo, you'll meet Jerome at this spot and ultimately get another bad ending.
Trap party.
- Climb down the ladder and enter the final location. You can check the macabre scene, then aproach the stage and encounter Vigo Boradsov – the owner of the ship and the man responsible for all this horror.
- In the final scene, if you failed to grab the artificial eye from the safe, you have no option, but to stand helplessly and await till the Scissorwalker massacres you and Monica.
The lone survivor.
- If you have the Eye of Kassites, use it on yourself, while the Scissorwalker approaches you and you'll finally achieve the only happy ending in the game.
Two Survivors.
Congratulation! You've beaten the game. |