Interview with Masashi Tsuboyama (Dengeki PlayStation)Date published: 2007.05.01 Silent Hill 5 is under large rumors lately because of the lack of communication between Konami and the fans. Electric Shock magazine have had the chance to speak with Masashi Tsuboyama, the cheif director, about the next Silent Hill game. DP: Tsuboyama-san, rumours of Silent Hill 5 have been spreading but lack of official word is causing some doubt in the fanbase. Can you state if you are officially developing Silent Hill for next generation consoles? Tsuboyama-san: Konami are yet to release an official statement regarding Silent Hill 5 which means we cannot comment on progress until we are given the OK. However I can say that we have some ideas down and perhaps something to show in the year future. DP: Have you made any thoughts on the platform which Silent Hill will appear? Tsuboyama-san: Like I said, we only have ideas but we have been assessing next-generation consoles such as Sony's Playstation 3. We have looked at other consoles too but they exact limitations which could delay progress. We have not decided the console yet. DP: Would going multi-platform be an option? Tsuboyama-san: Silent Hill 1 to 3 have all been multi platform appearing on either Playstation 3, Xbox or PC. This was when we were working at DVD level with no HD needed. Mutli-Platform will be discussed but nothing is certain yet. DP: PS3 uses Blu-Ray technology, would you actually need this or is it just a novelty? Tsuboyama-san: Blu-Ray will be a great asset to the developer in the future. 50GB of storage is a huge jump from what we had [9BG Dual Layer] at DVD level. Saying that, we have not had too much trouble fitting the games on a CD as was the case with Silent Hill for Playstation or DVD for Silent Hill's 2 to 4 but in those times we have not had HD involved and more complex environments and detailed character models which next-gen allows. DP: Are these limitations involving the Playstation 3's cell processor which is hard to utilize? Tsuboyama-san: The Playstation 3 is a complex piece of hardware. With that limitation once worked around can result in something wonderful. Which is why the playstation 3 is harder to develop for because its new but when we work round the idea then it can rise above the other lead consoles in processing power. DP: Would console sales aid your choice? Tsuboyama-san: Nintendo and Microsoft have a strong lead ahead Playstation 3 in the West. This im sure will pass if the price drops and when games which appeal to the wider audience arrive. A large thing I noticed for Western shores is that Playstation 3 doesn't have any soccer games! I know the popularity of soccer in the west so Konami are delighted to be making such a sought-after game. DP: Microsoft Xbox 360 sales are low in Japan and the Playstation 3 sales are declining. While these decline PS2 sales are stable and Wii sales are quite high. Does this suggest that its not the right time for next gen? Tsuboyama-san: The Xbox 360 is definatly a candidate. However the sales are Japan are unimpressive. It does have a large installed based in the West though which will be looked at. While Nintendo Wii sales are very high, and i applaude Nintendo for their sucess, I dont think Silent Hill is a game that would be sold on Nintendo Wii as much as a game like Zelda would worldwide. This by no means says we will not consider the idea but the general opinion is that Wii is for family games and im sure the fans don't play Silent Hill with their grandma! DP: The consoles vary in terms of processing power, output and control, who could this effect the choice? Tsuboyama-san: Yes and no. Like before mentioned, Playstation 3 is complicated to work with but gives a excellent result. It also offers a HDD "install" functions to cut load times like Genji: Days of the Blade uses and words very well. Nintendo Wii would be easier to make for but the control scheme would be hard to implement in a Silent Hill game. DP: Can we expect an announcement at this years E3 in July? Tsuboyama-san: [Laughs] Konami have a Press Conferance on Wednesday July 11th at 5:45. Im not saying Silent Hill 5 will definitely be there but you should be! DP: Thank you for your time Tsuboyama-san. |